Love Crafted

Chapter Sixty-Six

Abigail needed help getting up the steps, and even more help opening the door to your home. You’re a little worried when she flops onto the bed and goes right to sleep without so much as taking off her dirty travel clothes, so you do the nice and responsible thing and undress her and find a sleeping gown in her things for her to wear while sleeping (sleeping gowns are a kind of clothing you very much agree with).

And then you watch Abigail as she snores, a bit of drool slipping out of the corner of her mouth.

She’s extra cute while she’s napping, but just said case, you push some happy dreams into her mind. And then it’s your turn to go to bed... but you’re not sure if you feel like it.

Oh, you’re always ready for a nap, but your small body is all excited and wants to move, not sleep.

So you come to a simple solution! You’ll go around and take a walk. Stretch your tentacles a little, maybe find some nice night-time snacks.

But that would leave Abigail all alone, which is unacceptable.

Two new Dreamers spawn from the abyss in a flurry of flappy-flappy tentacles. You face yourselfs and waggle your fingers at you. “Okay. So you and you, you’re going to sleep with Abigail.”

Both of you look very excited at this.

“No funny business, and while tentacle hugging and tentacle cuddling is okay, Abigail doesn’t want anything more than that, okay?” you say.

You both nod, then there’s a mad scramble to get onto the bed and as close to Abigail as possible. Abigail is a very lucky summoner because she’s getting hugged from two directions, she even sighs and cuddles closer.

That done, you pat down your pretty dress to make sure it’s clean then head out of the door.

The city of Five Peaks stretches out before you as you use a couple of tentacles to fling yourself into the roof. It’s quite pretty at night, with the flicking of candles in a thousand windows appearing like blinking eyes in the dark. It’s become a sort of home for you, you guess.

You contemplate improving the city while you walk across the rooftops, occasionally using a tentacle bridge to cross the gaps between homes and shops. Eventually you reach the end of the road and the gap between homes is a lot bigger because there’s a sort of square around a large fountain. There are stalls all around the area, but they’re closed at this hour.

This is your first time in this corner of the city. Most of the time you and Abigail head out the other way, towards the Academy and Daphne’s house.

You walk off the edge of the roof and crash into the ground feet-first, knees bending into a courtesy like Daphne does when introducing herself.

There isn’t too much to do in the city when everything is closed down, you realize. All the little mortals are asleep, and you can feel plenty of them dipping their toes into the land of dreams. It’s kind of nice, like a sort of compliment, you figure.

Skipping ahead (because when you skip your dress floofs and it’s the best) you move over to the fountain in the middle of the square and look within. It’s just normal water, but it smells a little ickly and it’s probably not very good for drinking. At least, not for mortals.

The fountain has a bunch of water spouts hidden in the mouths of monsters and for some reason babies, and above it all are statues of a man and a woman with crowns on their heads. The man has a sword above his head, and the woman is holding a scroll. There’s a plaque at the base of the fountain with some words about ‘doubting and therefore knowing.’

Very boring.

You want more of that fruity juice that you drank at the restaurant with your friends, so you turn the fountain into a fruit fountain.

Juice gurgles out of the little baby faces and the weird monsters carved into the stone. But soon it turns back into water.

You frown at it.

The water has to come from somewhere. Most things in mortal places come from somewhere.

You frown extra-hard at the fountain and now all the water coming out of it is juice, all the way down to wherever the water used to come from. Then, because you find the monsters and babies ugly, you make them look more like you.

The guy with the sword can become...Charlotte, and the lady can become Daphne. More or less. It’s tricky to work with stone.

Then you replace the sword with a whip and the scroll with a tentacle. And the plaque with the date and stuff now says ‘Dreamer was here’ but in a True Tongue.

Art is fun!

You drink lots and lots of juice, until your little tummy is aching with pleasure, then you waddle off. You’re a bit more tired now, more than ready for naptime.

As you walk back towards home and Abigail, you cross over a nice little river that smells like grapes and then you splash into a few purple puddles alongside the road.

You can’t wait for tomorrow when everyone discovers your art. They’re going to be so proud!

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