Madness of the Heart

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Open every day (15)

Knowing these two important clues, Fang Yuanhang got goose bumps. “Such a person would even kill Sha Chun? Did he dare to seal a person with cement? In June, the folk music club moved from the old building to the new building. When Sha Chun is relatively free, she just…”

Fang Yuanhang took a sigh of relief, “The last time we watched the performance of the Chinese People’s Orchestra, what we saw at that time was already a murderer! Master…”

Ming Shu knew what Fang Yuanhang wanted to say.

He noticed Sha Chun at that time, but it wasn’t because he smelled the murder case in Sha Chun, but as a layman who knew nothing about music, he was attracted by the aura that Sha Chun showed when he played the guzheng.

“Wu Zhen is not necessarily killed by Sha Chun himself.” Xiao Yuan said: “Sodium cyanide poisoning is not the same as strangulation. The strangulation must be done by someone else. There is a significant difference between self-hanging and strangulation in forensic medicine. Sodium cyanide is the same as strangulation. It doesn’t have to be fed to the entrance by others. However, it is only Sha Chun who is responsible for Wu Zhen’s “aftermath”. The time of Sha Chun’s death can be determined. It is on Sunday that Wu Zhen is difficult to determine by autopsy alone. , But Xiao Zhou insisted that it was between the 21st and the 22nd.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, “Hmm!”

“I think so too. Saturday and Sunday are days off, and their death time conveys a message.” Xiao Yuan said: “They lived through Monday to Friday, but failed to live through Saturday and Sunday— —They failed to have a rest day, they did not have a rest day.”

This is Zhou Yuan’s judgment, and the little man who has always been introverted can’t help but excited: “Two meanings-working hard, taking rest days as working days, so there are no rest days; dying on weekends, there are no rest days either. !”

“This is a ritual in terms of time.” Xiao Yuan said again: “The two cases also show progressive characteristics. The Ming team will analyze it in detail.”

Mingshu took the words, “Sha Chun died in the performing arts group. There are two possible reasons. One is that it is in a semi-developed area, which is restricted by objective factors, which is not conducive to police investigations. The other is that Sha Chun may have thoughts of making colleagues nervous. Even if Qu Xing didn’t do that, people in the folk music club would still be scared. But looking at Wu Zhen, he chose a vocational school just because it was remote. I haven’t found out that he has any thoughts of revenge by death. Wu Zhen’s friends The circle is too narrow. I almost cut off contact with the people in Xunchuan Town’s hometown. All the works were handed over to Liu Guang, and Liu Guang went to communicate with the film and television companies outside. Wu Zhen himself stayed in his small room for many years, and he could get in touch with it. There are very few people. As for the cement corpse…”

Fang Yuanhang raised his hand, “Master, I have an idea.”

Ming Shu turned his eyes, “Well, you said.”

“You said that one of Sha Chun’s reasons for choosing the Performing Arts Group was to make his colleagues uneasy. This is Sha Chun’s revenge against those colleagues who have bullied her. I think Wu Zhen’s actions actually involve elements of revenge, and the scope of revenge is wider.” Fang Yuanhang said: “Cement the body, don’t you think this sounds very permeating? Is he using this method to retaliate against society?”

Ming Shu thought for a while, then smiled: “The brain is getting brighter and brighter.”

Fang Yuanhang said: “In the previous cases of cement sealing, all the murderers tried to hide the facts of the crime and obstructed the police from solving the case. In this case, Wu Zhen himself was half the murderer, and there was no need for him to hide the facts of the crime.”

“Wu Zhen was poisoned by sodium cyanide. Sealing the corpse with cement can make people think that he was killed at a glance. It may be possible to seal the corpse with cement to mislead us, but there is still a possibility.” Ming Shu said: “Wu Zhen’s appeal is’immortality’. No one cares about his works, but his body can be’immortal’ in cement.”

“A corpse enclosed in cement will also rot.” As a forensic doctor, Xing Mu is very true to such details. After speaking, he secretly glanced at Ming Shu. Seeing that Ming Shu was looking at him, he quickly retracted his head.

“I know.” Mingshu is not forensic blindness. This kind of common sense doesn’t need Xing Mu’s point at all. “I mean, Wu Zhen believes that he can achieve ‘immortality’ in this way.”

Yi Fei said: “Don’t speculate about the intention of cementing the corpse. No matter how much we discuss, it is actually’Schrödinger’s cement’. Two people who know the truth are dead, who knows whether they want to’immortality’ or revenge. The society still only wants to create the illusion of homicide. The most important thing now is to find the person who helped Sha Chun’suicide’. If this person is Sha Chun’s’kind’, is the TA looking for someone to help him commit suicide? Our analysis is close to the facts, this is a desperate domino.”

Xiao Yuan said: “Not only must we find this person involved in Sha Chun’s death, but we must also go forward and find the person killed by Wu Zhen.”

The meeting room was immediately quiet, and Fang Yuanhang whispered: “Yes, if Wu Zhen is not the’source’, then there must be a desperate’suicide’ in front of him. Before this’suicide’, there may be, and there is also in front of him. …”

Yi Fei sighed, “Don’t you have any more.”

Ming Shu looked at Xiao Yuan, “Xiao Ju, are you sure that Wu Zhen is not the’source’?”

Xiao Yuan said, “I’m not sure.”

The players started talking in a low voice.

“Wu Zhen is 40 years old. Judging from his childhood experience, he has endured far more than Sha Chun. It is not surprising that any extreme and distorted thoughts arise from this. Moreover, he has a very large amount. He has seen a lot of social and social issues. Books on ethics, psychology, and crime may be the’source’.” Xiao Yuan paused and said: “But it cannot be ruled out that he was influenced by others. I just said that the two cases are progressive. The Performing Arts Group is a good place to commit crimes, but the pond is by no means a good place to hide corpses. Sha Chun was buried there, hoping to be discovered as soon as possible. This is a big gap with the Wu Zhen case.”

Ming Shu said: “In other words, if Wu Zhen also helped kill someone, this person would hide deeper? It would be harder for us to find out?”

Xu Chun had rushed back from Xunchuan Town, and whispered to Xiao Man next to him: “This is difficult. The longer the murder case is delayed, the more difficult it is to investigate.”

When Xiao Man was about to nod, he was nominated by Xiao Yuan.

“Wu Zhen’s fourth notebook is not used up. In that one, the handwriting has changed significantly. Has Xiao Xiao identified the approximate time?”

Xiao Man hurriedly stood up, “I checked Wu Zhen’s work and compared the contents of the notebook. The handwriting changed significantly around December last year.”

“Wu Zhen’s transformation and no longer writing film and television scripts was in September last year.” Ming Shu said: “The director of Wu Zhen said that although Wu Zhen’s income has increased after the transformation, he is not happy and still very depressed.”

Xiao Yuan said: “This time period should be focused on investigation. If Wu Zhen was affected by someone, it is likely to be during this time period. In addition, Yuanhang was worried a lot just now.”

Fang Yuanhang suddenly raised his head, “Huh?”

“My thoughts are the same as that of Xiao Ju.” Ming Shu sat in distress, “Dominoes fall down one piece, and one after another will fall down one after another. But is it so easy to kill? Dominoes are similar to each other, but people are ever-changing individuals. There are different thoughts and different demands. Wu Zhen’s body has been hidden for more than two months without being discovered. It is the result of many factors. Don’t forget that both Wu Zhen and Sha Chun have aspirations. If they did not appeal, they would be fine. Suicide. Another thing is that many people who have worked hard for many years but have not gained anything, can turn them into their own “kind”, let them kill themselves, and then be killed by the next “kind”, this is a small probability So although in theory there can be countless people in front of Wu Zhen, I don’t believe that there are really countless people in front of him. Our current investigation direction is divided into two big pieces, one is Wu Zhen and the other is Sha Chun. .”

After Ming Shu finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yuan nodded slightly.

Ming Shu added: “Although Sha Chun’s circle of friends is wider than Wu Zhen’s, it’s not much wider. The people she can meet are either colleagues from the performing arts group or teachers and students of’Jia Jia Bailu’. This’kind of’ It must be from these two groups. As for Wu Zhen, as I just said, we will focus on the whereabouts of Wu Zhen and the people he came into contact with in December last year. Also, although things like sodium cyanide are common, they are not casual. Only one person can get it. Where did Wu Zhen get it from? Or did he leave the’card’ in front of him for him?”

This is tantamount to drawing two clear lines, and Fang Yuanhang wrote “swishes” in his notebook, full of energy.

When the case was found to this point, Nong Yun finally pushed aside, and the unimaginable doubts in the Sha Chun case and Wu Zhen case finally had a logical explanation.

But as Yi Fei said, they are like desperate dominoes, the last struggle of the desperate.

The case analysis meeting will inevitably feel heavy.

“In fact, there is a place where I have been stuck.” The team members dispersed. Only Ming Shu and Xiao Yu’an were left in the meeting room. Ming Shu said with his cheeks pressed: “For the time being, I will say how Wu Zhen stared before and after Sha Chun. Shangshachun? People in the stream said that Wu Zhen learned Guzheng in order to prepare for writing costume plays in the future. After the transformation, Wu Zhen really made some money and had the capital to learn Guzheng. But I always think it’s a coincidence. Wu Zhen went to’Jianjia’ “Bai Lu” met the goal of Sha Chun, or did he take Sha Chun as his goal before going to “Jia Jia Bai Lu”? This causal relationship is very important.”

“You’ve drilled into the minutia again.” Xiao Yuan smiled, his tone was obviously different from that of the meeting just now, with less majesty and more gentleness, even with a hint of connivance when he spoke to you, “How many times have I said this to you? Habits need to be changed.”

Ming Shu is not convinced, “There is nothing wrong with focusing on the details, and the clues are hidden in the details, especially in cases like this. It is impossible to investigate without digging out the details.”

“You also need to find the right person for details.” Xiao Yuan said: “Like you noticed Qu Xing’s hand or Sha Chun’s refrigerator, these are all details worthy of diligence.”

Ming Shu pursed his lips. In his opinion, the communication process between Wu Zhen and Sha Chun is also a detail worth studying.

“But where you were entangled just now, no matter how entangled it is meaningless.” Before Ming Shu’s retort, Xiao Yuan said: “Because both parties are dead, Yi Fei said that the cement corpse was’Schrödinger’s cement’. In fact, you The detail that I want to grasp is also’Schrodinger’s meeting’. Your apprentice is obviously influenced by you.”

Ming Shu said “um”, “Fang Yuanhang thinks a lot, it’s better than not thinking about it. The young criminal policeman is afraid of being dull and waiting for others to give clues.”

“Yes, it’s okay for Fang Yuanhang to bite the details. But you can’t.” Xiao Yuan said solemnly: “You are the leader of the serious crime team, and you have to grasp the overall situation of the investigation. For details like this, let your little apprentice go. Think about it, the more he thinks about it, the better, but if you spend too much time on such details, there is no need.”

Ming Shu patted his forehead, and vomited out for a long time: “This is really the fucking’double standard’!”

Xiao Yuan smiled, “There is no such thing as a “double standard” person.”

Ming Shu squinted, “Really? Give me an example?”

Xiao Yuan said, “I think your mind is moving too fast.”

Ming Shu pretended to be stupid, “What? I just asked you to give an example.”

“Take you as an example?” Xiao Yuan sighed, “Don’t you just want to hear me praise you?”

Ming Shu was honest this time, “Then you boast.”

Xiao Yuan moved his finger, “Come here.”

Ming Shu hurried over, but he didn’t hear any good words, and he didn’t ask for a kiss. Instead, his cheek was pulled.

“You!” Although there was no pain on his cheeks, Ming Shu didn’t expect Xiao Yuan to play tricks on himself at this time, “It’s too much, Xiao Ju.”

Xiao Yuan packed up the things on the table, rubbed Ming Shu’s head briefly, and said with a smile, “Go busy with the case.”

Ming Shu turned around, “Xiao Ju, why are you going?”

“Something.” Xiao Yuan said.

“What’s the matter?” From the perspective of subordinates, Mingshu is not appropriate to ask, but from the perspective of his family, especially his spouse, Mingshu is too normal to ask.

Xiao Yuan smiled, “There will be a dinner in a while.”

“Yo!” Ming Shu raised his eyebrows high, “The case is still frozen, you Buddha is thinking about dinner? Come, come, tell the subordinate who is still struggling on the front line of investigation, which monkey belongs to it. Dinner?”

Fang Yuanhang’s lighter landed in the conference room. He hurriedly ran back to pick it up. When he rushed to the door, he heard his master questioning which monkey the boss was going to go to for dinner. He hurried to an emergency brake.

Xiao Yuan said: “It’s Li Ju.”

Fang Yuanhang: “Puff——”

Ming Shu leaned back, “Who is at the door?”

Fang Yuanhang knew that he couldn’t hide, half of his body was exposed, “Master, Xiao Ju, it’s me, but I didn’t hear anything.”

Ming Shu threw the lighter on the table over, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Fang Yuanhang nodded hurriedly, “You said that Li Ju is a monkey, and I’m in a bad stomach.”

Ming Shu: “…”

Xiao Yuan didn’t bother to mix things up with the master and apprentice, first patted Mingshu’s shoulder, and then patted the shoulder of Yuanhang below, leaving without a word.

Fang Yuanhang waited for half a minute, “Master, what do you mean by Xiao Ju?”

Ming Shu walked to the serious crime team office, “What do you mean?”

“Xiao Ju… he slipped away without saying a word!”

“Who stipulated that he had to say something to escape?”

Fang Yuanhang swallowed, “You just said Li Ju is a monkey.”

Ming Shu’s eyelids twitched, “Isn’t it all in my stomach? Why is it popping out again?”

“No!” Fang Yuanhang said, “Master, when did your relationship with Xiao Ju get so good? You can call Li Ju a monkey secretly!”

Ming Shu stopped and sailed towards Fang.

Fang Yuanhang said: “I understand Teacher Xing a little bit now.”

Xing Mu regards the leader as a scourge, and he will not provoke him if he can.

“Because you are all inexplicable leaders.” Fang Yuanhang concluded.

When Ming Shu was about to curse “get off”, he heard a movement from downstairs.

“Ming team, where’s the Ming team?”

Ming Shu heard it before he arrived. The person here was Lin Jiao, deputy director of the Psychological Research Center of the Municipal Bureau.

The Psychological Research Center is a new department that was formally established only a few years ago. Before its establishment, there were no full-time psychological consultants in the bureau. When some cases require the assistance of psychological experts, they can only cooperate with a few professional institutions in the city. Cooperating happily most of the time, but in the end it is a different unit with a different position, and it is inevitable that there will be problems in the face of difficult murder cases.

The emergence of the Psychological Research Center has helped the frontline police, especially criminal police and special police, a lot.

Lin Jiao is a young talent in the center, not much older than Ming Shu, and has a good relationship with the crime team. After Xu Yin was brought back by Yi Fei, he was sent to Lin Jiao.

“Ms. Lin.” Ming Shu stood by the stairs, “Is something wrong?”

Lin Jiao never wears a police uniform or a doctor’s uniform. When it is hot, he wears a shirt and trousers, and a suit and coat when it is cold. He looks quite elite.

“The Xu Yin you sent ran away.” Lin Jiao said.

“What?” Ming Shu frowned. The Psychological Research Center and the Special Police Corps were in the same building, some distance from the Criminal Investigation Bureau. “Why let her run away?”

“Don’t worry, I have already found it.” Lin Jiao said before Ming Shu’s questioning: “But the little girl is totally uncooperative. I must see you.”

Ming Shu knew that Xu Yin’s psychological problem was very serious, but at this time he couldn’t get away to talk to Xu Yin. Besides, he is a criminal police officer. Although he has been exposed to criminal psychology research, his professionalism is far less than that of experts from research centers such as Lin Jiao.

“How can I have time now?” Ming Shu said.

Lin Jiao said calmly: “Xu Yin said that she found a corpse before she smelled the stinky corpse of the vocational school.”

“Fuck me!” Fang Yuanhang said, “No way?”

“Team Ming, Xu Yin ran out of the center today just to find you.” Lin Jiao said, “She refused to tell me too much, saying she only wanted to tell you.”

Fang Yuanhang looked at Ming Shu, “Master?”

Ming Shu thought about it, “Tell Yi Fei, I will go to the center and come back soon.”

Although the Psychological Research Center is in the SWAT team, its style is completely different from that of the SWAT team, and it is too quiet.

Lin Jiao held the doorknob in his right hand and said in a low voice, “She is inside. If there is any need for me in a moment, you can just shout.”

Before opening the door, Ming Shu thought that the curtains inside were tightly closed and the light was weak. After all, many people with psychological problems did not like to be in the light.

The fact is that the room is wide open, and Xu Yin is sitting on the carpet with his big eyes open, looking at him grinningly.

Xu Yin is actually very cute, but when she thinks that this girl loves the smell of corpses and is keen to play the game of finding corpses, Ming Shu feels like her back is cold.

“You are here.” Xu Yin stood up and trot to Ming Shu.

Ming Shu lowered his head, looked directly at the girl’s slightly pale eyes, and asked for a moment: “Ms. Lin said you have something to tell me?”

Xu Yin nodded.

Ming Shu patiently said, “What’s the matter?”

Xu Yin laughed again, even in this extremely bright room, the laughter was somewhat permeating.

After laughing, she said in a child’s unique and immature voice: “I can see a ghost.”

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