Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Unattainable ambition

Early the next morning.

When Senyu Shinji got up, Akutsu was already doing training.

I have to say that Ajujin is a very suitable player for sports, regardless of perseverance or persistence, which surpasses ordinary people.

Once you identify something, you will do it desperately, not just do it with all your strength.

Although it is bright at five o’clock in summer, Yajujin doesn’t go home until 11 o’clock every night.

Excluding the time on the road, that means he spends less than six hours a day on rest.

Even Senyu Shinji admired this.

The reason why the strong can become strong is because they have made efforts that the weak can’t imagine.

Only after seven levels of loneliness can we become truly strong, and our world is born from this.

“Master, breakfast is ready!”

The butler heard the sound of opening the door and immediately stepped forward respectfully.


Senyu Shinji smiled slightly and put on his clothes.

Immediately afterwards, I came to the restaurant, with simple but non-nutritious Western food on the table.

“How’s it going?”

Senyu Shinji is still very satisfied with himself as a housekeeper.

The Senyu family is one of the four major consortiums in Japan, and each heir has to form his own team from an early age.

Of course, the housekeepers are all selected in advance by the previous generation.

Keiji Fukuda is not only a housekeeper selected by Senyu Shinji, but also a rare talent.

Proficient in mainstream languages ​​of 13 countries, good at ancient Chinese martial arts, judo, Muay Thai and yoga.

It is precisely because of his existence that Senyu Shinji has mastered many skills, both in physique and endurance, reaching the pinnacle of middle school students.

In a one-on-one fight, Ajutsu is definitely not his opponent.

If you want to exhaust his stamina in a tennis match, that would be a joke!

“Master Kai, Tamamo-mae Gakuen has been expanded.”

“In addition to the indoor network court, a lot of advanced training equipment has been added.”

“In terms of facilities, it is not inferior to the U17 training camp.”

The butler Kei Fukuda 215 reports.

Senyu Shinji walked into the bathroom while listening. After a brief wash, he sat on the dining table.

“Have all those enrollment invitations been sent out?”

After eating a piece of toast quickly, Senyu Shinji continued to ask.

“Yes, Master, it has already been sent.”

Keiji Fukuda seemed to have become accustomed to his simple style of talking while eating, and was not too surprised.


Senyu Shinji nodded, and then stuffed the last piece of toast into his mouth.

In addition to the established three main players, he also selected some outstanding players in the original book and issued admission invitations.

Strive to form a powerful army that can fight in the shortest possible time.

The biggest tennis event in Japan is the national competition.

There is no age limit for the national competition.

Even if they are all National One students, they can represent their school and participate in the competition.

Rebirth I, Senyu Shinji will not wait slowly for the plot to officially begin.

Rather than let Yukimura and Sanada lead Rikkai High School to win the second consecutive victory, it is better to win the glory by yourself.

The previous giants Makinofuji Gakuen and Hyotei Gakuen were greatly weakened after losing leaders such as Byōdōin Hōō, Tsukimitsu Ochi, and Oni Jujiro.

This is why this session of Tezuka Kunimitsu is called the golden age.

The Rikkai High School, led by Yukimura and Sanada, suddenly emerged and replaced Makinofuji Gakuen as the overlord of the country.

During the same period, Chitose Senri, Lion Music Middle-School led by Tachibana Yoshihiro, and Higa Middle-School led by Kite Eishirou emerged.

The last giants-Hyotei Gakuen led by Atobe Keigo, youth Gakuen led by Tezuka Kunimitsu with ancient tradition, Shitenhouji, Rokkaku Junior High and so on.

What Senyu Shinji wants is to reshape a new tennis giant.

Collect all the talented tennis players in the original book who were stunned because of the school’s failure to form a powerful army.

Not only to compete in the national competition, but also to enter the U17 and conquer the world.

In fact.

Even if the Japan U17 team joined by Byōdōin Hōō, Onijujiro, Tsukimitsu Ochi and others, they still cannot achieve good results in the world.

National level athletes can be described as Feng Mao Water chestnut in the middle of the country.

But in the World Series, it is almost trivial.

Even the generation of Byōdōin Hōō only raised Japan to 23rd.

There are too few professional-level experts in Gein.

The four giants of tennis, Germany, Switzerland, France, and West Banya, none of them are vegetarian.

The Golden Generation does not only refer to Japan, but the whole world.

This is why Senyu Shinji has been collecting information on tennis players from all major countries since the first day he traveled to this world.

What he has to do is not only super yue Nanjiro, become a new world legend.

More importantly, we must lead an unprecedented team to crush the U17 teams of the world’s major countries.

Standing on top of the world! *

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