Lord of Enigma

Chapter 84: Harold Club

"Phew ~"

Tang Qi stood inside a pool of black turbid currents, his body slightly bent, looking at the black heart on the ground where only the shell remained, and exhaled a long breath. In the scene just now, even Tang Qi did expect the sudden danger.

Originally, it was just a monster that wasn't too much of a threat, but it suddenly turned into an "Evil God Seed".

At that moment, Tang Qi felt the threat of death.

It should be known, that after taking the "Mist Body" secret medicine, he didn't feel any sense of crisis even when he fought against dozens of ghouls, more than a dozen evil spirits, plus the scarecrows, some other unknown monsters, and that sludge monster.

But earlier, he had a hunch that if he took action a second slower, the situation would've gone out of control.

Stana behind him was now paralyzed, her eyes were closed and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, she seemed to be immersed in a nightmare. Perhaps she was suffering from some kind of aftereffect, but it's a little strange, as she was just "glanced" at by that tentacle. Tang Qi wasn't sure if it could be described as a "glance", because the tentacle had only a mouth and sarcoma, and there was no organ that could be referred to as an eye.

He was immune to that glance because of the boundless power of the furnace, but Stana was not so lucky.

Tang Qi supported Stana to a sofa, contemplated for a moment, then raised his hands and placed them on both sides of Stana's head. A faint golden flame overflowed, and the warm breath touched her head, the pained expression on her face immediately calmed down.

After maintaining this posture for ten seconds, Stana gradually returned to normal, it seemed that she would wake up soon, then Tang Qi moved her hands away.

He stood up and walked to that messy place again.

There were a lot of mosquito corpses, monster corpses, and the evil god seed mixed together. It was weird and disgusting, but there was a faint glimmer of light flashing inside.


As Tang Qi walked over, he couldn't help recalling the fragments of information that had flashed over his eyes.

It was not a monster, but the seed of an evil god.

[Mystical Object: The Seed of an Evil God. ]

[Status: failed to hatch. ]

[Information Fragment 1: The seed given by an unknown evil god, it can lodge in a living creature's body and find the most desired evolution path for the host. ]

[Information Fragment 2: This seed failed to hatch, if it couldn't sense the co-owner, it would release the power of the evil god indiscriminately, and destroy all the life it perceives. ]

There were only two fragments that could be seen by him. The rest of the fragments were too blurry and fragmented to be visible in his eyes. If he forced himself to look through them, he was afraid that something more terrible would happen.

But these two fragments made Tang Qi's scalp tingle slightly.

Before this, Tang Qi had dealt with the evil witch sub-personality in Sally, which was already a terrifying experience. But compared with the scene just now, he would rather get entangled with the moody witch, at least the witch of misfortune can communicate.

As for the so-called evil god seed, what Tang Qi perceived in those few seconds was only chaos and malice.

Some words in the fragments were also extremely scary, lodging…the most desired evolutionary route…co-owner..indiscriminate killing. Tang Qi once again smelled the taste of a conspiracy, and it was a very obvious conspiracy.

Based on the information fragments he had gotten from the monster, he had a rough idea of what was going on.

"The wealthy young businessman wanted to enter the extraordinary world. He bought the seed of an Evil God at a mysterious party, and then the seed lodged inside him. The evolutionary route selected for him turned out to be a monster. The businessman may like the insects, especially those mosquitoes wrapped in amber, but he certainly wouldn't want to become a mosquito monster himself."

"Normal people wouldn't be that way, but the Evil God seed still judged that it was the route that the businessman desired most, and finally the businessman succumbed to the instincts of the monster."

"If it weren't for the accidental intervention of Stana and me, he would've successfully planted the seed and summoned the so-called co-owner. What would've happened then?"

In a flash, many thoughts passed through Tang Qi's mind.

Several of them made him shudder just thinking about it.

"I hope this kind of seed is very precious, and every time this selected object should be specifically targeted, otherwise if this thing were to spread randomly…"

Thinking of the horror, Tang Qi couldn't help but shake his head, temporarily suppressing those thoughts and returning his attention to the ground.

He squatted down, took out his gloves and put them on, and quickly rummaged through the pile.

Soon, two things appeared in his hands.

The only things that remained intact from the young man's body.

One of them was a mystical object.

The other was not the case.

Tang Qi looked at the mystical object first. As expected, it was amber, just as the young man said before, what lay on his palm was a pale yellow round "glass bead", which wrapped around a weird mosquito. It was bright red all over, even the wings as if it was not a real mosquito, but an exquisite piece of art.

Tang Qi looked at it carefully, and the special interface popped out as usual.

[Mystical Object: Scarlet Mosquito Amber. ]

[Status: Complete. ]

[Information Fragment 1: This is a newly born mystical object that is wrapped around a scarlet mosquito, which represents an evolutionary route of mosquito monsters. Breaking the amber, you may obtain a completely evolved scarlet mosquito, or a failed one. It's a choice of luck. ]

[Information Fragment 2: It can also be a precious material for professionals such as secret pharmacists, casters, beast trainers, etc. High-level secret pharmacists can even develop a new series of strengthening secret medicine from it. ]

"good stuff!"

When the fragments flowed past, Tang Qi immediately gave a judgment.

The amber in his hand was undoubtedly a very precious material, so he immediately became entangled.

Accept it, or send it to the police station?

The former he might take unnecessary risks, which Tang Qi had been trying his best to avoid.

But soon, when he saw the second object, he made a decision immediately.

"Do not accept!"

What made Tang Qi spit out those words was a small card that was rubbing against his hand. It was only half a palm-sized and seemed to be made out of iron, its texture was very smooth and cold. The strange card was completely black with two lines of letters engraved on it.

"Harold Club!"

"Here, you can obtain everything!"


When Tang Qi saw the elegant letters outlined with a stroke, a strong sense of disgust surged out, and his keen perception told him that this card was not a mystical object, but it contained maliciousness, second only to the previous Evil God Seed.

It was a kind of obscure and subtle malice, with unimaginable pollution properties.

Tang Qi quickly took out an evidence bag and put both things inside it.

Then he stood up, turned around, and handed the evidence bag to Stana who had awakened and walked over.

"It have a problem?"

Tang Qi silently nodded in response to Stana's question.

After several collaborations, the policewoman also understood something. For example, if this bad guy chose not to keep the loot, it meant that there was a problem with the loot. Directly throwing it to the officials was the safest way to deal with it.

Although Stana was very curious about the mystical side, she was after all a rookie who had just stepped half a foot into it. However, her decisiveness in terms of choice was not inferior to Tang Qi.

While receiving the evidence bag, Stana had taken out a walkie-talkie and began to call some police officers to deal with the scene. Including the corpse and some surviving bug eggs, as well as the contents in the evidence bag, she quickly packaged and sent them to the higher-ups.

Just like the previous magic book and treasure map.

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