Level 0 Master

Chapter 89 - Vol. 4 - Episode 2

Chapter 89: Vol. 4 – Episode 2


It was mid-summer, and the team was taking a vacation. It was the right time to visit the beach, and everyone wished to complete what they had not finished before the war.

There were no more obstacles.

There were only five people on the cozy beach: Sungjin, Ereka, Eustasia, Rachel, and Jenna.

Rittier had long prevented anyone from approaching by blocking off the street.

I will do my utmost to prevent anyone from disrupting what you wish to do, Master Sungjin!

He didn’t have to take it so seriously.

Sungjin smiled recalling Rittier’s shouts.

But it would be a lie to say he wasn’t enjoying the leisurely atmosphere with the lovely girls.

“Now, let’s change and gather at the beach.”

“Yes, Sungjin.”

After putting down their bags, they parted.

While they were changing into their swimsuits, the girls glanced at each other. Although their glances were very brief, it was a woman’s ability to be able to perceive everything in a single moment.

Ereka looked at Eustasia’s well-trained body and looked at herself.

She does have a toned, thin body.

Ereka looked at the mirror.

But I’m not so bad either.

From top to bottom, shouldn’t she be able to call herself curvy?

But her self-evaluation was not important.

What will Sungjin think of me? I suppose he wouldn’t be aroused.

For Sungjin to initiate a romantic relationship with her would probably never happen, no matter how many times she imagined it.

But wouldn’t this time be different?

Until recently, Sungjin had been busy with conquests, but they were on vacation now.

Perhaps, that meant Sungjin would be less restrained and react differently.

Sungjin examined Ereka’s blushing figure as he marched up to her.

He grabbed her body, and they both fell on the sand.

“You’ve bloomed beautifully.”

“Tha… Thank you.”

Looking down on her neck, he brought his mouth closer to her.

He bit down on her neck softly while ordering:

“Give me your beauty.”

“But… Here…”

“The white sand is the perfect setting.”

“But we shouldn’t…”

“Let’s forget about everything else and enjoy our youth.”

Oh, if you are so forward I will be forced to…

“That kind of situation is forcing oneself rather than being forced.”

Ereka was startled at Eustasia’s words.

“Wha… What are you talking about?!”

Did she accidentally say that out loud?!

Eustasia snorted at her vehement denial.

“It’s written on your face.”

“What are you saying? Don’t presume things.”

“Stop denying, and let’s plan.”


“He’s wearing a swimsuit too. Let’s start off with hanging onto each of his arms, saying we should start playing.”

“Hang on his arms?”

“Exactly. And then we will gradually lead his hands to a waist, stomach, thigh, or anywhere else.”

“Is…Is that not too forward…”

“What are you saying? We should deny ourselves passion on this kind of beach. Skinship is just the beginning. Starting from there, we will tease him into the bed with the excuse of appreciating the scenery. Then…”

“There’s children…”

“Children should grow learning what the adults do to become better; the highlight of this plan would be to excuse all three of us and go someplace private.”

“Oh my.” Ereka’s cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

What will they do after they disappear?

“But if he says that’s not proper.”

“What proprietary? This is a vacation on a beach. We can ask for some things. No, we need to ask for many things.”

“Should we?” Ereka was nearly convinced.

It was true that they were on a vacation, and Sungjin was enjoying the taste of victory and a break from battles. Shouldn’t she be able to appeal that she would be there if he wanted her?

“You got it?”

“Yes, I’ll try.”

They were both determined.

Rachel tilted her head.

“What are they talking about?”

“You don’t need to know.”

Beside her, Jenna waved her tail.

It’s infuriating that they are about to approach him without me, but I’ll overlook this since His Majesty wouldn’t make a move otherwise.

The plan was just beginning.

They had to succeed; they wouldn’t want the beds placed in the corners by Rittier to go to waste.

They went to the beach with beating hearts.

Sungjin greeted them…

… Already submerged in the water.

“Ah, you’re finally out. The sea is cold; do some warmups before entering.”

I didn’t think he would be in the water already.

Ugh, I was aiming for a natural skinship after hooking our arms together. He’s always a move ahead of me.

To think, he would disregard their plans and enter the waters. To think, he would attempt to swim after coming to the beach. But they couldn’t stop him from swimming either.

What should we do?

Let me think for a moment.

Eustasia shook her head at Ereka’s questioning eyes.

“Haha. It’s refreshing to enter the waters after so long.” Sungjin laughed brightly, ignorant of the girls’ frustrated hearts.

Haa…Is he really just planning to swim?

Ereka sighed in exasperation, but the truth was slightly more complicated.

Unlike Sungjin’s upper half, which looked as if he was enjoying the great nature of the beach, below the water, the lower half of his body revealed his youth.

Sungjin smiled in satisfaction.

My prediction was correct.

He knew that his healthy body would show a reaction as soon as the girls appeared in such an outfit. He also knew that this reaction would be shown quite clearly in his current swimsuit.

He had escaped to the waters beforehand so as to hide it from the ladies.

Well, there’s no other choice.

He smiled to smooth out the interaction. He wouldn’t be a man if he wasn’t aroused by the beautiful sight before him. It was nice to take in the view without having them know all the details.

Wow, they look amazing.

This was a masterpiece drawn on a canvas called nature.

Rachel still possessed her cuteness in her yellow swimsuit, which highlighted her youth. As the cursed tattoo had disappeared from her back, she was the evidence of what he had been able to protect, bouncing around the beach in excitement.

Jenna, despite her attempts in hiding her pout, was still stubbornly cute. With a tube squeezed onto her with her tail swishing in the background, she looked very much like a puppy on the beach.

They had pure and clean skin, they looked like two jellies bouncing around. But they didn’t pose much of a problem as they were simply charming. The incentives of this masterpiece lay someplace else.

Ereka with her white summer dress smiled at him. Her golden hair glowed under the sun and was brighter than the sun itself. Looking at the curves of her body caused music to sing in his ears. She was still soft despite the tenseness in all the hidden places, and her chest protruded, similar to ripe peaches. Her waist was thin and her hips wide; there was nothing more to add to her body line. Her thighs were clear of any blemish.

Summer was a season to be worshipped.

Beside the shining sun was a moon that could not be ignored.

It was Eustasia.

Her long straight hair gave off a silver light. Her bold bikini showed the limit of fabric that could be used, giving a dangerous aura. How many women in the world would dare to pull that off?

Aside the personality, if she did not have the courage, it would have been impossible. But she had the right. Her firmly-toned body did not have a single blemish. Her skin was well balanced to the point a drop of water would have simply rolled off her. Her breasts were barely covered and squeezed out at an elegant cut, and her movements were as smooth as the flowing water of nature.

Her body seemed capable of reciprocating the force of a man and threw an invitation at him to try. He was certain that if he pressed on the skin it would be as tight as rubber yet soft as a pillow.

Sigh…It’s a sight that’s unfortunate to be seen only by myself, but all the more valuable because I’m the only one privy to it.

Sungjin tasted the sight before him while smiling at the girls. He was satisfied by simply looking, but the girls were disappointed.

Even on the beach he is….

Eustasia whispered to Ereka.

“This isn’t fun. I’ll try to cause a scene, so don’t argue.”

“What are you trying to do?”


Eustasia argued with Sungjin:

“Are we really going to swim by ourselves when we’re at the beach?”

When she put it as such, he couldn’t object. Sungjin asked her:

“Is there something else you want to do?”

“Let’s play ball.”

“A ball game…What are the rules?”

Sungjin was thinking of beach volleyball. But as this wasn’t Earth, he didn’t imagine that the rules would be the same.

“Simple: we divide into two teams and set up a goal in the waters of each team accordingly. A body fight is allowed to fight for the ball, but grabbing the opponent’s body or hitting them is forbidden.”


You cannot hold the ball for more than 5 seconds, and you need to pass it to your team member or put in on the water to get it back.”

It’s similar to basketball.

Although it wasn’t exactly the same; this was a game without a victor. It was something that could be played comfortably.

“Okay, let’s try this. How should the teams be divided?”

“Huhu. Ereka and I will be on one team, so you can have a trio with Jenna and Rachel. Since they’re kids, I’ll let you count the two as one.”


It didn’t matter if he won or lost or enjoyed it.

There was no need to gain a victory in this game. Sungjin decided to comfortably aim for the win, but realized the truly difficult part of this game soon after.

Hm, this is awkward.

A ball lay in a big circle between two smaller circles. To be the victor, he would have to fight with his body, but…

“Ah, um…”

As he approached Ereka with the ball, she shyly spoke:

“It’s…It’s still a game.”

She pushed against Sungjin with her entire body…

Her soft shoulder came into contact with his firm chest. The skin of a young man and woman came into contact. Her shaking golden hair tickled his side.

As he fell back awkwardly, her chest shook. Under the sun the sight was truly abundant.

Mm…This is.

Sungjin missed the timing to grab the ball. In that second, Ereka passed the ball to Eustasia.

“Wow, you’re really good.”

“Ehe, My Queen, that was amazing!”

Beside him the two young children spouted nonsense that didn’t help.

With that, a goal.

Sungjin moved to score a counterpoint but…

“I’ll steal that!” Eustasia threw her body at him boldly.


Sungjin read her movements and passed the ball to Jenna.


Even after he had sent the ball away, Eustasia didn’t stop and fell straight into his arms.

The line of her shoulder touched his chest. Her lean arms touched his abs. The scent of the sea and sweat on a woman’s body hit his nose. She was literally naked aside from her barely-covered private parts.


Sungjin suppressed the instinct to wrap around her.

This is getting awkward.

The rules of the game would have caused heated fights between men. But for it to stand between a man and a woman…

He became uncomfortable and unsure.

Or, perhaps that had been her aim all along.

But to speak of a physical fight for a ball, there was no appropriate place he could shove away, nonetheless the chest and hips.

Hm. I should consider outfighting this instead.

Sungjin gave up on winning immediately and turned to a strategy of whisking the ball away once it touched the water’s surface.

On top of that, he avoided any body contact and passed the ball away if he was tackled.

This ultimately lowered the awkward situations…or so it seemed.

Huhuhu. Now that the atmosphere’s a bit more heated, it’s time for the next step.

Jenna waved her tail.

Your Majesty, I’ve prepared another trap.

A solution that would truly cause a reaction out of Sungjin.

The time was approaching for the medicine to react under the sun’s heat.

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