Lord of Enigma

Chapter 102: Golden Skeleton

Extra release by "ShadowDuke" from kofi! 

Due to the lack of human activity, the abandoned valley quickly restored its original primeval forest features. The path was overgrown with weeds and thick greenery; except for the sounds of insects and some unknown beasts, there was only the howling wind in the valley.

However, there were still many things left over by human beings.

For example, in some mounds, some rotten wood or rusty nails could be found.

It used to be the "heaven" of the first group of gold diggers.

Strictly speaking, they also contributed to the establishment of the City of Moses.

Or rather, their sweat and corpses.

Although many people succeeded in panning for gold in the valley, most of them died in a "flood".

Tonight, a lost hiker suddenly appeared here.

A young man was walking on the mountain path. His clothes looked messy and awkward.

Strangely, he didn't carry a bag, maybe he lost it on the way.

An ominous and cold aura was faintly emitting from his body, but it suddenly ceased when he walked to a spacious pit.

"One minute!"

Tang Qi still chose this time limit and revealed the mark of misfortune.

At this time, the place where he was located was a concave area where the vegetation was not dense. The wind whistled just a few meters above the head. Some weird sounds were sent from afar by the wind. It seemed to be from some birds or monkeys.


A muffled voice was heard over his head.

The muddy soil mixed with wild grass spattered, a ragged figure suddenly broke out of the ground, with his limbs attached to the mountain. Then it rushed towards Tang Qi like a wild wolf that began its hunt, its speed was so fast that it was like a phantom in the darkness.

A very unusual dazzling phantom.

Because this figure was unexpectedly golden.

That's right, the first "freak" that Tang Qi encountered was a skeleton with golden light everywhere except for its rotten clothes. If it weren't for the flickering blood glow in the skeleton's dark eye sockets and its crazy dog-like movements, he would've thought that he had seen a luxurious, expensive, and boring piece of art.

When it rushed over, the same sound appeared everywhere around the concave, and even across the valley.

They were so dazzling under the moonlight that even Tang Qi was shaken a bit, and when his heartfelt it was absurd, his eyes finally focused on the first golden skeleton.

A faint light created a picture that reflected in Tang Qi's eyes.

[Extraordinary Creatures: Resentful Gold Diggers. ]

[State: Anger. ]

[Information Fragment 1: It's so dazzling. When they were still human, they were so desperate for gold that after their death and under the control of their resentment, they still shuttled underground, constantly searching for gold and then sticking it to themselves. They didn't even hesitate to tear off the rotten flesh and blood on their bodies, and eventually became like this. ]

[Information Fragment 2: they're full of gold but it can't be used, which makes them extremely angry. Anyone who attempts to seek gold here will be torn into pieces by them. ]

"It's really outrageous that those who are dead have so much gold."

Tang Qi looked at the information fragments flowing over and silently expressed his sympathy.

Then he spread his arms as if he wanted to give the first gold digger a warm hug. His eyes glanced around the valley, in addition to the "gold glow" coming out from the ground, there were some places that were faintly emitting a more dangerous aura.

"Everyone's here? Then the show can…start."


While murmuring, Tang Qi suddenly hugged the first golden skeleton that had rushed down from the top of the mountain and then rolled down the valley. The other golden skeletons let out a shrill cry and then rushed up at a rapid speed. Soon, a huge "golden ball" appeared in the valley, rumbling down to the bottom of the valley.

This scene was enough to make many greedy people crazy.

However, these things were unattractive to "freaks". The real reason why those freaks that had hidden deeply came out regardless of the danger of exposure was the tempting aura wrapped by that golden ball.

Except for the freaks born in the city, most freaks wouldn't take the initiative to hunt and kill humans, unless humans court death and deliberately break into their lairs.

This rule probably stems from the repeated encirclement and suppression of freaks by human extraordinary forces in ancient times.

But if there is a ray of "misfortune" in it, everything will be different.

Centered on the abandoned Gold Valley, when the aura of misfortune accompanied by the whistling mountain breeze began to spread in the mountains, some freaks after many years of sleep, were quickly awakened. They simply could not resist the desire from the depths of their souls.

Terrifying and weird gazes from across the mountains fell into the deepest part of the gold valley.

In contrast, those evil spirits who quickly swept in following the mountain breeze were simply irrelevant small shrimps. They could not even separate themselves from the golden skeletons that tangled with them. They could only send out wrathful and sharp howls.

Just as the golden ball rolled deep in the valley and was about to land, there was a "boom", and a big hole suddenly opened in the soft earth, and a terrifying giant mouth suddenly appeared, its head was dark all over, and its mouth occupied almost all the area. After opening, it was filled with sharp and shark-like teeth stacked in layers.

"Glub", this giant worm-like giant swallowed the golden ball directly.

Then the monster turned its head to drill back into the hole. In the process, the golden ball quickly cut into strips of golden slime in its mouth, and then "popped out".

The huge worm was about to swallow the "tempting smell" alone.


The whistling mountain wind couldn't suppress the cry, and an equally huge figure suddenly descended from the sky. Its terrible claws pressed the worm that was going to escape. At the same time, a curved beak began to madly peck the worm's head.

From a distance, this seemed to be a legendary monster battle.

However, once you are close, you would immediately discover that these two things, only the worm seemed to be a monster from ancient times.

The "giant bird" ought to be called a freak.

Although it had a giant crow-like body and dark feathers, it had a person "embedded" on its chest and abdomen. A naked man, wrapped in something like a membrane, who always maintained a bright smile.

If you get closer, you would find that this man was not really smiling, but his mouth was forcibly cut open. And in his two dark eyes, strange black oil-like liquid flowed out continuously and poured through the roots of the membrane into the bright red heart of the giant bird that was beating loudly.

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