Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 11

The Pharmacist Conference is live.

Unlike the pharmacists who wanted to maintain order, the audience was not so quiet watching the conference.The timing of Bai Yue's speech was not good, but the news that he became a 3S guide was announced all over the Internet, and it was the time when the popularity was high.And after the announcement, only the spokesperson of the royal family came forward to thank the general public for their attention. Bai Yue himself never showed up and did not accept any interviews.So this time when he came out to speak, quite a few people came to watch the live broadcast.

Only a small part of them want to know about potions, and more bullet screens are filled with chatter such as "it doesn't look like it's changed after upgrading to 3S?" A group of black people were posting things like "Bai Yue has no virtue and no talent!", "It's embarrassing to be ashamed to be so scumbag compared to Master Gu" and so on.

There are also keyboard warriors who don’t know anything about potions but just hate the royal family or Bai Yue himself. Xia Temiao pointed out Jiangshan, and said on the left, “What is this? Who just said that the main brain gave him a score of 10 points? Is this a gossip? You just say what is the use of this thing? Has anyone ever seen a poisoned person at such a young age? Even if you are poisoned, a home robot can’t save you? Serious application First aid, lying in the hospital for half an hour for treatment. Can this thing score 70?".

It can only be said that the keyboard man's field of vision is so narrow, the world is around him, and all he thinks about are metals, taking rat poison by mistake, and so on, and he can't contact insect poison at all.

How can soldiers be taken care of by robots on the battlefield?Where is the hospital where you lie on the bed for half an hour to wash your stomach and exchange blood?

The sunspots criticized it for a long time, misleading a group of people who don't know the truth to echo "It has no practical effect", "The practicality is far worse than Master Gu's potion that can improve soil quality", "Master Gu Why haven't you appeared on the stage?" At the end, as soon as Mr. Yu asked, the dense barrage disappeared.

The phrase "insect poison" immediately pointed to the importance of this potion.

When Mr. Yu smiled and said "good news for the soldiers", Heizi went completely dumb.

Suddenly, a group of viewers appeared who said, "I just said, how can the mastermind make mistakes", "Your brains are only as big as walnuts", and each of them seemed to have really expected this potion to be extraordinary.I don't know where the sunspots suddenly disappeared, and where these supporters appeared.

Bai Yue's medicine caused a small wave of climax in the meeting. Many pharmacists exchanged softly, and then cast approving or friendly glances at Bai Yueyuan.This kind of look is really rare for him, a prince who comes from a royal family in decline.

But on the third day of the meeting, when Gu Zhaomi was about to take the stage, Bai Yue finally experienced what a sensation is.

The moment Gu Zhaomi's figure appeared on the stage, there was a prolonged applause in the venue, and the other party bowed and thanked several times before calming down the atmosphere.And according to Bai Yue's judgment, most of those who applauded had sincerity on their faces, not because of the Yan family, but just because they applauded for those who could create "Nirvana"!

At this moment, Bai Yue, who originally aimed at Gu Zhaomi with the mood of completing the task and the professional ethics of a pharmacist, became extremely heavy in his heart.

These applause, glory, and longing, should belong to another person.

But now, the true hero sleeps silently in the sea of ​​stars, and can only pray for the protection of his relatives at the cost of his soul.The name that was supposed to be engraved in the long scroll of history was desolate and silent, and no one mourned it.

This comparison made Bai Yue, who was sitting in the middle of the venue and was hit by waves of applause hitting his eardrums, suddenly a fire ignited in his heart, which was scalding to the point of pain.

The glory of science should not be allowed to be stolen!These enthusiastic and dedicated pharmacists should respect and yearn for a real genius and expert, not a thief who deliberately uses medicine as a bargaining chip, constantly suppressing and stealing other people's works!

He took a deep breath, and pressed the air-conditioned cold air into his lungs heavily, only to calm down his clattering chest.

"Soon." The young pharmacist whispered to himself, "Soon, I will seek justice for you."

He looked at his own face reflected on the optical brain, and said every word, as if seeing another soul.

Gu Zhaomi's speech—or speech, took a full hour.The time was not short, but it was not at all like Bai Yue's time when people arrived one after another. The entire venue was packed and everyone listened attentively.

"...The proportion of planets that can grow edible crops is very low, only 20% of all the planets in the empire; among them, about 40% of the planets have poor soil quality, rated below D..."

"Food security is an important issue related to the long-term development of the empire, and solving this problem is the ideal of every scientific researcher..."

"This potion is named 'Harvest' by me, and it conveys one of my wishes. I hope that the soil quality of all planets in the empire can meet people's needs, so that food will not become a worry for any family or any citizen..."

Gu Zhaomi's gentle and smiling face was projected on the big screen.

The applause from the audience sounded again, and many people were not only satisfied with applauding, they got up to salute or raised their hands above their heads.Even some pharmacists, who are usually gentle and gentle, turned red and shouted "Okay!" with enthusiasm.Such a gaffe did not cause any dissatisfaction or ridicule at the moment. Most people were applauding vigorously, venting their excitement and high spirits.

Those present were all well-known and fortunate people in academia.Even if they were like this, the barrage in the live broadcast space was even more exciting and unwatchable.

"The pride of the country!"

"A real master!"

"How fortunate, born Gu Zhaomi!"

A string of praises and even praises swiped the screen.

The scene was as excited as the Internet, and the host was already praising Gu Zhaomi's creation in an aria-like tone, and even said something that shouldn't be said, "It's called the best drug of this conference and it's worthy of its name"—reasonably, it should be in It was decided by anonymous voting after the closing of the meeting. The host's statement reveals some kind of insider meaning.However, at this moment, no one paid attention to her imprudence, instead they all took it for granted.

——Isn’t such a powerful potion the leader?Who dares to fight?

What a great pharmacist this is!After the miraculous "Nirvana", it has made such a contribution to people's livelihood!

"Okay, okay," the atmosphere at the scene was too enthusiastic, the host saw that the specified time had passed, and had to start to suppress the atmosphere, "I can completely understand the excitement of the pharmacy masters, but the agenda of the conference is over, Please rest for a while, the closing ceremony of this pharmacist conference will be held in half an hour. Do you have any questions?"


Originally, the host was just asking a question routinely, not wanting someone to respond loudly.The host had no choice but to stop and go to the backstage, and followed the prestige, but it was the area of ​​the sponsors of the conference.

'What are the sponsors doing at this time?Want to advertise? '

With a slander in his heart, the host still smiled sweetly: "Do you have any questions?"

The man stood up, a lady in a suit.The camera at the venue turned and reflected him on the big screen.The guests glanced at it - the nameplate on her chest was printed with the words "Pharmaceutical of Longevity".

Sitting among the crowd, Bai Yue raised the corners of his mouth imperceptibly——

"I just listened to Master Gu Zhaomi's introduction, and my company has a problem here."

"I'm sorry, this sponsor, if you want to discuss matters related to the sale of medicines, please contact the pharmacist himself in private, our time is really tight, so please—"

"Please wait for me to finish." The lady raised her voice, forcibly interrupted the host, and said the rest of the words in one breath, "My question is—may I ask Master Gu, why did you 'not have time to complete the patent registration for your recent invention' This medicine is exactly the same as the medicine that my company bought from a pharmacist, has the exclusive patent right, has already started production and is expected to be released in batches at the end of next month, the description of raw materials, properties, effects, dosage, etc. is exactly the same?"

As soon as the lady's words came out, the scene was silent for a second, just like a red-hot iron suddenly quenching water to cool down instantly, but then the water boiled, and the buzzing sound was endless, and everyone subconsciously began to discuss what this person said and amazed.

The only thing that can maintain calmness is the automatic control system of the venue. The system keenly judges according to the site conditions and divides the big screen into two halves. Gu Zhaomi who did not step down.

——Thus, I captured Gu Zhaomi's astonishment and momentary panic when he finally had no time to hide under the sudden incident.

Sitting among the chattering crowd, Bai Yue silently raised the corners of his mouth.

Longevity Pharmacy was originally the company of Gu Zhaomi's husband's family, but now it has been acquired by the royal family, but the royal family has not interfered with the company's personnel structure. Gu Zhaomi's suppressed "husband" Xu Qingyi is still the general manager.For this nobleman who has never met Gu Zhaomi in this life but has been squeezed out of his living space all the time, these three years have been completely inexplicably suffered from unreasonable disasters. It is conceivable what he would do if given the opportunity to stab Gu Zhaomi .

Bai Yue has already registered patents under the name of the virtual pharmacist for all the "inventions" that Gu Zhaomi was about to produce before he had time, and authorized this company to produce them.

Recently, the "new research" that Gu Zhaomi wants to introduce is one of them.

He disclosed a lot of content in an interview a few days ago, which attracted countless attention.Netizens on Xingwang howled in pursuit of a generation of great gods, "The soil quality below D grade can be upgraded to one level within ten years!" Such keywords spread rapidly.

This huge momentum undoubtedly alarmed the longevity potion.They looked at the potion they got, which was about to be put into mass production and then promoted a wave, and then looked at the potion that Gu Zhaomi mentioned in the interview. The exact same effect made the longevity potion inevitably murmur.

Because Gu Zhaomi's reputation is so resounding, even though the patent of the medicine that Bai Yue provided to them has been approved and apparently completed before Gu Zhaomi, the Longevity Medicine still went to "Lu Renjia" first——Bai Yue didn't want to use other people's Research to make a name for yourself, otherwise, wouldn't it be no different from Gu Zhaomi's approach?

He forged a pharmacist who was "slightly autistic, socially phobic, and afraid of being famous, so he entrusted the patent to a pharmaceutical company for publication, publicity, and production" to contact Changsheng Pharmaceutical.So the longevity potion didn't know that the inventor of the potion was the boss behind them - the second prince of the royal family.

Seeing the inquiry email sent to "Lu Renjia" by the longevity medicine, Bai Yue smiled, used the medicine formula to reverse the experiment process, made a full set of experiment logs and instrument records, and sent them to the other party.

With clear time records and other details, Changsheng Yao settled down, and then began to wonder where Gu Zhaomi's "innovation" came from.

Bai Yue met Xu Qingyi in the identity of "Lu Renjia" (of course, he used the black technology of the system to modify his appearance) on the Holographic Star Network in due course, and expressed that although he was unwilling to appear in front of the public, he did not accept that his achievements were taken by others. Use fame.

Then, as the second prince, he hinted that Xu Qingyi himself had a grudge against Gu Zhaomi—this fact is well known in the world without hinting.

The attitudes of Lu Renjia and Bai Yue, coupled with the resentment of Longevity Medicine for being suppressed by Gu Zhaomi for three years, the result is that the company decides to seek justice even if it tries to fight the Yan family.

Anyway, before I didn't offend Gu Zhaomi, I was hit one after another, how bad could it be?There is no way to retreat, it is better to fight to the death.

"Although Master Gu is well-known, our company is unwilling to make malicious speculations, but it is true that our company has obtained the patent of the drug and put it into production, and these have detailed time records. Master Gu only showed the effect and properties of the drug, but did not No patent has been applied for. Therefore, our company has to take the liberty to ask, when did Master Gu conduct the experiment? Is there a time record for the optical brain simulation test?"

Amidst the chaotic discussion, the representative of the longevity potion still spoke up.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast on Xingwang were already blown away.

"What the hell? What does this person mean? What do you mean that Master Gu's medicine has the same ingredients, properties, effects, and dosage as their company's medicine? Is this tm saying that I, Master Gu, plagiarized?!"

"Bah! Don't you even look at how many potions Master Gu has created? How rare is it to copy your house? This is too shameless to touch porcelain!"

"I really laughed out my teeth. In order to keep it secret, Master Gu only gave the general ingredients of the potion formula, and didn't say the ratio. I don't know the specific content, so you have the nerve to say 'same'? It's like I took a The statue is for you to see, it is covered with a black cloth, and before it is lifted, you point at it and shout that it is the same as your work...hehe."

"What the hell is the longevity potion? Is it the one whose profits have been falling for the past two years and is on the verge of bankruptcy? Is this because it's almost impossible to operate and decided to hype it?"

"Boycott the longevity potion! Don't think Master Gu is easy to bully!"

Although some netizens said, "I don't know the specific situation, don't rush to choose sides", "Look at the evidence of this company before speaking, so as not to be slapped in the face", but a large number of netizens who were filled with righteous indignation were sprayed with blood. Shower.

They were still in the heat of being aroused by Gu Zhaomi's words, and Gu Zhaomi was also famous in the stars, so of course they stood by the master without a doubt.

In the meeting place, Gu Zhaomi was panicked. At first, she was stunned by a question, but when she came back to her senses, she wanted to open her mouth to stop the other party, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, with a brilliant effort, the woman shook completely.His mind was buzzing, and his figure was shaking, so he had no choice but to lean on the lecture table to support his body. could this be?

His mental power has S, and one advantage is that he has a good memory.In his previous life, because of his marriage, he was the manager of the pharmaceutical production department of Longevity Pharmacy. He remembered very clearly when the pharmaceuticals were approved and put into production, so it is absolutely impossible for him to "invent" a patented pharmaceutical in this life. flaws.

This time... what's going on? !

While convincing himself that he could never remember wrongly, he couldn't help but keep wondering if it was something like the butterfly effect, his mind was muddled, and he stood blankly on the stage without answering the questions from the representative of the longevity potion.

The host was supposed to be quick-witted, but he had never seen such a thing after living for so many years, and he didn't know how to deal with it. There was a lot of chaos, and he subconsciously turned his attention to Gu Zhaomi for help, but the latter didn't respond at all.

"Quickly get out! Get out! Do you hear me!"

There was a panicked voice from the backstage staff in the earphones, the host hesitated twice, and wanted to speak into the microphone, but his tongue, which was always nimble like silver, seemed to be stumbled for some reason, and he was speechless for a long time .

So I only heard the lady from Changsheng Pharmacy continue: "It just so happens that our company's patent report on this drug, the developer's experimental records, experimental reports, and company production records are all on hand, if you don't mind , I would like to ask everyone to take a look. See if the description of the appearance, color, smell, production and storage conditions of the medicine is the same as what Master Gu just said in the report, and also see if the effect of our experiment is the same as what Master Gu said Although Master Gu’s speech did not disclose the ratio of the potion, but as far as the main ingredients mentioned are the same as the potion of our company. Even if the inspiration crashes, it will not be like this. If Master Gu Don't mind, I wonder if you can also show us your experiment log? Let's see which side has the earlier research and development."

The back of Gu Zhaomi's suit was already soaked.

Not too hot.It's cool here.

——It was cold sweat.

Gu Zhaomi, who is used to stealing other people's inventions in his previous life, may have been a little wary at the beginning, knowing how to concoct a complete experimental process.But later, with his own fame, how many inventions were taken for granted, and he had just come up with the final pharmaceutical formula, wrote papers and research reports and sent them out. The complete experiment log of the wrong direction of the experiment, the failure of the experiment, etc. is now available.

And this time it was even worse.

In order to completely overwhelm Bai Yue, he changed the content of his speech before the meeting, directly took out the formula of the medicine, and wrote the presentation report according to his memory. However, there was no time to write the detailed research report of the medicine. How about a complete experiment log?

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