Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 434: Boulder from heaven

The nobles of Oulorrezin City are still in chaos, and Nord under the city is ready to fight. At present, Nord does not know what the strength of the city is, so Nord did not attack with all his strength, but wanted Try it out first.

The long-range platoon of the Demon Kingdom gradually approached the city. Nord was also watching not far behind the troops, but he did not see the arrow rain coming from the city wall until it was within 200 meters of the city wall. , On the contrary, it was an unbridled offensive by the long-range troops under the city.

Seeing such a scene, Nord’s mouth showed a smile. It seemed that Oliro’s archer had been completely lost. Otherwise, the Oliro Kingdom would not be so calm, but with the long-range soldiers With constant output, Nord gradually released the enemies on the wall and did not decrease.

Every time between the arrow rain, Nord can see some soldiers walking back and forth on the city wall. It seems that the arrow rain of the long-range troops did not play a big role, so Nord began to prepare the catapult to fight. Looking at the faint iron armor of the city wall, Nord seemed to understand one thing.

Above the city wall should be the heavy infantry of the Kokielwa Kingdom. Only they can ignore the bows and arrows of the long-range troops, and only they can hide their entire body under the city wall. Their height is really very restrained. Arrow, with the iron armor of the whole body, it can be said to be immune to Arrow.

Therefore, Nord can only use catapults to siege the city, and also take the time to make more siege equipment such as nest carts, ladders, etc. In such a situation, the catapult is a very useful method, and the assembly of the catapult is very important. Quickly, without letting the Kokierva heavy infantry on the wall wait for a long time, Nord served them a hard dish.

Nord’s hand with a boulder from the sky caused the scalp of the Kokielva heavy infantry on the wall to numb. Although their iron armor has excellent defense against bows and arrows, it has no effect in the face of more than 100 catties of boulders. Therefore, after Nord used the catapult, the Kokielwa heavy infantry on the wall became very confused.

They flee madly on the wall with their short legs, but it is of no avail here. The boulder in a hundred catties does not matter who you are or what armor you wear. As long as you are hit by the boulder, There is no possibility of survival.

Looking at the shouts from the city wall, Nord did not stop the catapult attack speed, and the launch speed was getting faster and faster, and then this famous commercial and artistic capital on the mainland began to suffer the catapult attack. The ravaged, the sound of the collision between the boulders and the city wall was endless, and the heavy noise reverberated throughout the world, even the residents of Oulorrisin in the distance felt the vibration of the city wall.

Looking at the scene on the city wall, Nord decisively let the soldiers start attacking the city wall. Although there is no safe ladder, according to the situation on the city wall, ordinary siege ladders can easily climb the city wall, but Nord did not. At the stage of fully conquering the city, Nord still wanted to test it out.

In this battle, the long-range troops did not play their due role, but with the cover of the catapult, the infantry of the Demon Kingdom boarded the wall very easily. Nord did not choose to invest a lot of troops, so he did not want to breathe. The idea of ​​taking down the city wall.

Because it is just a test, the most important thing is to understand the strength of the opponent. Therefore, the battle on the wall is quickly over. It is not that the soldiers on the wall are too strong, but after fighting for a while, when the situation is in a stalemate. Nord decisively let the soldiers retreat slowly.

On the first day of the tentative offensive, Nord received a lot of information. Not only did he know that the long-range troops might lose its function during this period, but also Nord also found out the details of the forces in the city. From the wall The soldiers who retreated described that after they attacked the city wall, only troops from two countries came out to defend.

The sword and shield soldiers of the Euluo Kingdom did not appear on the wall, and I don’t know if it was because of the catapult attack. The Kokielwa heavy infantry was also very few. Later, the main force of the wall was replaced. The Mercenary Corps of the United Kingdom of Calvi.

The soldiers who fought on both sides became Bethes. In this foreign country, both sides felt weird. Therefore, the battle on the wall was not as fierce as before. A tall soldier said his own After thinking, Nord showed a thoughtful expression.

Nord has heard of this situation before. Most of the mercenaries in Calvi United Kingdom are people of Bethel descent. They are generally tall and very popular in the mercenary business, thus creating the mercenary industry. There are more and more people in Middle Beth, they are natural warriors.

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Nord gradually came up with a plan, how to easily take down this sturdy city, but these require the cooperation of King Eurolo in the city, but as long as the plan can go smoothly If implemented, Nord will be able to take down the city of Ouri Lorisin without a fight.

Nord outside the city is planning a plan, but King Euler inside the city is helpless. After seeing the horror of the soldiers on the wall and the magical siege methods of the Demon Kingdom, King Euler is very desperate. Because he didn’t know what he could rely on to defend the city of Oli Luo Ruixin.

These outsiders are unreliable. No matter how good the relationship between the Kingdom of Ouriro and the Kingdom of Kokielva and the United Kingdom of Calvi is, their soldiers will not fight to the end for the city of Ouriro. Therefore, they want to defend Ouriro. The city is very difficult.

Now the forces of the Kingdom of Euroro are seriously damaged~www.mtlnovel.com~ In addition, the number of the Knights of the Dawn is only more than 10,000. This number is far from enough. King Euroro has begun to continue to recruit soldiers in the city. , Although the civilians in the city signed up enthusiastically, King Euler was not safe at all.

The combat power of these newly recruited soldiers is very clear to King Eurolo. They are not even cannon fodder. It is fantastic to rely on these people to defend the city of Oliro Resin. It depends on the soldiers of the other two kingdoms to defend the city. But can they really be trusted? King Euroro was skeptical.

But he had no other way. After King Euroro sighed, he immediately found the nobles of the Kokielwa Kingdom and the Calvi United Kingdom, and wanted to reassure them again and let the soldiers of these two countries. Continue to defend the city of Oli Luo Ruixin.

But today is different from the past. The promise that was just promised this morning, after seeing the demon kingdom’s offensive means, whether they can continue to work for the Ouriro kingdom is not certain. Looking at the two commanders who came together, Ou A friendly smile appeared on King Lilo’s face.

The footsteps of the two commanders in the quiet palace are very obvious, and the steps are also slightly rushed. From their uneasy faces, it can be seen that they have no confidence in defending the city of Oulorrisin, especially Kokielwa. The commander-in-chief of Kokielwa was very chilling when he saw the inability of Kokielwa’s heavy infantry to resist when they were attacked by a catapult. He had only seen such a scene in natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions.

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