Lord of Fire is a Gamer


Kunyo watched in awe as his master released a 'casual' explosion that rivaled the explosion he displayed during the festival.

''You got it?!'' Unfortunately, Jee was a shitty teacher.

''Got what? It was beautiful yes, but what was I supposed to?''

''You brat you just need to do the thing I did! Are you retarded or something?''

''What the fuck are you talking about?'' Jee was a natural born genius. Combustion release was almost as easy as breathing for him, how could a genius like that who barely ever struggled could teach somebody from 0?

He couldn't.

''I was mistaken, you have very shitty talent.''

Kunyo's eyes twitched as he held himself back from breathing fire on the old sack of shit.

''I'M TELLIN' YOU! I DON'T EVEN...'' he stopped himself with a deep breath, taking control of his anger.


'I'm a fucking genius too. I have expert firebending plus all those bonuses from the system. Worse case scenario, I would wound myself, which is not a problem since I could just use HP potions. I can pull it off. I don't need this retarded ancient creature.'

He took a deep breath and concentrated.

He gathered his chi and...


He opened his eyes in shock to see the destruction he caused so easily.


''SEE! I TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD DO IT! IT'S ALL THANKS TO MY GENIUS TEACHING SKILLS!'' Jee bragged without batting an eye as Kunyo realized what happened.


Combustion bending wasn't a completely different bending. It was a specialized bending style of firebending. According to the system, he was an expert level firebender, so automatically he was already an expert level combustion bender!

He didn't need to learn new styles from zero! Combustion bending or any other special bending style he would learn would enter his skill tab under the firebending skill.

Skills: Gamer's Mind, Gamer's body, Expert Brawling, Firebending (Click to see the techniques associated with it), Novice Bladed Weapon User, Novice Bow User, Novice Stealth

Firebending was a skill and combustion bending was included in it!

Seeing that Jee was still bragging about his teaching skills he retorted.

''Shut up for a second. It was all thanks to my unparalleled genius this happened, not you.''

''You even started to talk like how I'm talking, you're clearly-''  Kunyo stopped the delusional old man that was probably just fucking with him as it was starting to get boring

''Master, that's so interesting and all but I was wondering about something extremely important. Something I saw on the books but I can't believe it easily.''

Kunyo gulped in excitement.

''Is it true that you guys can talk to the God of Explosions!?''

Seeing his excitement and the unexpected question Jee had a bewildered face before it morphed into a smug but understanding one as he nodded his head wisely.

''Ohoho, my dear disciple.'' He sucked his teeth as he wawed his finger to Kunyo's face. ''Tch,tch,tch,tch! You are yet too green to see the magnificence of the Goddess of Explosions. HOHOOHOHO!''

He laughed as Kunyo's face went from excited to disappointed to determined to happy.


''Well I don't really know if Spirits have genders or not but she either shows herself as a 12 year old petite girl with brown hair, red eyes, and a cute face, or the same but aged up. So even though we never asked, we just assume she is female.''

''When can I meet her?'' Kunyo asked with excitement.

''You little brat, you are even talking as if it's guaranteed that you will ever meet her! She isn't someone you can just casually meet!''

''Oh shut up, just tell me how to meet her. Great explosion spirit, your goddess and religion? I'm interested. Very interested.'' Kunyo didn't want to play his game right now.

''Heh, of course you would like to know. I was going to get you to her shrine when you got to a certain level of skill but I guess you're more or less ready.''

'She has a fucking church? Of course, she does. Also, be consistent for once for fucks sake. You were saying I wasn't ready just a second ago!'  Kunyo wondered about the sanity of his old teacher. It was normal for a geezer his age to have some mental problem, a human wasn't supposed to survive that long in the first place.

''You should learn a little bit more of our art before meeting her though. Don't embarrass us in front of her.''

Kunyo nodded his head eagerly. A spirit whose name is Megumin and loves explosions? What kind of coincidence is that?

Deep down he didn't want to mess with such things but his curiosity got better of him. After all, what was the point of living if he was going to be such a coward?

'Danger is really low anyway. If she is Megumin, she is a good person and wouldn't harm me. If she's not; she's probably a good person and most likely wouldn't harm me. These guys have been living with her blessing and protection for years after all. Why would she harm me when she didn't harm them for years?'

'Yeah, actually this is apretty smart choice once I think about it. I have a good natured spirit I can meet, I should grasp this opportunity since I might not get such a chance in the future. Pretty much every other important spirit is more dangerous than her.'

'Also... she is the Goddess of Explosions. How can I not be excited about it?'

Kunyo was brought out of his inner monologue as Jee coughed into his hand to get his attention.

''In combustion bending, there aren't many techniques I can teach you. After a certain point, it becomes mostly about who can put the most chi in his combustion. But, there is a technique only true masters can learn.''

''Curving the blast?'' Kunyo asked, remembering P'li from the red lotus who was probably not even born yet.

''Don't interrupt me you brat.'' Jee spat out after Kunyo once again destroyed his mood.

''Yeah, you could teach me how to do that.'' Kunyo was sure he could learn it himself but since he had a good teacher here, why waste time? Alright, not a good teacher but he at least knew what he was doing, unlike Kunyo.

Jee got in front of him to demonstrate.

His eyes gained focus and he suddenly whipped his head to the right. The small ball of compressed air that came out of his forehead traveled along the curve.

He breathed out as he waited for his disciple's claps. Combustion release was hard to curve or move after all. Pretty much everyone used it in straight lines. Not him. This was a skill he worked hard for.

''That's all?'' Jee winced after hearing Kunyo's underwhelming response.

''The fuck do you mean 'that's all?''' He said the last part with a mocking voice as he stared down at the boy.

''Do you really need to curve your head and show where your explosion is going to go?'' Kunyo remembered P'li who could curve the combustion without needing to move her head like a clown.

'I guess he cares more about power rather than the flexibility.' He accepted it with a little disappointment.

''Huh? That's why you were disappointed? I deliberately moved my head to show you. Of course I can move the explosion without moving my head!''

''Do it then.''

''No. I'm tired.''

''Yeah, sure. You're older than my grandpa after all, you can use that excuse. I will allow it.''  Kunyo said with a grin as Jee walked out of the training ground with a frown and a single line in his head.

'I gotta learn how to do that real quick.'



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