Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 18: The New Boys

"Yooooooo this is awesome" I couldn't contain my excitement at the sight, we were truly flying in the afternoon sky, the clouds were tinted with orange sun ray's and the view of the city was magnificent, flying like this was an enlightening experience.

"Really?" Vera said in a confused voice, she didn't turn to look at me since she was driving a flying broom.

"Of course it is, the view, the breeze, the everything!!!" I listed all the things I noticed, like how although we were pretty high in the air it didn't feel cold since the broom was literally working as a flying heater so we do not freeze to death.

"Well you get used to it" Vera was proud of not being in awe at the view, I pout a little since I considered it an insult to my naivety, we slowly reached the shopping mall and landed at the entrance of it.

"Should we just bust in or...?" I asked Vera since she was technically the most experienced one of the 2.

"We enter, we investigate, if there's nothing suspicious then we just wait a few hours" Vera explained in a clear voice.

[A clear set of instructions, she is almost a veteran].

"Roger that" I say as we begin to enter the building.


The shopping mall parking lot was constructed in a 'Square spiral' starting from the underground, the center of the building was completely hollow, so there it was a square patch of concrete floor with nothing on it except some random trash in the forms of musky pillows and some random litter, The spiral part of it rose above the underground, it consisted in 5 floors and had some cars in them.

There are a lot of things that we could classify as the normal kind of  'suspicious but that's NOT what we're here for, were here only for the 'Magical' kind of suspicious, so we stopped and went into the mall to buy something for dinner since we are going to be here all night to confirm that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

A few hours passed without incident, we were just hiding behind some of the cars on the 2nd floor, That way we can simply jump on the dirt floor in the hollow part of the parking lot, I heard the sound of someone stepping in.

"..." I signal Vera that there was someone approaching with my hands, I point in the direction of the sound, after a few minutes we see 4 figures enter the building.

They were 2 boys, between the ages of 14 - 16 that entered the dirt floor, but they were accompanied by some weird beings, the first one was a trash bag that moved a lot around, and the second one resembled a plushie of a Weiner dog, the plushie was decorated in a way that it was a literal 'Hot-dog' ketchup and everything.

 "Are those Devils?" Those were the first words I whisper to Vera, it seems that suspicious was completely right to describe this situation, we waited and observed the group for half an hour, my patience run really low principally because of a strange occurrence.

"They really are playing with the devils" Vera said in disbelief, the view was really weird, One of the boys had dark brown hair and some and his clothes were a bit tattered, he was playing fetch with the Hot-dog devil, and the other one with Blue hair was feeding the trashbag devil some trash.

Vera and I looked back and forth at us and the boys, it truly was in utter disbelief, so we decided to do something, we both jumped onto the dirt floor, we soften our landing by coating our legs in aethers and showed ourselves to the boys.

"What ?? who are you???" The blue-haired boy said both boys were startled by our sudden appearance since a red-haired witch and an RPG character just landed from some of the upper floors they were on guard.

"We are Magical girls!!" I shout at them, they flinched a lot when they heard the word magical, the brown-haired boy stood up and tried to hide the hot-dog devil, the 2 devils were a bit jumpy.

[Just what the hell is going on here?].

"Wait, let us explain ourselves, we did nothing wrong" the dark-haired boy shouted.

"We didn't say that you did something wrong~ did you just rat yourself out" Vera asked the dark-haired boy, he loudly gulped.

"Don't take us highly girl" The blue-haired boy said, he started running at Vera with the intention to fight, she dodged the first punch and tripped him with her foot.


I feel something, a breeze of warmth, I recognized it as aether sense, I look back at the Brown-haired boy, his clothes were glowing and shapeshifting, and when it ended, I realized that he transformed.

[WHAT THE F*CK? did he just transform into a magi-].

Before I could end my thought the now transformed boy had begun running, he was extremely fast since he was using Fleet Footwork to increase his movement speed.

"Fleet Footwork" I shout.

I increased my movement speed and now, I punched and he does as well, our clash of punches sends us both backsliding a bit in the dirt, I looked at him, and then something cut´s one of my cheeks slightly.

"What, wait ouch".

I start dodging the projectiles that he is sending since it was now night time it was difficult to see what was cutting me, I raise a dirt wall caching 1 projectile and see it.

"A Poker card" I say as I see a card, the 7 of clubs is stuck in the wall.

I look at the individual who throws cards, his hair changed from the dark brown to now a dark grey, his tattered clothes were shapeshifted into a brown-colored trench coat that was unbuttoned, with a black shirt underneath and blue jeans, he had light brown shoes and belt, partly he had a black cowboy's hat with a golden ribbon, it was holding 2 playing card, the red and black joker.

[Damm, he has most of his outfit in brown]

"You shouldn't have interfered with us" he exclaimed as he started pulling a deck of cards from under his coat, he shuffled it in the air and pulled 2 cards, and threw them at the same time, I dodge them barely.

"We weren't planning on fighting but you asked for it" I stomp the ground and a boulder shot from the ground in front of me, I punched towards the coated boy he blocked by crossing his arms but the force send him flying away.

[Did I overdo it?].

I looked back and see VEra fighting the blue-haired boy, he didn't change clothes and was fighting Vera, I turned to face the coated boy with the deck of cards, he stood back up and wiped off the dust in his clothes.

"My name Is David - [The Street Magician]" He said, he was expecting an appropriate answer from me so I met his dumb expectations.

"My name Is Amy...".


"I DO NOT HAVE AN ALIAS" I shout at him, he looked at me in disbelief.

[I mean I don't have an Alias so I only can say my name what did he expect???].

"For an unnamed Magical Girl to fight me you must be crazy" David said mockingly, I assumed that an Alias was something you earned through fighting, but I only fought once against a true magical girl, and Vera wasn't too eager in giving me an Alias when I was training under her.

"That rock from earlier must have made you extra stupid, magic boy" I have no idea what the hell is he supposed to be, [ Since Sauriel isn't really helping me it must mean he is a contracted individual, but a boy? ].

"We will see about that" He showed that he had a card between his finger.

"Dove Pan" He threw the card at me, I prepare to doge but then I noticed something, he actually threw 15 cards at me, I raise a wall and duck at the same time, I barely cover myself from all the cards.

[He actually tricked me, and it wasn't even that good!!!].

I got a bit angry, I pull my hands back and push the wall with all my strength, it goes flying in his direction, He jumps over the tiny wall, but then I make a rock popo in the air, it has the form of a spike, I kicked it into the magician.

"Oh god!!" David panics a lot from the speedy spike flying at him, he pulls a card and shows it to me.

"BLANK CARD" the Spike lands on the card, it disappears completely by being absorbed into the card.

[So that's his magic, huh?].

David Landed and immediately threw more cards into me, some were faster than others, but I couldn't see a discernible pattern.

"Let me help you Amy" Vera had finished her fight in the meantime, the other boy was crisped but nothing serious, Vera shot some of the cards in the air, David was approaching us while throwing cards, he flashed a grin to me as he begun to accelerate.

"RELEASE" suddenly one of the cards flashed, it was the blank card, It transformed into the spike from earlier and maintained the momentum from the card, It bore through Veras fireballs.

"BRIGIT'S WILL" A fire lance impacted the rock spike, but it only slowed it down, Vera Was hit while trying to block, but she was pushed so far back that she slammed into the wall.

"VERA!!!" I shout at her, but she is still trying to get up, the hit was a bit too much, I turned to David who still throwing cards, I begin preparing to kick while looking at him dead in the eyes.

[You will PAY David].

David gets to me and begins throwing a punch, I slide my right arm to the side, the ground below David shifts with the movement of my hands to the right, the punched instead of hitting my head only grazes my hair from my right.

"SILVER GLOCK" I knee him in the stomach with all my power and aether coating, He Spits outs all his alive from the impact and is sent towards the wall, he slams directly into it and his deck of cards is blown away everywhere while he is stuck in the cracked wall.

"Close quarters combat is my specialty" I say to him, he gets unstuck and falls into the dirt, he tries to get u but can't since he still trying to grasp for air.

[Deserved, no one hurts my friends without consequences].

I snapped out of my revenge spree and go run at Vera, she only has light injuries on her arm that she used to block and in her back, she grabbed her witch hat that was lying on the floor.

"Thanks Amy" she says to me, she gets up and wipes all the dirt from her dress and hat.

"No problem Vera!!! Now, what do we do to these guys?" I look at the boys, the blue-haired one that was called Rayleigh was out of it, while David was still trying to struggle, the Hot-dog devil runner towards David and started rubbing his head against his torso.

[Is the Devil trying to comfort him].

Vera and I walk up to David, the Hot-dog devil Looked at us, it had googly eyes that actually focused on us it started curving its pushed ketchup-covered back and started growling at us, Vera pointed her broom at the devil, it started trembling in fear and whipping.

"Fireball" vera shoots a fireball towards the devil, it burst into a tiny cloud of flames that dissipates quickly, then we see what has happened, the devil is still alive, it was covered by David's body, he took the hit with his back which was now a bit charred.

"Will you continue resisting?" Vera says at David, The tiny trashbag devil is now headbutting my leg, since it's barely 2 foot tall I almost don't feel it, I only noticed him because it was also growling at me.

[This doesn't feel right].

Another fireball is shot, David did not move again, He tanked it with his back.

"Please... stop" David says, he seems a bit desperate about the situation, he was holding the Hot-dog Plushie devil with his arm while putting it, he was now comforting the devil while his back was scorched, I put my arm in front of Vera to stop her, I grab the trashbag devil with my fingers and lift it up.

"Hey you, Street magician" David looked at me, he was a bit teary, he was clearly in a lot of pain and was holding his scream or crying, I lobbed the trashbag devil, he was going to grab him but then he noticed something, I was on a punching position, aiming directly at the devil that was in the air.


My punch landed, it was what I was expecting, David had left the Hot-dog devil on the ground and leaped to block my punch, taking it directly into his head, he was thrown back and rolled on the floor for a few meters, he protected the devil even if it truly meant putting his life on the line.

[I see].

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him, I'm still stopping Vera from just erasing those devils with her flames, she seems a bit confused by my action since, in all honesty, they were a bit weird.

"They're my friends" David said, he tried to stand again but failed, some of his tears streamed down towards his cheeks, the 2 devils ran to him.

Vera looked at him and said, "You know that Devils are your friends right? you are a contracted individual you have to uphe-".

"SHUT UP" David snapped back at her, he had a death glare towards Vera, I was a bit appalled by the amount of hate he displayed on this single instance.

"I see, so you're saying that you will protect your friends" I said, Both Vera and David looked at me in complete shock but for different reasons, Vera did not expect me to treat Devils, beings that are known for constantly harming people and treated as something truly alive, while David was surprised about how his own perspective was described by a 'Magical Girl', he knew something was up with her when she didn't have an alias but this was not his forecast.

"YES" David shouted at me, he had a hopeful distilled into his light purple eyes, he was a bit dumb looking but he was truly genuine, he acted on his emotion and so do I.

[He is genuine by the way he took damage that would be fatal for these devils all by himself].

I completely ignored Rayleigh as a person since he didn't last half as long as David who was even crying for his friends, the devils were still a bit wary of me, but they principally trying to hug and protect David from Vera and me, which taking into account everything made sense.

"Will you believe him AMY??" Vera questioned my decisions since not only I was a rookie in this Magical Girl stuff, I didn't even have a weapon and only recently discovered my magic, But I just looked at Vera with a determined look.

"You can continue to shoot him, but I guess he would last longer if you don't intend to kill him," I say confidently, Vera looks at David's burns and his black eye I have just given him, she understood what I was saying, I had this much confidence because he displays what I would do for my friends.

"I will let you go since you are genuine" I say to David.

"AMY?!!" Vera snapped at me for saying something that could be considered treason.

"He's not evil" I argue, an evil person would not go to these lengths for something as low as a devil.

"What about the code???" she countered with a reasonable concern.

"Well, I already fought him and even Sauriel can't look into this since it's between Magical Girls" It was true, I didn't expect to use loopholes so soon but it wasn't prohibited so~.

"I don't like that term" David said in a tiny voice.

"Too bad" I replied.

Vera pondered for some minutes while seeing em interact with David and the 'good devils' she seem to change her perspective after seeing me playing with them by shifting the ground like a treadmill to make us run after each other without actually changing positions.

"Fine, but you owe me one AMY" Vera said, she was extremely annoyed but also defeated against my determination.

"I already owe you 1 so that would make 2 I guess" I reminded her since she did help me after our battle with Magda.

"Thank you Amy" David said emphatically, he was truly grateful for my decision to convince Vera to not destroy those devils, in the meantime, we discovered that he was part of a group of 'magical boys' called 'new boys' and the leader was someone truly terrific, normally they would report their fights to him, but they would not in this case because I let them go.

"Yeah be grateful Amy is merciful to people as dumb as you!!" vera replied to David, I just could show an awkward smile.

[They will not get along at all will they?]

"How about this, I can give an Alias!!" David said, My eyes light up, and I look at him, I was excited about the prospect of an actual alias.

"How about 'Lovable Saviour' ?" David said in a sort of romantic way, Vera was very angry at the proposition.

"Sorry David, but I don't shoot that way" Both Vera and David became flustered, apparently David didn't mean it in that way, but I didn't notice it, so I just brushed it off.

"Well, See ya someday David... the Street magician" I say to David.

"Have a good night!!" He responded.

"Don't kill yourself with those devil idiots!!" Vera warned him in an impolite tone.

With the help of Vera and her Jet broom, we lifted off into the midnight sky and ended a little curious chapter in our lives.



Unvenocinced to everyone present, this encounter with David Siegfried - The Street Magician will be the first instance where Amy and her friends challenged normal conventions of the magical world, not only befriending an unconventional ally that will help them in their entire adventure, they also inadvertently made more hidden powers notice them Amy as a potential threat.


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