Lunar Marked

Chapter 14

[Beware: Smut chapter!]

As Lena’s lips met mine, the scorching desire within me flooded forth, even more intensely than in my kiss with Camilla. I wasn’t sure if it was due to some kind of continued accumulation or just simply because I liked Lena that much more. Either way, I didn’t have the mental capacity at the moment to question it. I met her kiss eagerly, quickly getting lost in the soft touch of her skin. 

Lena bent further toward me before moving down to her knees, shifting my legs apart in the chair as she moved between them, all the while her lips never left my own. 

Just as the kiss had truly begun, she pulled back. I leaned forward, following her backward until she stopped me with a finger to my lips. 

“I know exactly how to help a cute girl in need,” she said with confidence. The words ‘cute’ and ‘girl’ stuck out in my mind, leaving another warm glow radiating inside of me as she reached down to my feet and slipped off my shoes.

“You do?” I mumbled, my eyes opening to meet her bright blue irises. This was a terrible idea. A dark and dangerous path that I knew would only end up leaving me much worse off in the end. The fact was that we shouldn't be doing this. But looking into her eyes, I knew that I wanted nothing else in the world, that this was the moment I’d been dreaming of having with her for years. Plus I was extremely horny, and it was really hot. Perhaps just this once, I thought?

She grinned. “Definitely.” 

She grabbed onto the bottom edges of my dress and began to slide it up my legs until it reached my waist. I knew just how wrong keeping this going was. I wasn’t just hurting myself, but also deceiving her. She’d clearly gotten the wrong idea of what I was asking for. My wording hadn’t been clear enough in saying that this kind of pleasure would only amplify the curse. Not to mention the fact that Silas was her fiance, not me. I didn't like him, but cheating was cheating, wasn't it? Yet as her hands slipped around my back to untie the apron from around me, I didn’t feel the guilt I knew I should have been feeling. I just felt good and had no desire to stop. I couldn't waste a once-in-a-lifetime chance like this. 

“Are — are you sure about this Lena?” And then I had to open my big mouth. “I thought you weren’t into me like this.” It was a good question though. Why was she doing this? It was well beyond our normal boundaries. She’d told me several times in the past that she wasn’t interested in a relationship, and she’d never seemed interested in sex before. It didn’t make any sense. 

“I thought you’d have realized by now, Pearl.” A slight shiver went through me. Partly from the sensitive tingle of her hands against my skin and partly from being called ‘Pearl’ once again. “I like girls. You won’t be the first one I’ve played with.”

My brain froze solid. Lena liked girls? Wait, ‘not the first one??’ What other girls had she been with? It had to be someone in town. And how did I fit into this? I was only really pretending to be a girl, not a real one. She knew that. 

As my thoughts slowly caught up with way more questions than answers, Lena had managed to remove my apron and then slip the dress from over my head. I flushed pink as my fatty chest, my small budding breasts, came into view. 

“I’m n-not really a girl, though. Lena?” Her fingers traced down the middle of my chest making me gasp and shiver once more. 

“You seem plenty girl enough to me.” Her eyes met mine in a challenge as her fingers circled around my small breast. 

“I — umm.” I didn’t really have a response for that. Instead, I deflected. “You’re not drunk, a-are you?” I muttered out. 

She huffed out in annoyance. “No, not yet. I’ve only just started.”

“Why are you drinking wine so early anyway?” I interrupted. 

She shot me a look. “We’ll talk about that later. Right now, we’ve got more important priorities.” She punctuated the remark with a pinch to my nipple. 

Pain and pleasure rushed through my chest, making me wince and then, embarrassingly, gasp out an unexpected moan as she did it again. 

Lena just grinned in response. “That’s a good girl. Just let Lena take care of you.” I gave her a breathy shudder.

Her hands slid down my side, reaching the thin fabric of underwear that was my last bit of modesty. I gulped as her fingers slipped beneath the thin strip of cloth, and she pulled downward. She guided the panties down my legs, leaving me completely exposed to the open air and her prying eyes. 

I held my breath, fearful that this is where she would stop, that perhaps she would laugh at my now smaller penis or realize that she wasn’t really interested in going further after all. Instead, she said nothing as my panties were slid off my feet and her hands slid back up my thighs, spreading them wider apart. The tickle of her cool touch moved up my legs until she met my sensitive tip. My eyes closed and I sucked in a deep breath as her hand circled my small length. To my surprise, unlike when I’d played with myself, I felt myself begin to harden, something that hadn’t happened since before the curse. Slowly and sensuously, she rubbed down my length, smearing the precum that had already formed and making both her hands and my cock slippery and wet. 

When I was as hard as I was certain I could get, she paused, her fingers circled around the base of my cock. Something wet touched the tip, and my eyes blinked open. Looking down, I watched as her tongue licked across the top, followed by her leaning down further and licking up its length. Her eyes met mine.

I gasped and felt my cock twitching, as though begging for more. “Oh, oh fuck, Lena.”

I wasn’t sure if she was intentionally teasing me or if she was simply enjoying herself at a slower pace, but I felt desperate for more, ready to beg for her to make me cum. 

Her lips wrapped around me, and I licked my own between heavy breaths. My eyes rolled as I felt her tongue swirl around the head that was now in her mouth. I fidgeted, feeling ready to burst. Perhaps I was expected to go longer. Perhaps a real man would have. As her mouth moved down around my length, I moaned loudly and whispered her name. 


My cock twitched as she slick back, and my thighs tightened around her head. I began to cum, shooting small strings of it into her mouth as my cock pulsed. Her tongue once more licked around the tip of my cock as I squirted, making me groan and tighten my grip further. 

Gradually it slowed, and she eased back, my cock slipping from her mouth with a small ‘pop.’ A small string of cum trailed from my still hard member to her lips. 

“Lena,” I said breathily once more as I took several more deep breaths of air. My mind felt light, my whole body did, as though I were melting down into the chair, or floating up in a cloud.

She looked up at me, a grin spreading across her face before she licked her lips. “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever sucked cock before, but I think I did pretty well.”

I blushed, my mind seeming to catch up to the fact that I’d just had those beautiful lips around my cock. Lena’s lips. 

My head went blank. 

“So did I do alright?” she asked, and I blinked. A bit of worry was clear on her face.

“I… that was the most amazing experience of my life.” It was her turn to turn scarlet. “Thank you,” I said. 

“Girl, we’re not done yet.” She gave me another toothy grin, and my eyes widened.

Moving up between my legs, her arms wrapped around my head and pulled me into another kiss. The taste of my cum was still in her mouth, and she swirled her tongue with mine, as though to share it.

As she pulled away, I managed to mutter out “N-not done?”

She smiled and stood up. Reaching down to the bottom of her dress, she pulled it up above her head and tossed it to the floor. My eyes trailed down her naked form, seeing her shapely breasts, cute belly, and finally her shaven pussy, only a trimmed diamond-shaped section of hair left. She hadn’t had anything on underneath, I realized! My mouth hung open. Did she normally wear so little? That plus the shaven and trimmed patch of hair held implications that I wasn't sure my mind was ready for.

She took a step forward, bringing her warm naked body closer to my face. “We’ll have to make use of those cute lips of yours,” she said as she rocked her waist side to side. “But first…” She straddled the chair, before sitting down into my lap and giving me a sloppy kiss. Her fingers went back to my small breasts, giving them a sensuous rub before steadily fondling them while her other hand moved to between her thighs.

For several long minutes, we kissed, until she pulled away once again. Her body moved upward, grabbing onto my once more throbbing cock and positioning herself above it. Her hand was warm and wet, slick with her own cum. She gave me several strokes and said, “I’ve always been tempted to try a position like this. You ready?”

Nervously, I nodded and with my cock in her hand, she moved forward and downward. I felt as she pressed against me, but my eyes stayed glued to hers. She had a smile on her face and a faint blush on her cheeks. Slowly, I slid into her, until once more she was sitting firmly into my lap, her naked body pressed up against mine. My arms reached around her back, holding her. With her hands gripped around the chair behind me, she began to slide back and forth in my lap, slowly pushing my cock in and out of her as deep as it would go.

This time it was I who leaned forward to kiss her, the slight flavor of my cum still lingered on her lips. One of her hands reached up to my hair and began to brush through it, undoing the bun I had it tied up into. Her fingers brushed up against something sensitive, and I gasped around her mouth, pulling away in surprise. 

“What is…” she muttered as her fingers twirled around one of the nubs poking out of the top of my head. 

I took short gasping breaths as I realized just how sensitive they were, and as though in an attempt to stop her, I kissed her firmly. She paused for only a moment before playing with it further and then switching to the other one. A small whimpering whine made its way from my mouth, and I gripped her back tighter as my other hand slid downward. My eyes were clenched tightly shut as we continued to kiss. She kept her slow pace but didn’t stop toying with my small growing horns. 

When she pulled back away from me again, she asked, “What are they?”

“H-horns. Growing,” I breathed out. 

She hummed and rubbed one between her fingers, making me squeak. “They don’t seem like normal horns. Really soft and kinda fuzzy.”

“They only j-just started growing,” I managed. Who knew what they’d be like once they’d grown some? Certainly quite different, I expected.

“Well, let’s hope they stay this soft and sensitive,” she grinned at me as she rubbed them and then brought me in for another kiss. 

Gradually, she picked up the pace, getting into a good rhythm. I could feel yet another orgasm slowly approaching, and I couldn’t help but anticipate it. Her hand moved down from my head to my chest, cupping and playing with my small boobs. Her breathing gradually picked up, and we began to trade smaller kisses in between long deep breaths. I could tell the position was giving her a bit of a workout. Something about the fact entertained me.

Eventually, both of her hands went back to the chair to my back and she thrust forward harder until she gasped and slowed to a near stop. She squeezed her legs around me and her eyes closed. Below, her vagina clenched around my cock. I stared in awe as she came right in front of me, on top of me, with me inside her, even. It was undeniably magical, a moment to go down in history. 

As her body came back down from her high, her eyes opened once more, and she gave me a goofy grin. 

“You wanna take it to the bed?”

I smiled back. “Let’s.”

Alright, everyone. My monthly expenses have recently gone up, unfortunately. And they're going to be going up once again in a few months. Which means that it's time to roll up my sleeves and double down once more on writing more! I'm currently writing chapter 21, and possibly 22 tonight. If I can get through chapter 26 by next Friday (the 21st,) I'll post a chapter then and start doing 2 chapters a week! Can I do it? Let's find out.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.