Logging 10,000 Years into the Future Novel

550. You Are Really Iron Waste

Accompanied by the last syllable.

Ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the entire empty space.

The entire void was twisted, like a wrinkled curtain, undulating and folded.

And the bodies of all the people in this space, as well as countless strange beasts, also became distorted in the ripples.

Not just a visual twist.

Including the body, as well as the soul.

At this moment, they felt as if they had become a piece of transparent paper.

Paper floating on water.

When the water ripples, the paper also becomes the shape of ripples.

People who were a little closer to the battle group vomited blood directly from their mouths under this twist, and were instantly seriously injured.

Even if he is far away, he still feels like he has a splitting headache, and Wu Fangfo is about to be twisted into a twist.

Farther away, many beasts of level nine and level ten exploded directly, turning into clouds of blood mist.

The aftermath is still like this, and it is said to be at the center of the power explosion.

Where countless ripples arise.

Almost "four twenty" completely turned into a black hole.

The void is completely annihilated.

An indescribably destructive aura.

Ordinary twelfth-level fighters, just by taking a look at it, will have a sense of terror in their hearts that their souls will be crushed by ingestion.

And in such silent throbbing, great terror.

A voice that had been indifferent from beginning to end sounded suddenly.

"Is it only to this extent?"

"You really..."



In the next instant, a strong arm made of gold protruded from the black hole.

Like a sharp knife piercing through a water curtain.

It spread its five fingers, and with an extremely domineering, arrogant and even rude attitude, it poked out from the black hole vortex, the central point where countless energies raged.

Crush the evil monster totem with twelve eyes and a mouth full of octopus tentacles.

He drove straight in and strangled Sarah's neck severely.


Like pinching a chick, Sarah was lifted up.

"Ka Ka Ka"

After the arms are the shoulders, the chest, the head...

The whole body is covered with gorgeous patterns, and the powerful and incomparable golden body abruptly propels the vortex, stretching it...

Came out of it.

Those condensed raging energies collided with this golden body, making a crisp and powerless sound.

Lu Sheng is like a golden ancient god revived from the starry sky grave....

Come to the world again.

"Even if it is a dog that has absorbed so much dark energy, is it still so weak?"

Lu Sheng looked at Sarah who was struggling between her five fingers expressionlessly, with an expression of disbelief and horror on her face, and said softly, "You are really a piece of iron."

As he spoke, Lu Shengtian tightened his grip.

The 330,000 immortal cells in the body form a destructive force in the palm.


The part above Sarah's neck burst like a water balloon that was squeezed vigorously.

Countless light red streamers burst out from it, flying in all directions.

On each ray of light, there seemed to be a frightened face that belonged to Sarah.


Sarah's headless body was randomly thrown from mid-air by Lu Sheng like garbage, and fell to the ground, making a big hole.

The sound made by the dead body hit everyone present as if it was beating a drum.

Everyone's eyelids twitched violently.

It's more like a physical reaction.

Because their brains are in a chaotic state, their expressions are mostly shocked and dull.

Sarah is dead.

Die simply and neatly.

Looking back on all the things that happened before, it was like a gorgeous, insane and gorgeous opera in the starry sky, when it was performed to the most exciting and climax...


The lights were turned off in the whole theater, it was pitch black, and the curtain call was forced.

Extremely unreal.

Until a certain defector faction warrior suddenly shivered, everyone gradually recovered from the trance.

feel the reality.

just really realized...

Sarah is really dead.

And the death was miserable and humiliating.

The Sara who comprehended the power of the five rules and borrowed the evil power of the alien beast to almost raise her own strength to the thirteenth level category, crushed the audience with her strength, and brought a lot of despair and fear to everyone...

His head was pinched with one hand like a chicken... and everything in his head.

There were no more expressions to interpret the shock on his face.

Words cannot describe the complex emotions in everyone's hearts at this time.

They just stared blankly at Lu Sheng.

Looking at this, there are only eleven levels on the bright side.

But the fighting power is so high that even the thirteenth level can't hold back...

Star Monster?!

Certain cognitions about martial arts and strength levels that have been formed for tens of thousands of years are slowly collapsing.

Lu Sheng's Strong...

It is about to shatter their three views and cognition!

Even Saya, who was holding the stone man Downton in his arms, was so shocked that he almost completely lost the ability to think at the moment, wondering whether the man in front of him who was as powerful as the ancient god of the mythical starry sky was the companion he knew.

At this time, Lu Sheng was not in the mood to pay attention to the thoughts of the people below.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if flowing with gold, Amber's eyes were staring at somewhere in the void.

over there.

Lu Sheng saw a deformed monster with eyeballs all over its body and a mouth full of wriggling octopus legs staring at him viciously..

He seemed to be cursing something frantically.

It seems to be expressing some kind of excitement and excitement.

In the space invisible to the naked eye, a large amount of red light representing anger is continuously secreted, becoming more and more intense.

These red lights penetrated from nothingness into reality, making the eyes of those remaining beasts in the field gradually dyed red.

The deformed monster frantically swinging the mouth of the octopus tentacles slowly revealed its figure in the process.

Lu Sheng's eyes instantly lit up with a light.

He felt that the 330,000 immortal cells in his body were excited, fighting

On each of them, something called fighting spirit ignited.

"Level 13..."

After pinching Sarah head-on, Lu Sheng finally had a general understanding of his current strength.

But this understanding is obviously not enough.

He needs a stronger opponent, and a bigger crush.

Only then can we thoroughly recognize ourselves, understand the limit of our own strength, and the peak of potential excavation.

"Thirteenth level. Let me see, the real thirteenth level... what is it like..."

Lu Sheng said softly, licking his lips lightly.


A white figure, like the aurora in the dark part of the starry sky, quickly crossed the sky, leaving a deep ripple in the void that would not dissipate for a long time.

This is a man with an indifferent expression.

Probably in his early thirties.

The long, snow-white hair was crystal clear, in stark contrast to the pure black combat uniform on his body.

The right hand of the white-haired man is holding a 3.8 long and narrow saber.

The shape of the knife is quite strange, and the overall appearance is a bone-like off-white.

The hilt and jaw also appear to have been ground from the bones of an unknown beast.

"Coordinates, give me the coordinates again."

The white-haired man tapped the communicator in his ear lightly, and said expressionlessly.

Soon there was an unexpected voice from the communicator.

"Master Haijidao, haven't you received them yet?"

The white-haired man nodded, and replied: "I met a general on the road and had a fight, but it was a pity that he ran away..."

The voice in the communicator responded, and soon reported a new coordinate point.

"The energy fluctuations in the coordinates are very unstable, Mr. Haijidao may have to hurry up.

After reporting the coordinates, the voice reminded me.


The white-haired man cut off the communication, his indifferent eyes flickered.

In an instant, his originally extremely fast speed immediately accelerated by several tens of thousands. .

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