Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 17: Possibilities

I turned back to Tracy, My Skank, and her eyes were locked onto my hard cock. It easily lifted my skirt, and I moved towards her. I placed my bag down and sat beside it, my cock resting against my breasts over my shirt. I then dug out my lunchbox, setting it to the side with the fork I prepared.

My smile remained, and I pulled out my phone, turning up the Sissy's vibration settings up a level while I stared at my Skank.

Tracy looked awkward, but her eyes remained on my cock. "Skank, Your mouth seems to remain empty at the moment. Something sounds wrong about this statement." I said; my smile grew as she was on her knees in front of me seconds later. I never ordered her, but she instinctively knew what I meant.

My cock was in her mouth as I picked up my lunch. I moaned as I felt her tongue play across the tip of my urethra. I was enjoying the change in behavior from my Skank. The long night seemed to have changed her as I groaned while taking a bite. Her mouth landed on my balls, leaving the head alone as she sucked them into her mouth.

The straightforward ball massage insider her mouth was decent and earned a moan from me as I took another bite of food. Tracy continued without further guidance as I continued to eat, working at her own pace. I allowed this to continue as I felt her try to take me as deep as she could go. It was about seven inches without me forcing it down.

I let her work going up and down my shaft filling me with pleasure as she continued to pleasure my cock methodically. Food filling my stomach as I had done an excellent job, and it made the pleasure increase even faster as I couldn't help but comment, "I made some good food today!" I exclaimed happily. A moan left my mouth seconds later as Tracy licked this one spit just under the head of my cock that was particularly pleasurable.

Tracy seemed to notice, and her tongue went to work. That spot was right, and I released another moan as pleasure filled my head. She took me deeper into her throat, trying to take me as deep as she could go. I was halfway through my lunch, and I was reaching the peak of want. I was out of condoms, though.

I was in a dilemma, and I decided against fucking her tight pussy. A wild thought of Jake trying the same hole I considered tight entered my head, and I smiled. It was a vicious one as I thought of Tracy trying to be with someone like Jake. It wasn't that he had a small cock. It was just in comparison to someone like me with a much larger specimen; it was considered small. Tracy would probably feel really loose to him.

The thought of it brought even more pleasure to my mind, and I placed my food aside for now. My hand grabbed Tracy's head and forced her to take me further down her throat. I started to skull fuck my skank hearing her gag and moan as I continued to penetrate her deeper, finally reaching around ten inches down. I then peaked and released a thick load down her throat and let go of her head. She pulled back and started to swallow my cum and suck it out of my urethra.

I was now loudly moaning as she sucked the remainder out of my cock without prompting. I wasn't even going to lie to myself and say I was not impressed. I was astonished at the change in attitude that Tracy had shown since last night. Her vacuum blowjob continued, and I moaned as I felt more sperm empty out of me before she pulled back her head. She showed the amount of cum currently occupying her mouth before swallowing.

My cock twitched, and I wanted to fuck her right there and then. Still, I held onto my self-control if by barely and said, "Well done, Skank," I told her truthfully, "If I had the proper condoms right now, your face would be against the tile while I drilled into you. Instead, if your still hungry, you can eat with me." I told her.

Tracy looked at me for a couple of moments, surprised at the praise, "Thank you," She said after a couple of moments.

"Skank, I will start to correct one thing you have been missing lately. I have been pleased with your progress, but I will now start to correct it." I began, "I am your Mistress; that is my name to you. If you hear an order, It is 'Yes, Mistress," If it is a yes or no question, you will truthfully answer with a 'Yes, Mistress,' Or a 'No, Mistress.' If I compliment you, it is 'Thank you, Mistress,' Same with punishment; You will thank me for it." I turned to her as my cock finally started to turn a little flaccid. "Do you understand?" I asked her.

Tracy nodded, "Yes, Mistress," This made me smile nicely.

"Good, now eat if you are not already full," I told her, remaining kind.

This seemed to have confused her, and she brought out a sandwich with the contents unknown and started to eat with me. The silence was only filled with the bites into our food. "So, why do you eat so much, Mistress?" Tracy asked, showing curiosity about me.

"I have a high metabolism, and I work out a lot, to say the least. I need more calories and proteins to keep up the expenditure. I, unfortunately, look weak due to my arm muscles not showing at all." I talked honestly with her.

Tracy looked at me surprised, "So all that gym equipment in your room," She paused for a couple of seconds, "That is all yours? You like working out that much?" She questioned curiously about me.

"Well, Yeah," I replied, "I bring more than two hundred pounds of weights to school every day.  I run to school and work out enough that it would make you collapse doing a quarter of my routine, I guess," I continued. I took another mouthful of food while she looked surprised.

"Why are you not in any sports clubs?" Tracy followed up.

"I have a dick and a pussy; what team should I join, The men's or the women?" I put back at her.

"Does it matter?" Tracy asked, "Ethier team should be happy to have you. If you run with over two hundred extra pounds a day? Who gives a single fuck if you have a cock. Your physical capabilities would blast the other team. Male or female wrestling teams? They would love you. Linebacker for football? They would drool at the thought of you on their team. Volleyball? Again, cock or not, they would absolutely love you. So I ask, Why are you not on a team?"

I was sort of stunned. Tracy seemed oddly worked up about this. "Why do you care, Skank?" I asked her curiously.

The skank remark calmed her down immediately as she remembered her position to me. Still, she pushed forward, "Well, I may not look like it, but I really like sports. I suck at them personally, but I love watching them, Mistress," Tracy added in that. It seemed that this girl might be smarter than I initially thought. She continued, "If you joined in, say the woman's volleyball team and acted as a defender and spiker. Your power alone would make you a powerhouse. If you got on a duo's beach volleyball team, our school has. I think with practice and with the right partner, you could decimate other schools into the nationals!" She exclaimed, "Hell, soccer doesn't require you to run and sprint with over two hundred pounds. You could easily play over that with stamina alone. Any team in this school would want you to! I just do not get why you're not on them!" She finished.

"Well..." I paused, thinking back to when I was younger in elementary. "I was told I wasn't allowed. I had a dick; what team would I play on. When I said I would play with the boys, the teachers told me I couldn't since I looked like a woman. When I said that I would play with the other girls, they said I couldn't since I had a dick. So I asked my parents, and they said the situation was complicated. They then told me I couldn't play on the teams anymore, and that has been that." I said, remembering how devastated I was. I remembered the feeling of rejectment I felt, and I suppressed the feeling. I turned my mind more towards the memories that I built up working out and developing confidence in my body.

Tracy was painted with surprise as I finished talking, "Okay, I don't know the real reason, but that is a load of bullshit." Tracy said. "You are a hermaphrodite, and that is a medical condition. You were being segregated and treated unjustly," Tracy began, "There are laws that allow transgender men and women to compete even in the Olympics, let alone a fucking softball game with kids. You most definitely can compete in sports. I don't know the details of it, but your body is good enough for you to compete. I am sure of that, and you really should!" Tracy said, forgetting her position.

Still, I was shocked, and I never thought of myself falling under transgender rights. I am not transgender in my mind. I am a woman that just so happens also to have a dick. This isn't something that I ever thought about in a way that could be considered gender fluid. My mind was blank as I started at her stupified.

I never responded to Tracy as the bell rang, bringing me out of stupified. My mind was blown, and I couldn't process this. It was like being told that you had the option to something you wanted all along and that your own lack of research was the only reason you might not have been able to. I stood up feeling wooden and worked my cock back into my panties, which was now wholly flaccid.

Tracy said something, and I just walked out feeling like I was in a pool. My head swam, and I had difficulty thinking as I arrived at my next class. The second bell rang just as the teacher arrived, and I was brought out of my stupor. I focused on the class and pulled out the app for Jake. I wanted to think about something else while being in class. I put the setting at the max settings before dropping it a couple of seconds later.

The lesson escaped my head, and I played with the slider on the app controlling the sissy's vibrator. My mind still felt like it was in water, but I started to process. I began to gain hope, but I wasn't going to confirm right away. I was in school, and I could do some research with Crystal later. I don't know how I will react to the news at this point. My mind went to the conversation with my parents when they told me I couldn't participate in sports anymore.

Whenever I thought back, I played with the slider. It was almost like a crutch for me at this moment, and I made it hit the little heart before turning it off. I then would make it hit that little heart and slowly make it descend. I didn't care how Jake felt; I just hoped he was in more despair than I was. I had so many emotions rolling through me, and I couldn't comprehend them all.

I wanted to play, though. If I could, what sport would I play? Which gender? My mind raced as I gained hope. If it wasn't true, though... I don't want to be let down again. It was heartbreaking the first time I experienced the loss. I remember crying for weeks afterward until I started to train myself regardless. If no one else accepted me, I would be my own resolution. I remember wanting them to regret not allowing me to play their sport.

The memory was painful, and I didn't want to think about it more at this moment. The class bell rang again as I was lost in my thoughts. I stood and decided that I needed a good session of working out. I arrived at the locker room and changed. I put on the extra weights on each part of my body and strapped my backpack on tight. I was ready for running.

I had no idea what the teacher wanted, but I needed this today. I took out my phone and turned the setting to the one just before the little heart. I then stored it in my pocket, leaving the sissy to feel the vibrations in a gambit till the end. I would receive an alarm if the pressure of his ass ended.

I grinned at the thought of what must be sweet, sweet torture and made it out to the field. The teacher seemed to be running late, so I decided instead of joining the other class members, I ran around the field. I began doing laps in full-out sprints. My classmates watched me as I ran around the field, my feet hitting the grass. I zoned out, enjoying the exertion from the run.

I ran lap after lap losing myself when I heard my name called out, and I turned to see Mr. Trmmers. I slowed to a jog doing another lap before I came before him at a walk. He looked at me with a stern expression. "Why were you running laps?" He asked bluntly.

Sweat now coated my gym outfit, and I raised an eyebrow, "You were late. I wanted to run for a bit to enjoy a good workout. I have been busy and haven't been able to get lost in a good run." I told him truthfully, and my arm stopped some sweat from dripping into my eyes.

"That isn't what we are doing today, Angela," He told me sternly, and I nodded.

"Okay," I replied, waiting for him to continue.

The lack of resistance seemed to catch him off guard. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Mr. Trimmers asked, and I could tell he wanted a second to regain the flow of the conversation.

"You were not here, so I went for a run. This is a gym class, and I wanted to stretch my muscles doing what we are supposed to do in a gym class." I finished. I just wanted the class to continue so I could go to Crystals and put some research into the possibility of becoming a pro athlete.

Mr. Trimmers just pointed at the other girls, "Join them," he ordered. The tone and order instinctually made me want to hit him, but I obliged. I was joining the other girls in the class and turned to watch Mr. Trimmers.

The class started, and it was badminton, and I wondered why we were doing such a large variety of sports to start a fourth-year class. It was a sport that I wasn't that fond of since although it used the body, it wasn't in a way I particularly enjoyed. It was the same as tennis for me although I loved running in tennis.

The class passed slowly, and I kept my gear on, increasing the difficulty. I wasn't really in the mood like I usually was, affecting my performance with my partner. She was some track girl that I have never talked to, so I didn't care. Then again, I don't really talk to anyone, so...

The class finally ended, and I took off to the track to run a couple of more laps to brighten my mood. My mind was in a much better state of affairs when I made it to the locker room. I was dripping with sweat and my outfit. I picked up the phone and snapped a picture of myself before sending it to my girlfriend.

Angela: To clean up or to not clean up?

The photo of me dripping with sweat was attached to the text. With the text sent, I stepped inside to see a blushing sissy who looked as furious as he was pleasured. I smirked, pulled up the app, and made the setting on it hit the little heart. Jake's body shuddered as I did so, and I locked the door.

I turned to Jake, and my smile grew seeing his face. "How was your day, sissy?" I asked.

Jake's blushing face grew a deeper red, "It was horrible; where were you at lunch?" He asked, and I raised an eyebrow, the smile slowly fading, "Mistress," He followed it up, realizing his mistake.

"I had a skank on my cock the entire lunch; why did you want to have my cock down your throat, sissy?" I asked told him the truth.

Jake paused and opened his mouth before promptly shutting it. His body seemed to tremble again, and I felt my phone receive a text. I opened it up, looking at a message from Crystal.

Crystal: I want you dripping with sweat. Maybe a little more than you have now.

I would bust a nut with Crystal before showering at her place, I decided. Then I would talk to her about some things and figure out if what skank said was true. I turned my attention back to the sissy in front of me. "I don't have time to talk to you, sissy. Drop your pants for inspection." I ordered.

"Yes, Mistress," He said meekly, and soaked granny panties entered my vision.

"Wow, Had some fun today? You really enjoyed what was supposed to be a punishment, Sissy." I began. "Your panties look soaked in little cummies you had from you little caged clitty it seems." I continued. "Well, Drop your panties, Sissy; I will fulfill my promise," I told him.

"Thank you, Mistress," Jake said, and I could hear the excitement for a couple of days outside the cage. His panties dropped within seconds, and I noticed another shudder and saw a clear white line from the cage to his panties as it thickened.

"Awe, Are you sure you want out, Sissy? You are having a little cummie just from your cage now!" I exclaimed to humiliate him. Still, I closed the distance and squatted, grabbing the key from the side pocket of my bag. I had it in my hand and poked the cage, hearing Jake moan. "What a cute little clit, So tiny and small and trapped in a cage. You're really enjoying yourself in there, aren't you, Sissy?" I asked, looking up.

Jake looked surprised at the question. I could see discontent from that, and he noticed the trap I had set. No matter how he answered, it was humiliating. "Yes, Mistress," He replied.

I smiled and looked down, poking his caged clit. "Well, then I don't need to unlock this, do I, Sissy?" I asked him, "You're enjoying it so much; maybe I should leave it for the weekend?" I asked.

"Please, Mistress, may I be released?" Jake begged.

I was surprised at his comprehension at this point. I looked up, schooling my expression to be stern. Still, I think Jake might be figuring out how I am treating him and learning to compromise to lessen the amount of punishment and humiliation I dish out at him. Still, the way he was fighting the battle was a losing one.

"Such a needy little Sissy," I replied, and I unlocked his cage. I took it off his little clit, and it became erect in seconds after freedom. I looked at it and gave it a flick before standing back up with the cage. "Turn around and show me your ass, Sissy," I ordered, and Jake obliged, and I pulled out the vibrator. As I did so, more white liquid spilled out of his erect cock, making Jake moan like the bitch he was. The moans became louder as the anal beads were pulled out.

An alarm blared from my phone, telling me the vibrator no longer had pressure, and I turned it off. The vibrator had sissy juices all over it, and I dropped it to the ground. I would clean it when I got to Crystals later, but I took off my backpack and grabbed the Plug I had ready for Jake. Again it was slightly larger, and I placed it in his ass. This time the jewel was blue make him look prettier.

The surprise new insertion made Jake moan as he was very used to taking things up his ass now. I spanked his ass hard before standing tall again. "Good, turn around and look at me, Sissy. Hold out your hand as well," I ordered, and Jake listened.

"Yes, Mistress," He replied to my orders.

I smiled as he was starting to learn, at least for today. I placed the cage in his hand, and I spoke, "You will be here in the morning on Monday with that cage on. I will not care what you do over the weekend as long as I have two different videos of you masturbating with the sissifier for at least twenty minutes each day. Also, no touching your little clit cock while filming it. The second thing. You must have at least five different sexy panties for next week. I don't care how you get them, but if I see those filthy fucking Granny panties again..." I trailed off, showing my disdain. "You won't like it." I finished.

"Yes, Mistress," Jake replied, and I thought of something.

"Oh yeah, one more thing." I began, "I don't want to see any more body hair on Monday. I will think up some creative punishment if I find any, so make sure I don't see any on Monday, Sissy." I told him, "Enjoy your weekend, Now get dressed and go." I told him.

I started to clean up and put away my things. Jake took my orders, and his soaked panties came back on and his pants after, and he exited the locker room after unlocking it.

I finished packing up and headed out myself; instead of walking out, I left in a jog. Once I exited the school, I ran around the field until fresh sweat started to drip and headed off to my Girlfriend's house as my feet hit the pavement.



I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs,  Haarderade, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Knallenstein, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, Nitrogue97, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, xedex, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, KillerWulfe, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, Sentinel, S. Tadaewsky, Jack, A. Neal, Kuroko, Playtmage, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Jonny, Ayth, Archthrene, D. Austin, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Loke, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, Username, THERUSSIANFOXX, J.W. Thomas, LessJP for supporting me on Patreon.


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