Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 1 The other road taken

Savage Peasant. Building an evil empire for dummies is required to fully understand the story. If you haven't read that yet, please do so before starting this one or you might be a little lost.


Oftentimes in life so much can be changed by the smallest thing. For this, everything changed when a small bird flew left instead of right. Because of that, it didn’t see a caterpillar feeding on the leaves of an Elk Lord that was happily sleeping in a forest. The fifty-foot-tall elk didn’t feel the bug feeding on its leaves or care about it. All it knew was the sun was bright, the weather was nice, and it was happy. The sun would set soon, and the elk would wake to begin its evening search for food and others of its kind. It didn’t notice the leaf falling from its antlers, chewed free by the tiny bug. This leaf drifted down and was sucked in as the Elk Lord dreamed. This leaf hit a small spot on the inside of it's nose making it sneeze in its sleep. This sneeze wasn’t great, but just enough to alter the flow of air miles away by the smallest of degrees. The huge elk didn’t even wake, just kept happily sleeping away. Some of the birds in its antlers woke, but quickly went back to sleep once they realized there was no danger.

{Luhea Deveros}

In a tent that was both lavish and common at the same time. Inside the space was decorated with two stuffed toys from her childhood, a trunk of clothing, and a fairly comfortable bedroom sitting on top of a decorated rug. She held the stuffed owlbear that her father had given her before his death as she cried. It was her treasure and secret shame. She was twenty winters old (26.3 Earth years.) and hugging a stuffed animal was childish, but it was a point of comfort to her. Alex had just turned her away, dismissing her like she was a common ugly brothel bunny. It hurt her on a deep level. No man had ever turned her down before. No one would ever turn her down. She was a beauty, and she knew that he was sleeping with Yen. She was a noble woman, the daughter of a powerful house, and she loved him. He was the first man she ever truly loved, and he rejected her. Now she was crying in her tent alone. This new pain filled her mind, heart and soul. Her nose ran, eyes hurt, and soul seemed to be ripping itself apart.

The tent opened and she looked up with red, tear-filled eyes to see Yen ducking as she charged in, worry on the larger woman’s face. Yen was Luhea’s friend and had helped her in the past. Yen had saved her a few times in bars when some men tried to press their luck. In her Knight, Luhea was on par with most city eaters, but without it she was just a mage and a small woman. Yen held out her muscular arms and wrapped around Luhea holding her tight as she petted the smaller human’s hair. Yen was a tiger beast, mostly human looking, but with round tiger ears and a long tiger tail. It told the world that the bigger woman was lesser than every human. Yen was nearly six and a half feet tall which was small for her kind and had made her a source of ridicule from her people. She had been told three months ago that Yen wasn’t a real woman unless she was over seven feet tall by a small runt of a male tiger man who was the same height as Luhea. Was this how Yen felt that day? Luhea asked herself as Yen held her, pressing the owlbear between them. This made her heart break all the more because she was just thinking ill of her one and only friend in this world. How could she be so cruel to Yen?

“Are you okay?” Yen asked, as she rubbed Luhea’s back, rocking slowly. Luhea wiped her nose and started sobbing as she told Yen what had happened.

“I went to offer myself to Alex and he, and he,” She sobbed “He turned me away.” She was crying openly as her friend held her. She didn’t see the sad smile on Yen's face as the two hugged.

“It’s okay. I am here and can be here as long as you need me.” Yen said, pulling Luhea down to the sleeping bag. Luhea wasn’t sure how long she was there or how long she cried. All she knew was that she was grateful that her friend was there for her. Yen was always there for her. It showed the love the two women shared and made Luhea promise herself to never hurt her friend. Luhea’s mind went back over her childhood. Parties, pageantry and so on. Years of just being a pretty toy brought out to show the other nobles. Forced to dance, prance and even study to be a Commander. All of that just to be sent away to help her learn about this world or so her mother said. She was forced into this life and with people who she grew to care for. That was the thing she was most grateful for in this world. 

Hours later in the dark when the tears had dried and Yen had stopped humming, Luhea had to know one thing. “How did you know I was crying?” She asked, looking into the deep golden eyes of her best friend. Yen smiled and kissed Luhea’s forehead. It reminded Luhea of her mother and seemed to strengthen the bond between them. It made her smile at the big woman, warming her heart and easing her soul.

“The wind shifted, and I smelled your sadness. I knew you needed me.” Yen said sweetly.

“Thank you for being my friend.” Luhea replied, kissing her friend's cheek. She wanted to do more as she felt a fire beginning to burn for her friend, but she held back. Yen ended up holding her until she fell asleep.




Once her friend was asleep, she went back on patrol to ensure the camp was safe. It was her job and the only thing that made her useful enough to eat. Her ears and nose were on alert even when she was holding Luhea so she was fulfilling her orders. She loved the much smaller woman as a sister and maybe more someday, but that would require a mate willing to take the both of them. Her friend was minor royalty so the odds of that happening were unreasonable, but dreaming can be fun at times so long as one doesn’t voice them. Dreams were the one thing that could never be taken from her. If spoken, dreams could easily be crushed. 

She moved to his tent and could hear and smell him sleeping peacefully. Soft snoring reminded her of what it felt like when he held her on their first night together. The strange human drew her heart and the heart of Luhea. She didn’t blame the other woman but was shocked that he turned her away. Was he doing so because of her? Was he worried about hurting her feelings? If she was allowing herself to dream, she would wish for him to take both of them in. Yen let her mind drift, picturing the three of them sharing a bed, holding each other. Would he make love to Luhea in the same way he did to her? She moved closer, taking in his scent unwilling to leave him. He was just so kind to her and yet cold at the same time. He was like a large beast who promised pain for any who attacked them. Could he ever love the other woman in the same way? Luhea needed his love and him as much as Yen did. Her mind drifted throughout the night as she insured everyone was safe from attack.


The next day, Yen went to Luhea, her long tail lashing the air in frustration. “Forgive me.” Yen said, bowing her head to Luhea. The smaller woman backed away slightly, but Yen wanted to make her understand that what she was being forced to do was to try to help them both.

“For what?” The small blonde human with bright blue eyes asked. Those eyes looked like a lake that Yen couldn’t get enough of. They seemed to pull Yen in and make her want to hold Luhea again. Alex had awoken something in her and it was a fire that she loved, a want to love and be loved by others. 

“Master is ordering me to do what I can to make Alex stay with us.” Yen smelled the lust drifting off her friend. She knew Luhea loved Alex and him staying may give her the chance to try again. Even through the waft of lust was a scrap of jealousy. Yen hung her head in sadness, but her eyes went wide when Luhea hugged her tightly. Luhea knew that Yen would have to make love to him again. Yen wanted it as the smaller man was pleasant, but she didn’t want to hurt her friend.

“I know you can’t disobey an order and making him happy will make me happy. Don’t worry my friend.” Yen hugged her back happily that she still had her best and only friend with her. “Maybe if the chance came up, she could talk Alex into trying with Luhea. If she was allowing herself to dream again, she would be allowed to watch. She took in Luhea’s scent and kissed the side of the woman’s neck. “Now go do what you can.” Luhea said, leaving behind a scent of lust and joy as the two parted.


Sadly, she was unable to make him stay and thanks to him fixing a sword, she missed out on three days with him. She was allowed to hold him on the first night and that was a treat even if he was sleeping.



We reached the town, I had said goodbye to Yen, got a job and bought my house. This is where my life begins in this new world. I had been brought here by a chubby fourteen-year-old girl and tossed out for a reason I didn’t really care about. All that mattered was building my new life here. My old world was a fading memory, and this new life seemed to hold more for me.

I was just settling in when there was a knock at the door. Yen and McDonalds stood at the door in the setting sun. It made Yen stand out and look amazing framed in the fading light. I wasn’t sure what was going on or what McDonalds wanted. Was she going to apologize for trying to trick me into working for free? The woman had broken her Knight and hoped to trick me. I know the only reason she wanted to fuck me was to save a few gold. Like hell I would work that hard for free. She was just a normal human after all.

“Alex,” McDonalds said, taking a breath as she blushed madly. “I know you like Yen and even if I can’t have you, I want you and her to be happy.” She pushed a strange coin into my hand as she turned and stormed off. She had bought Yen for me. Had I gotten her wrong? Was she actually one of the human women who can have emotions? I wasn’t sure if the women of my old world had them, but this was a new world.

“Wait.” I growled. I wasn’t sure what the coin did but could find out later. If I owned my lovely Yen, I would have to bite the bullet and make things up with McDonalds. The woman in question turned and I could see a tear in her eye. I sighed as I scratched the back of my head. Why was talking to people so hard? “I still have some coins, let’s grab a drink, on me. It’s the least I can do.” I closed the door and locked up before heading to the inn with the two women. I kept looking back at McDonalds. For some reason, the woman looked more beautiful. She wasn’t unappealing before, but women who looked like her never struggled in life and got on my nerves. They were the first to attack others and the last to take responsibility. What she had done opened up my eyes to her. Long blonde hair was loose and blowing in the wind behind her. She was wearing a deep blue dress that seemed to match her eyes and the way she blushed when she saw me looking showed that she wasn’t just out for a lay or to manipulate me. In my old world most people were just out for themselves, but maybe this world was different.

We had a lovely meal together and I had far too much to drink as I was sure the others had. It was easy to drink more with the two encouraging me. We started some kind of drinking game that I don’t remember the rules for, but it felt like Yen won. I didn’t remember what happened, but somehow, I made it home and into bed. Something warm was in the bed with me, but I didn’t care. It just felt and smelled nice. My head was spinning as I closed my eyes in the dark room.


I woke the next morning with a monster of a hangover and looked around. Yen was on my side wrapped around me as she held my head to her chest. Something moved on my other side, and I turned, slightly shocked to see McDonalds. She was laying on my right side and as I moved, she moved closer kissing my shoulder as she wrapped around my arm. Something felt off and I looked down to see the three of us nude on the bed. How drunk was I last night? It didn’t feel like I had sex, but still waking up like this was a bit off. A hand reached down, and I saw McDonalds rubbing my stomach as her head rubbed lower. If I didn’t have a bitch of a headache, this would be a great way to wake up. How had I gotten myself into this possession? Drunk Alex cannot be trusted. Her hand moved lower and rubbed my head gently. I was hard as a rock and yet wasn’t repulsed like I had been before. The woman was slender, gentle and smelled so good. Yen licked my ear, and I wished I could fuck them both right now. Given how much we had all had the night before, I wasn't sure if they were in their right minds. This was an odd mixture of pleasure and pain spoiled by a need to pee. McDonalds hand moved lower, and she started stroking me. Was she even still asleep? If so, this was so not fair. My arms were pinned by the women, and I couldn’t break free if I wanted to. Yen growled in her sleep and McDonalds woke up. She blinked before freezing in horror as she looked down to her hand before looking up into my eyes. The look of horror seemed to spoil the mood as it made me think she didn’t want this.

“I am so sorry.” She gasped, pulling away from me and covering me up. I noticed she didn’t move off me or cover her breasts. They were lovely and large now that I was awake and close enough to look at them. Nice perky pink nipples and the way they bounced was delightful. Maybe I was in the mood for fast food after all. I couldn’t help myself and may still be slightly drunk or that was the excuse I was going with as I pulled her into a deep kiss. A shout was quickly turned into a moan as she held me close. Yen moved lower, still pinning my arm and bit my neck hard. I growled into McDonalds’ mouth making her moan as she rocked her hips against my leg. I might have to drink more often if this was how I woke up. What the hell was wrong with me? I had never been this forward before. Was this my way or repaying her for Yen? No this was something more. She moved on top of me as my tongue attacked hers. McDonalds moved sliding up and down my shaft as she kissed me and although the movement was nice, I had a hangover and needed to pee so fucking bad. This was so not fair.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I said, trying to get up. I really didn't want to leave, but pissing all over these beauties would probably end any hopes of a threesome, let alone a relationship with McDonalds. Yen gave me a warning growl and McDonalds pouted but moved. “I will be right back.” I said with a sly smile. Returning I saw the women getting dressed and knew I had missed my shot. Fuck me. Well, maybe there will be a next time.

“I am sorry Alex.” McDonalds said with a bow. I really needed to learn her name. “I wouldn’t be able to leave you if we did that.” She said, a sad look in her eye. “I know you don't love me, but I'm in love with you.”

“What is your plan for today?” I asked her with a slightly pained smile. She looked at the ground and her face showed disappointment. Was she upset with me for breaking away?

“I was planning to join the caravan when they are ready.” She said but failed to meet my eye. Yen looked upset and couldn't take her eyes off McDonalds. I waved my hand dismissively at her words.

“Fuck that. Why not stay?” I demanded. She looked up at me, her eyebrows furrowed. “Look, you are kind of nice to be around. Last night and this morning kind of proved that.” What was I doing? Yes, she was fun, but she was human. Granted a tasty human who knew how to give a hand job, what else did she know how to do? Focus Alex. I scolded myself, but I couldn’t help but look at her cleavage and blushing face. Yen moved forward and I smiled up at my tiger lover.

“He is right, but we can talk about it after your first day at work.” Yen said with a smile. FUCK ME! She was right and I was going to be late. I jumped and dashed to get ready. The women watched me, and I had forgotten that I was nude the entire time we had been talking. Was I hoping for a morning threesome. That wouldn’t be bad, but I needed to focus on my next step. I kissed each one on the cheek making Yen blush and McDonalds giggle and jump before bolting out of the door. My first day on the job and I would be building nightmares in no time.


I returned home after a long day dealing with an idiot who said he knew everything about runes to find my new home warm, lit with candles and a fire in the fireplace. Yen was sitting on my new couch and smiled over at me. “How was your day, Master?” She asked with a sweet smile. It felt like I was coming home to my wife and the thought warmed my heart. The master part was a bit much though.

“Call me Alex.” Her collar glowed and I jumped. “What was that?” I asked.

“The collar glows every time you give an order. It shows you that we have received the order, Alex.” She said sweetly. The way she purred my name seemed to excite me. I smiled back and looked around.

“Where is,” I paused, unsure what McDonalds’ real name was. Yen nodded and stood walking over to me.

“Lady Luhea Deveros is at the inn.” The caravan is leaving tomorrow, and she is thinking about what she wants to do.” I nodded and held my tiger lover.

“Yen, I order you to get her and bring her here.” Yen smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving, her collar glowing. I knew I didn’t need to order her, but this was a little fun. I would have to be careful this power didn’t go to my head. Soon Yen returned with a protesting Luhea in her arms. Yen set her down and the blonde woman looked at me blushing before looking at the ground.

“I thought you may want one more night with your friends.” I said with a smile. I had bought a basket of food on the way home and was working on turning it into something. Sadly, I was a horrible cook. She looked around, blinking at me.

“You want to be my friend?” She asked. It hurt me to think she didn’t want to be mine and my face fell. Was she just playing me this whole time?

“Alex, she is unsure if you want to be her friend.” Yen said with a giggle. I looked up blinking. I was lucky Yen understood this stuff. I sucked at human interaction.

“Yes. I’d like to be your friend.” I said to Lady Deveros.

“And more.” Yen said sniffing the air. I blinked, damn her nose. Why did I keep forgetting that she could smell when I got turned on?

“Yes, and more.” I said playfully growling at my tiger. She smiled and leaned down, licking Lady Deveros’ face. The other woman jumped and backed away but was blushing madly.

“Lady Deveros, care to join us for dinner?” I said plating something I hoped was edible. She shook her head and took the food? Was it food or burnt mush? Either way, she took it from me and tossed it outside.

“Sure, but I’m cooking.” She demanded. She was nearly as bad as I was, but Yen helped her make something we could all eat. The night went by and near the end she blushed looking at the ground before glancing at my room. Was she hoping for this morning's entertainment to continue? Was I okay with that? She was human, but with Yen there, it would be okay.

“I can take the couch if you want to stay the night. I know you feel more comfortable with Yen around.” I said rubbing the back of my neck. Yen scoffed and grabbed our hands pulling us both to the bedroom. My heart hammered as I blinked at my bold tiger lover. Was she going to push the issue?

“Sure.” Lady Deveros said and stood, allowing Yen to drag us away.

“You two get changed, I’ll clean up.” Yen said with a wink to me. In my bedroom, things felt a little awkward as I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. The last thing I wanted to do was be caught ogling the poor girl. When I returned, she was in my bed, under the covers and blinked those large blue eyes at me. Yen came in after me and pushed me to the bed. “Alex, get in bed.” She demanded as she started undoing her leather armor. I would need to get her more clothes. Luhea lifted the covers, and I gulped, seeing something of a slip that she was using as a nightgown. She seemed to look more attractive the more I got to know her. I turned away, putting my back to her, but still shuddered a little as she wrapped around me, kissing the back of my neck. Yen came to our bed, nearly nude aside from a bra and panties. Did she have a nightgown? Would she want to wear one? My heart was hammering, and I was rock hard as I thought about the two of them. My tiger lover seemed to wrap around both Luhea and I. Taking deep breaths, I took in the women's shared scent. I was horny but drained from the day. Fucking the two might be fun, but I was too tired and quickly fell asleep. From the looks of things, Luhea wasn’t going to leave me any time soon.


Hope everyone is doing well this week. I am hoping to put out two or more chapters of this one a week until it runs its course. Feel free to add ideas of things that might be fun. I have most of it planned out but will welcome any ideas you guys have.

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