Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 19 - Learn from each other

It’s late at night, but the enthusiasm of the villagers is not diminished, especially since it’s been a long time to eat like this, and it’s been a long time not to be happy like this, so that the villagers temporarily forget the plight of the village, some children jumped with the beating of flames. Jump.

After seeing the children, the surrounding children gradually joined in. They danced with the flames together, let’s call it dance. Slowly, some adults saw the children’s joy and gradually joined them. Now it becomes A group of people danced around the campfire.

   It seems that some things are really taught without a teacher. Without anyone teaching, you can learn a lot of knowledge from nature. Perhaps this is the unity of nature and man that Taoism has always pursued.

Nord did not want to disturb the interest of the villagers, so after greeted Abel, he turned his head and left the square and returned to his room. What happened today is a thrilling experience for Nord in the past 20 years. Germany grew up peacefully in the 21st century. He grew up in a peaceful country and a peaceful period. It was the first time in these two lives that Nord felt a little tired and lay down. Soon after being in bed, he immediately fell asleep groggy.

In the early morning of the next day, Nord woke up from a deep sleep. Nord slept soundly last night and did not have a nightmare due to yesterday’s battle. It seems that this is good news, which shows that Nord has slowly adapted to it. This cruel era.

   After a simple cleanup, Nord went downstairs. To clean his teeth, he used the refined salt that Abel bought on the road. The taste of gargle with salt. Whoever tries it, knows, the conditions are so difficult, and you can’t ask for too much.

   After simply eating some barbecue and bread prepared by Molly downstairs, Nord came to the training ground in the yard.

   unexpectedly discovered that Reid was also on the training ground and had been training for a while, so he stepped forward and greeted him.

   “Reid, why are you training today?”

   “I train every day. Just now my father and eldest brother followed Abel’s butler to build the manor. If I don’t take me there, I will stay for training.”

   Looking at Reid who was complaining in front of him, Nord didn’t care. The lively and active Reid would definitely not be able to relax. Don’t worry about going to the construction site for the time being. Let’s train for a while.

   “You are my messenger now, they will definitely not let you follow, what if I want to find the messenger and can’t find it, so you have to stay within three meters of me in the future and be there on call.”


   Reid showed a bitter face and looked at Nord aggrievedly. It turns out that this is the case, no wonder the older brother let himself wait for Lord Nord.

   “Master Nord, what are you going to do now?”

   “Stop talking nonsense, train first”

   After speaking, he ignored the frowning Reid and started his own training. At present, he mainly focuses on training his swordsmanship and the pace in battle.

   After a long time, Nord had already sweated out of his body, looked at Reid who was standing aside bored, and a thought flashed in his mind.

   “Reid, let’s have a discussion!”

   “Huh? But, Lord Nord…”

   Reid will not respond for a while, hesitatingly speaking, somewhat at a loss, Nord beckons him not to care, let go of his hands and feet, and train well.

   In order to dispel Reid’s hesitation, Nord took the initiative to attack Reid holding a wooden sword, and Reid slowly let go of his hands and feet during the battle.

For a while, the two of them were equally matched. It can be seen that Reid’s basic skills are very solid, but the attributes are estimated to be inferior to Nord. Therefore, it is difficult to parry Nord’s wooden sword, and can only rely on flexible steps to avoid it. Nord’s offense.

Nord also had nothing to do with Reid for a while. Although the offense and defense can rely on the original muscle memory, the pace of the battle is somewhat lacking. After all, this has to test the combat experience. I am afraid that Nord will explain the pace and combat experience of the three-legged cat.

  Understanding his shortcomings, Nord also patiently hone his pace, carefully observing how Reid responds, and how he should finish to attack better.

Nord was gradually immersed in training, which caused Reid to concentrate and had to concentrate on Nord’s gradual proficiency attack. The last one was accidentally knocked to the ground by Nord, so he lay on the ground. Unable to die, Nord shook his head and smiled.

   “Okay, the training has been settled today, let’s go to the construction site to the north and have a look.”

   Reid got up quickly after hearing it, and looked at Nord with a smile, pretending that nothing had happened.

   Just when Nord was about to go out, another piece of system information flashed in front of him.

   [After hard training, your one-handed weapon proficiency rises by 3 points]

  【Defeat the opponent and gain 10 experience points】

Nord was a little surprised. Training can really increase his proficiency, and learning can also increase experience. Nord could not help but turn his head to look at Reid, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, until Reid looked uncomfortable. Was wondering what I did wrong again?

   Ignoring what Reid was thinking, Nord had already regarded him as an experience package in his heart, the kind that he had to brush every day. After thinking it through, Nord stopped hesitating and rushed to the construction site with Reid.

   Despite the lively scenes yesterday, the village is still a little quiet today. There are only some carefree children around, running around, and no villagers are seen.

  Walking on the road, Nord found that the daily tasks were also updated.

  【Daily Task: Exploring the Mountains and Forests】

   [Task description: The mystery of the Amon Mountains is deeply attracted to you, UU reading www.uukanshu. The abundant resources in the Com forests also make you salivate. Let’s go to the forests to find out. You can’t wait to explore the forests in a radius of ten miles. 】

  【Task reward: experience×100 bread×10 gold coins×10】

It’s an exploration mission again. Nord thinks that the daily mission is still very simple, and the rewards are also quite generous. It just so happens that he plans to go to the forest in a few days, and just did the mission together, and he also had the bread that promised the guards. Landed.

   When I came to the north of the village, many villagers gathered on the construction site. No wonder there were no people in the village just now. They were all here.

Seeing the enthusiastic attitude of the villagers, Nord was a little ashamed. The villagers had a carnival until midnight last night. They came here early this morning to help Nord build the manor, but Nord slept until he woke up naturally, and then slowly rushed away. Come here.

   After seeing Nord, Abel and Colin walked to Nord together and reported today’s situation.

   “Master Nord, today I will inform the villagers to help you build the manor. Everything the villagers can come is here, and everyone is very enthusiastic.”

   “Master Nord, the wages are set at 10 copper shells per day for each family, plus five catties of wheat, and the grain will last for about a month.”

   Nord nodded and signaled that he knew it. Looking at this busy scene, Nord expressed his gratitude to Colin.

   “Mr. Kelin, you have worked hard, thank the villagers for me, Abel, according to the current situation, how long will the manor be built?”

   “The land is still being cleaned and leveled, and some stones and wood are prepared. According to the enthusiasm of the villagers, the main work of the manor can be completed in about a month. After all, the current plan is only a small manor, which does not take much time.”

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