Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 4. Alex Goes Stag.


The next morning, we were woken up by a knock at the door. Yen answered and I was a little disappointed that she took the time to put on a robe. My lover had an amazing body and wonderful personality. Luhea looked a little shy and shocked that she went to bed nude. I wasn’t upset by the view. The thought of her begging to be fucked last night was a little hot. I would have to make sure her wet holes were properly filled at every chance past this point. She kept glancing back at me, but I would wink at her every time. This seemed to make her blush and giggle. I hoped this was a good thing. When we were dressed, we came out to find Yen standing there acting a little shy. Why was she acting like that? Sitting in our living room was Jase the woodcutter and his wife. I had not expected that. If anything, I was really hoping for a morning threesome not company. Were they here to make fun of me for asking to be friends like a little kid?

The smell of something came to me and I turned to see a pot sitting on the counter. It smelled like breakfast. Yen stood by the door, her head down and arms in front of her. Luhea and I moved to the spare seats, and I didn’t know how to react.

We sat across from them and Luhea sat on my right. My arm went around her waist as I pulled her closer. It felt nice to have her so close. It may have been inappropriate, but it felt right. The only thing missing was Yen on the other side of me. Jase rubbed his neck and smiled uncomfortably. His wife elbowed him and smiled.

“My wife told me that you want to be friends.” He said sheepishly. This is where the mocking comes in, I knew it was too good to be true. I always struggled with making friends.

“We brought you breakfast.” His wife said with a smile.

“Does this mean you want to be friends?” I asked, my heart thumping in my chest. Luhea held my hand close, and I delighted in her warmth. Was she being nice to me because of how awkward I felt? I was so bad at this. He nodded and his wife laughed, but it wasn’t mean. If anything, it felt warm like a mother laughing at a child who mis stepped.

“I was worried that Clodsa had been pulling my leg.” He said, rubbing his neck again. So, his wife’s name was Clodsa, good to know.

“If we are going to be friends,” I took a breath and looked at the ground. This is where they are going to be outraged or disgusted. “Yen and Luhea are my lovers.” It was considered unacceptable for humans and beasts to mix so I expected them to be outraged. Clodsa laughed and it hurt my soul thinking I just lost my first friends in this world.

“We knew that.” She said sweetly. I looked up at their smiling faces.

“I thought it was considered wrong on this world?” I asked, my heart sinking a little. Both started blinking at me, shock on their faces.

“You are a wanderer.” Jase said, his mouth hanging open. “That makes so much sense, now.” He said, starting to laugh. I waved over to Yen who walked over a submissive expression on her face. Reaching out, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my left. She blushed and laid her head on top of mine. It was sweet, but I wanted my other lover close. I had expected them to judge me, but much to my shock, Clodsa put her hand on Jase’s and smiled at him. After a while, Yen got up and made five plates of food. It felt a little odd having her wait on us, but she insisted I relax and recover. Luhea refused to leave my side and I would never turn her away again. They had brought sausage and fresh fruit. The couple talked easily and it helped relax my mind. The way Luhea held my hand as though showing the pair that I was hers. It was sweet. Yen joining on the other side was nice too. It was like I was in the middle of a sandwich of beautiful women. 

 After a common breakfast, but filling breakfast, I was allowed to help Yen clean up. It was nice to know that they had thought enough of us to bring that. Jace and his wife were close enough to be my parents and the way they treated me made me feel somehow loved. We talked and I was able to relax a little. My mind kept drifting to last night and Luhea didn’t help things by blushing at random moments. Yen was acting a little strange, but it would take time for her to build confidence around others. We talked as we ate, and it was relaxing and nice in a way I couldn’t put my finger on. It was almost like we were a family. They left once we were done eating, promising to come over for dinner some time. I turned to my lovers and kissed them both. “Am I allowed to take this off and go to work?” I asked, holding up my mana nullifier. Yen laughed and shook her head, but Luhea bit her finger and glanced back at our bedroom.

“I was hoping for a little more.” She said in a small voice. It seems like now that we had sex, she was making up for lost time. Who was I to say no? Yen leaned over and held Luhea from behind.

“May I watch?” My muscle mommy said in a low purr. I gulped as Luhea’s cheeks brightened. She didn’t say anything but nodded. I made sure the door was locked and the three of us went to the bedroom to work off breakfast.


The days passed and I was able to get some work done on some side projects. It would have been nice to have more metal, but I had used most of it. A slave caravan came in and I was able to make a new friend with someone Boss bought. He was a nice happy orc man named Gorloth. He helped me build a new type of mana engine. When it was tested and working, Luhea pulled me into an office. “Alex, this is amazing. Do you know what this means?” She asked in excitement.

“I made a step to my next invention. Between that and the fridge that Jordean had made,” My former teacher who I was mostly using as a battery, “everything seemed to be coming together.” I said, crossing my arms. It was small steps, but I hoped I wasn’t moving too slow.

“I still want to try that hot tub thing you talked about.” She shook her head, a slight blush on her face. Did she want to bathe with me and Yen or just the two of us. Either way I was okay with the idea of whatever she had planned. “This engine will change everything. The elves are the only ones who can make engines.” She bit her lip, and I was tempted to pull her into my office for some fun. “This isn’t just an engine; this is more advanced than anything they have.” She jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly. Her lips were so close, and I thought of the idea of Yen watching us fuck. “I have to tell my mother.” My heart skipped a beat as I thought about meeting her mother. Did I want to meet her mother? Would she like me? Would she accept me fucking her daughter’s brains out?

“Are you sure she will like me?” I asked, my heart in my throat. She pulled back and looked down and I could see how unsure she was. Tilting her chin up, I kissed her softly.

“She may like you or more likely she’ll just use you. The real issue is Yen. Most nobles have a thing against beasts. Don’t get me wrong, I love Yen as a sister, and she is someone I need in my life.” She was blushing as we held each other. I knew the issue, but I was hoping I could change her mother’s mind. I wish I could change the minds of everyone. That would take time though.

“If she wants my inventions or creations, she will have to accept our family.” I said boldly as my hand moved down to that plump ass. She giggled, but didn’t pull away. I had made sure we were in my new office and hidden from view so I could play with my new lover.

“You mean it? You think of me as family?” she asked, tucking her head under my chin. I gave that round rump a playful slap and kissed her forehead.

“Yes, I have feelings for the two of you.” I said as I took in the scent of her perfume.

“Should I tell mother?” She looked up at me with those large blue eyes. Her mother was a noble so that means I would have her backing and resources. It could advance my plans, but it would have risks. Would it be worth it? I nodded and smiled at her even though I didn't fully feel it.

“Yes, tell your mother. We could use her help.” I replied, but there was some doubt in my heart. Would she try to take Luhea from me? She kissed me hard and pulled away. I could see the excitement in her eyes even if I didn’t feel it.

“While you are here, I need your advice on a new style of Knight.” I said moving to my desk. I pulled out a Doll of a wolf I had been working on.

“A wolf Knight. Strange, but don’t you think it’s a little evil?” She asked as she leaned over showing me more cleavage. Even if it was evil, it should be intimidating. On the other hand, it is wise to listen to someone you’re sleeping with.

“What do you recommend?” My eyes on the other hand were locked on her tits that nearly fell out. She moved to my side and draped her arms over me.

“How about a stag or elk? It’s my family’s crest and might win you points with my mother.” I nodded and started altering the Doll. It drained five cores but was worth it to have her borderline worship me like she was now. Soon sitting on my desk was a strange looking metal stag. Herry Potter, eat your heart out. I thought with an evil laugh. My mind went back to the Elk Lord that Yen had shown me on the night that Luhea had offered herself to me for the first time. There was something here. I focused on the antlers. With the new enchanting idea, I could have the antlers glow red. I pulled out my notebook and started scribbling madly. Ideally, I would like to have five or seven types. This would let each have their specialties. One for shields, another as a mobile weapons platform and so on. “Amazing my love.” Luhea hummed in my ear. My mind was locked on the page. With a creature like this, I could make an RV that it could easily pull. Might need a beefier one that could run longer. Might even be able to build something of a train holding everything I could ever need. Like a dark evil Santa. On Donner, rend flash from bone.

“What is that?” Luhea asked, pointing at the RV.

“Think of it as a large carriage that has a house inside. It could be pulled by this,” I trailed off pointing at the Doll of the elk.

“This would change everything. Do you think you can build it by spring?” She asked in amazement.

“I know I can.” I shot back, kissing her cheek. I wasn’t sure what types of cores I would need, but that could be worked out in the future. I began to work on the layouts of the RV and made sure there was a large bed in the main bedroom. It would be nice to sleep next to Yen and Luhea.

“That reminds me. We need a larger bed.” I said as my lover hummed in agreement. “I have been getting offers for Dolls and should be able to easily afford one.” I added as I leaned my head on her chest. They were so soft. She laughed and held my head there for a moment.

“My love, my money is your money.” She said with a playful laugh.

“No, I want to rise on my own.” She pulled back to look me in the eye.

“What do you mean?” She asked, a slightly worried look in her deep blue eyes.

“I plan to build an empire with my own hands. I don’t plan to owe anyone anything. With a plan like that, I ensure no one has anything over me.” I shot back with an evil smile.

“But our world is built on favors and one person beholden to another.” She said and I could see the puzzled expression form.

“Think about it. An empire who doesn’t owe anyone is free to move as it wishes.” Her eyes went wide in horror at my words.

“An empire like that would be a danger to everyone.” She said, backing away a little.

“That or a wild card that could side with any force.” I shot back with an evil smile. She seemed a little taken aback and blinked.

“You’d create an empire like a dragon.” She licked her lips, and my eyes locked on them. My mind was a little in the gutter this week. “How would you deal with houses who tried to gain your favor?” She asked and I could tell there was a trap in her question.

“How so?” I wanted to make sure I understood her fully before I fucked myself.

“They might offer you money, knowledge or even their daughters.” Her eyes seemed to narrow as she looked at me.

“Well, you are the only human I care for and as you keep my balls drained, I’m not sure what value they would have to offer me.” I said with a smile. She laughed fully as she blushed, clinging to me.

“My love, you are so bold.” She said playfully. I pulled her to my lap and held her close. She was small, beautiful and fit my arms nicely. “Tell me more about your ideas. I love seeing more into your mind.” She said pawing at my robe. I had adopted the whole evil lord look and loved the feeling of robes. Easy to get in and out of, keeps dust and dirt off and I could wear less under if it was getting a little too hot. That being said, I still had to wear shoes or in this case leather boots.

“A set of five War Stags should make for a nice team.”

“War Stags?” She asked and then beamed. “I love it. They sound mighty, strong and imposing.” She seemed to be eyeing my notebook, no, she was watching my hands as I sketched.

“I’m thinking each one designed for a purpose. This one.” I poked at a rough sketch. “This will be the base model with detachable antlers. This will allow more versatility in the figure. I could have cannons, shields or even a pulley system to aid in construction.” I added, my mind going to some fun places. The idea of construction Knights was worth it. There was so much that could be done. A wrecking ball arm, Transporting materials. A mixer for concrete. Did they have concrete in this world? I would have to ask. Something had to be used between some of the stone buildings. This seemed like I key I needed.

“Using a Knight to build?” She asked, wonder lifting her voice. “That is not done, but I have no clue why.” I kissed her cheek and moved her off me, my eyes wide and mind racing.

“I need to talk to someone about buildings.” I said storming out of the office. Gorloth was waiting by my door and followed me with a laugh. Luhea ran after me and I could hear her laughing as she worked to keep up. “Boss, who builds things in this town?” I gasped. He frowned at my group and crossed his big arms.

“Woodcutter makes furniture.” He shot back with a sigh.

“No buildings. I have an idea I need to follow.” I cried out.

“Really, Runt. Another wild idea that will probably earn me more coin than I can count. You are lucky that you are a golden hen.” He said before turning to one of the grunts. “Number three go get Blagace. Runt needs him.” The man ran off at top speed and Boss turned back to us. “Get your ass back to work and I’ll send him your way.” He turned his back to us, and I went back to altering Meathead’s Knight. A few more days and I would have both Knights in this town ready to go.

After a long while, a big well-built man came in. Why did everyone in this world look like body builders? “Alex, I was told you wanted to talk.” He asked, but I could see something like doubt in his eyes.

“Yes, my office, I need paper so I can pick your brain.” I said leaping down from the Knight. Luhea was training with Meathead so I knew I would have time to work. He looked even more uneasy but followed. “What do you use to build stone buildings?” I asked as we walked.

“We mostly just cut them to shape. Mortar is expensive and hard to make. Keeping the ingredients dry isn’t feasible. That and mixing it is a bitch.” He said with a groan.

“And if I made something that would help you mix it?” I asked with a smile as I quickly made a model. He blinked at the small rotating drum.

“That would help. You need to put ridges in the drum though. Otherwise, the mixture won't be even.” He said looking closely at it. He was right. I remember something like that from an episode of MythBusters. Something about blowing up a mixer. “This is a little small though.”

“It’s only a model.” I said mimicking Holy Grail. “I can build it as large or small as we need. Back to the point though even if you had this, what else would you need to build more easily in stone, wood or whatever?” I asked pulling a page close.

“Something to cut stone or wood would make the work quicker.” He said becoming more comfortable.

“How about a large rotating blade like a saw?” I asked. He looked doubtful and shook his head.

“No good, transporting stone to the river is a pain.” He groaned and I laughed.

“No, you idiot. A mana powered blade.” He blinked at my words, and I made a quick model of a saw on an arm. “Something you can transport and easily move to the work sight. I might even be able to work this into a weapon for the arm of a Knight. That would make it less versatile, but what if I did it to where the arms could be swapped.” I trailed off writing in my notebook.

“An arm that one can move like a Knight? Fuck me, I need to play at the inn more. This could change everything for me. If I understand you right, I could build a house in a week.”

“If you had enough people, you could build it in three days or less. The main driving factor is how detailed you want to get or even what you plan to use.”

“That and moving it into place. If we are using Knights, getting a stone wall up should be easy.” He said laughing. “The only real issue would be getting our protectors to use their precious Knights to let us build.”

“They fall under my and Boss’s purview. They don’t get a say in it.” I shot back with an evil laugh. “What if I build something like a truck or maybe something smaller to pull a cart.” I trailed off writing different things. Slug Terra came to mind, and I had a wonderfully evil idea. The only issue with something like that would be a power sores. I could use batteries, but a smaller engine would be better. I needed to work on my new mana engine before I started work on these. I wished there were three of me as there always seemed to be more that needed to be done and more I had to do. Maybe making a timeline would help. Builder had left long ago, but I was too distracted to care. One, upgrade the Knights. Two build my new engine. Three work on my new War Stag. Once that was done, I could easily work on construction Knights or the smaller ATV style Knights. Nope, RV first. It would help showcase the power of the War Stag. There was so much that needed to be done.



Hope everyone is doing well. I have another chapter in the works that I'm going to try to get out. Hang in there and to the person who signed on to my Patreon. You are an epic lord who has earned my eternal respect. I plan to put more stuff up there soon. Right now, both book one is up as well as V2V. Book 2 will be up there soon. Everyone stay epic and let's all have fun. 

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