Madness of the Heart

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Open every day (21)

“Long Tianhao!”

A male voice that was unfamiliar but seemed to have been heard came from behind. Long Tianhao stepped over the railing for a while, then turned his head back and looked at the sound.

Ming Shu ran all the way to the top of the building, but when he spoke, he steadily controlled his breath, barely breathing.

He waved to Long Tianhao, “Come here!”

Long Tianhao saw Ming Shu in the crime team, his eyes were red, and he shouted, “What are you doing?”

Mingshu approached Long Tianhao cautiously, “Don’t you want to jump off here if I don’t come?”

“I…” Long Tianhao was emotionally unstable, clutching the railing with his left hand, and subconsciously retorted: “I never thought about jumping off!”

“Then let go of your hand!” Ming Shu said sternly, “Come here!”

Long Tianhao did not let go, he still clung to the railing, and pressed his lips several times in a short time.

Obviously, he was scared.

But this kind of fear is not the fear of ordinary people when facing the police, but the inferiority and fear projected from the heart by a young man with low self-judgment when facing an older, excellent same-sex.

Ming Shu didn’t constrain that kind of deterrent aura, but approached step by step, “This is an old house with rust on the railings. Don’t you cherish your left hand? Why are you still holding on to the railing?”

When Long Tianhao heard the conditioned reflex, let go, and looked down, the palms were full of dark red rust.

The rust is like blood, spreading along the palm lines deep inch by inch.

Ming Shu saw the right time and swept forward quickly. Before Long Tianhao could react, he had completely taken the person away from the railing.

Long Tianhao struggled fiercely, but Mingshu was a head higher than him, and his strength was even more incomparable. He was restrained and couldn’t get rid of it at all.

Xing Mu, who came with Ming Shu, was shocked, “Leader, what should I do now?”

Ming Shu escorted Long Tianhao back to the rental room, closed the doors and windows tightly, noticed the injuries on Long Tianhao’s fingers, and asked, “Is there any alcohol iodophor at home?”

Long Tianhao sat down on the sofa without responding.

Xing Mu took out a small square box from the bag he carried with him, “Leader, I have an alcohol ball here.”

Ming Shu remembered that this brother Xing Mu always contained alcohol **** and disinfectant spray in his bag, in case of emergency.

“Wash your hands and deal with it yourself.” Ming Shu threw the small box to Long Tianhao and began to look around the room.

The furnishings in the room are simple, the most valuable is the computer, and the floor table is also neat and tidy, without the take-out packaging and snack pockets commonly found in game houses.

A picture frame was buttoned upside down on the computer desk, and Ming Shu picked it up. Long Tianhao in the photo was younger than now, full of energy, wearing a team uniform, thumbs up with both hands, and smiling brightly at the camera.

Long Tianhao returned after washing his hands, rushed to the table to retrieve the frame, first squeezed it tightly in his hand, and then buckled it on the table again, trembling and saying, “Don’t look.”

“When you first started playing professionally?” Ming Shu asked.

Long Tianhao silently placed the alcohol ball on his bloodied finger. Alcohol is irritating, and the injury is a new injury. The pain is inevitable when two contacts are in contact. However, Long Tianhao’s expression is very numb. He didn’t even wrinkle his eyebrows, as if he didn’t feel the pain at all.

Is it inherently insensitive to pain?

Or are you used to the pain?

Ming Shu observed for a while, sitting on Long Tianhao’s gaming chair, thinking that this man almost committed suicide by jumping off the building, he was a little upset, “Let’s talk about it, why do you want to jump off the building? I just don’t want to live so much?”

Long Tianhao threw the red alcohol ball into the trash can and stared at Ming Shu from below, “I want to live or not, what is your business?”

Xing Mu wanted to preach, but was afraid that Ming Shu would say that he was too talkative, so he had to say quietly: “You are young, you can’t jump off the building if you don’t even think about it…”

Ming Shu’s fingertips overlapped, “You want to break yourself because your hand injury is hard to heal.”

The back of Long Tianhao’s hand stretched with blue veins, “It has nothing to do with you!”

Ming Shu said: “You learn Guzheng with Sha Chun, thinking that by practicing Guzheng, you can help your left hand recover…”

“Stop talking!” Long Tianhao roared.

Ming Shu continued, “Do you think so, or did someone tell you?”

Long Tianhao’s left hand was already squeezed into a fist, and the gap in his finger was torn even more open because of this forceful movement, and blood flowed down the back of his hand.

Xing Mu was afraid that he would act on Mingshu.

“I want to learn Guzheng by myself?” Long Tianhao said with a twisted face.

Ming Shu stood up from the gaming chair and looked down at Long Tianhao, “Don’t **** play sideways with me.”

Long Tianhao was startled, the hostility on his face suddenly collapsed.

“You retired last year, not because of your age, but because of a serious injury to your left hand.” Ming Shu speaks clearly and has a strong pronunciation. “But you did not give up. You have been actively treating and looking for various methods, hoping to come back one day. Back to your beloved battlefield.”

Long Tianhao opened his mouth dumbly, and his left hand began to tremble.

“By June of this year, you have tried all the square and remedies. Dr. Lei of Guangye Hospital will treat your left finger from inflexibility to meet the needs of normal life, but it is still far from your requirements.” Ming Shu said: ” You find that you may never come back, so you fall into despair. At this time, someone tells you that practicing guzheng can promote the recovery of your injured hand. You are like grabbing a straw. The person also told you, “Jia Jia Bailu” Sha Chun is an excellent Guzheng player.”

Long Tianhao’s bloodshot eyes suddenly became a mist.

He did not deny it.

“With great purpose and hope, you think that your hands will really get better.” Ming Shu continued: “So on your birthday, you tell your fans and let them wait for you.”

Long Tianhao shook his head lightly, and said, “I don’t know…”

Ming Shu went on to say: “But after a few lessons, you not only find that your hands are not getting better, but you also find that Sha Chun is not as good as you think-she is just like you, insignificant in the industry you are engaged in. .”

Long Tianhao stood up at once.

Ming Shu said abruptly: “Sha Chun made you think that you are of the same kind, and you killed Sha Chun.”

To the uninformed, these are two words without logic, and there is no causal relationship before and after.

The insider can understand that this is a condition for one “domino” to fall to the next “domino”.

Long Tianhao’s response is crucial.

“You…what did you say?” Long Tianhao’s pupils tightened and his mouth opened blankly.

The two were three steps away, Ming Shu’s eyes were cold, Long Tianhao’s collarbone up and down exposed on the outside of the T-shirt, half a minute later, he shook his head and said, “I didn’t kill anyone, I just threatened her.”

“Sit down.” Ming Shu said in a similar tone, “I’ll ask you a few questions. You’d better not fool me with lies.”

Long Tianhao was a little dazed. He really sat back after hearing the words. He looked like he was beaten by frost. He whispered: “I never thought of killing people. The only **** is myself. Sometimes I can’t control my emotions, but I won’t kill. I… I will not kill if I commit suicide.”

Xing Mu walked up to Ming Shu and said in a low voice: “Leader, this person may be suffering from depression.”

Ming Shu said “um” and asked, “During the class, did you tell Sha Chun about your professional experience?”

“She asked me why I wanted to learn Guzheng.” Long Tianhao stared at a circular stain on the floor, his eyes a little confused, “I didn’t say at first, only that I used to be an e-sports player, she said to look at my hands, I know I am a hard worker.”

Ming Shu said: “And she is also a hard worker.”

Long Tianhao was surprised, “How do you know?”

Ming Shu did not answer, “‘Effort’ has brought you closer. You no longer hide and tuck, and begin to confess your heart to Sha Chun.”

Long Tianhao looked at Ming Shu suspiciously, and said after a while: “I told her that my left hand was injured, and my experience of struggling in the secondary league these years. Except for Dr. Lei, I…I never I told outsiders about this. I thought at the time that Sha Chun could understand my feelings.”

Ming Shu asked: “What did she say to you later?”

Long Tianhao was puzzled, “What what?”

Ming Shu said: “A plan.”

The doubt between Long Tianhao’s eyebrows became deeper, and after a moment he shook his head, “I don’t understand.”

The atmosphere fell into a weird stagnation again, Ming Shu said: “Since you and Sha Chun have a good relationship, why did you have such a hostility to Sha Chun last time?”

“I am not hostile to her, I just…” Long Tianhao looked sad, “I can’t control my emotions at all. After taking guzheng lessons for a while, my left hand not only didn’t get better, but it was often painful and unbearable, and swelling appeared again. I understand. No one can save my hand. If it breaks, it is broken. Dr. Lei can’t help me, and Sha Chun can’t help me.”

Ming Shu walked a few steps in front of Long Tianhao and asked the key question, “You can never suddenly think that learning Guzheng is beneficial to the recovery of your left hand. Someone has misled you and made you go to the doctor in a hurry, who is this person? ?”

Long Tianhao did not deny the existence of this person, but shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

Ming Shu said: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know him, when and where did you meet him?”

Long Tianhao was silent for a long time this time.

“Is there something unspeakable?” Ming Shu asked.

“I can’t help myself. I have done a terrible thing.” Long Tianhao rubbed his hands cramped on his legs.

Ming Shu said, “Are you threatening Dr. Lei?”

Long Tianhao quickly raised his eyes, “You already know?”

“That person who misled you showed up after you made a fuss in the hospital?”


Long Tianhao said that he actually knew that Dr. Lei had done his best. Compared with before receiving treatment, his left hand condition is much better. If there is no Dr. Lei, he might not even be able to do the signing of the anchor.

But this is far from enough!

The left hand was unable to return to the state before the injury, and Dr. Lei also clearly told him that it was no longer possible for him to play professionally.

“I don’t know who can be blamed. It seems that no one is wrong. After thinking about it, I can only blame myself.”

Long Tianhao’s voice gradually choked up, looking at Ming Shu and asking, “But what’s wrong with me?”

There was despair and helplessness in this voice, and pain permeated every trembling bite.

Ming Shu took a light breath.

“Dr. Lei said that it was because I overhanded my hands in the early years, and now I don’t follow the doctor’s advice, causing my left hand to not get better.” Long Tianhao smiled bitterly and shook his head. How do I get ahead? If I give up the game completely because of my injuries, how can I come back? There are so many talented newcomers now, besides hard work, what should I do to fight with them? I…”

Long Tianhao stopped suddenly, wiped away the tears that were about to fall with his trembling left hand, and then sighed: “Actually, it is useless to be diligent. I have practiced this hand to such a level. Didn’t I still fail to get ahead? I haven’t played in the top league, and I can only stay in the secondary league for so many years. Even in the secondary league, they are only middle-level players. I am sorry to my parents. I live like this, but it’s my own fault. .”

The topic seems to be off the track, but Ming Shu did not remind Long Tianhao.

A few minutes later, Long Tianhao took a long breath, “But I dare not admit it, I dare not blame myself. I have to find someone to take care of me and push all the mistakes to him. If I don’t do this, How can I convince myself to continue living?”

Ming Shu said, “That person is Dr. Lei.”

Long Tianhao covered the upper half of his face and nodded solemnly, “I went to his clinic, vented all the pain on him, called him a quack, blamed him for not curing my disease, blamed him for ruining me The future of… Then the security came and pressed me against the wall, and I woke up. I thought they would call the police, but then they just let me promise not to come to the hospital and make trouble.”

Across the street from Guangye Hospital is the main campus of Dongye Medical University.

After Long Tianhao left the hospital, he had nowhere to go, wandering blindly, and arrived on the campus of the Medical University.

“I don’t have much money anymore. If you want it, you can die. The campus is really nice and quiet. Everyone has a future to run. I sit on a bench and watch them. If I see enough, I will die.” Long Tian Hao said: “But then someone came over and sat with me. He told me that practicing guzheng can promote the recovery of hand tenosynovitis, and he gave me a leaflet, asking me to find someone in’Jianjia Bailu’ The teacher named’Sha Chun’.”

“Jianjia Bailu” leaflet.

Yu Xiaocheng also found “Jianjia Bailu” after getting the leaflet!

Ming Shu asked: “Do you still keep the leaflet?”

Long Tianhao shook his head, “After I signed up, I threw the leaflet away.”

Xing Mu, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn’t help but interject, “Why would you trust a stranger so much?”

Long Tianhao looked at his left hand and said softly: “Whoever has a way to heal my hand, I will trust whoever.”

After a two-second pause, Long Tianhao said again: “And he…he is a teacher in the university.”

Xing Mu didn’t understand, “What about the teacher?”

Mingshu understands.

Long Tianhao looks like a bastard. In fact, he is relatively innocent. He has not read many books. He started playing professionally when he was a teenager. He has an almost instinctive admiration for people with a high degree of education. He thinks that such people as university teachers and doctors are all. Be credible.

“He said he was a teacher?” Ming Shu asked.

Long Tianhao seemed to be questioned.

Ming Shu frowned. “He didn’t say he was a university teacher?”

“I thought he was.” Long Tianhao was a little flustered. “He is in the medical college, he is in his fifties, he is very decent, has gray hair, wears glasses, speaks very well, is very good, not a teacher, what else can he be? What?”

Ming Shu gradually knew, “Then I will ask you again, have you seen this person afterwards?”

Long Tianhao shook his head.

Ming Shu stretched out his hand, “Give me your left hand.”

Long Tianhao warned: “What do you want to do?”

Ming Shu asked, “What are you afraid of?”

Long Tianhao hesitated for a long time, stretched out his left hand, Ming Shu quickly held it, and Long Tianhao froze suddenly.

“Pain?” Ming Shu asked.

“It’s not painful.” Long Tianhao said softly: “The most painful time has passed.”

Ming Shu brought Long Tianhao back to the crime team, immediately asked the technicians to draw a portrait, and then asked the technical investigator to adjust the campus monitoring of Dongye Medical University according to the date.

When seeing the portrait, Yu Xiaocheng was at a loss, “I have no impression.”

Portraits made based on the descriptions of witnesses are often quite different from real people, unless they are those with very distinctive looks. Mingshu did not expect Yu Xiaocheng to recognize the person in the painting, and asked: “You said you chose’Jiajia Bailu’ because you got the leaflets from many training institutions.’Jianjia Bailu’ is the one closest to you. ?”

Yu Xiaocheng nodded, “Yes.”

“Who gave you the flyer?”

“I can’t remember, they are all college students, come out to do part-time jobs.”

“Before you went to’Jia Jia Bailu’, did you notice a man in his fifties who had a temperament similar to that of a university teacher?”

Yu Xiaocheng thought for a long time, then shook his head, “No. Is this person the murderer of Sha Chun? Do you have a clue?”

Ming Shu frowned, “So your going to’Jianjia Bailu’ was completely accidental…”

This is not a question, but Yu Xiaocheng is asking herself as Ming Shu, “Yes, if there is something closer, I might not go to’Jianjia Bailu’. I really didn’t do anything, you believe it. I!”

“I don’t know him.” Liu Mei’s reaction was flatter than Yu Xiaocheng’s, and Fang Yuanhang glared dissatisfiedly to show her dissatisfaction with being constantly disturbed.

Fang Yuanhang said: “Don’t know? From your expression, I heard a detail-you just don’t know him, but you have an impression of him.”

Liu Mei paused for a moment, and said in surprise: “You got it wrong, I haven’t seen this person!”

“Then let me add a question.” Fang Yuanhang feels that he is completely immune to beautiful women now. Facing such a beautiful woman, he doesn’t move in his heart. He just wants to pry open the beautiful woman’s mouth and dig out the details that can solve the case. “You didn’t make it clear before. There are so many institutions in Dongye City under the banner of antiquity, and there are several in Dongcheng District alone. Why did you choose’Jiajia Bailu’?”

Liu Mei lowered her head, her pointed chin almost melted into the shadow.

“There’s really no special reason.” After more than a minute, Liu Mei’s eyes dodged and her pronunciation was very unstable. “You know that I also took classes in other institutions. I just like the ancient style. I see the distance, time, If the charge is appropriate, I will go.”

Sha Chun’s other students also successively went to the Criminal Investigation Bureau for inquiries.

The youngest, Wang Dan and Liang Xiyue, who are completely incapable of committing crimes, are left to the mother to choose where and what to learn. Both the Queen Mother and Liang Mu said that they chose “Jianjia Bailu” because they looked good and because they were attracted by the publicity stunts of “star guzheng performers in the performing arts group”.

The situation of He Junchao and He Xiuting is similar to that of Wang Dan and Liang Xiyue.

After investigating, Mingshu found important clues to support his reasoning at Wenhe, who was not in the country at the time of the case.

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