Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 427: Rancarlo Forest

Nord led an army of one hundred thousand and marched around the Rancarlo Forest. During the journey, Nord felt the feeling of prying through the forest from time to time, but Nord knew very well that there was actually no one in the forest. During this period in the north, Nord knew very well how much the Kingdom of Euler cares about the Lankaro Forest.

Because this is the only decree issued by the Euriro Kingdom that prohibits anyone from approaching the Rancaro Forest, and the offenders are directly hanged. Moreover, this ban is executed mercilessly, and there are also a lot of local forests. There are rumors of monsters that anyone who enters the Rancaro Forest has never come out.

Nord feels that the former may be the strange talk these civilians think, because no one knows what this so-called monster looks like. Nord believes in the latter even more. After entering the forest, it is very likely that he will never be able to come out again. The disorientation or other reasons, Nord is not clear.

Nord will not go in anyway. Even if the gaze from the forest makes Nord very uncomfortable, Nord has forced his composure and ignored it. Nord’s commander has a hundred thousand army, no matter what happens. No matter what happened, NORD has room for self-protection.

But a memory that flashed in Nord’s mind made his face very ugly, because the last eagle archduke of the Isaac family also thought so back then. He is leading the 100,000 troops in the north, fearless. He rushed to the Imperial Capital of Irisin and never returned.

The current plot is so similar to that at the time. The historical scene seems to repeat itself at this moment, as if there is an invisible hand controlling the destiny. The inertia of history seems inevitable, and Nord can’t help but take this journey for himself. Put a question mark.

The road ahead seemed to be a little gloomy, and Oliro Ruixin City was like Longtan Tiger’s Lair waiting for him, and then Nord’s eyes became firm, because Nord believes in my orders, I can’t help it, and nothing can stop Nord’s. With determination, Nord seemed to have a feeling in his heart that the answer to everything should be in this large forest of Rancaro, which was banned by the Kingdom of Oliro from entering.

But if you want to know what’s going on, Nord has to feel the city of Eurizin. Therefore, the root of all problems is to go to this ancient city to know the final answer. Why was Erissin who was so powerful at the time? The empire will suddenly fall, and why did the Kingdom of Oliro mark the Rancaro Forest as a forbidden place.

All the truths should only be unlocked in the city of Oulorrezin. Nord can now quickly rush to the final battlefield with the army. Nord’s eyes seem to see that in the near future, there will be a game outside the city of Oulorrezin. The battle to determine the fate of the Kingdom of Euler.

This battle may also determine the final direction of the situation in the Northren continent, because as the most powerful kingdom on the continent now, it is also the country in the center of the continent. The fate of the Euler Kingdom is to a certain extent closely related to the situation in the entire continent. Connected together.

The rise and fall of the Kingdom of Euryro will inevitably affect other countries on the continent. Nord wants to decide his own destiny, so he must participate in the battle outside Euryoloshin, but Nord’s 100,000 army The journey is still very far away.

To the southwest of the Kingdom of Euroro, after the fortress of Dria was demolished, the 80,000 army of the Sene Kingdom rushed towards the Luofei Plain without hesitation. King Surrey was very energetic during this period and demolished the fortress of Dria. After that, a huge boulder on the body of the Kingdom of Sene disappeared.

It’s not so easy for the Kingdom of Ouriro to rebuild a Fortress of Dria, and King Surrey will not let the Kingdom of Ouriro rebuild the fortress of Dria again so easily. At least during his reign, it is completely impossible. We must know that King Sene, who made it easy for the Kingdom of Oliro to establish the fortress of Dria, is still nailed to the pillar of shame in the Kingdom of Sene. That king is the worst king in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom of Sine.

After entering the hinterland of the Oliro Kingdom, the Sinere light cavalry began to fight everywhere. Although some large cities could not be attacked so easily, the general small towns were not so easy to block, although the Sinere Kingdom was not a butcher. , They did not slaughter the civilians of the Europa Kingdom.

However, the war caused great harm to civilians, and the Kingdom of Sene was very hungry for property, because this was a common problem of mankind, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sine were unavoidable, and the military discipline of this era was not so strict. Therefore, The robbing of property is inevitable.

The civilians of the Euryro Kingdom are still very lucky. At least they can save their lives in the turmoil. However, the Euryro aristocracy is not so lucky. The Kingdom of Sine is not just as simple as robbing property. Anyone captured by the Kingdom of Sine All the nobles of Euleruo were put to death, and there was no room for negotiation.

Because this is how the Kingdom of Sine punishes the traitors. This is how the feud between the Kingdom of Sine and the Kingdom of Oliero was established for so many years. When the fortress of Dria was not established, the speed of the aristocracy in the southern part of the Oliero kingdom was renewed. very fast.

Whenever the army of the Kingdom of Sine invaded the defense line of the Kingdom of Euler, these Euryro nobles who were close to the frontier always replaced a group of them. The reason for the construction of a fortress.

King Surrey learned from the experience of the previous Kings of Sene. After entering the Luofei Plain in the hinterland of the Euryro Kingdom, he did not rush to divide his troops, but hugged his troops to advance~www.mtlnovel.com~8 Vanshinne light cavalry is like a storm raging across the Luofei Plain.

Because the previous Kings of Sine, who broke through the defense of the Kingdom of Oliro, made a very fatal mistake, that is, under the condition of good form, let the Sines light cavalry divide the attack, even though it can be in a short time The inner causes greater damage to the Kingdom of Euler, but this also gives the Kingdom of Euler a chance to defeat it.

It was during these wars that the Knights of Dawn established its reputation as the No. 1 Knights of the mainland. In these wars, the Knights of Dawn defeated the Sines light cavalry that separated the Kingdom of Sines one by one, and then, with the assistance of other times, Slowly drove the troops of the Kingdom of Sine out of the territory of the Kingdom of Oliro.

But this time King Surrey of the Kingdom of Sine did not give the Knights of Dawn a chance to defeat one by one. From the beginning to the end, when the 80,000 Sines light cavalry were not separated, the King of Surrey was calm and wise despite his young age. , He learned the lessons of the previous Kingdom of Sene, and moved steadily towards the capital of the Kingdom of Oliro.

During the second time, the nobles under King Surrey suggested to him to divide the troops more than once. This may be a problem that all cavalrymen would commit, that is, facing the vast plains, they always can’t help but want to gallop, maybe in their hearts His greed also accounts for part of the reason.

The richness of the Kingdom of Euroro is not comparable to the Kingdom of Sene, but these requests were rejected one by one by the King of Surrey, and the ambitious King of Surrey was not blinded by the immediate interests.

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