Luckily the main story is at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Tom: I have been strengthened!

"Eat some chocolate to replenish some energy."

When Hermione was found again, the little girl was still sitting on the ground, but she changed her position to avoid the area filled with the smell of blood.

She still looked a little listless, so Ciel took out the universal snack in the Harry Potter world, chocolate.

I'm in a bad mood. Let's get some chocolate.

Hermione took the chocolate and looked at Charles's trouser pocket with a strange look.

"I've wanted to ask you what happened to your pocket for a long time."

With so many common experiences and battles together, Hermione has obviously become familiar with Ciel. Her tone no longer treats her as an outsider, and she no longer holds some questions in her heart.

Maybe even Hermione herself didn't realize that her attitude towards Ciel was more casual than between friends. This was the advantage brought by Ciel's familiarity with Hermione. .The little girl felt that she had a good rapport with Charles, and the progress was naturally very fast.

She had long been curious about Ciel's pockets. Not to mention her, Harry and Dudley were also curious, because Ciel seemed to be able to take out anything, food, drink, and even iron pots.

"Invisible Stretching Spell, a kind of advanced magic."

Charles explained. Seeing the little girl's unsatisfied thirst for knowledge, he said again somewhat amusedly.

"I'll take you to Diagon Alley when you have time. There is a place selling such things."

"Diagon Alley" Hermione felt as if she had heard this name somewhere, and then suddenly remembered that Ciel had mentioned this place before when they found a large bag of gold coins in the ruins.

"It's the largest magical shopping street in London, with Eela Owl Shop, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Gringotts Wizarding Bank... In short, it's very prosperous there."


Hermione's eyes lit up when she heard about Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Books had an unparalleled fatal attraction for this little girl.

But when she turned around and saw the bright smile on Ciel's face as always, Hermione suddenly turned red and her voice suddenly dropped.

"'s settled"

"It's a word."

Ciel smiled and nodded.

The little girl's face was a little tangled. She felt that something was wrong with the current situation, but she didn't know what was wrong. She felt it. .It seems like I've been tricked

The change in Hermione's face was indeed interesting, but Charles didn't want the little girl to get angry and beat himself up. The little girl was thin-skinned and matured much earlier than the boy, so it could easily be self-defeating.

So he looked away, pointed at the chocolate in Hermione's hand, and changed the subject.

"Eat something, you need some energy."

Ciel didn't think there was anything wrong with asking Hermione to go to Diagon Alley. Anyway, there would be a holiday in a few days, and the letter from Hogwarts would arrive soon.

If Hermione and others had not rushed into their own trip to Wonderland, perhaps Charles would have reserved the first surprise from the magical world for a few people, and he would not have gotten closer to Hermione so quickly, but who would have let them You have already broken in. You have to know that it is a strange environment for the first time, but it is the best opportunity to get closer and leave a deep impression. How could Ciel let it go.

Moreover, even if Ciel didn't say anything, after this experience, the smart little girl would probably guess something when we meet again in the magic world.

After tearing open the chocolate, Hermione's face became even more confused. Ciel knew what she was struggling with.

"I can't eat chocolate..."

The little girl's voice sounded waxy.

Coming from a family of dentists, Hermione's tutor had very strict control over sweets, and chocolate was among the must-have items.

"We will meet up with Harry and the others outside the town later, and then walk a few kilometers north and see a pool. Then we continue forward and find a big tree surrounded by three people. There is a tree hole under the tree. That’s our exit back.”

"So, I still think you'd better get some food."

"All right.."

Hermione could hear what Ciel meant. Their next journey was not short. Moreover, she was indeed hungry. The mushroom soup and wild fruits were indeed delicious, but she was not very hungry. Moreover, she had vomited just now. Everything was clean.

So she compromised.

Really fragrant.

. . .

While Hermione was clicking like a hamster, Ciel led her out of the town.

The opening of the dungeon system made Ciel feel very good, because it became the real world, and monsters would be gone after being killed once, and the things they dropped depended on their appearance. Without the dungeon system, Ciel, who thought he did not have the blood of the European Emperor, would still I really don’t necessarily think that I can beat the various bosses in the later stages.

Not just Voldemort.

Especially after Shire purchased the third edition dlc.

The game constructs a large and complex mixed world view. Although it is based on the story of Harry Potter, adding so many things will inevitably conflict with the original plot. Fortunately, they also have a huge screenwriter and planning, their job is to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Before traveling through time, Charles was also a dog planner. Although he was not from a certain Penguin, in the game market where mixed worldviews prevailed, everyone was the same.

His job is similar.

For example, in London's magical world, Diagon Alley might have been the largest and most prosperous. .It is also probably the only commercial district in the magical world.

However, in the game, in order to be more consistent with the world view and the number of wizards, several other remote and narrow commercial streets were quietly set up, and there were even independent wizard shops.

For example, as far as Charles knows, Mrs. Morley's flower shop at No. 12 York Street looks like a flower shop, but in fact she is a middle-aged witch living in the Muggle world, secretly selling love potions and other things, specializing in Sold to young wizards and witches.

The Ministry of Magic will not care about her, because the settings of the Ministry of Magic have also changed. The population has increased, the territory has become larger, and management has naturally become more difficult. Therefore, although the Ministry of Magic still prohibits wizards from using magic in the Muggle world, it does not Similar stores are not prohibited, provided of course that this cannot be discovered by Muggles.

Another example is Hogsmeade, Godric's Hollow, the Burrow, and other wizarding residences scattered across England. There are many more wizarding residences than in the original book, otherwise the population would not be reasonable at all.

The worldview itself is a very complex thing, and any slight change will cause huge waves. Therefore, many settings of the original work had to be made as reasonable as possible.

Similarly, as the population increases and the area becomes larger, some things will naturally become stronger, such as the former second-generation Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort.

Of course, it is a reasonable improvement, not enhancement for the sake of enhancement. After all, this is still a story-based game.

But the key problem is not Voldemort. No matter how hard this guy is strengthened, he is only a boss in the main plot. In addition to Charles' actions, there is also the plot to kill Harry. In fact, it is not difficult. The trouble lies in the two later versions. dlc.

Wonderland is pretty good, but not every place is so beautiful, even Narnia for children. .The White Witch is not necessarily less powerful than Lao Deng and Voldemort.

The dlc does not seem to show much content, but if you dig deeper, you will find many hidden easter eggs and copies.

For example, although this is not an infinite game, there are still ways to travel to other worlds, or in other words, it is more like secret realms and time bubbles that belong to this world, similar to Treasure Island, a copy of Pirates of the Caribbean in Age of Discovery, etc. wait.

The world is actually far more dangerous than imagined.

Of course, there may be no danger if you don't touch it, but as a time traveler, there are some things that you can't get around.

Hermione next to her quickly ate a whole piece of chocolate. She was probably hungry too. Ciel glanced at it and began to explain his previous behavior.

"Our family has a special magic that can find some treasures that others can't see, just like the previous treasure chest."

"But only we can see it."


The little girl thought for a while and felt that she probably understood what Ciel meant, but maybe not.

It doesn't matter, this is magic, and she is not familiar with the magical world yet.

"Then did you find anything good?"

Hermione vaguely remembered that Ciel had returned empty-handed just now.

"do not know."

Ciel patted his pants pocket.

"I have to go back and check the information."

Hermione nodded. .Now she is more looking forward to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley, and she also wants to read magic books.

"When I find it when I get back, I will write to you as soon as possible."

"write a letter"

"No, I mean, call you."

"Writing letters is a customary way of communication for wizards."


The little girl nodded thoughtfully again.

Strange knowledge 1

During the conversation, the two of them had already walked out of the town. The town was not very big. If you didn't go into the house to rummage around, you could get out quickly.

At this time, the light has fallen, and the night has gradually begun to rise. The bright sky unique to the fairyland has been replaced by dim colors. There is only the last trace of luster left on the horizon that can barely make people see. This is the last glimmer of light before night falls.

But the town was deserted outside, not even a ghost.

"anyone there"

Ciel shouted.

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