Luckily the main story is at Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Wonderland Wonderland

Found: Wonderland: 2 experience points, 1 lucky coin.

With 2 points of experience points in the database, Ciel opened his character panel and immediately saw that the experience points had arrived and turned into 210. He closed the panel with satisfaction, and then heard Hermione's panic in his ears. shouting.

"We will die"

The little girl was obviously really frightened. Unlike Harry and Dudley, the two uneducated idiots, Hermione, who likes to read, already has a preliminary understanding of basic science and some common sense. After all, is she a top student? If not The magic thread is turned on, and it is probably the material of Cambridge and Oxford.

This height is really too high, so high that no matter what it is, it will be dead under the impact of this height.

So of course the little girl was scared, and she was almost crying. .Well, the classmate Dudley who was last was already crying. In contrast, Harry was the calmest. I don't know if it was the savior's big heart that played a role, or if he didn't know anything at all.

"No, we'll be fine. There's a lake down there."

Charles, who had experienced countless high-altitude bungee jumping entrances, was certainly calm. He even found a comfortable position in the air and put his hands behind his head before answering Hermione.

"That won't work. It's too high here. We will be flattened."

But Hermione obviously didn't believe it, because the height was too high. Not to mention the lake below, they would be dead even if there was a large piece of cotton below.

When the height reaches a certain level and the acceleration of gravity reaches a certain level, no matter what is below, nothing can save them. Human beings are very fragile.


Hearing the conversation between Hermione and Charles, Dudley's screams became louder and even broke. Even Harry next to him turned pale. Of course, he was also scared.


"If we were out there and fell at this height, we would be dead."

Ciel crossed his legs and became half-lying.

"But this is wonderland."

"You can't use common sense to guess in Wonderland, so trust me, we will be fine."


It's really rare that an 11-year-old girl can still calmly communicate with Ciel in this situation. Most people, even adults, would find it difficult to be so calm in this situation. She is indeed the character of the future. How Lanfen is.

"Yes, Wonderland."

After estimating the time, Charles smiled at the little girl.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Get ready, we're coming"

he shouted.

Hermione, who was sucked into the passage one step later than Charles, fell behind Charles and above him. Harry and Dudley were on the side of them, so Hermione could see Charles at a glance.

I don't know why, but I knew very well that if they fell from this height, they would definitely be dead, but seeing Charles's smile, the little girl subconsciously chose to believe it, and even the feeling of fear disappeared a lot.

. .Is it because people who are dying subconsciously believe in the last straw that can save them?

The little girl's thoughts were obviously not so deep, so she didn't know why. In fact, she didn't have time to think about why, because as the speed of her fall became faster and faster, her brain instinctively turned blank.

She could no longer think calmly.

The fall is still accelerating.

At a distance of a thousand meters, even the descent may take a long time, but this is a fairyland. As Charles said, fairyland cannot be understood using common sense.

The marshmallow clouds that were obviously very far away seemed to be quickly pulled closer by something. Before the few people realized it, they passed through the clouds in an instant.

The condensed cotton clouds were scattered, leaving several human-shaped gaps in the positions of the cotton clouds they passed through. .It seems that some kind of sound effect can be heard inside the head when looking at the gap.

A string of unknown butterflies seemed to flutter past them, followed by a string of beautiful birds, and even their falling seemed to slow down as they appeared.

The little girl stared at this scene with wide eyes. .Aren't clouds invisible mist?


As if the intermission was over, along with Dudley's scream, the speed of the people's descent accelerated again. Almost in the blink of an eye, the lake that Ciel mentioned appeared below, just a few steps away.

Then. .


"Plop bang"

Several people were knocked directly into the water.

The expected pain did not appear. The magical power of the fairyland removed the impact of falling from high altitude. Although they were smashed into the lake, they were not injured.

Ciel, who fell into the lake, raised his head, opened his eyes, and saw the sparkling water. At the moment of being immersed in the water, the world seemed to have been pressed on the mute button, and only the sound of the water was still flowing.

Ciel moved his hands and feet and began to struggle.


Soon, he floated up from the water. While there were large splashes on the lake, the sound also flooded into Charles's ears again in an instant, as if the world had come alive.



Several more little heads appeared, and Harry and others also floated up.

The buoyancy of the lake is so great that even if you don't know how to swim, you can't sink. The timid Dudley has a strong desire to survive. He didn't scream for his mother. Instead, he flapped his limbs and paddled like a dog. On the shore.

Next to him, Harry also swam towards the shore, leaving only Hermione. The little girl didn't seem to know much about water. Although she didn't sink, she still looked a little confused.

Ciel was the closest to her, and he stepped closer to her.

"Don't move."

He grabbed the struggling girl and pushed her towards the lake.

The shore of the lake was not far away. Ciel quickly pushed Hermione onto the land and then climbed onto the shore. He looked sideways at the little girl lying on the ground with a saved expression on her face. Ciel smiled. .

"What did I say before?"

"Trust me, we'll be fine."

He winked at the little girl.

"And... welcome to Wonderland."

. . .

Including Ciel, several little guys were lying on the grass at the edge of the lake. They were all exhausted, including Dudley, who was as strong as Dudley.


Dudley, who was the fastest to flop to the shore but still drank a lot of water, spit out a large amount of water and gasped for air. He didn't even have the intention to bully Harry, who was also lying next to him.

Next to Ciel, Hermione, who had finally come to her senses, was trembling in shock.


She sneezed quietly.

The four of them were soaked to the skin. Charles was wearing his own casual clothes, while Harry and the others were still wearing school uniforms. Although the uniforms were not cut corners, they were not very friendly either. After getting wet, they almost stuck to their bodies like cold iron. , exuding a chill, and Hermione wore a thinner skirt.

Charles glanced at the little girl who seemed to be frozen, and then looked at the sky.

The time in Wonderland is different from that in the outside world. Charles and others came in near noon after finishing their morning classes, but at this time the sky in Wonderland had already dimmed and it was approaching evening.

Just in time, make a fire overnight and dry the wet clothes, otherwise you will catch a cold sooner or later if you wear them like this.

"We should go."

Ciel pulled Hermione up from the ground and said to Harry and Harry.

The three of them followed Ciel into the forest.

Ciel's feet were fast and he could always choose some relatively flat ground, which saved Harry and the three of them a lot of effort when moving forward.

Ciel realized something was wrong when he was swimming in the lake before, because he actually couldn't swim in the reality before time travel. In the game, of course he could. Although he didn't have the skill of swimming, he could learn it. After all, it was extremely A true virtual reality game.

It's just that the swimming learned in the game cannot be used in reality. If you can't, you still can't. This has long been confirmed by various virtual games.

But Ciel can swim here. The experience of swimming in the game is also useful here. In addition, other skills that are not skills are also useful. For example, Ciel can swim in the forest. The ability to walk on flat ground was also something he developed in the game.

The last update greatly expanded the content of the game. From then on, in the archives, Ciel basically traveled between England and America, instead of staying in England to play the plot that he had long been tired of playing. After graduating and getting married, Ciel changed He took Hermione straight to America and gave up the British Sims game mode.

And Charles played many roles there. For example, he acted as a bewitching and evil dark wizard, as a serial killer that made the wizarding world and the Muggle world scratch their heads, and as a demon hunter with a full sense of justice. , and even served as a good old magic teacher.

Of course, I also crashed a lot of save files and plots.

During this period, he learned many skills that were not skills, such as tracking prey, dissecting skills, etc. .Of course, some techniques are actually of little significance to wizards. For example, a silencing spell can cover up the sound of footsteps, so there is no need to study silent sneaking at all.

But in situations where magic is not available, such as now, it is very useful.

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