Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 103: Enchanting smile to die for

After realizing she fell asleep, Alan breathed a sigh of relief and woke up to do some work.

Alan went to bed early morning not to worry Aria if she sees him working.


Isla Turner was partying till midnight thinking their plan was a success.

She paid a huge sum for the worker who was part of the party organizer in the Miller villa and to the ones who drove the car and delivered fainted Aria to Toby's apartment.

Thinking Toby must be feasting Aria Cooper, she didn't call him and went to bed happily for good night's sleep which was her last good night's sleep.


The police in chief arranged weapons and drugs in Toby's apartment and depicted it as they caught Toby Lewis red-handed with videos and pictures by morning at seven o'clock.

Alan's team locked down three men who took Aria out of villa as luggage and two men who drove the car.

They were trying to find if there was somebody else included in the plans. A few tried securing proofs as those men blurted all their plans, Isla's name, and her past few attempts.

Such as; trying to spike tetra pack drink in the school canteen which didn't reach Aria. A few times they drugged food items which Aria had thrown them to the bin feeling suspicious. They had tried to buy the Morgan's driver who drives Aria to and fro but failed miserably because none of the Morgan's workers were ready to sell their loyalty. They had tampered elevator in the mall where Aria had stuck but some had saved her, they were Aria's bodyguards which those men didn't know. They had failed to tamper car more than thrice.

There were many such incidents that Alan's people heard them in stupor giving them hats off to their guts, consistency. Their unceasing efforts were worth to mention because they had tried nearly forty times to abduct Aria.

By afternoon they found enough proof against Isla Turner before reporting everything to Alan with other information.


Aria who woke up late saw Alan still sleeping on another pillow. She could make out slight dark circles on his handsome aloof face.

When she slept she was in his embrace unlike how they were sleeping so she could guess he must have worked before sleeping after she slept.

His regular routine had completely changed from the time she entered his life. Her eyes filled up thinking how hard he has to work handling two companies. Upon that she was worrying him for one or the other thing which he didn't even blame her once.

She was looking at him thinking how could she alleviate his burden but she was pulled to his embrace and a deep voice sounded above her head, "Hungry?"

Aria had seen him more than ten minutes and the whole time his eyes were closed, "Weren't you sleeping?"

Alan's lips tilted up, "Why? Do you want to watch me more?..." He effortlessly pulled her on his pillow, "Sure! Check me out as long as you want."

Aria flushed seeing his alluring upward arcing lips from near which made her heart beat a little faster. 'Here I'm worrying and he is flirting.'

His tilted lips were unvarying as he commented, "Sweetie! Breathe."

Aria then realized she had held her breath and badly wanted to hide under the duvet for getting caught.

Alan pecked on her forehead fondly and said, "Go and brush. I will prepare breakfast."

His cello voice was very pleasant to hear to which she hummed looking at his smiling face and closed eyes. She felt like nobody should have the right to see that smile other than her.


Her ankle pain was a lot better except for little swelling. She brushed and washed her face before going down. Aria sat on a high barstool watching him who was efficiently cooking a western dish by eggs.

Alan who almost finished cooking saw her admiring gaze looking impressed which greatly improved his mood that had ruined knowing Isla Turner targeted Aria for him using Toby Lewis.

He kept the dishes on the table before starting to eat with her, "So? How is your house husband's cooking today?"

Aria grinned stealing his fluffy omelet. She didn't dare comment because he would ask for a remunerate later which he would eventually rob from her lips after eating.

Both finished eating and got ready. Aria was hell embarrassed while Alan redressed the scrapes on her back unzipping midway because she didn't have any backless dress in his villa.

Alan bopped her head before keeping the medicine kit back to its place. Aria slapped his arm while exiting for revenge forgetting about the embarrassment.

Alan smiled resignedly and poked her head again vexing her. "No heels."

Aria glared at him rubbing her head who left downstairs taking his laptop bag. She knew a few dresses were present in his villa but not shoes.

After checking his walk-in wardrobe, she was dumbfounded to see nearly half of it had girls' clothes and accessories. After checking she got to know they were her size.

After changing her shoes and a pretty dress, Aria tortured him to tell about it but he didn't open his mouth and lightly brushed about Isla Turner and Toby Lewis. He didn't allow her to go to the Morgan mansion or school and tagged her to the Morgan Industries.

They had reached at lunchtime when Aria's mobile rang showing Rian's name to hear three voices who started to tease her for spending a night with Alan. The latter went inside his office pointing inside for her to come.

After getting teased they asked patiently and Aria only mentioned she was kidnapped and Alan reached on time. Alan wasn't leaving her anywhere out of his sight so she wasn't attending school.

After asking them to keep those things to them and talking a few minutes, she hung up and entered the office to see Isla swooning on Alan's cold expressionless face.

Yes! Isla Turner

As soon as she got a call from Nathan, she didn't care to contact Toby and got ready prettily to meet Alan. She had thought Aria's chapter was done and it was her chance.

Hearing the door open without a knock or permission, Isla instinctively turned to see Aria's sweet smile looking at Alan who had an enchanting smile to die for.

Isla froze seeing her safe and sound. She traced her top to toe. She was wearing a full sleeve pretty little dress without any blot on her skin.

'Wasn't she defiled?'

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