Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 24 - arrival

Marco is ready to go. The eight hunters and eight young lads have assembled. Looking at the men in front of him, Marco is a little energetic. A few days ago, he was still an unknown little hunter. In a blink of an eye, he became a viscount. The deputy captain of the guard and the dozen or so people all obeyed his command, and Marco felt a little proud of him.

   With a big wave, he set off under the leadership of the three returning hunters. Under the gaze of the head of the village Kelin and a group of villagers, Marco felt like an army is on the move.

   In the forest, Reid rubbed his swollen belly and let out a full hiccup.

   “Master Nord, I didn’t expect the mountain bumps…Oh no, the yam is so delicious, why haven’t I found it before?”

   “In fact, it has always existed, but you lack the eyes to find it.”

   Reid nodded speciously, feeling that Lord Nord’s words were so profound. Although he didn’t understand him well, it made sense.

  Nord turned his head and looked at the two Lehmans. When they arrived, almost all the yams were eaten by the two Reid, Lehman and Old Moore didn’t eat them at all.

   “Look, the yam is not toxic at all after it is cooked, and it can be used as food, and it does not need to be planted in farmland. The mountains around the village can be used to solve the food problem of the villagers.”

Lehman was a little happy after hearing it. Food has always been a major problem in Tammy Village. Now that he heard about Nord’s solution, although I don’t know if it can work, at least he has a direction. Lehman looks at Old Moore. , I hope to give him a satisfactory reply.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Old Moore, who looked a little complicated. Among these people, he was the only one who knew the plant that had just been named yam best. Although he hadn’t looked for it carefully, there were yam in the forest. Knowing that yam is edible, you won’t…

“Master Nord, I don’t know if yam can be planted in large quantities, but as long as you look for it carefully in the forest, you can still find a lot of it. That would be great.”

Unlike Lehman and others, Nord is full of confidence. According to previous experience, as long as the species deviation is not too large, the output of this kind of food is definitely amazing. The villagers’ food problem has been solved in a short time. .

   “While they haven’t come, let’s go around and look for yams”

   Nord saw that everyone was idle and idle, so it was better to find something to do, just dig some yam, and bring it back to Nord to study the problem of planting.

   Just when Nord and others were busy digging for yam, Marco finally came with someone.

   “Master Nord, we are here, and I have also brought the remaining young people in the village. See if it is suitable for you to join the guard.”

  Nord looked at these young people, all of them were full of energy and excited, only a little bit of green in their eyes, but this was nothing, and he had no experience of being a lord, so he could make progress together.

   “Yes, Marco will take you with you in the future. The treatment is the same as everyone else, except that the equipment is not enough for the time being, and I will slowly replenish you in the future.”

   Nord was very satisfied with them, and these young people smiled when they heard Nord agreed to join them.

Since coming back yesterday, these young people have heard Marco talk about how generous Nord Lord is and how brave Lehman is. They have brought up the spirit of all the young people, and they are a little envious of Marco’s treatment. Marco asked if he could join the guard.

   Marco was very happy to have come without any effort. At that time, he patted his chest and promised that he would take them to the guard. Now that his wish has been achieved, all of them are overjoyed, and they all show loyalty to Nord.

   “Master Nord, I am willing to help you.”

   “Me too, Lord Nord, I will follow Marko to behave well.”

   “The same is true for me!”


   [Eight Amon Mountainers join the team]

   A system prompt flashed before my eyes, Yameng Shanmin? Looking at these young youths in front of me, the mountain people should be mountain people, and the same is true for raising them slowly.

While waiting, Nord and the others dug up a pile of yam, which appeared to be a hundred jin. It seems that the output of this kind of food is indeed high, even if it will not be planted for a while. It’s been a while even by digging into the mountain.

   ordered everyone to take the yam, and Nord asked Old Moore to look for the traces of the wild boar’s escape.

In fact, this world also has good human partners like dogs. Like the famous Besser Black Hound from the Duchy of Besser, it is said that it came from the training of the Timberwolves of the Amon Mountains. The Besser Black Hound is loyal, brave, and huge in size. It is a rare and good breed, but Tammy Village is poor and lack of food. It is impossible to raise such a huge hound.

  The black hound in the Principality of Bethe, basically only the nobles have the money to domesticate, and can act as a facade when hunting by themselves. A pure-blooded black hound with excellent quality is hard to find.

   After considering whether to solve the food problem, Nord went to buy a few black hounds and came back, UU read www.uukanshu. After all, with the help of hounds, com can better help Nord to develop the mountain.

   After a while, Nord and the others came to a cave under the leadership of Old Moore. The cave seemed to have formed naturally. The entrance of the cave was about five meters high, three meters wide and flat.

   “Master Nord, looking at the traces, the wild boars are probably all in the cave. It’s a little difficult to do next.”

Looking at the dark cave, Nord did not intend to send anyone in to find out. Even if Nord has no hunting experience, he understands that in such a terrain, letting hunters go in and catch wild boars is to let them die. Such a narrow intersection, After being charged by the wild boar, there was no room to escape.

   Therefore, three adult wild boars must be forced out of the cave, and then they must be swept away.

Nord asked everyone to think of a way to see if they could have any good ideas, but now the experienced old Mohr is unable to do anything. Normally, the jungler usually gives up when encountering this situation, and he doesn’t have to catch alive. , So everyone is a bit difficult to handle.

   “Should we lie in ambush, and when these wild boars come out to search for food, we will find a way to stop them?”

  Lehman proposed a stupid method. In the past, hunters always waited for the opportunity to hunt and lie in wait for the arrival of their prey. It is just a method learned by hunters from observing carnivores in the forest.

   This method is tantamount to waiting for the rabbit in Nord’s eyes. Although the wild boar will be unable to help coming out sooner or later, it is also very dangerous for everyone to wait here for a day or two.

   Not only consumes a lot of time, but it is also very dangerous at night. Besides, there is no ration when it comes. Is it necessary to dig up yam to eat it?

  Nord has temporarily ruled out this method, racking his brains to recall his previous knowledge, and see if he can help himself by roasting yams? Nord’s heart moved, and an idea came to mind.

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