Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 298

Kurnuki was stunned: The one who is arguing in front of me is really the guy who has been fighting with me for several days?How do you feel like a completely different person?Could it be that the only advantage in the whole body is good swordsmanship?

Thanks to the visit of Kira and others, Dispel and Kurnuki ended today's battle ahead of schedule.

"It's unimaginable. You guys have been fighting like this for seven days? No wonder you can destroy this place like this... By the way, is it really okay? You live here, right?"

It was the first time Kira had seen such a chaotic fight at home, except for 'Fairy Tail'.

"It's okay, this place is quite big, the damage is nothing at all. Also, my territory is not limited to this mountain range!"

Kurnuki's words, to Kira's ears, mean "my house is quite big, and I have several houses", which is really enviable-but it is indeed quite big, a whole... No, say It may be several mountains!

And after several conversations, Kira also discovered that this Kurnuki has a strange mouth habit, and often adds the word "and, ****" to a sentence, and I don't know who I learned it from.

I remember that Suzaku who ate its meat spoke strangely, could it be a habit engraved in the biological factor?

In the next few days, several people silently watched the battle between Kurnuki and Dispel.

If it was a mage, such an attack would be a waste of energy, but Dispel was different.He seems to have a physique and superb swordsmanship beyond the limits of human beings, with high attack and long battery life. Every time he swings his sword, he can send out a slashing wave of tens of meters, chopping the scattered stones around him into finer pieces.

"Is this really a swordsmanship that humans can use?"

Ersha was sweating coldly, but she still watched the battle of one person and one dragon intently, her heart was surging.

"Indeed, this attack strength is really not covered!"

Hearing Erza's words, Kira picked up a finger-thick branch from the ground and said, "It is estimated that with only such a branch, that guy can smash your strongest defense, the Vajra Armor."

Beside the two of them, the rest of the people were also quietly watching the battlefield, and Naz suddenly asked: "It is said that Dispel has no power to kill dragons, so why can he fight Kurnuki back and forth?"

"Did I say it before? Ordinary mages can't cause damage to dragons because the magic that hits them will be greatly weakened, and the magic of killing dragons comes from dragons, ignoring this level of weakening. This proves that as long as the attack is enough Strong, in fact, can break through this layer of weakening!"

"On the other hand, although a dragon is powerful and unique, it is only a creature after all! And any kind of power and life has its own way to break it, and there is more than one way, so it is impossible that only a dragon can defeat a dragon!"

"Finally, Dispel's swordsmanship is really strong! There is no magic power in his body, so he will not be affected by weakening, and the slash is a purely physical attack. Even if it cannot be completely ignored, the damage cannot be underestimated."

Kira talked a lot, but when he finished, he found that no one was listening to him, and scratched his head angrily, "Really, asking and not listening, this kind of learning attitude It's not fair!"

On the court, Kurnuki and Dispel collided with each other from time to time, making "clinking" metal impacts, each of which was deafening.

Every time they collided, a large amount of sword energy would erupt from the place where the two collided, and a strong wind would blow up and flow out, leaving ugly scars on the ground at the same time.Then, the two drew their swords to gain momentum, then drew their swords again, and so on!

Gray suddenly sighed, and asked, "Kira, how long are they going to fight like this?"

"What, are you hungry? Today's lunch hasn't started yet!"

"I'm not talking about that! I mean we've been waiting here for three days, plus the previous three days, it's been almost a week since we left the Senate MNP, but commissioned..."

"Isn't the commission being completed? You can see that Dispel is working hard..."

Chapter 410 Departure

For Kira, there is no psychological burden at all for letting Dispel do the coolie and waiting for the final reward by himself!

For others, how can they understand Kira's thoughts and believe in Kira's decision, but they still don't give up: "But this is our commission, right? Just watch here and don't make a move, is it okay?"

Natsu echoed Gray's words, jumping up and down: "Yes, yes, I also seem to be fighting a dragon!"

"So it's just that it's been too long since you've been fighting? You can see clearly with your eyes wide open! What's going on there is a duel between men! It's a dragon-slaying battle that is of great significance to every swordsman. We inserted it like this It's bad to go in, isn't it?"

"You're right, but I'm really not reconciled. There is a dragon by my side, but I can't fight him."

I didn't expect this method to be unexpectedly useful...

By the time Kurnuki and Dispel finally got tired of playing, it was already the seventh day that Kira and the others had been here.

"Those two guys are finally willing to end the fight... Calculate the time, they have been fighting for half a month, right? Really, the experience here during this period can no longer be simply described as 'encountering natural disasters'" to describe."

More than [-]% of the originally continuous mountains here have become unrecognizable. The peaks, rivers, and forests have all been severely damaged, and because of the battle between Kurnuki and Dispel, the birds and animals here are almost unrecognizable. I ran away completely, so the only meat I can find around here these days is fish.

It is undoubtedly a very sad thing to find a substantial amount of food reserves in the wild. If there are no other food, it is estimated that Kurnuki has already been used to make it.

In fact, the situation was good at the beginning. With superb cooking skills and fresh ingredients, several people cooked, grilled, fried, fried, stuffed and other methods of catching fish, but gradually they got tired of eating.

Except for Habi and Xia Lulu who are still eating happily, everyone feels sick when they see fish now.

Naz's iron-blue face drooped, he staggered when he walked, and his body was weak. Anyone could see that he was malnourished: "I don't want to eat fish for the next month..."

Hubby hung a grilled fish, trying to dispel Naz's thoughts in a cute way as usual: "Eh? Why? Isn't it good to eat fish every day?"

"No! I want to eat meat!"

"Natsu, fish is also meat..."

Just as the two were packing their luggage, Kira's voice came: "What are you doing? Ready to go back!"

The two swordsmen, Kurnuki and Dispel, slashed ecstasy every day, and finally Kira caught the opportunity. While they were tired and resting, they quickly took a group of photos.

In the photo, there are Kurnuki who is in a state of distress and stunned (in fact, he is sleeping), and Kira who is energetic, energetic, but slightly messy, and the surrounding mountains that look like ruins.

Under the special angle and Kira's weird movements, whoever looks at it will think that this one person and one dragon have gone through a big battle, and in the end it was Kira who defeated Kurnuki.

Such a photo is enough for him to go to the MNP of the Senate and receive the 3 million J as a reward.

While other people were packing their luggage to the airship from the makeshift hut, Kira asked Kurnuki and Dispel who were following in wonder: "By the way, why do you want to follow? Anyway Now that I have the photos, I don’t need you anymore, let’s continue to fight with bayonets!”

Dispel said dissatisfiedly: "It's too ugly to talk about bayonet fighting! We are fighting swordsmanship!!"

Kira turned his gaze to the handsome boy with long blond hair. The other party squinted his eyes and replied, "I heard from Dispel that you can get a share based on portrait rights... Although I am not interested in money, but I always feel that when I want to maintain my human form, I need a sword on my body, so I need money!"

Kira was taken aback by the other party's words, and looked at Dispell reflexively, only to see that he gave him a treacherous smile, and even waved his hands provocatively.

'That nasty fellow! ! '

"Also, this mountain range has been destroyed, and it should not be able to be used as a residence for decades, so I want to live in another place."

"Another place...?? Oh! You did say that there were many..."

Kurnuki was still plain, but his words were astonishing: "After so many years, I'm tired of staying in Kirtina, and I want to visit Ishgar."

But this decision surprised Kira: "Eh??! You want to go to Ishgar?! Why so suddenly?!"

"It's not sudden. In fact, I have always had this idea. I once heard from my biological mother that the dragons in the Northern Continent immigrated from there. It seems to be to avoid Akunorollia."

"But it used to live in Ishgar, and I didn't have the confidence to survive after meeting him, so I never went there. Not to mention me, even the arrogant guys who call themselves 'Dragon', is also like this."

When the other party said this, Kira understood it, and asked again: "Then what are your plans after you go there? In the Kingdom of Fiore, having a dragon is a big deal!"

Originally, Kira's words were just casual, but Kurnuky replied seriously: "Don't worry, I will try not to cause a disturbance. Although I like swordsmanship, I don't want to fight with people every day." Go, half a month is enough!"

"Speaking of which, who won your sparring?"

Kurnuki was silent, and looked at Dispel, who was fighting for snacks with Naz and others not far away.This expression fell into Kira's eyes, that is, "I lost, but I am not convinced".

"Oh oh oh??!! Could it be...??"

Before Kira could say the second half of the sentence, Kurnuki interrupted mercilessly: "Don't think about it! It's too early for him to win me!"

"But his sword skills are really good, and he is still growing..."

"Hi! Disappointed!"

"These days, we have been sparring constantly, trying to prove that our swordsmanship is stronger than the opponent, but due to racial differences, he can't do 100% damage to me, so we can only rely on destroying foreign objects from the beginning to the end. Compare swordsmanship."

Kira suddenly realized: "That's it! No wonder you guys destroyed the mountains like that, and you didn't get hurt at all after fighting for so long. The two of you are playing the speed of demolition, not PVP..."

Kurnuki obviously didn't understand the meaning of the second half of the sentence, so he chose to ignore it: "After half a month of competition, we all discovered one thing, that is, we can't prove the level of swordsmanship of both sides alone. So ..."


At this moment, Dispel came over and continued the second half of the sentence: "So, we decided to grant our respective sword skills to other people and let them compete on their behalf!"

"Confer... swordsmanship??" Kira was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and then he said happily, "Are you going to accept apprentices? Hey, what do you think of me?"

"You can not."

"No talent."

"It's a complete mess."

"Let's play magic."

"It's not as good as your earning power."

"I prefer the red-haired lady."


The two spoke to each other, and Kira became angrier the more he listened: "Hey!! How can I be so bad?! Besides, even if it's true, it's too much to say so much!!"

Kurnuki still said mercilessly: "I'm sorry, I've always been a down-to-earth person! Also, we want to find those who are younger, preferably those who don't even know magic, so that we can guarantee the quality of swordsmanship." inherited."

Kira thought for a while, and suggested: "Hmm... The Kingdom of Fiore is a kingdom of magic. Compared with swordsmanship, most children would rather choose magic! Maybe you can choose to find it in Kirtina?"

Dispel shook his head and said: "Unless they are orphans who have nothing to worry about, if we want children to go to Ishgar with us, their parents will definitely not agree, so we still wait until Ishgar I'll look for it again."

"Cut! This habit of human beings is really troublesome..."

Chapter 410 Nine Dragons

With all the staff present, the magic airship soared into the sky and soon arrived at the nearest town.

Perhaps because of the more diverse cultivation systems of the residents, the concentration of magic power in Kirtina's sky is slightly different from that of Ishgar, and it feels like some juice has been mixed with water.This difference is very small, and it is difficult for Muggles like Dispel and people with low talents in magic perception, such as Erza, to notice it.

What surprises Kira is that Kurnukki is not fainted by vehicles-yes, dragons are not fainted by vehicles, only dragon slayers can!

And their reason for coming to town is simple - Kurnuki needs a sword.

Before boarding the airship...

Kurnuki stopped Kira: "You human being, you took my picture, made rumors about me, and ruined my reputation among humans and dragons. Is it normal to pay me some money?"

Kira made a big cross in front of his chest, and refused without thinking: "Payment is not payable, even if I jump off the airship and Dispel dies outside, I won't accept it." May pay!"

"Hey—! Why do you involve me?!"

"You still have the nerve to ask, if it wasn't for your nonsense, how would he know to come to take money from me?!"

Dispel stood and talked without pain in his back: "Then you just give it to him and it's over?"

Kira snorted coldly: "Hmph! To put it bluntly, I didn't accept this commission alone..."

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