Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

5. Not a Boulder

By the time Abigail felt that she had the strength to stand, night had fallen. The moon hung overhead, its light shining down on the forest. Still, there were shadows hanging everywhere she looked. Shadows that stared back at her as she slowly rose to her feet.

She walked through those shadows with no sense of direction, moving more out of purpose than anything else. It was enough to get her far enough from the village that she couldn't even see the great tree that hung over it. There was only the open expanse ahead of her.

Plains that stretched as far as her eye could see. Mountains as tall as the clouds in the distance. Flowers glowing bright under the moonlight, a mix of colors. Plumes of smoke rising high into the sky beyond.

They were villages, and towns, city's and forts. No doubt each was full of life and elves who could probably read their own language. Abigail just needed one.

She chose the closest and started walking. As she walked, she studied the world around her.

The unfamiliar shape of the moon. A yellow crescent instead of a pale disk. The scents of flowers she never knew, deeper and far more bitter than her own. Even the wildlife was alien to her. Their shapes were ungainly compared to the beasts and critters of Eoria.

All these aberrations hammered home that this was not her home. A realization that followed her the rest of the way to the next town. Which was just as different as everything else in this world, from the buildings down to the people.

It really was alien to her. A feeling that only grew as she circled it from a distance. 

But she buried that feeling as she came across a boulder. The boulder instead became the focus of her attention. There was something about it that seemed off, wrong in a way that she couldn't point out.

She stared at it for over a minute trying to figure out what. Eventually, though, she gave up on trying to figure out the Boulder's mystery and climbed on top of it. The perfect spot to peer down past the walls and into the town itself.

As expected, the town was filled with elves going about their business. But there was one elf that especially stood out to Abigail.

He had skin dark as the midnight sky, purple eyes, and wore a bright red scarf. This elf, curious looking as he was, walked alone toward the town gate. No one stopped or joined him as he walked out. It was almost too perfect.

An elf, all alone in the dead of night with nobody to hear him if he were to be confronted by a human looking for some help.

It was an opportunity that Abigail couldn't let pass. But as she hopped off the boulder to go and 'greet' her elf, the ground began to shake. At first she thought it was an earthquake or some other kind of natural disaster, but she was wrong. The source of the shaking was coming from right behind her, specifically from her perfect vantage point.

Except her boulder was no boulder at all.

It was a living thing. Four armed, huge, and clearly upset. Worse still, that rage immediately began to look for someone, or something to lash out against. Which Abigail expected to be her. She was the one who woke it up, after all.

But instead, the monster turned it's gaze onto the elven town and began marching toward it. Fortunately, it was a slow thing, with each earth shaking step coming a minute after the last. A pace, that if it kept up, gave Abigail several minutes to deal with the monster before anyone even noticed it or her.

But she wasn't that fortunate. Already, there was a pair of eyes on the stone skinned giant. Eyes that quickly fell on her next. They belonged to the great skinned elf, who was watching her with an unreadable expression. 

Whatever it was, she didn't care all too much at the moment. All that mattered to her, for right now, was stopping the beast before it could do any harm to anyone. A task that she quickly discovered was going to be as hard as it looked.

The stone behemoth was tough.

She kicked, and punched, and jumped at it with all her might and it didn't even flinch. It just kept going, ignoring her like she was a fly beneath it's notice. Which she may have been in a direct physical contest, but when was a fight ever purely physical.

In a single bound she leaped atop its head. Her grip firm, legs locked around its neck, she slammed her palms into its skull and concentrated. Ardin flowed from her heart to her wrists and into the stone skulled terror. A charge built up inside it, and the reaction was instant and twofold. 

First the giant screamed and swung at her with a stone claw. She ducked under it as the stone beneath her hands exploded. It was a massive bang that lit up the night for a split second. In the next, it sent her flying to the ground opposite of her enormous foe.

She heard it hit the ground and shake the whole area, like a cave collapsing in on itself. It sent out a cloud of dust in every direction, and for a second she was blind. Sightless, she rose. Her back hurt with a stinging pain, yet she couldn't stop the smile the rose with her.

She won. Her hands hurt, were probably a little burned, and she was gonna feel terrible come tomorrow morning, but she won. To her that was all that mattered. Until she remembered what she was doing before the monster that is.

Suddenly reinvigorated, Abigail looked out beyond the dust cloud and down at the town. It looked exactly as it had before. But the grey skinned elf was nowhere to be seen. He was gone and with him her easy chance at getting someone to read her note.

"Looking for someone?"

Abigail snapped around and stared at the elf behind her. "How did you-"

He slipped in close, hand pressed against her mouth. "Just nod your head alright? Were you looking for me?"

She nodded, up and down.

He removed his hand. "Okay, well now you have me. What did you want?"

The note was already out of her pocket, and practically shoved towards the elf. "Can you read this? Please, I promise it's for a good cause."

The elf didn't say a word. He took the note, read it once, twice and then handed it back to her. "I won't ask where you got this. But I'll tell you this, whoever you took this from has big friends. Strong, and they are going to come looking for you. So I suggest going somewhere to hide. Okay."

"But what does the note say?"

He stared at her. His eyes bore into hers and dared her to look away.

She peered deeper instead.

He sighed. "To the east, there is a fortress. Well guarded. Your friend was sold there a few days ago.

"Now please don't die human."

Abigail looked to the east. There, in the distance the fortress stood. It was a bastion of stone and steel, striking an imposing visage. When she looked back, the elf was gone. 

"I won't." 

It was a promise, as much as to the stranger as it was to herself. One she resolved to keep along with the rest. A weight, that combined with all the other promises she'd ever made, might have been too much. It could have been the one to overwhelm her.

But it wasn't. And she started towards the fortress, smiling.

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