Love Crafted

Chapter Seventy-One

You are confused.

Very confused.

The moment Daphne and Abigail move into the gardening club’s greenhouse, they’re both yoinked away by a group of girls who all titter and giggle and give each other weird looks while holding their hands over their mouths.

You want to follow them, but the president lady holds you and Charlotte back. “Let those two have their fun,” she says. “The shipping girls aren’t going to do anything more offensive than wave a fan at themselves and maybe spy on your friends a little.”

This explanation does not help. “Yes, but why can’t I go with her?” you ask.

“Ah, you mean Miss Abigail?” the president lady asks. “Well, you see... how old are you?”

You have no idea. “Very.”

“Right, yes. Well.” She shifts. “The shippers are a sort of... sub-club in the gardening club. They’re very much inoffensive... most of the time. They just love seeing friends become more than just friends.”

“Like me and Abigail are?” You’re more than just friends, you’re summoner and familiar.

“Oh. Oh my. Ah, maybe?” She snaps open a fan and waves it towards her rapidly reddening face.

“I can’t be more than friends with Abigail and Daphne at the same time. That would be wrong,” you say while the president tries to cool off even more.

If these mortals can’t handle the hotness in their own greenhouse they really shouldn’t stay in it.

“How about Dreamer and I go find a place to relax, and I can explain what’s going on to Dreamer?” Charlotte says.

“Yes, yes that sounds like an excellent idea.” The president’s fan snaps shut. “Come along, I’ll show you to one of our little gathering areas.”

You and Charlotte follow after the president lady. Flowers aren’t really your kind of thing, but the ones here are still very nice. They make the air smell delicious and they’re really colourful. You snatch a couple with a passing tentacle and, after removing your plate and holding it in your hands, start filling it up with your second lunch.

“You can sit over here,” the president-lady says before gesturing to a long bench set next to a low table. There are some girls nearby, sitting in two and threes while sipping at tea. A lot of them are doing weird things with their feet under the tables, or are holding each other's hands and have red faces.

So many red faces. There must be some sort of thing with the plants.

“Um, are those our lilies,” the president lady asks. She’s pointing at your plate.

“Yes,” you say. “I like eating things like these.”

Charlotte makes a snorting noise. “You like eating lilies, huh?” she asks. “Maybe you’ll fit in here better than I would have suspected.”

Out comes the president's fan again. “Well. I’ll... leave you to it.”

You wave her goodbye, take a lily and start munching on it. “So, what’s up with Abigail and Daphne. Is this because Daphne thinks that Abigail is cute?”

“It’s... something like that. When two people like each other a lot, they start to court. That means spending time with each other, hanging out, learning more about one another and generally growing closer.”

“That sounds... acceptable.” You think about this. “Yes. I want to court Abigail.”

Some of the girls at the nearest tables gasp and start whispering to each other. Did they overhear you? Does it matter?

Charlotte’s smile grows. “They you should tell her as much. Though I think Daphne might be a little... miffed about it.”

“I could tentacle Daphne until she doesn’t want to court Abigail anymore.” You pulled a long tentacle out from under your pretty dress, one of the skinnier ones, and wiggle it around for emphasis.

A lot of the girls go even redder. This place is not healthy, you think.

“That’s... one possible solution. But I don’t think it would be very nice. If Abigail and Daphne are destined to be together, than that’s that. I’m sure there’s enough room in Abigail’s heart for you and Daphne. And I’m sure you could find some place for Daphne in yours.”

“Daphne’s okay, I guess. Would you want to join in too. Then there would be four of us.”

Now the girls are staring at Charlotte. Charlotte doesn’t seem to mind, her smile is still in place. Though she does stand up to take off her school robes, then she ties up her blouse to expose a bit of her tummy before sitting back down.

It really is too hot in here.

“I think I can take care of myself,” Charlotte says. “But... apropos Daphne, she might be a hard sell.”

Your eyes narrow. “Is it because she only likes cute girls like Abigail?”

“That’s part of it.”

“I’ll just need to become more cute then. And then even Abigail will want more.”

“Oh?” Charlotte asks. “And how do you intend to become more cute so that Daphne will join you and Abigail like that?”

You frown, thoughtfully shove some more lilies in your mouth, and think really hard. How does one become more cute? “Charlotte, can you help me be more cute?”

“That depends,” she says. “What are your intentions? Cuteness is a weapon that shouldn’t be used lightly.”

“Hmm. I want to make it so that Abigail likes me even more. And then I can court her because I’m cute too. And then I can do the same with Daphne, I guess... how does courting work?”

“Usually you go on dates, eat at nice restaurants, things like that.”

“I’m very good at eating. Yes. Daphne can bring me to nice places, even if that means I need to be cuter.”

Charlotte’s grin looks very strange, almost like Wuffles when growling. “Oh, I cannot wait to see how that will play out. Do keep me informed though, I can probably help you along, here and there.”

You nod. Yes. Help would be nice. These mortal things are all so muddy and complicated.

But they’re worth it if it means getting more food and pats.

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