Loss A Love And Gain Three






If you say that Rosalie was angry, it was an understatement.

 She is tired of Edward moaning and groaning about how he had to leave his mate. No one told him to, and she didn’t believe that crap about wanting to protect Bella.

 He was self-absorbed and always got what he wanted.

 Carlisle spoiled the boy, which grates on Rosalie even more. They all think that Rosalie hates Bella, but she doesn’t.

She just hates how her brother treated the girl. The only way she can make the girl leave is to be cold to her.

 Of course, it didn’t work, Bella loves Edward too much.

She looked at her mate, Emmett. His sadness shows on his face while playing video games; his heart wasn’t even into the game.

Alice was sitting in Jasper’s lap, looking at nothing, while her mate watched Edward in contemplation. She wishes she knew what he’s thinking.

Esme is locked up in her room; she doesn’t let Carlisle near her anymore.

The so-called coven leader himself is listening attentively to Edward’s rant.

Rosalie stood up suddenly. She can’t take it anymore.

Edward’s whining is getting to her. It’s like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard.

“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!”

 Everyone’s eyes are on Rosalie in surprise.

“You decided to leave Bella. Why are you so upset about it?”  she asked.

“I’m upset about it because she is my mate.”  Edward looks ashamed, then it quickly turns into anger.

 Rosalie caught it, and Jasper felt it.

Everybody else watched from Rosalie to Edward, not wanting to miss a thing.

“You weren’t even treating her like a mate…” Rosalie continues before Edward shouts.”

“Bella is my mate!”

“No, she isn’t!” Rosalie shouted back.

“Rosalie, please.” Carlisle tried to calm her.

“And you can shut the fuck up as well!” Rosalie hissed, narrowing her eyes at him.

She knew that Carlisle knew the truth, but was letting the golden boy get away with it.

They were playing with the poor girl’s feelings as if she didn’t count.

“Don’t talk to me like that.” Carlisle said in a hard tone, his body rigid.

Emmett got up to defend his mate, standing almost in front of Rosalie. He knew she needed to get out what had been bothering her.

“I’m waiting Edward. Is Bella your mate?”

“You bitch!” Edward shouted, running at Rosalie to take her head off for saying such a thing.

Rosalie moved in a flash, passing Emmett. She kicked Edward into the wall as she hissed at him.

Eyes black, fangs out, long fingernails grew and set as claws. Rosalie will get the truth out of him.

Carlisle moved to hold onto Rosalie to stop the fight, but Emmett held onto him, preventing him from moving. Emmett locked Carlisle’s hands behind his back.

Everyone was stunned by Rosalie’s action; they never knew she cared for the girl that much.

Edward came out of the wall, shaking off the debris from his body.

He had to kill Rosalie before everyone else decided to believe her. Making his family leave was part of his plan.

"He leaped at Rosalie, fangs, and claws out, ready to tear her head off.

Rosalie moved out of the way quickly and jumped on top of Edward. She landed on his back, creating a crater in the middle of the living room.

She turned Edward, making him face her, and pinned him down on the floor with her legs.

She was on top of him, she wanted to see into his eyes as she took off his head.

Edward made a mistake attacking her, it showed that she was right. Bella isn’t his mate.

 Her hands wrapped around his neck, squeezing slowly.

Carlisle cried out. “Alice, Jasper, help him! Help your brother.”

They both looked at Carlisle with contempt.

Just like Rosalie, they were tired of Edward’s manipulation, and they knew he had something planned. But they didn’t know what it was yet.

Edward couldn’t understand how it had come to this. He thought he had his family wrapped around his fingers, but now it was all unraveling before his eyes.

What could have gone wrong? If he survived this, he would make things right, and they would obey him again.

Edward couldn’t read Rosalie’s mind the moment they started to fight.

Her mind was completely blank; it was the first time he couldn’t read her thoughts, which confused the hell out of him.

He read Alice’s and Jasper’s minds.

 He cringed at their thoughts, they were hoping Rosalie would take off his head and then burn him to ashes. In that moment, he knew he was screwed.

He couldn’t move his head as Rosalie tightened her hands around his neck, savoring her kill.

Edward shifted his eyes and looked at Carlisle for help, but Emmett was restraining him, struggling to keep him from escaping.

Edward knew there was no help there.

He glanced at Alice and Jasper pleadingly. They remained in the same position, watching without any emotion showing on their faces.

He was painfully aware that they wouldn’t help him; they were waiting for Rosalie to finish the deed.

"Rosalie’s black eyes focused on Edward’s face.

She was tired of his controlling and manipulative demeanor. Leaning down slightly, she said in a rough voice.

 “No one will help you this time.”

 She smiled wickedly and squeezed with more strength, while cracks slowly grew from Edward’s neck to his cheeks.

Edward’s eyes widened in pain, and seeing his death.

 But hope renewed as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs slowly.

 Tap, tap, tap. The sound was created by Esme’s shoes as she descended the stairs.

Her footsteps created hope within him with each step. Esme would save him, he thought.

“Esme!”  Carlisle cried out.

“Please, help Edward before Rosalie kills him.”

Esme had heard everything that Rosalie had said.

Looking back, she realized that Rosalie was right. Edward wasn’t treating Bella like a mate, and he always got what he wanted, more than her other children.

 She was disgusted with herself for leaving her daughter, her Bella.

Catering to Edward’s needs for all these years had been a bad move on her part.

But it wasn’t too late to correct that, to make amends to Bella and her other children.

She could only hope that Bella would forgive her, along with her children.

Esme stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and looked into Carlisle’s eyes.

“No!” She shouted with great conviction.

Carlisle’s eyes widened in utter disbelief.

 And Edward’s hope was crushed. Yes, he was screwed.


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