Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 21: Meeting the Parents

Crystal and I got back into her car as I put my backpack onto my lap. Crystal seemed to now have understood that I was, in fact, angry about her blatantly going against my orders. Still, I wouldn't let that ruin the day, and I calmed myself down. I turned to her, and I said, "I will punish you later; we both understand that." I began, "No, you wished for it, For now, though you may only contemplate what that punishment will be." I told Crystal, "Now, I quite enjoyed the gym here, to be honest, and I don't want my mood ruined by your antics in the sauna," My words were cut off by her stomach grumbling as mine soon follow, raising its discontent, "Let us find something to eat for lunch?" I said, turning to her.

Crystal turned to me with a smile and turned the car on. "Dining in? or Take out?" She asked happily that I clearly didn't take what she did to heart.

I turned to her with a steady smile, "I think we should go to a mall or something." I said slowly, "Although I hate to ask this of you, I would like to spend some more of your money, and we can start with lunch there." I said.

Crystal smiled, "Am I your sugar momma now?" She asked as she started to pull out of the mall. "Sorry that was inappropriate," Crystal quickly said. My frown remained, "I know you don't like using my money and are working towards paying me back. I have no problem, Babe; I know that you have some things you want for both that sissy and skank your keeping." She finished.

I gave Crystal the side-eye but turned, "Yes, I do," I replied slowly, "In fact, I think I might need to bring that Skank over to help with your punishment tonight." I added. It was Crystal's turn to side-eye me before putting her attention back on the road. "I think you will not enjoy your punishment at all, my little Minx. Still, though, I do believe that I think we can also make this a Date to get to know each other better. Although you have annoyed me today, that doesn't change my mind on how much I think we suit each other." I commented.

Crystal smiled again as I confirmed my attraction to her. The silence that overcame the car was much less awkward than it was exiting the gym. The Mall wasn't far from the Gym, though, and we parked a bit of way from the main doors with the parking lot being quite full. We exited the car, and I grabbed my wallet out of my backpack before leaving it in the car. I joined Crystal quickly, my arm wrapping around her shoulders as hers wrapped around my waist.

Together we went inside and quickly made our way to the food court with a dozen unhealthy options available to us. We joined a line for some burgers and fries from a fast food place when I decided to say something. "You know," I began earning Crystal's attention, "I think we might have both been stupid coming here," I said.

Crystal looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, "What makes you say that?" She asked.

"We passed the same fast food place we are now in line for now. It had no cars in the drive-through, and here we are." I finished with a sardonic smile.

Crystal chuckled, "I can see what you mean," She replied as we took a step forward in line, "That is remarkably dumb of us. But at least we get to eat together at a table now," Crystal mentioned the silver lining, and I nodded.

"That is correct and a good thing all things considered," I replied, and the conversation started to flow. Crystal started to talk to me about which animes she wanted to get me to watch. Dragon ball was good, but there were other masterpieces that I needed to watch to become truly able to say which way I fell on, like it or not.

I had to agree, as Dragon ball was good, I was also pretty distracted during it. I smiled at that thought, and we finally made it to the front of the line and ordered. Soon the food was given to us on a tray, and we made our way to a table. Our conversation continued to flow as I talked about the various sports that I was now thinking of getting into.

"So you said Soccer is your favorite but isn't that one of our greatest failings as a country?" Crystal asked, making me frown, "I don't mean that in an insulting way, but Soccer here in the States is almost nonexistent."

"It is not that bad," I replied back quickly, but I took her point, "It also is a very skilled sport, and I think it would use all the advantages my body gives me." I paused before I continued, "I am thinking about Volleyball, but more Beach Volleyball if I truly get into it. My natural height makes me a great defender, and my strength makes me an amazing attacker." I told Crystal, "Still, I need to take more time into researching it. I have flatly decided against Football, Tennis, and badminton, though." I finished as we ate our food.

"That makes sense, Plus you just realized that you could; no need to rush into a decision." Crystal said, making me nod.

"That is what I thought as well," I told Crystal truthfully, "Although I plan on talking to my Gym teacher about that soon. He might know more information and tell me about the things I might need to consider also." I told Crystal. I paused to take a bite of one of the two large burgers that I got Crystal to buy for me. "Still, I feel the need to hurry my decision soon so I can find a spot on one of the teams." I finished.

"Fair, Enough," Crystal commented, and the table went silent for a couple of moments before she asked, "Do you usually eat this much?" Crystal asked with curiosity affecting her tone.

I stopped mid-bite into my burger before finishing it and chewing. This gave me a second to think before I nodded and swallowed the food. "Yes, I actually usually eat more than this." I told her honestly, "I need something to run all the muscles in my temple." I told her with a narcissistic grin, "Otherwise, I burn too many calories in a day to eat what is considered normal. My metabolism also runs pretty hard on me to making it even more imperative I have more calories than normal." I finished before taking another bite of food.

"So the other day when I cooked?" Crystal asked, and I nodded.

"It was a little light for me." I told her the truth, "Still, It was delicious, just not enough for me, and I ate much more when I got home," I finished.

Crystal frowned, "You should have told me," She replied.

"I should have," I confirmed, "We also just started going out, and you cooked without the knowledge. I didn't want you thinking I ate enough to feed you for two or three days either," I replied with a smile.

Crystal's frown remained as she finished her food, and I continued to dig into mine. "Well, Next time, please tell me," Crystal said.

"No problem," I replied, "I told you now, so I doubt it will be a problem in the future, I think." I paused to eat a couple of fries, "That being said, I am almost done eating, Is there anything you would like to do while here?" I asked, "I would much rather do stuff you want first and pace things I need for Skank and that bitch Sissy for later." I finished.

Crystal's smile returned, and it grew as she thought it over, "You said you owe me a favor as well," Crystal said, making my eyes narrow. The next couple of hours was a flurry of clothes shopping with Crystal. She seemed to want to dress me in various outfits that seemed to show my status as superior to those around me.

Eventually, we even left a store with an order to arrive at her house that was a pretty expensive suit to be tailored to my size. I thought it was interesting, and I was coming to realize one of the largest Kink's Crystal had was cosplaying. She loved dressing up and roleplaying, it seemed. I wasn't averse to this kink either, I thought with a small smile. It was interesting, and I was surprised she only purchased a Suit for me so far.

I stopped to send my Skank a text before we started to shop for her and the sissy bitch.

Angela: Skank, Quickly drop whatever you are doing and give me your sizes for clothing right now.

I quickly sent, realizing I should have done this earlier so I wouldn't hold our shopping up. We were making our way down the hallways when I felt the buzz. I looked down to get her exact sizes, and we moved forward now, armed with the knowledge we needed.

Crystal now had a smile as I now brought her to a lingerie store, getting her to purchase various underwear. This was something for my Sissy and Skank. The underwear and bra's I purchased were revealing, and the Nightwear was more scandalous to most sensibilities. Many continued holes in the proper places, and the bill It all came out to was more than I could think to pay.

Crystal merely smiled and turned to me, "I am really looking forward to your punishment later; please be nice to me." Crystal said as she swiped her credit card. I frowned for a moment feeling the innate repulsion to making Crystal pay for me. IT sped up how much I wanted to get into working for Samantha. We walked out together, and I now had a large amount of bags hanging on me as we entered more of the cheaper clothing stores to gather more things.

Hours later, and with my arms full of hanging bags, we exited the Mall. The back of the SUV opened, and I started to deposit our gains from the trip. Much to both of our surprise, nothing in the car was actually for us when I then had a realization, and my face darkened as I closed the back door. I got in the passenger seat, and Crystal noticed my expression.

"What is it?" Crystal asked curiously.

I opened up my phone, and I started to check my emails and messages and realized my inbox was missing something. "I have to make a call," I said, my voice flat, and Crystal's face darkened. My phone rang in my ear, and I heard a voice on the other end soon.

"Hello?" I heard Jake's voice. It seemed he hadn't put a name on my number yet.

"Well, Sissy, It seems I was missing something from you last night," I told him flatly.

"M-" His voice cut itself off and paused.

"That is Mistress, to you little Sissy. I am very disappointed in the fact that I have to remind you of your responsibilities, Sissy." I said, my tone remaining flat. "Maybe I will force you to wear the female version of our School uniform on Monday to make up for this. I still have many photos and videos to send around the school to show how much you like my cock up your ass, Sissy," My voice said.

Crystal's eyes brightened as she realized what was going on. "Well, Sissy, what do you have to say for yourself?" I asked him.

The pause was pregnant in the silence as I knew he was wondering what to say. It seemed he either forgot or was doing something that stopped him from doing so. Either way, I didn't care, and he disobeyed my orders. This was something of a trend today; I thought as I looked at Crystal, my eyes dark.

"Ang- Mistress, I was caught up doing something last night, and I didn't have the privacy to do so." He said.

"Doesn't matter, sissy. You are awake and not tied to a hospital bed. I don't care if you have to carry a purse with a large vibrator inside and film yourself on a train. You will send me a video tonight with your little sissy cage back on and locked. But," I paused for a moment, "I might have something else for you to do tomorrow as an alternative allowing your sissy clit to remain unchanged for one more night." I said the sadistic tone in my voice. I turned to Crystal as the sissy thought on the other side of my phone. "Let's go back to your place before we head to mine," I said to her, not caring Jake could hear me.

"Okay," Crystal replied. Her voice was loud enough to announce that someone else was indeed with me as I talked to him.

"Well?" I said, my tone returning to the strong firmness from seconds before, "Either I see your sissy cage on you with a fifty-minute video where you bring yourself to orgasm at least six times using your ass and that vibrator I gave you. Or you send me a twenty-minute video, and you will have a personal appointment with me tomorrow." I left the option open for him.

"Mistress, I will see you tomorrow," Jake said after a couple of moments.

"Fine," I said, a little disappointed not getting that longer video. "I will text you the details when I have decided them," I said, "You better send that video, sissy; otherwise, I will punish you so badly with some serious fallout for you later," I promised the sissy bitch on the other side of the phone line.

The pause was longer than I probably thought when I heard his reply, "Yes, Mistress, I will be there, and I will send you the video as soon as it is recorded." He finished.

"Good," I replied, my tone softening, "I will see you tomorrow, Sissy," I hung up without a single extra second spent on the call. I turned to Crystal, who seemed to be having problems paying attention to the road, and my voice became firm, "Keep your attention on the road, please, Babe. I would really rather not end up in an accident due to you getting horny."

Crystal's face blushed, and her attention remained on the road. I contemplated what I wanted to do tonight, and I decided that I would call my mother. I picked up the phone, and I hit the dreaded button calling her. I knew my mother would still be pissed, so I decided to bring her good news.

"Hello." I heard my mother's clipped tone, not needing more to tell me, my mother's current attitude towards me.

"Hello, Mother," I replied, "I got some news for you," I began, "I got the job that I was hoping for, although I will be talking to the boss tomorrow about the details later. Still, I expect it will pay more than a job at a fast-food joint." I told her. I saw out of the corner of my eye Crystal smiling at that.

"That is great news, honey," My mother's tone sounded much warmer now with the good news. "Are you and your girlfriend coming for Dinner?" She asked.

"Yeah, Do you mind if I ask what time so we can arrive before you finish? We just spent the day at the mall and need to stop at her place before we come over." I finished.

"Yup, I was planning on dinner being a bit earlier than usual, so in about an hour and a half." My mother replied, and I calculated in my mind. That left no time for me to have a good time with Crystal, although that was probably a good thing.

I nodded, "Okay, I will see you soon, Mother." I finished.

"See you soon, Honey," My mother replied before hanging up.

I sighed in relief, although the short conversation spoke volumes that although she loosened up, she was still angry. I leaned back in my seat, and I could see Crystal's confused expression.

"You seem almost scared of your mother." She said inquisitively.

"I am," I replied, "My mother doesn't punish me like someone usually would their child. She knows most things that matter to me and takes them. Like, let's say the soft weights that I use on my arms and legs." I said. A shudder ran through my body, thinking of a month without my ability to get a good workout in.

Crystal, on the other hand, looked confused as we arrived at her garage, "That doesn't sound very ominous," Crystal said.

The Garage door opened, and I felt the need to educate Crystal about their importance to me. "Crystal," I began, "How much time do you think I devote to exercise?" I asked her.

"Well," She replied, beginning to answer, as she parked her car into the Garage and shutting it off, and looking at me. "A lot, I guess, I mean, I haven't been around you all the time, and we only have just met, but I see you dripping with sweat from a heavy workout almost every time I see you." She finished.

"Now, I will tell you I devote even more time than you think I do. Every morning I awake early before school and run to school with those weights on. If I think I have extra time, I increase the amount I exercise only more, not less. I also have a Gym class that makes me exercise even more during class, although I think it's not enough. If I think I have time after class, I will hit up the Gym at school meant for athletes. After that, I will either run home or now to your house. Once I am at home, let us start with," I put in the qualifier, "And I am having troubles sleeping, I will go for a run. This is so common that my parents are used to it and what they thought I was doing when I first met you." I told her as I opened the car door, grabbing my bag as I continued to enlighten Crystal. "Then I might finish what is considered a normal day to me. Now, Throughout that entire exercise time, the one constant is I am wearing those weights. Adding a minimum of one hundred and sixty pounds to my body." I glanced at her as she plugged in the car with a thoughtful expression. "Guess now, how important are those weights to me? And how much it would pain me to see them gone?" I asked her.

Crystal opened her mouth once or twice and closed those lips. She walked over to me, and we exited the Garage, starting to head back to her house when I stopped her. "One second, the clothes," I said, and Crystal also realized, and we headed back into the Garage. She then opened the back, and I started to gather the bags from today to bring inside.

"I can see your point," Crystal said after gathering all the bags bringing them inside. "I guess I never truly understood how much you work out your body," Crystal said slowly.

"I don't blame you for that," I told her fondly, "I don't think my parents really understand how much I am addicted to the pumping of Iron with reckless abandon." I admitted, "Still, It is my sore point, and my mother knows that. So she will pick that sore point that I care most about and attack it ruthlessly. It has been that way since I was young and why I fear her punishments over my fathers." I finished as we entered Crystal's house, and I started to put down the bags in her living room.

"I guess you consider sex a workout, too," Crystal said with a smirk, clearly joking.

"Well..." My voice trailed off, "Depends on the type of sex," I told her, telling the truth, "It does make a pretty good abs work out when I am getting into the swing of things."

Crystal's hand lightly hit me, but her smile remained, and she shook her head. "Serves me right," She stated, "Getting into bed with a person addicted to exercise," She finished.

I grabbed her hand that she hit me with and pulled her to me easily. "Damn straight," I told her as her chest collided with mine and my lips closed down on hers forcefully. Our kiss deepened before I broke it off just as swiftly as it started. My hand spanked her ass once, feeling that perfect ripple in my hand, "Go get ready; we need to leave soon. I do not want to stand up to my mother at this point. Otherwise, I think I will not live to see another full moon." I told Crystal, who laughed before running upstairs, and I called up to her. "I'm grabbing a couple of boxes of Condom's!" I yelled up the stairs.

"Don't take any from downstairs!" She yelled back, "I got you a box since I knew you wanted to raid me!" She hollered back, and I decided to keep my hands to myself. Crystal also seemed to get a better grasp of my personality. Although what she did today made me annoyed, I still enjoyed her company. A wicked thought entered my head as I thought of something perfect to punish her.

I didn't want to hurt Crystal physically. I easily thought, no, I wanted her to understand that a punishment would be just that; A punishment. She should not enjoy the experience of that punishment and should remember any punishments with horror. Not something that will scar her or scare her from my company. It was hard to achieve, and I think I thought of something suitable to that, and I made a call.

The phone rang in my ears as I headed downstairs, gathering my used gym clothing—the phone connected as I entered that basement. "Mistress," I heard my skanks voice come through.

"Skank, You will be accompanying my girlfriend and me tonight. You will remain silent unless spoken to by me. I will tell you when I will come by. You will be washed up and ready for getting filled multiple times if I so choose. Do you understand?" I finished my tone clipped and expected my orders to be done without thought of any other possibility.

"I-" Tracy cut herself off, "Mistress, I happened to have had plans tonight," Tracy said instead.

"So?" I replied, "Unless it is so pressing and important, you think I would care?" I finished.

There was a pause over the phone, "I am supposed to go out with my boyfriend..." She said.

I had to hold back a loud laugh. "Oh?" I replied, "Cancel your plans. Tell him whatever you want, but you will be ready when I call you." I finished, and I hung up without caring for her reply. With my Skank now on standby waiting for me, I think I had a fun opportunity to play with Crystal later tonight, much to her displeasure. I think I had found something she would both enjoy and shiver in fear of having to repeat ever again.

"I heard you were talking to someone," Crystal said as she came down the steps looking really good in a casual shirt that wasn't as low cut and some designer jeans. I could tell though she was wearing more make-up, and she looked perfect.

I smiled, "You look perfect," I told her truthfully, "My parents should love you," I continued with some easy flattery making Crystal blush slightly.

"You're avoiding my question," Crystal countered even as a smile plastered onto her face.

"I may or may not be," I replied in kind, avoiding the topic, "Still, we need to be heading to my place," I told her, effectively showing my attitude, and Crystal pouted but not willing to press the issue.

Crystal was about to join me when she remembered, "Oh yeah," She looked to almost facepalm and ran out of my vision. I was wondering what was up when she came back with a box with the number five hundred and Magnum written across, "I got this for you." She said, putting it in my hands, "This will save you stealing all my smaller boxes." Crystal said with a smile. "Your stamina makes me think this will last you a maximum of a couple of months." Her grin was large, and I pulled her into another kiss.

"I appreciate that, and I will reward you later after tonight since you still need a punishment," I said after breaking the kiss.

Crystal pouted, but we left, and I stuffed my gym clothes into my backpack inside the car. We pulled back out after minimal preparations. We were soon down the road, quickly getting to my house. Crystal seemed nervous as she stopped the car in front of my house, and I smiled.

"My parents will love you, and there is a spot in the Driveway," I told Crystal reassuringly.

"Yeah, I am still nervous," Crystal said and pulled into the driveway behind the small Toyota. "Let us go before I get cold feet," Crystal finished after parking and getting out of the driver's seat. I got out through the passenger seat, grabbing my bag as I went.

I joined Crystal putting my arm around her and stopping her. I took her lips with my own. "Everything is going to be okay, Crystal," I told her reassuringly again and put my arm around her again. "It will be okay," I said another time and started to bring her to the door.

"Okay," Crystal said quietly, and I put my key into the door.

I stepped inside with Crystal and called out, "Hey, Mom, Dad, I am home with my Girlfriend." No matter how much I tried to comfort Crystal or what, I said I didn't know what to expect. I heard noise from the Kitchen as we stepped in together, and I noticed my Mother come out first.

My mother seemed to have done up her make-up and was dressed in something casual, too, as it dealt with me. My mother understood I wasn't going to let this become very formal without stating it was earlier and her eyes widened as they laid upon Crystal. "I can't believe it," My mother said softly, turned, and yelled back, "You owe me money!" My mother called out.

My face turned to a frown as I became confused. My mother smiled, though, "Your father still thought you would back out since the first time we heard her was in the basement." My mother clarified, earning Crystal's chuckle.

"Oh, That must have been your daughter's skank," Crystal said. Her hand reached up to her mouth as my mother's eyes widened further. "I said nothing five seconds ago," Crystal said, continuing to sink her ship hard. "Hi, I am Crystal, The mythical Girlfriend," Crystal said, holding out her hand with a forced smile.

My mother took it, seemingly ignoring the First words out of her mouth. "I am Angela's mother, Very annoyed with her at the moment as I am sure you know," My mother glared at me for a moment, "But I am delighted to meet someone dating my daughter."

My father came out, distracting me from the interaction of my mother and my girlfriend. "Holy," He said as he entered the room and stepped up beside my mother, "I guess I do owe you that twenty," My father said before saying to Crystal, "Hello. I am Angela's father." He greeted Crystal holding out his hand, and Crystal nodded, shaking his hand too.

"Pleasure to meet you too. I am honest that I think this might be a bit early to meet, but I am really excited to meet you both." Crystal said.

My mother turned and glared at me. "I am sure the fact that our daughter is using you a little to appease us has been told to you?" My mother said while continuing to glare at me.

"Yup, I am perfectly okay with that though, Angela and I really enjoy each other's company, and I wanted to meet you two soon anyways." Crystal answered calmly, surprising my parents. My parents both looked at me with surprise at finding someone so understanding.

"Well, Dinner is soon, and we can all play some Mario Kart in the meantime to see if you up to the task." I almost facepalmed at this moment, and soon we were in the living room trying to hit each other with shells racing towards finish lines. I learned then that Crystal was adept at gaming to or at least in Mario kart that my mother tended to queen over inside our house.

This got my mother riled up, and only the incessant beeping of the oven with my father calling dinner put an end to the races my mother would have preferred to be having. "Look, you cannot beat me two races in a row and stop me from making sure I end on a high note," My mother complained to my father with Crystal smiling with the sweet taste of victory.

My father and I, on the other hand, were making a strategic retreat, "The dinner is ready, and it will get cold if we don't eat it now," He told my mother in a deceptively calm voice. Both of us had gotten completely trashed by Crystal and my mother. We took zero wins, and we needed to lick our wounds over a delicious dinner.

"It's okay," Crystal said with a smile, "We can always play another time where I can leave you with the losses you would so rightly gain from me." Crystal taunted my mother without restraint.

"That's it!" My mother said, turning to her, "You will lose next time you are here regardless!" My mother shot back, and I knew she probably would make Crystal suffer multiple defeats. They had been exchanging wins back and forth over the multiple races. My father and I dutifully set the table and put down the food.

We started to sit down as Crystal gloated her victory's over my mother. My mother pouted off to the side but started to serve herself food, and a small silence came over the table. "Well," I cut in, destroying the silence as everyone served themselves, "At least we had fun?" I said.

I earned two side-eyes, and I think some more resentment from my mother. In fairness, though, I didn't know Crystal was good at the game. "That is true," My father came in, trying to save me from the other women in the room looking at me with glares. Their glares arrived on my father, effectively saving me for a few seconds. "Hey, I had fun even getting trounced by the both of you," My father said.

I made a prayer for my father in the back of my head as both my mother and Crystal started to rip into him. This was what happened to be the start of the meal, and I found Crystal and my mother made quite the combo. They got along more than I thought would be possible, and my father was now in a sorry state after receiving a thrashing on the ins and outs of good competition among games.

I rightfully and thoughtfully had already made a tactical retreat saving myself for fights that I knew I could engage in. I agreed with Crystal and my mother, though when it came down to it, I ate in silence as the conversation I heard more than once was drilled into my father's ears. The only new addition was that Crystal had joined my mother in the verbal lashing he was receiving. I hid a knowing smile as I knew that I inherited my mother's want for competition.

The lashing lasted even longer than usual, and I had finished half my food in silence when they finished ripping my father a larger hole than usual together. I smiled as the barrage of words came to an end while the food was still left on the table. My mother seemed to gear up for more when my father made an excellent tactical decision and changed this subject.

"So, Crystal," My father cut in, "What do you do for a living?" He asked, "You are a couple of years older than Angela," He finished with this remark.

This gained my mother's attention since the question hadn't been asked, and she was interested. I looked upon my father with approval for his choice of subject change. "Ah, Technically, I do not have a job at this point in time," Crystal began with a smile, making both my parents frown, "I came into a large amount of money years back, and so I purchased a couple of businesses around the area, but I mainly let the managers take care of them." She continued, "So I guess that makes me a business owner in the broadest of terms. Although I don't think of myself as one." Crystal finished.

"Oh," My mother began, "That is interesting. What do you consider yourself? If you don't mind me asking," My mother said.

"I consider myself a Carpenter metal worker and leatherworker for certain unique tools I make for a niche market," Crystal said, her smile larger. "I enjoy working with my hands, and it is where I made most of my money before I came into the windfall of unexpected money." Crystal finished.

This earned both my parent's surprise, "That does sound interesting," My mother and father said at the same time. "Do you have pictures of some of your works?" My mother asked.

This time it was Crystal's turn to frown, and she shook her head, "I do but not on me, to be frankly honest," Crystal said, "Many of these pieces are not for the public to view, and they are considered specialized." Crystal paused, "I do have some on my computer, though at home if you are truly interested." Crystal continued, "I usually only carry pictures of the pieces I am currently trying to sell, and all my current works are sold, or I am keeping to myself," Crystal finished.

"I take it this unique niche market is something that most would find embarrassing," My father said, "Since you are straying away from actually saying the name of the market." My father finished hitting a key point.

"You are absolutely correct; most would find it embarrassing," Crystal nodded, "I am not embarrassed about it, but it also isn't something you brag about at the first meeting with your new girlfriend's parents." Crystal said.

"Oh, we won't mind, please tell," My mother said, wanting to pry.

Crystal looked to me, and I shrugged, entering the conversation for the first time in who knew how long, "They will not stop till they get it from you," I told her honestly, "You can just rip the bandaid of if you want," I then turned to my parents, "But don't go trying to blast Crystal for enlightening you two," I said to my parents and tried my best to fade out of assistance.

Crystal shrugged, "Okay, I make large equipment for Kink activities such as Pillories to beds for special services to clothing." Crystal told them without hiding a thing, "It is an interesting and challenging thing to get into, but I was lucky to apprentice with a master worker locally." Crystal continued her smile bright as she talked about it. "Lately, though, I haven't needed the money, so I do it more as a hobby."

My father was surprised totally as a vanilla man; sexual kinks never really entered his life. Whereas my mother looked much more interested, I noticed. Her eyes shone with curiosity that brightened her face. Seconds later, though, she tried to hide it, knowing my father wouldn't do anything of the like to her.

Crystal seemed to notice that heightened interest from my mother, although she didn't point it out. The conversation turned awkward for a moment, and I decided to cut in to buy some time for my parents to think, "Yup, Some of her pieces look very interesting even artistically, Mother." I said, giving my mother a line to pounce on her interest without earning my father's suspicions.

Crystal raised an eyebrow at my sudden intrusion but rolled with it as my mother's questions started to roll out of her with reckless abandon. I sighed with relief as the conversation flowed once again and remained hidden in the background as dinner soon came to an end.



Hey guys,

I am still celebrating releasing my Third week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. You can find the link below if you are interested.  Enjoy and thank you for all the support.

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