Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2089

As for Su Bingwen's maintenance, song Yan was moved a little. He said: "my Lord, we have to send our troops to Xifeng County. If we don't send our troops to save Xifeng County, the red wolf will certainly attack the other two counties after attacking Xifeng County. At that time, Liangzhou will become an isolated city. If the red wolf family has reinforcements to reinforce, Liangzhou will not be able to defend at all!"

Wen Yan, Su Bingwen is also quite tangled, after a while, said: "otherwise, let deputy general Sha lead a thousand veterans and five thousand recruits over!"

"He can't, only the next official and his own team can lift the dilemma of Xifeng County!" Song Yan said firmly.


Su Bingwen was still persuaded by the song inkstone, of course, there is no way.

After persuading Su Bingwen, song Yan takes Chen Chong to the military town.

Now Chen Chong is on duty in yamen, but even if he is song Yan's eldest brother-in-law, he can't be an official for a while. This red wolf invasion is an opportunity. As long as he can get several leaders, it's not difficult to mix with a military rank.

"Lord song, why are you here?"

When song Yan arrived, Sha Tianchen personally brought people to the camp to meet him.

Song Yandao: "two days ago, the red wolf soldiers were trapped in Xifeng County. Now, Xifeng County is in danger. Deputy Sha will immediately order 1000 soldiers and horses to the officer. I want Xifeng County to clear the siege. The rest of the soldiers and horses will be taken to Liangzhou Prefecture directly to prevent the city from being attacked!"

"My Lord, are there a few of these 1000 people? Otherwise, we will take them with you!"

Deputy general Sha said.

"No need! Time is urgent, can't delay, hurry up to order troops! "

Song Yan said.

"Yes, I will."

Su Bingwen was worried about the danger of song Yan, but Sha Tianchen didn't worry much, because Xu Xing led 500 cavalry to find song Yan's trouble and shot song Yan on the city head with an iron arrow.

Song Yan directly makes the iron arrow fly back, breaking Xu Xing's Dantian and causing him serious injury. Even in the late congenital period, it is difficult to do this. Therefore, Wu Jingwei and them suspect that song Yan is a master at the patriarchal level.

Although there are more than 8000 soldiers and horses of the red wolf family, it's not good to leave a grand master.


Sha Tianchen handed over a thousand soldiers to song Yan, and all of them were cavalry.

Of course, this is the only cavalry left in Liangzhou military town.


Song Yan, at his command, led a thousand cavalry to Xifeng County.

Wu Jingwei is very good at being a man. He has publicized song Yan's bravery and strength in the military camp for a long time. Therefore, no one in the 1000 cavalry looks down upon Song Yan as a civil servant, but is curious about him.

Xifeng County is more than 130 li away from Liangzhou Prefecture.

At the speed of cavalry, I'm afraid it will take two hours to get there.

However, within half an hour of his departure, song Yan found the spy of the red wolf family.

Instead of catching them, he let them pass the news back.

When the cavalry led by song Yan was 30 li away from Xifeng County, the Scouts of the red wolf family successfully sent the information to Kui Lang, the general who led the red wolf family this time.

"A thousand soldiers and horses dare to die in Xifeng County. They don't know how to die!"

The Kui wolf who got the news disdained a smile, and then looked at all his subordinates: "who is going to kill that horse?"

"The general is a cavalry willing to lead 800 soldiers to kill Liangzhou town!"

A strong man with a black face and hair plaited into a little braid said.

His name is samer. He is one of the three major generals under Kui lang. his strength has reached the mid innate stage, which is very valued by Kui Lang.

Kui Lang said, "OK, I'll give you two thousand soldiers and horses. If you can't kill that cavalry, you'll see me with your head up!"

"Yes, I do!"

Summer's face brightened. After saluting the wolf, he strode out of the camp.

Soon, samer ordered two thousand cavalry to kill song Yan's cavalry.

The other side.

Song Yan suddenly raised his hand and signaled to stop.

"Mr. Song, are you here?"

Asked the accompanying commander, didqiu.

"Our trace should be known by the red wolf. What would you do if you were the general of the red wolf?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

DiQiu thought for a moment and said, "we should send troops to eat our cavalry!"

"How many do you think they will send?" Song Yan asked again.

"The red wolf people always look down on us. There should not be too many people. It's estimated that there are about 3000!"

Song Yan smiled: "that's right. If we go there directly, we'll fight against the 8000 army. We'd better wait for them here, just face a small number of red wolf army, so it's easier!"


DiQiu nodded. To be honest, he didn't like the rescue of Xifeng County. He even thought that the whole army would be destroyed.

Sure enough.

In less than half an hour, there were thunder like hoofs in front of us, and more billowing smoke and dust rose to the sky.Song Yan raised his eyes and saw at a glance that there were only two thousand soldiers.

"All the officers and men will follow the orders and kill with their own orders!"

In the middle of the big drink, song Yan urged his horse to rush forward. Seeing this, di Qiu immediately ordered: "brothers, rush with song adults!"

The cavalry on both sides are speeding up.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

One hundred meters.

Just then.

"Chi Yin" is the sound of a long sword coming out of its sheath, and then song Yan saw the sword in his hands cutting towards the red wolf cavalry a hundred meters away.


When the long sword fell, a terrifying sword with a length of seven or eight Zhang suddenly appeared, cutting into the red wolf army like lightning.

As the chief general, samer was cut into two parts by sword Qi without even uttering a scream. Of course, the power of sword Qi has reached the level of a great master, and there is no influence on killing a born warrior.


With a loud bang, the seven or eight foot terror sword air bombarded the red wolf army. In an instant, hundreds of people died, more than 200 people were injured, countless horses were also frightened, and the speed of the red wolf army was one of the obstacles.

Just then.

Song Yan raised his long sword again and cut out three swords in succession.

Three seven or eight Zhang swords were hurled into the red wolf army again, but they caused more than 1000 casualties. With the previous sword, two thousand soldiers and horses destroyed most of them directly.

As for the 1000 cavalry behind song Yan, they were stunned. Then they looked at Song Yan as if they were gods.

"Kill, kill the barbarians!"

Song Yanju drinks his sword and leads the cavalry into the red wolf army.

Song Yan's Four Swords have frightened the red wolf army. The rest of them dare to fight with them and turn their horses to escape. However, it's easy to escape in the chaos.

"Poop poop!"

Under the leadership of song Yan, the cavalry in Liangzhou military town killed dozens of people in front of him when he wielded his long sword. The cavalry behind him quickly spread out and killed them.

"Poop poop!"

The blood fog splashed. The battle was over in less than a quarter of an hour.

Only a few dozen people escaped from the two thousand red wolf army. More than 800 people were killed directly. The remaining 1000 people were all wounded.

"My Lord, what do you do with these red wolf soldiers?"

Asked dichu.


Song Yan's eyes narrowed and he said coldly.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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