Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 16

Finally, after Rias was done being a complete weeb, the Gremory peerage came together, and Rias basically asked what the 'creations' I made needed to reach their full potential. Even as she was asking me that, I already saw Artoria Lancer Alter wielding her trademarked massive, spiked spear.

"Well considering how Artoria has something akin to your clan's Power of Destruction and good luck explaining that one... But yeah, my Ei could use a good sword that can conduct lightning." I asked and Rias quickly noted that down after I discussed what kind of special clothes Ei was to wear as Monet and Klee... Well, Monet loved more simple clothes that didn't restrict her like a T-Shirt and Klee, I didn't want her in some perverted getup regardless of how her flesh's age was a few decades older than I was.

"Now Jake, my peerage which includes you, are going to be having a rather important meeting in a few minutes that got dropped on our lap," Rias said with a wry smile before she continued speaking as Akeno came into the room. "We will be playing host to my sister-in-law who I have managed to wrangle out of the underworld to act as an intermediary for our other guest... My fiancée." Rias said with such obvious distaste that it was to the point of almost spitting at the word.

"Anything I should know about your fiancée or your sister-in-law?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the reminder about how I helped Rias snag Riser's Familiar who was spying on her, in her own territory.

"My fiancée Riser is a pig. No not only that but he is an arrogant pig who thinks that as the third son of the Phenix pillar family should he marry into my clan he will be basically taking over it..." Rias said with an eyebrow twitching and hearing that little tidbit and not the common. 'oh woe is me, the devil I am to marry has a harem just as every other male devil does.'

"Surprised no one smacked that little delusion out of his head," I muttered with Akeno tittering.

"Oh cutie, that is the thing. All Phenix's are at their heart masochists. Even from childhood they simply don't really feel pain like we do unless it's a devil's weakness or some kind of elemental effect." Akeno explained with a blush across her face as she obviously imagined putting in 'work' on a Phenix to see how masochistic they were.

"Sure, once you stab them with a holy sword, they will squeal like a rat only partially caught in a trap, but otherwise if you don't use magic, that clan of devils are troublesome as they cannot see themselves doing any wrong with the massive amount of soft power, they wield being able to produce their Phenix tears."

Hearing Akeno's explanation I merely hummed honestly not caring as I could probably just give Riser some super cancer and turn him into a mutated freakish blob of expanding flesh that had zero such pleasure nerves to dull the agony of the transformation.

"Monet. Klee goes into the side room and go play some video games. We are going to have some more boring talks." I ordered sending the two girls into the side room under Rias's upraised eyebrow who was wondering what I was doing.

"Ei, Artoria, and the rest of us are fine for combat... Those two are a bit too emotional and Monet would likely freak out and cover us all in a Holy snow/ice storm and cause problems." I explained and Rias nodded.

"That's fair. Haaa, I was hoping I wouldn't need to see that man for a couple years and deal with him after I finished college." The Rias shrugged as Akeno came around to massage her King's shoulders. "Thank you, Akeno. Ah yes, in either case, no matter how this meeting goes, our peerage will need to do some training as I can already foresee Riser and even my father attempting to push up our so-called nuptials."

With Rias's grumbling out of the weight I noticed how Koneko had gone from taking the seat Klee left on my side with her departure and had subtly placed herself within my 'bubble' and was obviously relaxing in my scent being so close to me.

"So Kiba have you tried to make some kind of Power of Destruction or Instant Death sword before?" I asked to gather attention to the knight who was keeping himself busy by wiping down one of his swords that was obviously clean due to him just summoning it.

Kiba only chuckled and with a flourish, he made a weird, jagged sword with spikes form inside his hand and then the sword caught fire for a minute making the room heat up and I felt Ei beside me tense with little flashes of lightning escape her hands as she was pondering if Kiba was a threat to me.

Thankfully Kiba dismissed the sword into motes of light and began speaking which made Ei calm down. "Yeah, I mean I have tried but my Sacred Gear doesn't really do 'higher concepts'." He said making finger quotations. "But just because I can't make a sword of instant win, doesn't mean I cannot make swords that can be useful in certain situations like my flame, water, or any other elemental sword I have come up with," Kiba explained and I nodded in understanding while mentally labeling him as basically a cheap pocket multi-tool you could get at a gas station.


"They are here," Rias called out breaking apart the group's shushed conversations Koneko quickly scooted a bit away from me as a large devil's sigil formed on the ground in the middle of the clubroom and I couldn't help wondering what would happen if I threw a fuck load of holy light into the teleportation sigil. "Dammit, it's Riser here first... Where is Grayfia." Rias cursed as a couple moments later Riser Phenix in all his douchbag glory was basically posing as he came out of the teleportation in his chest exposing a casual red suit that had its dress shirt's top three buttons undone.

'God this dude is pretentious.' I thought incredulously as Riser literally had to take the time to smooth back his hair as though the teleportation had messed with his slicked-back hair style before he would even take in the rest of the room's occupants.

"Riser Phenix. You were supposed to wait for Grayfia Lucifuge to send a message that she was ready to act as our intermediary." Rias said coolly as Riser seemingly just realized he was in a new location.

Riser then did a spin as he took in the room's occupants and his eyes lit up upon seeing Artoria and Ei before his eyes finally locked onto Rias. "Oh, my dear Rias, you spoil Riser so! Two more beauties not the least bit inferior to yourself to be added to your peerage so quickly... Tsk tsk, if Riser didn't know better, he would think you were trying to tempt me into ravishing you before our wedding even occurred Haha!" Riser laughed all but drooling over Artoria's revealing body glove that clung to her frame that she wore when out of her armor. Ei was dressed in a rather revealing kimono after I pressed how great it looked on her so she would have a somewhat similar appearance to her Raiden Shogun self.

"Perverted scumbag." Koneko drawled and Riser's face twitched as he took in the petite form of Koneko who was sitting beside me.

"Heh Riser is well used to breaking in mouthy kitties who want to spit at their betters." Remembering the loli cat girls the man had in his peerage I wonder how true that little threat was but with the way Koneko stiffened I already foresaw her pouncing on the man to tear him to shreds so I took the petite cat girl hand into mine to calm her down.

"Oh, and who is this man? Rias, Riser has already said Kiba was a good enough male for your peerage that you didn't need to add anymore even if you wanted to get into rating games." Riser complained still in that same damned third-person monologue that made me want to give him the Wanda treatment and smooth over the flesh over his face to remove his mouth.

"Jake is a valuable addition to my family of beloved peerage members. Your opinion means nothing to me and if I have my way, I will sooner sleep with him or Kiba than willingly touch you." Rias said scathingly and before Riser could explode at the Gremory Heiress she went for the fucking jugular in my books.

"Oh yes, I had a question. The reason you keep staring and making allusions to my dear Koneko and your own little Nekomata twins along with having another set of loli twins... Is it because they are so small that they are the only ones that aren't asking you if you put it in yet?" Rias finished.



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