Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Why did Hawaki want to rule? Why did she seek power over men?

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to do her duty, which was remaining in the harem and look pretty? All she had to do was do nothing other than letting the Goddess’ warrior have her and get pregnant. Once she bore the next Goddess, she could have all the power and wealth she could imagine as the mother of the Goddess.

I wanted to go and ask her. The Virtuous Priestess couldn’t be too far from here. I stood up and found a path. I followed it, and like magic, I saw the priestess standing right in front of me.

The woman I hated so much.

I screamed, “You are the one who made me into this!” I pulled out my sword, but I looked down and saw that my hands were empty. Instead, I swung to punch her, but she suddenly disappeared. Instead, he was there holding my sword. He, the man with the black hair and blue eyes, pointed my own sword at my neck.


“Oh, I forgot to mention. I tell you in advance. Men in Hwen are warriors. Everyone. Use sword to protect own family. In your world, only one warrior? No match for us…”

“Move aside!”

I wasn’t afraid of being stabbed, so I pushed him away. I decided that I can steal the sword he was holding and kill the priestess with it. It felt like somewhere in my body was bleeding, but I wasn’t sure. I looked ahead and made a decision; I was going to kill her. I didn’t know or care about the will of the Goddess. I wasn’t sure if the Goddess was even real.


The prophet said to me, “You see now. You see the truth. Your mission unavoidable opinion.”


The prophet and I fought over the sword. We both held onto it while the soft indoor floor of the harem began to be filled with water. This… This had to be a dream. Maybe I was hallucinating.

“Special allowance. You will receive very thank you. Never refuse. Never… Hahaha…”

The water level reached my ankles.

“W-what is happening?”

“Isnilenian… Please take our lives right away… Right now. That is your mission!”

Suddenly, the room was filled with what appeared to be faint forms of people. They were whitish figures, but their lips weren’t moving, so it didn’t seem like they were the ones talking to me, but… Maybe somehow they were communicating with me in another way. I could hear them without these figures actually speaking to me, and in confusion, I began to back away from them.

They called me Isnilenian. Did this mean these figures belonged to the mad prophet? Did he really have some kind of magical power? Was he attacking me?

These things were made of water, and unfortunately, I could not get myself away from them. The room was also still filled with water, keeping my feet wet.


I was pulled forward, and the things swarmed me. I couldn’t breathe or see. My eyes, nose, lips, and ears were covered with water as I got dragged down into the deep, deep water. Even my lung was filled with it, and my body felt so cold.

“So, you want to know why Hawaki wanted to hold power so much?”

It was the voice of the prophet, but now, he was speaking in proper sentences. How was he doing this?

“Well, isn’t it obvious? It’s because Nazrahil asked her as she bled to death! It was her dying wish! She told Hawaki never to live like her, like her own mother! As a child, Hawaki was told this over and over again!”

So… It was the will of the Goddess.


I couldn’t speak because I was drowning. The mad prophet continued, “I am sure she was in just as much as pain as you are in right now. The conqueror Erudim’s shining kingdom! It was indeed so beautiful! The kingdom became bigger and bigger and the greatest heroes each got their own lands. They became their own king! What about the woman who had to bear all of their children, though? Ahahahaha!”

Suddenly, the shape of a young woman appeared. She resembled Prince Camille. Her face was so beautiful, but I saw her clothes being ripped to shreds as many different men raped her. One after another… There seemed to be no end to this horrible scene.

It was… It was just like what happened to me, but… Fatima told me that the drug didn’t work on women. This meant that this woman was being raped… She was going through so much pain.


Somehow, I could breathe again, like I woke up from a dream. It seemed that I had been dreaming as I laid on the floor somewhere in the basement of the harem. Maybe I have been hallucinating.

I realized that what woke me up was a paper airplane that poked my face. There were more than one, and I turned towards where these things came from, which was where the prophet was. My body was in bad shape, just moving a little bit was enough to cause me excruciating pain.

The prophet was still inside the cage that hung from the ceiling. I said to him angrily, “Dammit… Hey! You over there…! I heard that you used to be a great man in a faraway land a long time ago, yet this is what you do to me? Make me hallucinate like this? What a joke!”

When I yelled at him, the prophet’s hands appeared through the metal bars, and instead of throwing the paper airplane at me, he dropped it. He replied, “A joke? You are guest and you are upset. I sorry, yes, but so hard to be imprisoned like this long time. Need something to keep my mind busy. Stimulated. That strong girl. I thank very much.”

“You mean Fatima? She takes care of you? Well, it makes sense since I heard her name means the ‘daughter of the prophet.’ So she must be getting you food and clean after you? That must mean that you aren’t kept too bored.”

“Hahaha… Kkkk… But the last time I lived as a human, I forget. Memory loss. Originally, an Isnilenian gets his strength from essence. He doesn’t need to eat or excrete. He lives on faith… Your opinion no fundamentals. The pagan girl is a mean cat, so you think she would clean my ass too?”

“That’s not what I said!”

I didn’t say anything crude like that. All I meant was that I assumed Fatima was taking care of him, but if she wasn’t… Then I don’t know how he survived here.

“This cage locked. This cage does not go down. The sunlight I am now allowed… A castle easy to destroy. You saw, right? Acamille became angry, right? I am bored, so sometimes, I shake the land a little. The pagans living above are stupid. Land shakes a little and they become so afraid. Hahaha…”

“So that was your doing.”

A long while ago, the first time the land shook, a Hwenian was captured. Instead of killing him, we should have killed this prophet.

I became angry and was about to scream at him when I looked down. What was the point of talking to him? Why did I bother?

I wanted to stand up, so I pushed my body to move. This wasn’t the time to rest. Whatever happens, I had to go see the warrior. I was an Innocent One, which meant that even when I died, I needed to die honorably.

The prophet continued his nonsense, “But no need for unnecessary despair. I expect many new guests. If this is the answer, your general Akarid follow order very well. Now, there are many generals, and among them, there is one more old guest.”


“No one knows. The old guest said, ‘When will Akarid view this place?’ No, I know the past answer. Warrior Akarid was a lazy general… Because of this, his view is very safe. The truth is, I like guests. I answered it right, so I got a good result. Akarid has no network.”

What the heck was he talking about? I said to him, “Don’t you dare speak of the warrior…!”

“The old guest left it here. Very many some letters.”

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