Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 451: Enlightenment

Thanks to the cooperation of the residents of Orilo Resin City, Nord completed the rectification of Orilo Resin City in a short period of time. In fact, these rectifications have a set of formulas, which are mainly implemented in the administrative aspect to make this place Quickly integrate into the system of the Demon Kingdom.

These routines are actually universal. This is what Nord thought of when solving the problem in the northern part of the Euryro Kingdom, because the newly acquired territory was very large at that time, and the manpower of the Demon Kingdom was very scarce. Nord As a last resort, a set of simple and feasible plans were formulated, and the subsequent cities could follow suit.

In fact, to put it bluntly, according to the previous model of Isaac, starting from the three aspects of public security, administration and taxation, as long as you control a city in these three aspects, then the lifeline of the city cannot escape the palm of the Demon Kingdom.

Because of the situation in which Nord is quickly in control, the troops to recover the remnants of the Kingdom of Oliro have already set off in advance, and they are divided into two groups. Lehman and Marco each led a team of soldiers to fight. In fact, the current situation is There is no more fighting.

As long as the news of the capture of Orilo Resin spreads, the soldiers led by Lehman and Marko can easily take over those cities. With the collapse of the Orilo Kingdom, these nobles face Nord’s The army will not be able to resist stubbornly.

Therefore, Nord was relieved to hand over to Lehman and Marco. They led 60,000 troops to attack the remaining territories from different directions. Among them, 40,000 of Marco’s troops were Besser mercenaries. They are mercenaries who have been taught. Since Nord’s merciless execution of 10,000 soldiers who slaughtered innocent civilians that day, the remaining mercenaries are more honest than one.

Moreover, Nord also asked Marko to rectify the military discipline of the mercenaries for a period of time. Since these mercenaries belong to the Demon Kingdom, Nord cannot tolerate their chaotic discipline. Although they have not been reborn in a month, at least these Bethes The face of the mercenary is completely new, and it looks like a regular army.

Nord is also consciously preparing to unify the work of the mainland. Obviously Marco is responsible for the Calvi United Kingdom. Nord believes that Marco’s current 60,000 troops will be enough to take the Calvi United Kingdom, especially Knowing that most of the soldiers in Calvi’s United Kingdom were Besser mercenaries, Nord was even more relieved.

Not only is the combat effectiveness of these mercenaries not as good as the regular army, but also because Nord can play the emotional card, as the king of the Bethe region now, plus the precedent that Bethe mercenaries join the Demon Kingdom before, Nord believes that etc. The army of the Demon Kingdom will enter the territory of the United Kingdom of Calvi very smoothly.

Those Bethe mercenaries are likely to turn to each other, because a living example is before their eyes. Although Nord has some unpleasantness with these mercenaries, but…

For the previous promises, Nord has fulfilled one by one.

All the mercenary captains have been canonized as nobles by Nord. Although most of them are knights, they can be regarded as nobles with one foot. As for ordinary mercenaries, Nord also treats them equally. Enjoyed the same treatment as the regular army of the Demon Kingdom.

But correspondingly, they have to abide by the same discipline as the regular army. This is why the mercenaries have been honestly cooperating with Marko during this period. They are not only afraid of Nord’s aggressive methods, but also the treatment of the army. It also made them very satisfied.

It is not only power and power that can make people happy and sincere, but grace is also very important. The combination of grace and power is the kingly way. Therefore, in just one month, these mercenaries have great respect for Nord, and they are also communicating with other soldiers. I learned about Nord’s deeds.

It is this legendary deed that made Nord in just one month’s time the most admired person in their hearts. These mercenaries now sincerely want to follow Nord, because they know very well that they will follow Nord. It has a promising future, not to mention that the preferential treatment under the opponent is beyond the reach of other nobles.

Nord’s treatment of equal treatment also made them feel very at ease, which means that Nord did not treat them as outsiders. This sense of identity is very rare. Even ordinary mercenaries want to follow Nord with all their heart. Do it, not to mention that the Demon Kingdom has now shown a tendency to unify the continent.

Nord has now begun to create public opinion in society. After taking the Kingdom of Euler, Nord can already speak out his own small goal, that is to unify the Norden continent, when Nord begins When building momentum for the unification of the mainland, everyone who heard the news was very amazed.

This goal is too grand in everyone’s minds. The last empire that unified the continent dates back hundreds of years. People’s records of the unified continent are only on the history books. In reality, no one thinks about this. Thing, because it’s too far-fetched for them.

At first, some people were going to laugh at Nord’s uncontrollable ability, but when they thought about it carefully, the Demon Kingdom was only three small steps away from the unified continent. Within a few short years, it was far ahead of other countries.

Especially now that the Kingdom of Oliro has been taken, the Demon Kingdom has laid an absolute advantage for the unification of the continent~www.mtlnovel.com~ In a short period of time, no country can stop the Demon Kingdom’s unification of the continent. Others The country can only watch the Demon Kingdom make mistakes, otherwise they will not have a chance to reverse the offensive.

But it is clear that Nord will not give them a chance. Before the Demon Kingdom has launched an offensive, Nord has already begun to use various channels to spread the public opinion that the Demon Kingdom is about to unify the mainland, although this may make Ko… ….

The Kingdom of Kilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi mentioned to make preparations, but Nord chose to do so.

Because doing so is more pros than cons for the Demon Kingdom. In terms of strength, the Demon Kingdom already has the strength to unify the continent. The prestige of the Mongolian Kingdom on the mainland seriously mismatched its status and strength.

But when Nord shouted the slogan of unifying the continent, it was completely different. The news that the Demon Kingdom was about to unify the continent suddenly appeared in people’s ears like a shock. Not long ago, people just heard that the Demon Kingdom had captured Europe. The news of the Liluo Kingdom came out on the back foot that the Demon Kingdom was about to unify the mainland.

This series of breaking news made the people on the mainland overwhelmed. Why can this sudden emergence of the Demon Kingdom use such an astonishing speed to lead other countries to the point of unifying the continent? Why is the Demon Kingdom so powerful? Conquer so many countries one after another.

Now even the Kingdom of Eurolo, the most central part of the continent, has fallen under the Kingdom of Demon. This makes the entire continent very puzzled, but they have no more time to think about this issue, because they are very It is about to see the fierce offensive of the Demon Kingdom.

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