Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Why Are You Here Though?

[An: I have to change something I made too good about the system. Normally I would just edit it and tell you guys about it but it already played a very small role in the plot so I can't do that.

From now on, the instant regeneration effect of the potions is only applied if he drinks them directly (physically).

I wanted to change it with a system prompt inside the story. That would make much more sense but I'm adamant about the system not having intelligence or sentience so I can't do that. System finding out an extremely overpowered loophole and fixing it would mean the system has intelligence and I don't want that.

So just pretend like it was always like that, Mc will do the same.

I wish I didn't have to do this but there is almost no suspense like this. He is immortal as long as he doesn't get insta-death and has infinite Mp. Tooooo OP, can't allow that for the sake of the plot. Although the system and the mc are overpowered, this isn't a wish-fulfillment.

Honestly, I was thinking of other ways to somehow change it but this is the best way in my opinion. Take care and enjoy.]



This is really Megumin.

I can't fucking believe this.

Despite all the evidence, all my speculations, it always sounded too crazy to admit so a small part of my mind always refused to believe something like this.

But, how much more evidence do I really need to finally admit that I'm faced with the actual Megumin?

I sigh inwardly and sit down to the- WOAH. This couch is really fucking comfy, glad to see her using her Godly powers for the right things.

In front of me is a big table full of sweets. Literally nothing but various sweets ranging from donuts to cakes.

It's kind of awkward, since she has been staring at me intensely as if she found something she was looking for years and now couldn't let go of. As if afraid I would disappear.

''I couldn't properly introduce myself. My name is Kunyo, I come from a humble noble family in the Fire Nation.''


She nods her head eagerly with a small blush on her face and introduces herself properly this time.

''My name is Megumin! My calling is that of an Arch-Goddess, one and only who governs over the art of explosion, the strongest of all attacks!''

'It's been a while since I did this, I didn't mess it up did I?' Megumin thought despite having the ever confident smile on her face.

On the other hand Kunyo;

'Holy shittt! She did the thing! She did the thing! She even created some air to ripple her cape, along with the shine in her single visible red eye (the other one concealed). It was perfect!' Kunyo had to hold himself back from clapping as if she was a jester.

''It's an honor to meet you Megumin-sama'' Kunyo played along with her and started to talk overly formally and respectfully.

She sat back down to her couch without a word and coughed to her hand as she tried to keep her excitement in control. She didn't want to mess it up in front of her new guest.

As she sat on her overly comfortable couch excitedly and secretly fidgeting, she chose her words.

As she was contemplating her words, Kunyo ignored the awkwardness and started eating in amazement as he gulped down the sweets she had presented to him.

He was never a sweet tooth but even he had to admit how incredible these tasted.

'I'm afraid I might have even gotten addicted to these if I had a weaker mind, not that it matter since Gamer's mind protects me from addiction as well.'

Soon enough, Megumin couldn't take the awkward silence and spoke up.

''I will be honest with you Kunyo. I know what you are.''

''A human?'' Kunyo answered without missing a beat despite fearing the obvious.

'At least it doesn't look like she has bad intentions.'

She shook her head in frustration.

''No, deeper than that.''

''An explosexual?''

'Just go straight with me Megumin or I will keep fucking with you with my cheap jokes.'

This time she blushed under his surprised gaze.

'Wait she wasn't really talking about that was she? I thought she knew I had the memories of the other world.'

Megumin stopped wawing her hand in front of her in panic and composed herself.

''I mean how you don't belong to this world.''

''Yeah obviously. I don't belong to this whatever world is. Do you call it spirit world? Whatever, I come from the Fire Nation of the material world. Not this world.''




''Who is Kazuma?''

''Grrr... You come from Earth, 21th century. A planet with no supernatural abilites but advanced technology.'' This time she went as direct as she could after reining in her frustration.

''...'' Kunyo answered after a few seconds of silence

''Alright.'' There was no denying it. She seemed pretty confident not to mention her general lack of enmity towards him. Confirming that she was indeed Megumin made the decision even easier as she was a hero who wouldn't just harm him.

'Let's hope she doesn't know about the gamer system at least.'

Megumin nodded her head proudly and explained how she came to that conclusion.

''I watch everybody in the Crimson Demon Village daily as I have nothing else to do. That includes you too mister. You see, back then I had a friend called Kazuma. A really good friend really. We slew the demon king and saved the world together along with our trusty companions!''

'Please don't tell me your entire life story.'

''We were truly the greatest! We even got a wish from Gods! But Alas... We were too great. So great that even the Gods were scared of us!''

'I can smell your bullshit Megumin, that self-rightous face that looks as if wronged won't change anything.'

''When they asked for our wish, I accidentally let it slip and told them I wanted to spread the greatness of Explosions to everywhere! Everywhere!''

'Oh, I can see where this is going now.'

''They then made me into the Goddess of Explosion and sent me off to a thing called Multiverse!''


''Yes, Multiverse. They took it too literally and sent me to spread the love of explosion by myself without even letting me say goodbye to my comrades.'' She had a wronged face as she spout out her past.

''I don't know if you are aware, but this multiverse thing is really complex. I have been trying to spread my love of explosions through my divine realm by reaching out to several worlds at one but it never works. For some reason, most people can't see the explosions for what they are. ART.''

'Several worlds? You have my interest now.'

''Those blasphemers see it as just another tool of destruction! They use my gift to kill and keep my teachings to themselves to be the only one who knows of the greatness of explosions, instead of making disciples and spreading it out to the world.'' She shook her head in disappointment.

'She is kinda cute with how she expresses all of her expressions directly on her face.' Kunyo couldn't help but think.

''Sigh* Anyway, we are getting off topic.'' She gave a sigh and continued.

''Long story short, I watched you for a long time and found out you knew things you aren't supposed to know. Kazuma would always talk about his homeland, Japan. I sometimes hear things he would say from you whenever you're alone.''

'Yeah, didn't think somebody would be actually listening...' Kunyo gave sigh on the inside despite keeping his face neutral.

His mother always used to say 'spirits are always listening.' and there was a time he listened to her.

He took her word for it and was careful about it for a long time especially after getting the system. But things were going too smooth. He was getting too relaxed as he understood the obvious superiority his cheat gave him. He could become something greater than any human, including avatar.

He always tried to keep himself in check and stopped himself from growing arrogant but it seemed he slipped off somewhere and actually didn't consider the fact that spirits might be watching all the time.

He scolded himself in the inside.

'I was so careful for so long. How could I slip off like this?'

Crimson Demon Village was like a paradise for him. He would practice his skills freely and always a woman to warm his bed at night. The amazing quality of life and the good condition he lived in softened him up.

He steeled himself up before joining the talk. He wouldn't slip up like this ever again.

''So you watched me all day and night? Didn't think the Goddess I looked up to would be a voyeur fetishist.''

''...HUH!'' Megumin immediately covered her face as it lit up dark red from embarrassment.

''Don't try to hide it. It's okay, I'm actually even flattered.'' he stopped himself from asking 'would you like to try the real thing' as he saw her head releasing fumes.

'What the fuck? She won't accidentally release an explosion or something right?' A retarded cliche-like smoke coming out of an overly embarrassed woman was scary when it came out of an actual Goddess, a Goddess of Explosion at that.

'How does she even do that?'


[Remember how he used to be afraid of spirits listening at the start and always constantly reminding himself not to be arrogant, cutting his thoughts in the middle abruptly to handle his arrogance? Yeah. He got too many wins one after another. After that, he got to this safe heaven with nothing but the things he loves the most. Explosion and Women. Getting to enjoy them both as much as he wants and the fact that he is still young unfortunately got the best of him. Thankfully it was Megumin who made him realize it instead of somebody who was actually hostile to him lol.]


[An: This was hard to write... I'm normally very against somebody else learning about the Mc's origins. But I was kind of in a dilemma. I thought a lot about this and in the end, finally decided to write this. But hear me out. Please read it.

Since I started writing about Megumin, I had two choices on how to finish it.

Make her just another character with her name

Make her Megumin with her background and everything.

I chose the first option without any hesitation at first but slowly deleted that and started writing about the second option.

Then came the decision about her knowledge. Will she know about his origins?

First option is no.

Second is yes.

I chose the first option but deleted it for the second option again. Why? Her knowing about his origins not only makes more sense but also good for the mc and plot itself. At first I thought it would change nothing but some dialogues. If I didn't include that, the only change would be me deleting some dialogues and trying to come up with new topics for them to talk about (like combustion but the jokes about explosions are kind of getting old. If I abused that even more with them (2 explosion maniacs) it would get even older.) So plot and dialogues would get some improvement.


I thought hard. Does it even matter if she knows where he comes from? As far as I know in Konosuba she never learned about Earth but knew a lot about Japan and treated Kazuma normally for it. It would make sense she would learn about the planet earth after a while right?



This would open up a whole new plot point for me to write about along with a good conclusion that ends with him being omnipotent and either just destroying the council of gods or ruling them. (As you might guess, Avatar has a realllly low power ceiling. Going from fighting the humans to spirits to gods was always in the plan. He has the gamer system for fucks sake. Of course he will get OP and he will find stronger enemies to fight). So plot gains variety and arguably gets better.


Yeah but all of that kinda went to the trash because I know most people would hate it if Mc's origins were known by somebody (you can be assured nobody will ever know about his system at least, if that makes it better lol).

You will ask me now, then why are we seeing this version if you decided to rewrite it?

Simple, I thought literally nothing but some dialogues would change and make it harder for me in the future if I decided to rewrite this. Just a waste of time and bad for the overall future of this fic. I don't have much time these days (especially these weeks) and I'm really not willing to waste my time rewriting that instead of writing new chapters, so that's a factor too not gonna lie.

So, its good for the plot, good for the mc, good for my time. Only bad because some people won't like it (honestly, I had the same idea until I wrote this. My previous fic had absolutely nothing about anybody else knowing about mc's origins and I had no such plans for this fic too.)

Yeah. Literally nothing bad will come from it. Actually, there will be positives like his relationship with Megumin as the ONLY one who could understand her as someone who is stranded from their home and a few other things.

Actually, I was thinking that it wouldn't change much to rewrite it but after writing it I understood how beneficial it's for him and the plot. Megumin knowing his origin is literally a solid positive with zero negatives. It's not even a choice anymore. Fuck.

That's why I decided to put it into a vote but that's useless now (I even had a poll ready to post just after this chapter lol, that goes to garbage as well). When in indecision put it into a vote they said. Democracy hooray! they said. Fuck that I guess. There is nothing to discuss. This suddenly became something I wrote to convince you guys that it was a good idea instead of asking about your opinions lol.

I'm serious though. It really is a good idea. Good thing for the mc and a good thing for the future plot. I swear, I had severe indecision at the start of this but I changed my mind as I kept writing. The only negative is making some of you guys upset.

Also, I just realized how much of a fucking retard I am after writing all of this. I could literally re-write the parts that required re-writing instead of writing this long fucking semi-rant info thread. It would probably take  the same amount of time...]

[Fuck it, even if I'm not gonna rewrite it I'm still going to post this because I spent I dunno how many minutes on this shit. They're not going to waste.]

[Sorry, this was way longer than I intended it to be. Also, holy shit this is kind of messy but this is late at night (where I live) and I don't have the energy to edit this thing. Sorry about that.]

This chapter was 3k+ words (with an) when I finished and with the little amount of energy I had, I barely managed to scrape the worthless parts of it and make it 2.69k (actually 2799 to be exact but I'm not willing to change that number. Please don't mind what my sleep deprived mind finds funny lol.)

Mc will never tell somebody else about his gamer system and nobody will ever find out about it.

Mc will never tell somebody else about his origins unless somebody finds out themselves, which will not happen again for a long time (maybe towards the end some other gods or Kazuma if they ever meet). There are only major plot points about that part that is clear right now so I might or might not do that. Megumin will be the only person who knows about it for a long long long time.

Take care.

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