Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 429: Perseverance is victory

The attack back and forth did not make any side retreat. The morale of the light cavalry in the Sene Kingdom was at its peak, while the soldiers of the Euluo Kingdom showed great tenacity. The pride of the past turned into persistence at this moment. , They really don’t want to lose to the Kingdom of Sene.

After a few days of offensive, the King of Surrey has found out the details of the city of Eulerosin. The capital of the Euryolo Kingdom is not as strong as he believed, and even the soldiers under his command report to him. Now The pressure is not as great as it was in the fortress of Dria.

Of course, this may also be due to the high morale of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sene, but this is also the advantage of the Kingdom of Sene. Since the soldiers do not feel the pressure, the King of Surrey will of course not stop the attack, taking advantage of the current morale. Of course, you must maintain a fierce attack.

This is how the tug-of-war began. Because the soldiers on both sides were insisting and want to win the final victory, the situation became very anxious. Neither side had the idea of ​​retreating half a step, but in this way, the two kingdoms came together. The casualties of the troops are gradually increasing.

As the battle continued, King Surrey was not as optimistic as before, because the casualties of the Sene kingdom’s troops were a bit heavy. Although he knew very well that the soldiers in Orilo Resin City were not well, but who really fell in the end? uncertain.

The King of Surrey is now thinking about whether to gamble, betting that the soldiers of the Euryro Kingdom will fall before the Kingdom of Sine. These dozen days of offensive have caused the Kingdom of Sine to directly lose 20,000 soldiers. Now the camp outside the city is light. Only 60,000 cavalry remained.

The King of Surrey estimated that the casualties of the Orilo soldiers on the walls were not lower than those in the Kingdom of Sene, and it might even be higher. Compared with the soldiers in the fortress of Dria, at least half of the soldiers in the city of Orilo were The recruits, even the veterans, are not as strong as the soldiers in the fortress of Dria.

The prosperous city of Oulorrisin is very different from Delia, which has only arrow towers. The prosperous place may consume the will of soldiers, especially when the management of soldiers is not very strict. A group of elite Soldiers, without strict discipline requirements, will lose a large part of their combat effectiveness within a few years.

Although the resistance of our soldiers is very tenacious, the tenacious will cannot make up for the difference in combat effectiveness. The casualties of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Euroro in the city are even greater than what the King of Surrey believed. There are more than 20,000 people left.

King Ouriro is very worried now. He is afraid that the soldiers of Ouriro Ruishin will suddenly collapse, so all his plans will be in vain. Even at such a critical moment, King Ouriro still has hope in his heart, because just A few days ago he received a message that reinforcements from the Kingdom of Euler were on their way.

As long as the reinforcements arrive on the battlefield, the Kingdom of Oliro has the hope of turning defeat into victory, as long as it can persist for a few days, but how to persevere becomes the biggest problem, because these days the offensive intensity of the Kingdom of Sine has not decreased at all.

The two kings were in a difficult position to choose, but in the end the young King Surrey decided to take a gamble, because if he didn’t take such a good plan this time, he might regret it in the future, and the King Surrey decided to continue. The offensive is to increase the intensity of the offensive, directly launching the general offensive, attacking the walls of the city of Oli Luo Ruixin.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Sene, whose morale had declined slightly, heard that their king was planning to attack the wall, as if they were resurrected with full blood. They really wanted to take the city of Oulorrezin, even if they paid a lot of casualties. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Sene were not afraid.

Looking at the exhilarating soldiers, King Surrey’s heart was also motivated. Even the soldiers under his command were so exhilarated, and he has any worries. It seems that the victory over this period of time made him change. It’s time to look forward and backward.

On the contrary, these soldiers performed better than King Surrey. It can be seen from this that when faced with a major decision, no one can maintain a calm heart. After deciding to go all out to siege the city, the King of Surrey also No longer hesitating, such a decision is more in line with his heart, because these kings of Surrey, who have shown great talents and boldness, are not a person who looks forward and backward.

As long as he recognizes one thing, he will not easily change his mind until he completes the goal he set. Therefore, on the second day of making up his mind, the army of the Kingdom of Sene began to attack the city of Euryolo. Of the city walls.

In fact, there is another more important reason for the King Surrey to make the decision to siege the city, that is, the counterattack on the wall is getting smaller and smaller these days. King Surrey guessed that the archer of Urilo on the wall suffered heavy casualties. , Unable to fight back against them.

So this is a very good opportunity. As long as it is defeating the melee soldiers that the Kingdom of Eulero used to defend, then the Kingdom of Sine will be able to capture the capital of their heart, but they want to defeat the city wall of Euryolo. Soldiers, the Kingdom of Sine has to pay a huge price.

King Surrey has prepared himself. Even if he sacrifices another 20,000 soldiers, even 30,000 soldiers, he thinks it is very worthwhile. It is very worthwhile to be able to exchange tens of thousands for the demise of the Kingdom of Eurolo. The Kingdom of Surrey felt that the deal he made was not a loss at all.

The offensive of the Kingdom of Sene became more fierce, but the soldiers of the Kingdom of Euler did not succumb. The Euryro sword and shield soldiers on the wall would not retreat even if they were seriously injured. Even if they paid the price of their lives, they would change one The life of the enemy.

This is the last insistence of the soldiers of the Ouriro Kingdom~www.mtlnovel.com~ They do not want to be the sinners of the Ouriro Kingdom, and in order to inspire morale, King Ouriro had to share the news of the reinforcements with the soldiers who are still fighting on the wall. , The reason for not saying it before was the fear of leaking the news, and the situation at that time had not changed to what it is now.

Seeing how the city wall is crumbling now, King Oliro had to confess the last news to all the soldiers, because at this moment of the fierce battle, he must first ensure that the new city of Oliro can be defended before he can think of other things. .

The Euero Sword and Shield soldiers on the city wall don’t know whether the king’s news is true or false, why their reinforcements have not arrived yet, but no matter why, these Euero soldiers have no other choice but to fight with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sene who rushed up the city wall. Their only choice.

The soldiers of the Euryro Kingdom will not compromise, and the soldiers of the Sene Kingdom will not let go of this good opportunity. As long as they work harder, they will be able to capture the capital of the feuding kingdom. Nothing makes them more excited than this news. This is why the troops of the Kingdom of Sene were able to maintain such a high morale despite the deaths of so many people.

The battle for the city wall was in repeated seesaws. No one side could have a greater advantage. The situation was not as one-sided as the King of Surrey thought, and he did not quickly take down the city of Oli Luo Ruixin, the Oli Luo sword and shield player on the wall. Demonstrating super toughness and combat effectiveness, at this most critical juncture, the least-known sword and shield soldiers of the Euluo Kingdom guarded their walls instead.

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