Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 319

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

The next moment, dozens of huge sharks jumped up from the sand sea around them, their densely packed huge bodies covered the scorching sun above their heads.Each of these sharks opened their mouths wide open, and their targets were obviously surrounded by Leibi and Juvia who had no escape route at all.

"Don't ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Master Gray!!!!"

boom! ! !

The school of fish fell, rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, and then...the picture disappeared.


The audience swallowed, with horror and worry on their faces: "The last scene... Are those two girls okay?"

"Don't worry! They haven't been teleported back, so they should be fine..."

"Hey! What's going on here? Why is there no image on the screen?!"

Makarov blinked innocently, picked up the microphone and explained embarrassingly: "This... is the loss of the screen caused by too much magic power. The two contestants must be fighting against the monster shark, so..."

"Who wants to hear this?! We are here to watch the game!! If you don't show the battle screen, the ticket will be refunded!!"

"Quickly restore the video!! I want to watch the beauties fight!!!"

The old man suddenly broke out in sweat: "Soon! There will be a picture soon!!"

Suddenly, the crystal screen snapped and the screen resumed.

Rumble! ! ! ...

In the sand sea, sharks rise and fall, their huge mouths and fangs are constantly opening and closing, and each blow is accompanied by a powerful offensive, as if they want to swallow the two girls in front of them, showing no mercy, the two figures shuttled among the fish, with expressions like Serious, fight and go,

Juvia turned into a stream of water, moving and dodging without panic. This year's experience has obviously increased her strength a lot. Even in such an environment, she is still able to do a job with ease.

In contrast, Leibby was in a rather embarrassing situation. It was still difficult for her to cope with this situation, but she still had the strength to spare.

"Cut the water!"

"Solid text, sword!"

Swish Swish Swish... Dang Dang Dang... Puff... Shua...

The water blades and word swords criss-crossed, attacking the fish from two directions, the speed is not fast, but the precision is better, and each attack can kill one.

Facing the danger, the two obviously gave up the battle for the time being, and turned to deal with the enemy in front of them.

"Oh oh, it's amazing!!"

"As expected of a mage from 'Fairy Tail'!"

There was no danger, the audience immediately burst into cheers, except for a few people...

In the auditorium, the 'Fairy Tail' member area.

When the girl they like is in danger, the two brothers, Jeter and Dorel, jump up and down in anxiety, crying and shouting while hugging each other.


"What to do, what to do??!! Woohoo..."

When everyone around saw this scene, they were all speechless and angry.

"Isn't there nothing wrong..."

"If you have time to cry here, it would be more useful to cheer up twice."

"Lebby is much better than the two of you!"

"Think about the reason why their team brought Lili and didn't take you!!"

Jeter and Dorell had tears in their eyes, with aggrieved eyes: These guys... the more they talk, the more they go too far!

Chapter 440 Makarov: The old man will not operate secretly, this is the arrangement of fate!

In the center of the entire arena, there are two diametrically opposed areas, the lava volcano and the ice field.

The lava volcano occupies the northwest of the center, and the temperature here is higher than that of the Great Desert. Just standing on it, it feels as if the body is going to be burned. Even the surrounding mountain peaks have become red due to the high temperature.What's even more frightening is that these peaks will erupt lava and flames every once in a while.

The flames burned the entire sky into a dark red, making it extremely oppressive. As for the magma, it would flow to the southeast along the terrain until it encountered the cold air from the icy world, and then gradually subsided.

The ice field occupies the southeast of the center, where there are many icebergs, and the wind and snow are constantly blowing, making it hard to see the sun.

The unimaginable low temperature and wind and snow made it difficult for the participating members to move, but they must not stop here, because once they stop to rest, they will be "frozen to death" and eliminated in a short time.

Affected by the heat from the lava volcano, the icebergs on the northwest side were slower and slightly warmer, but even so, the nearest iceberg was hundreds of feet high.

Of course, this is not a real iceberg, but an illusion created with ice magic!

Unless it is a magician with superior perception, it will not be noticed at all, and it is enough to deceive the contestants and audience.But having said that, the audience already knows that the scene inside is fake anyway, so who really cares whether it is made with real magic or hallucination magic?

This scene was designed by Punk Hazard, the animation next door to Kira for a long time. One fire and one ice, one red and one white, the visual impact alone is very strong. If you are in it, let alone experience it. Great!

"Look! This place is so cool!"

"Volcanoes and icebergs are next to each other... How could such an environment exist in reality? The magic is really powerful!"

"I'll give [-] points to this scene!"

"The ticket money is not in vain, this trip is worth it!!"

At the junction of the lava volcano and the ice world, there is a huge lake.To the northwest of the lake are black stones formed when magma encounters cold air, and to the southeast are ice fields that have been swept away by hot air to cover snow.

A rocky channel, washed by the lake for an indeterminate amount of time, crosses the lake in a northeast-southwest direction, dividing it in two.This rock passage is very smooth and wide, and the center is directly in the shape of a circular stone platform.

This design is mainly to enhance the atmosphere of the battle, so that the audience can enjoy it more.

And now, on this stone platform, there happened to be two people fighting, and the battle between these two people also attracted the attention of the audience away from the ugly shark.

"Fire Dragon's...wing strike!!"

"Ice Creation... Spear Dance Flurry!!"

Peng! !The magic roars, and I see the confrontation of ice and fire again! !

As the white mist gradually dissipated, the two figures of the battle also came into view of the audience.

"It's Natsu and Gray!!"

"I didn't expect them to meet here, it's really a suitable scene!"

"Hey, hey... Anyway, it's too coincidental, isn't it? Is there really no background operation?"

Hearing everyone's complaints, Makarov replied with a righteous face: "This competition is absolutely fair and just, there is no fraud in the slightest, everyone don't have to worry!"

Seeing that the serious appearance of the old man did not look like a fake, everyone believed it a little bit.

"Sure enough, I said the president would not do such a thing!"

"So this is the one, right? The so-called fate and fate..."

"Natsu and Gray fight, or in this kind of place, it's definitely fate!!"

Hearing that everyone no longer paid attention to these unexpected coincidences, Makarov kept his face calm, but wiped the sweat on his clothes with his hand hidden under the table, and he was relieved at the same time.

'It's great to be able to get away with it!If everyone finds out that the old man is operating secretly, it will be over!At that time, the old man's reputation will be over!Really, if it wasn't for forming those handicap bets, the old man wouldn't have to do these things!The one who said fate really helped a lot! !Who is he? '

Glancing secretly at An Xin who had just heard the voice, he found that the voice came from the auditorium of 'Fairy Tail', and then... Makarov saw a familiar red-haired figure,

Among the crowd, Dispel waved his hand at Makarov's smile, blinked his eyes, and finally patted his chest confidently, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Makarov's eyes widened instantly: 'When did this kid come back? !Didn't he teach his apprentices how to practice swords in the mountains? !Wait... What did he do just now? ?Could it be that he was involved in this gamble? !When did this happen? !Why doesn't the old man know? !Kira the brat...'

Makarov, who understood the key point, held back and didn't explode on the spot. After all, he still knows what to do and what not to do now.

The battle between Natsu and Gray continued, and with the help of the surrounding environment, both of them used their magic to the extreme.


Flame and ice collided again, and two thick and powerful fists punched each other through the white mist. Natsu and Gray jumped back at the same time, with tacit smiles on their faces.

"How long has it been since we fought?"

"Isn't it playing every day?"

"I'm talking about a serious decision like this!"

"I take every fight seriously!"

"Huh... I really can't do anything about you..."

"Hee hee... I'm on fire!!!"

Same time, different place, same thing happened one after another.

Ghost graveyard.

With a bang, a series of tombstones were shattered, and in the smoke, a strong figure shot out like an arrow, followed by several piercing sounds, chasing that figure.

"The Jaw of Thunder Dragon!!"

In mid-air, Laxus, who was surrounded by lightning all over his body, clasped his hands together and slammed down with a hammer. The violent power of lightning immediately knocked down more than a dozen silver-white long swords.


After landing, Laxus did not take it lightly, but instead showed a funny smile: "It seems that you have become a lot stronger this year!"

"Everyone is making progress, and I don't want to lose to others!"

A gentle and cold voice sounded from the smoke, and then a long black leg wearing silver-white iron boots stepped out of it, leading out a heroic red-haired girl.

Gold and white intertwined armor engraved with thunder and lightning patterns, plus a twisted braid tied with a ribbon, is exactly Erza wearing the Thunder Emperor's armor.

With a slight smile on Erza's face, holding the Fengshen Sword, which claims to be able to disperse everything, she stared at Laxus in front of her who hadn't even dropped her cloak: "This is a rare opportunity... let's fight it seriously once!"

Hearing this, Laxus grinned, and the flashing lightning in his hand represented that he had accepted the battle: "Then you must be prepared to lose the battle!"

In the auditorium...


"Hahaha... so interesting! I'm really looking forward to their battle!!"

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