Live broadcast to reveal the secret of tomb robbery, I actually activated Qilin blood

Page 37

"There are more than 300 experts and professors, but they couldn't find any useful clues. I don't know whether Mr. Tianguan is too mysterious or us people are too stupid! By the way, how are you doing? I heard that you Bring back an expert who can decipher the words on the bronze tripod?"

Mentioning this, Zhou Huaiwen didn't know whether to be happy or sad, and replied helplessly: "The solution is solved, but it will not help subdue the zombies in the water hole."

Just when the two were downcast and the atmosphere was low.

Not far away, a professor sitting in a corner suddenly screamed, which attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room.

"I found it! Haha, I found it! I found the identity clue of Mr. Tianguan!"

In an instant, everyone rushed over and surrounded the old professor.

"Mr. Qian, are you serious? Tell me, who is Mr. Tianguan?"

"I read all the bullet screens blessed by the heavenly official thousands of times, but I still can't find any useful information! Mr. Qian, tell me quickly, how did you find the clues!"

"What? Have you found a clue to Mr. Tianguan? Woohoo, that's great! God bless my flower planter!"

Seeing this, Zhou Huaiwen and Chu Muyun looked at each other, and they both saw surprise expressions on each other's faces.

All the bullet screens that Tianguan blessed, including the bullet screens he posted in other live broadcast rooms, were carefully collected by the research institute, compiled into a booklet and distributed to everyone.

However, during this day and night, no matter how over and over again these more than 300 experts and scholars did their research, they could not find any useful information.

Originally, Chu Muyun almost gave up, planning to challenge the director, and went to Yizhou himself.

Unexpectedly, at this last moment, someone actually solved the identity clue of Mr. Tianguan.

This... This is really a hopeless place with nowhere to go, another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright!

The discovery of this professor surnamed Qian not only alarmed all the experts present, but also alarmed Zhu Quanping, the director of the institute!

With the help of his assistant, Mr. Zhu quickly came to the conference room.

He looked excited and urged impatiently: "Qian Huazhao, tell me what clues you found! If it is a valuable clue, I will give you first-class credit!"

Qian Huazhao looked excited, and walked quickly to the rostrum.

Then turn on the projector, and quickly flip the barrage text collected on the information to the first page!

This is where the dream begins.

"Everyone, look at this sentence..."

Chapter 52 The dawn of the research institute, Su Chen arrives in Yizhou

A line of barrage caught the eyes of all experts and professors.

[What, ask me what rank?Laozi s2 used skateboard shoes to get 50 stars on the king! 】

Everyone was stunned.

"We have read this sentence countless times, but we haven't found any clues!"

"Old Qian, don't be fooled, and come to the conclusion quickly."

"Personal profiling experts have analyzed that Mr. Tianguan is very obsessed with games, and often goes to the game anchor's room to watch them play games, but based on this alone, there is no clue of identity!"

Qian Huazhao laughed heartily, and said in a confident manner: "The youngest person present is over 40 years old, and he probably has never played the game of kings. Although I haven't played it, my grandson is very good at games. He has been playing games since s1. King of the game."

"Five years ago, during the s2 season of this game, my little grandson was invited to participate in the King of the Peak offline competition. According to him, the King of Kings back then was not as popular as it is today, and there were less than a hundred players with 50 stars in the King of Kings! "

"The King of the Peak offline competition was unprecedentedly grand, and King players from all over the country went to the game site."

"You said, with Mr. Tianguan's character obsessed with games, would he miss this grand event?"

After Qian Huazhao finished these words in one breath, there was an uproar in the audience!

"In other words, the game company must have registration information or live video recordings about the game!"

"Old Qian, you've done a great job this time!"

"There's nowhere to find it when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it! I didn't expect Mr. Tianguan's identity clues to be there from the beginning!"

Professor Chu pondered what Qian Huazhao said, and felt that it made sense.

After hearing this, Zhu Quanping, director of the research institute, suddenly felt refreshed, and almost roared angrily, "Okay!"

"When I find Mr. Tianguan, I will personally award you the National Second Class Medal!"

After saying this, Mr. Zhu turned around and told his assistant: "Which company does this game of kings belong to? Go and call the boss of their company."

The assistant looked excited, and hurriedly said: "I'll go right away, and I promise to let him bring all the documents to see you before tonight!"

The experts breathed a sigh of relief, feeling they had finally found a glimmer of light.

at the same time.


Su Chen got off the plane and booked a hotel.

It was early in the day, and it would be dark for two or three hours.

He thought about it, and planned to go around Jinque Mountain.

Unlike Pingshan last time, Pingshan only had a thousand-year inner alchemy worthy of his attention.

This time, there are ghost seals, jade figurines, and two 3000-year-old zongzi that are at least flying dead in the Lu Palace.

There are quite a few babies that make him jealous!

Moreover, the Lu Palace is a large tomb, so it must take a lot of time.

Step on a point in advance to get twice the result with half the effort.


As soon as he left the city, before he reached Jinque Lake, he ran into the police cordon.

"Sir, we can't get through the front, do you think we should turn around or?"

"Okay, master, I'll get off here."

Su Chen paid the fare, and as far as he could see, the surrounding roads leading to Jinque Mountain were blocked.


Are you going to return without success?

Su Chen's qinggong is good, he can wait until the night is dead before crossing the cordon.

Just when he was hesitating, whether to go back to the hotel and wait for it to get dark.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sneaky figure, avoiding the police cordon and sneaking into the woods beside the road.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

The figure had already crossed the road in a flash, and quietly stalked behind the man.

This person is young, male, with a crew cut, and looks like he is in his twenties.

He was wearing a tracksuit with a shoulder bag on his back. The back of the tracksuit was printed with the words 'Hua Guo Come on', and he was wearing double-national sneakers on his feet.

It was Su Chen's first visit to Yizhou, but he always felt that this person looked familiar.

Following behind Xiaopingtou, he went round and round, and he really bypassed the cordon and came to the vicinity of Jinque Lake.

During the process, Su Chen walked lightly and barely made any sound.

The closest time was less than three meters away from Xiaopingtou, but he didn't notice anything.

When he came to Jinque Lake, Xiaoping took off his shoulder bag quickly, and took out a selfie stick and mobile phone for live broadcast from it.

Seeing Xiaopingtou's side face and the selfie device he took out, Su Chen suddenly realized.

Isn't this the 'Yizhou Spirit Detective Boy' who was captured by the army some time ago!

This person is really not afraid of death. He knew that there were monsters in Jinque Mountain, and he had been caught once, so he dared to come here!

I really don't know if he is fearless for the ignorant, or because of the fire, he is not afraid of death.

Su Chen complained silently in her heart, and saw Xiaopingtou set up the equipment and started the live broadcast.

"Hi everyone, I'm back again, am I surprised or surprised?!"

"Okay, I don't have much time, let's get down to business! Have you seen the Canary Lake behind me?"

"This is the most famous scenic spot in Yizhou. Usually, many tourists come to visit the lake and camp."

"Since the accident of the archaeological team a few days ago, this place has been blocked by the police, and it is difficult to enter."

"But I am very familiar with the terrain here, and I sneaked here from the path, and I have left a kayak here, and I will take this kayak into the mountain later, and reveal the truth about the monster on Canary Mountain for everyone. puzzle!"

The last time Xiaopingtou was arrested, it caused quite a stir on the platform.

In addition, the Yizhou archaeological team, Jinqueshan martial law and other news spread more and more on the Internet.

So as soon as he started broadcasting, tens of thousands of viewers immediately poured into the live broadcast room.

When the audience heard that Xiaopingtou was going to sneak into Jinque Mountain, the barrage immediately frantically swiped.

"666, the anchor is so courageous, I admire him!"

"Okay! Support the anchor, if the anchor really enters Canary Mountain, I will reward you with ten rockets!"

"Don't go to the anchor, Jinque Mountain is too dangerous, and your life is more important!"

"Hurry up, I want to see what monsters are in Jinque Mountain, go quickly!"

Seeing the popularity of the live broadcast soaring all the way, Xiao Ping almost laughed crookedly.

Of course he was afraid of death, but he was more afraid of being ignored than death.

In order to become popular, he took a risk last time and wanted to cross the military blockade.Although it was unsuccessful and was captured by the army and the mobile phone was confiscated, it still accumulated a lot of enthusiasm after all.

This time, he made up his mind even more, he must sneak into Jinque Mountain to do a live broadcast, and it will become an instant hit!

Thinking of this, Xiaopingtou cheered himself up in his heart, and said to the camera: "Everyone, don't worry, I won't give up until Jinque Mountain this time, I..."



"what's the situation?"

"Anchor, where are you?"

"Good guy, talking and talking, people are gone!"

"Fuck me, the anchor won't be dragged away by the monster, right?"

Chapter 53 Tianxing Fengshui, Everywhere is a Tomb

Su Chen hit Xiao Ping's head with a hand knife and knocked him out.

And then turned off the live broadcast.

He turned his head to look at the kayak hidden in the water plants by the lake, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Brother, I saved your life, so it's not too much to borrow your kayak?"

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise."

After getting on the kayak, Su Chen took out the topographic map that he carried with him.

After a few glances, he decisively rowed to Yinque Mountain.

The terrain of Yinque Mountain is slightly lower than that of Jinque Mountain, but the terrain is wide. After climbing to the top, you can see the whole picture of Jinque Mountain.

In addition, Jinque Mountain must be tightly sealed at this moment, and Su Chen plans to enter Jinque Mountain when he officially goes to the tomb.

Otherwise, if those troops are alarmed, it will not be so easy to enter in the future!

Of course, it's not that he hasn't thought about exposing his identity as a blessing from the heavenly official, or telling Professor Chu directly that he can solve the trouble of the zombies in the water cave.

In this way, it is easy to enter Canary Mountain.


He is going to touch gold!

If the archaeologists found out about this, they might have to fight him desperately!

Therefore, this trip is mainly low-key.

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