Lord of Fire is a Gamer


I stood at my place, counting down in my head. I'm at the exact opposite of June right now. And I will start attacking just ... now.

Along with a deep breath I delved into their camp, climbing the fences as quietly as possible while keeping an eye on the watchtower just above me.

To my luck, they are in a festive mood. I guess they stole something big this time.

I look around to see about 50 people drinking in the middle of the camp.

I obviously can't kill them yet so I check out the tents.

Most of them are empty but to my luck, there are some who passed out drunk, carried by their friends to their tents.

I quietly slit the snoring barbarian.

'God, they smell fucking awful.'

Finishing my job quietly, I sneak out by slitting the tent and entering another.

This one has a slave in his arms. I'm guessing it's a slave because she is chained to the bed and has that classic empty eyes 'I gave up, just end my suffering'.

Various bruises on her body and clear signs of abuse in her lower body with her teary eyes... Ugh, why am I describing this in my head?

I quickly slit the sleeping man's throat as well.

I make a shush notion to her as she sees me, but she doesn't respond.

'I'm not killing her unless she tells me to do so.'

Clearly a sex slave, but I'm not gonna go ahead and assume what they want with my little life experience. Maybe she can get back to society after this.

''Be quiet. We are going to save you but it will take some time.''

She nodded slowly, I could see a small flame of hope in her eyes.

Let's not disappoint her.

Without wasting any more time, I go through every other tent and killed 14 men. She was the only slave thankfully.

'There are about 13 seconds before they explode.'

I look ahead to see June nodding to me silently. She is done with her side too.

I signal her to wait. I have a small plan that would help us a lot.

Counting down on my head, I wait until there is 7 seconds to the explosion.

At the 7 second mark, I quietly roll the biggest explosive barrel in my inventory towards the celebration where there is about 50 man and their leader is drinking. Great, there are explosives there too.

One of them notices the barrel but looks at it with a confused expression.

''H-HEy! Who rolled our alllllchol!''

Just as he finished his sentence, I rolled another barrel.

More people noticed.

For the last.

I thew a Molotov at their center.

And I lit them up with simple firebending.


Noise is deafening.

All four watchtowers fell with explosion along with the biggest explosion I have seen in my life, right in front of me.

I only survived thanks to being a firebender.

You wouldn't just survive thanks to it, but knowing the explosion coming I could block them at time.

'So beautiful, I could become an arsonist just for the sight of it. Look at this. Deidara is right. Art is Explosion.'

I don't spend much time watching the explosion that would make Megumin proud.

Sadly, only about half of them died.

It was a big ground and I rolled the barrels from just one side, the molotov only killed a few people in the center.

My front is clear from people, there is only charred corpses and flame remaining.


Along with the pained wails and groans, suddenly a loud scream broke out.

'Must be their leader.'

Hearing the warcry, I ready myself. Nyla is already under June and they are already killing people.

A burly middle-aged man with tattoos on his face stood against me.


Name: Piandao

Title: Leader of the Crimson Blood&Fire Bandit Group

Rank: B-

HP: %79








Expert Firebender.

Oh, he is weaker than I thought.

''You bastard!'' His voice is trembling from anger. That's good. Lose your composure you little shit.


I don't bother listening to the rest of his words and start charging fire, something I was able to do only after reaching the expert firebender stage.

I silently gather, compress and charge my fire as he kept rambling in anger.

Seeing me giving almost no shit to his words, he got even angrier and fisted forward a giant fireball.

I can't block it while charging fire but I don't need to. In his anger, despite being stronger he is also more predictable.

I dodged the giant fireball easily but he kept sending new fireballs again and again.

'He is an expert firebender but only using fireballs. I should anger my opponents more in the future. They suddenly become novices with large chi reserves.'

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