Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 22 I have a job

Early in the morning of June 7, Xiao Ming got up from the bed.

Xiao Jing got up earlier than her brother as usual, bought breakfast and ate together. Xiao Jing saw Maomao floating around Xiao Ming, and she liked it very much instantly.

Maomao also liked to be intimate with Xiao Jing, because Xiao Jing had the most special energy. In fact, it was higher than Xiao Ming in terms of concentration.

Maomao of course couldn't give it to Xiao Jing, so she had to settle for the second best and quickly bought an electronic pet online to comfort her sister.

——Xiao Jing had never cared when she saw other people had electronic pets. It was only because Xiao Ming had Maomao that she wanted one too.

This was a pit she dug for herself, and Xiao Ming had to fill it with tears. He looked at the debt in his credit card and his eyes lit up. It's not right, how come there are so many more savings suddenly.

But he didn't say anything. After buying an electronic pet for his sister, he went back to the room and asked Maomao.

Maomao told him that this was his salary. After his confidentiality level was raised, the Nine-Tailed Fox transferred his work relationship to the Royal Research Institute and became a senior tester.

He also had a good salary. The Nine-Tailed Fox even adjusted his working hours a few months earlier, so he got back pay. It was enough to pay off the debt and there was still some surplus.

In fact, Xiao Ming's replicas in the ②③ worlds also had salaries, but that was not his, and it was still in the replica's own account.

He couldn't take it out, and he didn't dare to take it. It was only when his consciousness was transmitted, it was okay to use it.

Now, Xiao Ming's blood, which had not been easily mustered, cooled down again.

When he was in debt, Xiao Ming still thought about working hard and trying to make some money in the game to pay off his debts. I believe that with his own ability as a foundation, this is not a difficult task.

Now that the debt is gone, Xiao Ming's spirit has been deflated. It seems that the main brain is also helping him to continue to be a salted fish.

Xiao Ming entered the personal space. It was still early before the game started. He was going to go to Kuafu World for class first. Learn some knowledge about the new galaxy.

Before going, Maomao first updated the new memories of the ② and ③ worlds to Xiaoming's consciousness. This is the original program. It was an accident that it was not done yesterday, and it will still be operated according to the program in the future.

There is no problem with updating the memory of the Chiyou world No. ④. No. ③ has gained some combat experience. No major events have happened to No. ②.

Xiaoming transferred his consciousness to Xiaoming No. ②.

It has just been a short time since breakfast here, and all members of the 33rd team are gathered in the conference room waiting for class.

"Stand at attention!"


"At ease."

Captain Zhou Bin went through the fixed process. He emphasized again that the team members should seriously study all kinds of knowledge about the Yellow Emperor Galaxy, which will definitely be used. Then the video teaching began.

The star "Huangdi" in the Yellow Emperor Galaxy is also a yellow dwarf star, not much different from the sun at home.

There are 3 planets in the inner star system, from the inside to the outside, Huangdi Planet No. ①, Huangdi Planet No. ②, and Kuafu.

Kuafu was previously only called Huangdi Planet No. ③. It was officially named Kuafu after it was discovered that it could be colonized and developed.

Further out is Leizu, which is slightly smaller than Jupiter at home.

Outside Leizu is a large and chaotic area with a large number of solid stars, some of which are larger than Kuafu.

Unfortunately, none of them can clear an orbit. So they can only be considered dwarf planets.

Further out is another huge gas planet - it is only about half the size of Leizu. It forms a situation where there is an ultra-wide asteroid belt between two huge planets.

These astronomical knowledge can be roughly understood. The team members mainly need to learn about Kuafu.

Kuafu's mass and volume are similar to Pangu, and the gravitational acceleration is almost the same. The air composition is also similar. So humans can survive on the surface without protection.

- Having said that, the military only allowed people to survive without protection after long-term testing. And the more realistic situation is that the test is still in progress, and these replicas are here to be guinea pigs.

The land and ocean on the surface of Kuafu account for about half each. The long years have also evolved into a magnificent and complex biological system.

The life here is carbon-based, just like Pangu. Many species give people a very fantastic feeling. Xiao Ming knows that this is probably caused by the magic energy in this world.

Unlike Pangu, Kuafu does not have a satellite as big as the moon. There are only two very small satellites, Kuafu I and Kuafu II.

Kuafu's revolution period is more than 400 Pangu days, and its rotation is only equivalent to half a Pangu day. I'm afraid it will take a while for everyone to adapt.

This is still good, at most two days as a day. If Kuafu's rotation is 18.36 hours or something like that, it would be quite difficult to adapt.

Xiao Ming studied the knowledge about Kuafu very seriously. Especially the situation of animals and plants here.

Which ones can be eaten and which ones cannot. Which ones are poisonous and which ones are non-toxic. Which ones are very aggressive and which ones are very docile.

This fantastic biological world is not easy to judge according to Pangu's experience. Now we know very little about these creatures. This is also one of the main tasks of Team 33 in the future.

The course ended when Xiao Ming was still in high spirits.

Some team members left quickly to play games. Many team members gathered in groups to discuss their experience of the game.

Xiao Ming only said a few words, mainly listening to what everyone else was saying.

No one mentioned the second character, it seems that most people don't know, and those who know probably won't say it.

The main thing they talked about was the characteristics of each race, the difficulty of the game, and their respective professions. Only then did Xiao Ming discover that there were many alchemists. He was not lucky at all. He was happy for nothing.

He also heard a lot of good tips and ideas during the chat. There are still some game experts in the team.

Unfortunately, none of his close friends are from the same town as him. Xiao Ming also concealed the fact that he became a worshiper of the Huo family, which was more hateful.

"Brother Ming, it seems that you did some research on the previous game of this game, um, that is, the Hero Continent. What do you think?" Li Lu suddenly asked.

Yes, when I was 18 years old, I did play an old game for a while, and the Hero Continent was one of them. I have almost forgotten my ideas back then. And the essence of this game is completely different.

Xiao Ming was still thinking about it when someone came over:

"You'd better not use your previous gaming experience to play Magic Planet. Many settings of this game are brand new.

You should still treat it as a brand new world to explore. That's the fun of the game."

Several people turned their heads and saluted immediately: "Instructor!"

"At ease." Li Na returned the salute and pressed her hand lightly, signaling them to relax.

"Many monsters in this game are similar to some creatures on Kuafu. This is to help you adapt to the new planet.

Some creatures on the new planet do emit energy attacks similar to magic. We are still studying how to use this energy.

But you can rest assured that there are few dangers on Kuafu. The safety of the camp is still guaranteed."

The creatures on Kuafu can use magic? Everyone was immediately interested. They chatted with the instructor enthusiastically. The instructor was also very friendly and answered all the questions. Xiao Ming learned a lot from him.

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