Let you fight monsters, and you wake up Gatanjie?

Chapter 29 The battle begins!

Due to deviations in the trajectory of the world, Hideki Haramoto's wife, Akiko Sakata, was not hit by falling rocks while rescuing people.

That's why Xiu Xiu has time to come to the institute instead of being in the hospital.

In fact, if Sakata Akiko enters the hospital, not only will Hideki Go not show up at the research institute, but the other three old men will also be waiting for the treatment results in the hospital.

Like last night, neither restaurants nor bakeries would be open.

This time Chen Yu didn't speak, he just stopped the excited future and looked at these old men with a smile.

The person responsible for speaking was the "authoritative" physicist Fujimiya Hiroyuki.

After hearing Fujimiya Hiroshi say that he was Ultraman, the four old men also felt that things were gradually getting outrageous.

Morohoshidan and Hokuto Seiji were mentally prepared, but Hayata Susumu and Go Hideki were a little confused.

Early in the morning, Professor Fujimiya asked his three nephews to bring him to the research institute, and then told him that he was Ultraman?

"Professor Fujimiya, are you kidding?" Susumu Hayata asked, "And Dagu, do you also believe this kind of thing?"

"Uncle Hayata, Professor Fujimiya's words are quite credible." Dagu explained, "And didn't monsters and Ultraman appear yesterday? Since such outrageous things have appeared, I think you are Ultraman It’s still very possible.”

"All right."

Hayata thought for a moment and realized that was indeed the case.

Ultraman and monsters that originally only appeared on TV have come to this world, but mirages have been appearing in Yokohama recently. Now, even if you hear something outrageous, it may be true.

After confirming again that none of the four old men and Dagu were dreaming, Chen Yu's originally relaxed mood became tense again.

He still has a future on his own, and Fujimiya Hiroya, who has not yet obtained the transformer, can he really defeat a monster of the level of Giga Chimera?

As for Nan Xizi, she is still not sure whether she can transform into Ace...

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone was trying various methods to revive the memories of the parallel world in Fujimiya Hiroshi's office.

Chen Yu told everyone about what happened to the other person in another world, but no matter what, no one showed any signs of waking up their memories.

But when Chen Yu and Takayama Gamu told the story of another world, Hiroshi Fujimiya found that the more Chen Yu told it, the clearer the memories appeared in his mind.

Almost everything Chen Yu said could be matched with the memory in his dream.

Time passed bit by bit, and Chen Yu's mouth became dry as he spoke.

At this moment, everyone felt the building shaking slightly.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look outside the glass wall, and saw a loud bang in the distance as the ground collapsed, and then a monster with claws and teeth emerged from inside, destroying a building in an instant.

"It's Shilbagon...I should say King Shilbagon!"

Chen Yu stared at this scene.

The appearance of King Shilbagon shows that the guys who invaded this world are planning to launch a general attack on this earth.

To the left of King Shirbagon, time and space seemed to be distorted, and then another monster appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The big golden horn and the dinosaur-like body are none other than King Goldras!

"The monster really appears!"

Asukaxin looked at this scene in disbelief. Chen Yu had said from the beginning that a monster would appear at about this time.

The number is two, and next there will be an alien with a strange thing on his face.

The incident where two monsters appeared has already happened!

Now that Chen Yu's "prophecy" has happened before their eyes, this also makes everyone believe that he is Ultraman even more.

Arriving next to Fujimiya Hiroya, Chen Yu looked at his hands and did not see the appearance of the transformer.

Hiroshi Fujimiya shook his head and said: "Maybe the memory is not awakened enough, so I can't transform yet."

"In that case, Future and I will go first."

Chen Yu nodded and walked to the glass wall with Future.


Although Hiroshi Fujimiya had already predicted that Chen Yuhe's future identity would not only come from a parallel universe, but would also be related to Ultraman.

But now I was a little surprised to hear Chen Yu say that he wanted to fight.

After everyone heard Chen Yu's words, they all looked at Chen Yu and the future.

Chen Yu looked back at Beidou Star Division and said, "Mr. Beidou, if your memory cannot be revived, maybe your wife can turn into Ultraman and fight. After all, in another world, you and Ms. Nan Xizi can Combine and transform into Ultraman."

"I see."

Beidou Xingsi nodded and agreed to Chen Yu.

"Let's go."

Looking at the two monsters with firm expressions on their faces, Future said to Chen Yu.

I saw Mirai making a fist and half-raising his left arm, and the golden and red Membius aura appeared on Mirai's forearm.

Then, his right hand passed over Mebius' breath, and a golden light splashed out. In the future, he raised his left arm completely and shouted out Mebius's name.

A huge Möbius ring formed by light appeared in the sky, and then Ultraman Mebius flew out of it and rushed straight towards King Silbagon.

"It turns out that he is the Ultraman who appeared yesterday!"

Only then did everyone know the true identity of the future, and they were all a little surprised.

Chen Yu also took out the divine light stick from his arms at this time and raised it directly without any fancy movements.

As the transformation button was pressed, Chen Yu's body turned into light and disappeared into the office.

In front of King Goldras, who was destroying the building, a white beam of light fell from the sky, revealing a huge body of silver, purple and red.

When the fleeing crowd on the ground saw the two Ultramen appearing, they all stopped and looked excited:

"Ultraman is here to save us!"

"Defeat these two monsters quickly, Ultraman!"

"Come on, Ultraman!"

Hearing the shouts of people on the ground, Chen Yu turned his head to look, and then quickly waved his hands to tell them to run away.

The monster is still here, can't you find a safe place to yell a few more cheers?

Looking at Goldras again, Chen Yu made a fighting stance and rushed over with a vigorous step.

Chen Yu’s goal is very clear!

Holding the knife in his hand, the power of light surged, and before King Goldras could react, he slashed straight at the golden horn above his head!

Stab! ! !

There was a flash of light and sparks flying.

King Goldras did not expect that Chen Yu would hit his head. One of the golden horns broke off and fell into the palm of King Goldras that was about to attack Chen Yu.

Looking down at his broken horn, King Goldras was stunned and roared angrily.

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