Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 743 - Test of Magic Power Transformation

Chapter 743 Test of Magic Power Transformation


“I know who’s been conspiring with the liches against you.”


They were in a noisy place that was full of people, but Roland heard that loud and clear.


It had been half a year since Roland started investigating the cooperation between liches and players. Finally, he got something.


He said, “Let’s go to my manor and talk about it.”


After returning to his manor, Roland asked Beatrice to entertain the guest with cakes. Then he asked, “You’ve figured out who they




“By accident,” Solisa said, enjoying the cakes. “It’s rather dramatic with a lot of twists and turns. To protect myself in reality, I cannot tell you how I found them out.”


Roland nodded. “I understand.”


“Here’s a list of their names.” Solisa pushed a piece of paper to Roland. “A lot of people are involved. Do what you must, but I won’t be a part of it.”


Roland’s eyebrows shivered. “Is it tricky?”


“A little bit,” said Solisa helplessly. “It won’t be appropriate for me and my guild to be involved.”


Roland put five bags of gold coins on the table.




Then, Solisa left.


Opening the piece of paper, Roland heaved a sigh. “Some of them are famous streamers, some are famous rich players, and some are just total strangers. Am I really so annoying?”


In fact, Roland wasn’t annoying because he was Roland, but because he was the best in the entire server.


The highest ranked in any game would always be plotted against.


It had nothing to do with morals but was pure jealousy and instinctive competitiveness.


Then, Roland put on a smile. “At least, none of them is a friend. That’s good news.”


After that, he put away the piece of paper.


He believed seventy percent of the message that Solisa delivered.


Of the thirty percent of distrust, ten percent was because of his usual cautiousness, and twenty percent was because he wanted to find out if any of the people on the list were actually innocent.


He went to the Guild of Assassins and hired them to investigate the strong ones on the list.


He asked them to investigate the targets without trying to kill them.


As long as they didn’t try to kill the targets, their names wouldn’t turn red, and the players wouldn’t overreact.


Although many awesome Rogues had emerged among the players too, they had only been at that for five years; they couldn’t compare to the real elites in the Guild of Assassins.


Then, Roland pretended that nothing happened and returned to his manor in Delpon to study Mage’s Disjunction


The spell was so challenging that even Roland felt a strong headache, because the causal magic that he was least good at was involved.


He spent a week on Mage’s Disjunction but made little progress.


On the other hand, he was very popular in the new base.


The people of all departments were very friendly to him and invited him to visit their department.


So, Roland visited different departments as they wished.


He knew his way in the base much better.


What he did most was cast Language Proficiency on the researchers.


As his abilities were gradually increased in reality, he was able to cast Language Proficiency and make it last five hours in reality.


Therefore, he became the most valuable asset in all departments. All the researchers loved reading the latest papers.


Also, they had access to certain special documents that the state government got for them.


Some of the documents were in French, some in German, and some in English.


Although most researchers knew at least one second language, there was nothing they could do when they met a language they didn’t know.


They were often too eager to wait for someone else to translate.


Roland accidentally found that the researchers who worked on energy transfer were stuck on an English document.


Many of the words in the document were new and incomprehensible without notes.


It wasn’t anything new that a researcher in a specific field couldn’t understand a paper in another field.


Some of the latest files contained a lot of new words that even the professional translators couldn’t understand.


Roland was having tea and chatting with a few young men, who promised to design an Iron Man’s suit for him as long as he could power it.


He saw that a few middle-aged researchers were stuck on the paper and subconsciously cast Language Proficiency.


Those people were all shocked. They immediately translated all the files into Chinese and printed them out on A4 paper while the spell was still effective.


The 37 pages of English files were translated into 13 pages in Chinese, whose information and data turned out to be 100% accurate.


After that, Roland became a treasure in the base.


The researchers didn’t want to study him anymore. They simply asked him to cast Language Proficiency in their lab and then kicked him away.


They seemed rather ruthless. But in fact, every department in the base seized the opportunity to retranslate important files in other languages.


They found many errors and corrected a lot of things that didn’t make much sense due to poor translations.


After all, a technological blockade had been imposed for a long time. Some of the key parts in a lot of files were confusing due to the new words and bad translations.


Now that Language Proficiency was massively available, things were much easier.


Then, a movement to improve the accuracy of foreign files was initiated in the base.


A lot of projects that hit a dead end met new progress.


Then, a meeting of the leadership was held.


“Roland is much more useful than we imagined. He’s not just a strategic weapon and an experiment subject. We can give him an appropriate job so that he can be one of the researchers too.”


“I agree.”


“I’ve got a better idea. We can establish a Special Energy Research Lab and let him head it. We’ll then give him some young men to work for him. Wouldn’t that be even better?”


“Oh, that’s an interesting idea.”


When Roland received the order two days later, he was quite stunned.


“Wait, boss, you’re forcing me to do something that I’m incapable of.”


“What do you mean by something you’re incapable of? Who else in this world can cast spells like you do?”


“Oh… But I’m inexperienced and I don’t know how I should do the job.”


“Then think and experiment.” The director of the base gave the paper of appointment to him with a smile. “Whatever tools you need, just apply for them. We’ll give you the highest clearance. You’ll have the maximum budge too. You can ask for more if it’s used up.”


Then, the director left.


Three hours later, Roland would be the head of the new project, Discovery and Application of Special Energy. Whoever was willing to work in his team could apply to join the project and be transferred as long as Roland was willing to take them.


Then, half an hour later, an ocean of applications flooded in and almost filled up Roland’s internal mailbox in the base.


He received almost ten thousand applications.


Roland helplessly accepted the order and began screening


He wanted the candidates to be young and game fans. In the end, he got thirty researchers.


He asked for a couple of people from every department, including those who studied genes and those who studied physics.


Then, his team was founded.


The best laboratory was allotted to them.


The morning that the new team was established, Roland sat in the front and looked at the thirty young men down below, before he said, “The boss asked me to head a new research project, so I did. However, I don’t have any experience in research, so I’ll need your help.” Seeing that Roland was friendly and modest, the thirty young men were all greatly relieved


“Okay, let’s introduce ourselves.” Roland pointed at the young man on his left. “You can start.”


“Hello, everyone. I am Chen Rui and I study mental behavior. I’ve been working on placebo effects.” He blinked. “According to my research, some people aren’t sensitive to placebos at all, while others are highly so. Placebos can even cause physical reactions on the surface of their bodies. I believe that Director Huang is one of these super sensitive people.”


Then, the young man sat down.


“However, it does not explain why Director Huang can cast Language Proficiency on others.” The second researcher who stood up was an average-looking man with sharp eyes. “I am Su Minluo. I ran statistics in the energy transformation project earlier.”


“I am Fu Tiancong. I was in a quantum physics project.”


“I am Zhang Yilin…”


After all 37 people introduced their fields of expertise, Roland said, “Personally speaking, I want magic to flourish on Earth, so I’ve set up the first project… It’s about how semen can be converted into magic power.”


Roland looked at all of them. None of them were excited or displeased at the word “semen.”


There was nothing but eagerness and curiosity in their eyes.


“I’ll write down the spell model and cast it in front of you several times,” Roland continued. “If our female colleagues find it disgusting, you can wait until the next project.”


At this moment, Su Minluo said disdainfully, “Director Huang, we’re all professionals. Did you know that I once put thirty male genitals in formaldehyde wearing gloves?”


The other girls grimaced too.


All the males felt that the part between their legs was cold.


Roland was surprised. “Aren’t you focused on energy transformation? What you just described sounds like a job in a medical school.”


“I studied medicine at first, but then I changed my major.”


Okay, Roland got it.


“Then, let’s take a half-hour break and begin.”


All of them instantly stood up and prepared their equipment.


Because they were from a dozen different departments, they had brought a myriad of tools.


Half an hour passed quickly. Standing in the middle of the lab, Roland said, “The spell I’m about to use is called Magic Power Transformation… I invented it in the game to bring magic power to reality.”


“Wait, Director, can you take off your clothes?”


“No, I don’t want to look ugly.” Roland shrugged. “But we can observe the phenomena you cause more easily if you take off your clothes,” said Su Minluo outside the transparent glass. “That’s what a real researcher should do. Please work with us…”


Roland suddenly interrupted her. “Sorry, I still don’t want to take off my clothes. On the other hand, although I agreed that you could help with the projects, and I am indeed an experiment, I am still a human being with human dignity. I am, first and foremost, a person, and then an experiment subject.”


Su Minluo was briefly stunned. “But…”


“No buts.” Roland shook his head. “In medical experiments, it is advocated that the lab rats are given a dignified death. I am a human being. Don’t I deserve some dignity? Comrade Su, please don’t be too obsessed with experiments and data and overlook the nature of human beings.”


Su Minluo took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Director Huang. I understand what you’re saying.”


Then, Roland used Magic Power Transformation multiple times until he felt that his kidneys were cold.


After that, he wobbled out of the lab.


Everybody collected and calculated the data.


About two hours later, everybody gathered for a meeting


Roland said slowly, “Now, we can talk about what you just detected. Is there any special discovery?”


“Director, your body’s magnetic field expanded by yet another twenty percent.”


“Director, your body temperature, especially that around your waist, dropped about one degree, but it’s rising back right now.”


“Director, according to our radiation test, your heat radiation slightly dwindled, but you got a weird energy layer. Take a look at this…”


The man projected a picture on the screen in the meeting room.


It was an X-ray image of Roland’s body, but the picture was rather twisted.


“Some unknown energy surrounded your body.”


“Oh, that was just my magic power working,” Roland explained. “When there’s enough magic power in my body, it’ll be automatically activated.”


Everybody was slightly surprised. At this moment, Su Minluo said, “Director, we found something odd. You lost 34 grams earlier but now have 1.3 more kilograms of body weight. You never took in any food or water just now. You didn’t even change your clothes. So, we wonder if your body weight will increase as your magic power increases.”


“That doesn’t sound right. How can he gain more than one kilogram of weight after losing thirty grams of semen. That violates the conservation of energy.”


“Magic Power Transformation… Is it possible that the semen is just a catalyst, and that it reacted with something unknown in the air and generated something new that contains energy?” Roland thought for a moment and said, “Now, can you help me test if magic power carries weight?”


In fact, Roland already knew that magic power had weight, because every magic power brick weighed about one kilogram. However, the case might be slightly different in reality, right?

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