Lord God Investigator

Chapter 84 - Crashed audience

After the singing fell silent for a moment, there was a loud noise in the theater, as if the floodgate had been opened. More than one hundred noble women cried bitterly and cried so hard that their uncontrollable sadness and emotion were crushed. They disguised their elegant shells, rubbing the weak wounded hearts under their hard shells.

These noble women cried, and they were no more elegant than the screams of the kiln sisters working in the secret entertainment venue of the Bronze Crown Hotel to pick up guests. They hugged each other, screamed, or rolled around, crying and wiping tears. Or sitting on the ground, flapping the thighs and shouting the name of the former lover.

The guards in the hall are mostly men. Although they are also touched by this wonderful stage play, they are not as exaggerated as the women. They understand why their masters are emotionally broken, but they are also at a loss.

The women in the guards also knelt down and wept bitterly, and can no longer take care of the guard mission. Although these girls practice martial arts since childhood and have a strong personality, they have also experienced empathy. Many of their lovers and husbands have followed the fleet, The caravan traveled far, and eventually died under the attack of monsters and robbers. A parting became a permanent secret.

The guards guarding outside the theater heard the crying in the theater and rushed in, but saw that the bodyguards in charge of the guards were indifferent and could only run to ask their owner what happened.

“Madam, what’s wrong with you? Do you need me to protect you back to the mansion?”

“Get out! Get out of me, don’t come in!”

“Master Jazz, did the actors in the theater use evil spirit magic? Do you need me to arrest him and send him to prison?”

“Do you dare to touch my beloved Io, I will ask someone to kill you first!”

These bodyguards were puzzled and retreated dingy under the scolding of the owners.

Luo Feng returned to the backstage, changed his clothes and removed his makeup. Before he could take a breath and take a break, the team members ran over to surround him.

“Captain, it’s messed up outside. Someone in the audience cried and fainted. What should we do?”

“How will the auction be held now?”

“Captain Captain!”

Luo Feng got a headache because of the quarrel, and shouted: “Don’t make a noise! ​​Don’t count on me for anything. How to mix it? Cold!”

The three players and one ball are still at a loss.

Luo Feng commanded patiently, “Tang Xiaotian and Claysia, you two go to comfort the audience. Zhang Daniu, you go to the five hip flask hotel upstairs, find the maid Talia, and ask her to prepare a hundred towels and some Hot water, as well as hot honey drinks for a hundred people, take these down and provide them to the audience.”

After dispatching the team members, Luo Feng organized the temporarily hired workers to move the box with Cara back to the backstage, so as not to show Cara’s feet inside.

“Mr. Cameron.”

Opening the hidden button of the box, he took out the tired and sweaty Cara. Luo Feng saluted him: “You are a talented wizard in the field of illusion. The illusion is like a miracle. This time the performance is a huge success. For the first time, when the audience calms down for a while, you must go to the curtain call with me.”

Cara was a little dazed. He hid in the box. He didn’t see the audience in the theater crashing and crying. He just heard howling.

“Boss, our performance was successful?” Cara scratched his head and said, “Isn’t it a big failure? A successful performance should make the audience laugh. The audience cried so badly. They won’t face me when the curtain is closed. It’s strange that we throw rotten eggs and rotten fruit.”

Luo Feng squatted down and patted his shoulders: “Don’t worry, we succeeded. From today on, the name of your’light and shadow magician’ Cameron will be spread in the circle of the aristocracy of Amn, even if not in the future. Cooperating with our team, there will be countless theater companies who will treat you as a guest.”

Kara still didn’t understand, but he no longer questioned wittily. Whatever the boss asked him to do, he would do what a circus clown should have.

It took more than an hour to complete the chaos in the theater hall.

Some weak aristocratic ladies sat back to their original positions, but their eye circles were red and swollen, their hair was scattered, and their expressions were haggard, as if they had been affected.

These image-conscious ladies will change to the past, and definitely can’t wait to return to the mansion, unwilling to let others see their pitiful face like a falling dog.

But today they don’t care anymore, because sitting beside them are the noble ladies of falling water dogs, they once hugged each other and broke down crying, no one is better than anyone.

What’s more, it seems that there is an iron chain tied to their feet. They don’t want to leave like this. They want to stay here for a while, looking forward to the artists who create such a wonderful and shocking stage show. Say a few words with them.

The lights in the theater hall were all lit up again, and Claysia stepped onto the bright stage and bowed like the audience apologized: “I’m extremely sorry. I didn’t prepare well. I didn’t expect this situation to happen beforehand. Everyone please help me.”

“No, we also want to thank Miss Klesia.”

Some of the audience in the audience said in a hoarse voice: “If it weren’t for your invitation, I would have missed such a wonderful stage play, and would not have heard that wonderful song. I would regret it for life.”

The aristocratic women nodded slightly, feeling that the man’s words were speaking their hearts.

“Miss Klesia, please invite the artists out and let us get to know these masters.”

“Yes, especially the Mr. Bradrow who plays Io, I can’t wait to see him.”

“And that lady singer, her voice is like a natural sound, she is the best singing poet I have ever seen, please invite her out too.”

Claysia readily responded to the audience’s calls. Luo Feng and several other team members stepped onto the stage and stood in a row. Even Cara put on a fake beard, put on a silk robe, and brought a pair of dwarf goggles to the stage under Luo Feng’s pressure.

“This is Mr. Bradlow, starring Io and screenwriter of “Titanic”.”

Claysia introduced Luo Feng to the audience, who bowed gracefully, smiled happily, and waved to the audience.

“Ah…I’m so handsome, I’m in love…”

“Oh, he is the darling of Li Erla, the goddess of joy, why is there such a charming and talented man in the world?”

“Hush…” Some female nobles even whistled in disregard of her image.

“He is simply a genius. Not only does he perform at an outstanding level, he also creates such a wonderful story…”

Luo Feng’s handsome appearance is actually the handsome and attractive type, not the level of invincible and handsome. The actor has a very high value bonus in the hearts of fans. The audience overlaps him with the character Io in the Titanic drama. The more I look at him, the more pleasing to the eye, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

Luo Feng is naturally able to cope with this kind of scene. He took a step forward and said humbly: “Thanks to all the beautiful and elegant ladies for your support, but I am just a young man who likes art. I can’t bear such praise. I can present it to everyone. The production of such a wonderful drama as “Titanic” also relies on the strong support of other artists in our art troupe. Please also applaud for them.”

There was thunderous applause in the theater, Luo Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it down, dragging Kara, who was shrinking and trying to hide himself, to his side.

“The chief special effects artist, Mr. Cameron, is such a wonderful behind-the-scenes hero of “Titanic” and the biggest hero. What everyone sees is like real light and shadow pictures, all created by the dwarf technology he developed Yes, please applaud the heroes behind the scenes!”

Under Luo Feng’s introduction, the audience in the audience also recalled that they were so involved in the plot just now, largely because the various light and shadow effects on the stage were as realistic as they were on the scene.

They did not hesitate to dedicate the applause to Cameron who brought them such a magical visual feast.

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