Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 160 160

When Bai Yue knocked on the door of the emperor's office for handling political affairs again, he vaguely remembered that afternoon many years ago.

At that time, he knocked on the door excitedly, with pure and beautiful thoughts in mind, thinking of promoting the progress of the whole society by virtue of his contribution, but what he got was a basin of cold water.

"It seems like many, many years ago." He murmured.

"To be precise, it has been seven years and five months since you took out the "brilliant" potion in front of His Majesty." The smart butler responded gracefully.

That's really, really long time ago.

Bai Yue smiled, and looked down at the box in his hand. His pure black eyes were no longer clear and innocent, but more calm.

The conflict between the royal family and the nobles (especially the nobles who control the four major legions other than the Royal Legion) has gradually reached the point where it cannot be concealed.

He knocked on the door, and soon it opened.In the spacious and luxurious office is not only his father, but also his elder brother.

Bai Chao was a little surprised to see Bai Yue, but he was very happy: "Why are you willing to come here at this time? Didn't you forget to sleep and eat in your laboratory?"

"I have something good to share with my father, and it happens that my brother is here. This is even better." Bai Yue walked into the room with a smile, "I have a new invention."

The box in his hand was on the table.Open it, and inside is a tube of blue Yingying potion.

The emperor, who had shown his old age in the past few years, looked at it: "What is this?"

"A potion." His youngest son replied with a smile. In a trance, the emperor also felt as if he had returned to that day several years ago. Even, this child—no, he is not a child anymore, he is already 30 years old— - The expression on his face was exactly the same as that at that time.

"SG-m3754209 potion, it can encourage ordinary people to become sentinels or guides to the greatest extent."

The emperor's eyebrows frowned all of a sudden, almost a fire burning in his heart.Many times he feels that this child and him are people from two worlds.

So many years - for heaven's sake!so many years!He thought he had given up!I also feel sorry for my youngest son.But why couldn't he... study something else? !

"I remember I told you a long time ago that this won't work." He suppressed his anger, his jaw clenched visibly.This is the sign before the emperor is angry.

Bai Chao glanced at him, then looked at Bai Yue worriedly.

But Bai Yue is no longer the Bai Yue who put on a face in everything.He was very calm: "Listen to me, this is different from the original 'brilliance'. This potion does not make ordinary people like sentries, but makes ordinary people become sentries or guides."

There was a sudden silence in the office.

The people in the room were all political animals, whether it was the emperor or the crown prince, they all caught the key in an instant.Although the functions of medicines seem to have little difference, for society, there are thousands of differences.

You make ordinary people as powerful as Sentinels, which gives them the same power as Sentinels, but at the same time they—clearly, not Sentinels, cannot agree with the social structure where Sentinel guides dominate.But what if they become Sentinels?

The vast majority of people, when they were weak, clamored against the existing dominant group and wanted to destroy it.But if they have the opportunity to integrate themselves into this dominant group, they must be very happy.

——That's why, Bai Chao sighed countless times, Bai Yue is precious.Few people are able to act as vested interests standing on the top of the mountain and are willing to dig out the soil under their feet to fill up the soles of the people standing at the bottom of the valley.

If ordinary people do not have the same force as sentries, but become sentries, they will naturally not oppose the current system.Of course, for the whole society, if the whole society becomes sentinels and guides, the effect is actually the same as raising the status of ordinary people, only more hidden.

The emperor narrowed his eyes.This time, he finally calmed down: "Tell me carefully."

"There are two kinds of differentiation between sentinel and guide. The former carries an S gene fragment, and the latter carries a G gene fragment. That is to say, with the S gene, it will be differentiated into a sentinel, and with the G gene, it will be differentiated into a guide. Previous academic circles I thought that ordinary people do not carry these two genes, but in recent years it has been discovered that they actually carry the S gene and the G gene at the same time, but they inhibit each other, which makes ordinary people have no mental strength or physical prominence. Four years ago A scholar even made a breakthrough, he found that ordinary people who carry these two genes at the same time, the strengths of the S and G genes are not the same..."

Bai Chao couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Hey, call me to discuss it, brother. Can you speak humanly? Just tell us, what is your potion for?"

Bai Yue glanced at him with helpless eyes, had to interrupt his speech, and jumped directly to the conclusion: "The function of SG-m3754209 is not to modify or 'customize' human genes, but to help ordinary people carry S and the stronger one of the G gene fragments. This means that they can become sentinels or guides. As for which one to become, it depends on which one of the gene fragments he/she possesses is more powerful."

The emperor and his eldest son gasped at the same time.

"Uh, if I understand mean, all ordinary people can be sentries...or guides?" Bai Chao couldn't believe it.

"It can't be said that it is all. It has not yet reached the stage of volunteer experiments-because of the importance of this medicine, if you recruit volunteers, you may still need to intervene. But based on my calculations through large-scale integrated optical brains, probably For 30% of ordinary people, the strength difference between their S gene and G gene is enough to make the medicine work. That is to say, 13% of ordinary people can be changed-of course, I will continue to improve in the future, and strive to increase this ratio , but this drug must be used before the differentiation stage. Considering that the general sentinel/guide differentiation age is 18-13 years old, the drug is suitable for children under the age of [-]."

But it's also amazing enough.

Bai Chao took a deep breath, his eyes burning: "This, I think is very good! Compared with 'brilliance', it has little tearing effect on society, but promotes integration. If more ordinary people—— Or their children—it can also become a sentinel guide, and their hostility to the sentinel will not be so great."

He turned to the emperor: "Father, what do you think?"

The emperor's fingers tapped on the solid table.

"In this way, ordinary people will indeed not object, but nobles... they will not be happy."

Noble families have always flaunted the particularity of their "sentry guide inheritance family", and are proud of the much higher birth rate of sentry guides than ordinary people.Because of the war with the Zerg, the Sentinel enjoys a higher status in many aspects. How could the nobles be willing to expand this "privileged group" and let the common people get a share?

Bai Yue could hear the emperor's negative attitude towards this potion, but over the years, his growth was not limited to scientific ability.

For this day, in order to stand in front of his father and promote a revolution, he had written in his heart countless times.During those long nights waiting for the results of the experiment, many times, he moved his lips quietly and trained himself how to persuade others.

Now, when he raised his eyes, the expression on his face was calm and determined.

"However, the relationship between you and several nobles is not good, why do you mind their opposition so much?"

"But before, it was all small troubles, see-saw on the bill! But now, you are trying to move their core interests! With such a commotion, the nobles who were sitting idly by and silent before would also oppose us. And ours Rule—I told you that, and I will say it again now! Our rule is based on the combined power of the royal family and the nobles! We can have differences with them, but when we are in a hurry, who knows what they will do? Won't you join forces to use the power of the army?!"

"Our rule is based on the strong force of the sentinels, not on the strong force of the nobles. Father."

The guide raised his voice slightly, speaking clearly.

"How many nobles can there be? How many sentries can there be? The four major legions—no, counting the royal legion, the five major legions, the average proportion of sentries is less than half, the other half are ordinary people, and there are very few auxiliary types of guides. Let’s just say that among half of the sentinels, how many have noble titles, even including the lowest-level knight titles? [-]%?”

The young man's eyes were bright, and he looked straight into the emperor's eyes: "Yes, the nobles will object, and if they are in a hurry, they will even want to use force - but father, the legion, we all say who is leading, But the army is not a machine, they are people, they are living people, they have their own ideas and considerations. Even if the controllers of the four major legions want to manipulate them to launch a coup, when the army realizes that they are pointing at the royal family, first of all Then there's the psychological pressure of being a rebel. And then you add that they're fighting for the interests of the nobility, against us who are trying to improve the lot of the common people. You think they'll really do whatever they want Is it controlled by nobles?"

Both the emperor and the crown prince looked at him in shock.

Only half because of the reasons he said—very good, and half because he was able to say them.Bai Yue has always been a standard scientist.

And what is he doing now?Talk about politics?

Seeing that the two of them didn't talk to each other, Bai Yue continued: "Furthermore, Father, haven't you always wanted to get rid of the constraints of the nobles? Because they control the four major legions, and in the struggle between the royal family and the nobles, they actually occupy the upper hand. The upper hand. If you want to weaken them, you must introduce forces that can compete with the nobles. The common people are the best choice. SG-m3754209 is the most powerful weapon to gather the common people around us. Even in the parliament, look at it now Except for the nobles, they are civilian councilors bought by the nobles, but the alliance of interests obtained may not be stable. Most of the commoner councilors are ordinary people. Don't they hope that their descendants can truly become sentinel guides, not just attached to the sentinel guide family? Even, will the members of the nobility definitely refuse? The number of guides has been decreasing in recent years, and the incidence of mania among sentinels has been increasing year after year. With the proportion of sentinels born in noble families, will they expect a kind that can bring more Potions with multiple guides? I think that if we really propose to promote the use of potions, the parliamentary vote will be much more optimistic than you think."

Bai Chao stared at him like he was looking at a monster.

He took a deep breath: "A Yue?" The voice was shaky and suspicious.

"Huh?" Bai Yue looked at him puzzled.

Bai Chao rubbed his dropped chin: "Are you really my lovely, top-scholar, pure brother? It's so subversive."

"One has to improve a little bit." Bai Yue glanced at him lightly, then looked at his father nervously and expectantly.At this moment, he seemed to have a little bit of the shadow of the boy who excitedly brought the invention to his father like a treasure.

"what do you think?"

The emperor stared at his youngest son, and he didn't know whether he was more pleased or sad.He himself was in his prime, but at this moment he felt old.

It turned out that the young man's eyes looked like this.

With hope, with expectations for the future, with bright traces.

He knew he might be obsessed with power too much - but it really wasn't a big deal, was it?Throughout the ages, how many rulers can be free and easy? —but at the moment he felt lost.

Almost subconsciously, he wanted to refute, saying that changes always bring instability to the political power.But when the words came to his mouth, he himself realized how unconvincing this statement was in the face of Bai Yue's sufficient arguments.

He stared at his children, Bai Yue, and Bai Chao.

There is anticipation on their faces.

That kind of light is unbearable to refuse.At this moment, he realized that all his thoughts of rejection might be just that he became content with the status quo and was afraid of social upheaval.Because he wasn't sure he could handle this properly.

...but he has two wonderful children.

Good enough.

The pride of being a father slowly suppressed that trace of anxiety.

The emperor smiled: "You convinced me. We all want to be worthy of our own country, and now you even consider the interests of the royal family. A win-win idea, I have no reason to refuse."

Bai Yue was sure that he cried out because his brother patted him and told him to "take it easy" - but the other party's eyes were also full of happiness.

"Okay, okay, get out, you two. I have so many official documents here, I don't have time to watch you two fooling around." The emperor shook his head and told them to leave, but the corners of his mouth were raised, "By the way, Ah Yue, you Write me a complete report, and tell me about your medicine in a language that normal people can understand."

"Okay!" Bai Yue, who walked out of the office with his brother on his shoulders, turned his head and responded brightly. He saw a proud expression on his father's face.

His heart suddenly fell back into his stomach.

Maybe the father is unwilling to let go of his authority, but to him, there is something more worth cherishing.

Bai Chao followed Bai Yue to the latter's room.

The tall sentinel looked at the room and smiled shortly: "It's so fast, it's all gone... Let me think about it, seven years."

They all know that this refers to the time when Bai Yue created "brilliance".

Bai Yue also laughed.His gaze passed through the window and fell on the lake outside the window.Swans are swimming on the lake, and everything is as it was back then.But time has slipped away, but fortunately, Bai Yue never let it down.

He sat directly on the carpet as he did back then, and raised his head to pat the place beside him.Bai Chao raised his eyebrows, then sat beside him as he said, and snorted his head: "You have grown a lot, little Ayue."

"You're old-fashioned." Bai Yue avoided his hand in protest, "I have something I want to do no matter what."

He hugged his knees and didn't look at his brother: "You know, another Bai Yue, he brought unprecedented changes to his world. I was thinking, a person who replaced me can do it, but I can't , contributing nothing to his own world."

"You don't need to compare yourself with anyone, even the other you." Bai Chao stretched out his hand to pinch the back of his younger brother's neck, amused and distressed ("Hey, do you think you're pinching a cat?" the guide protested loudly), "You are the best. No one can sit like this for—for others, not for fame or for anything else, just for this world. Besides, you don't even know if your father will agree to it." It’s just that, you’ve worked silently for seven years—Gosh, you even changed your major. We all know that your original direction of pharmacy is amazing enough, but you start all over again. Still in' Brilliant' was rejected under the premise."

Bai Yue lowered his head and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I already have everything, no shortage of money, no lack of status, and my favorite thing is scientific research, but pharmacy, to put it arrogantly, if I didn't change my major at that time , I will be the well-deserved No.1 in this industry within ten years ('Already, think about your Nirvana!' Bai Chao interjected). And I am only less than 30 years old. If I die at the age of 250, I will There are still more than 200 years to live. With such a long life, I must do something that makes me feel worthwhile, right?"

He raised his head, turned his face and looked at Bai Chao with sparkling eyes: "And I didn't research it without confidence. Although 'Brilliant' was rejected, but brother, if it was you, even if you don't want the throne, as long as you can ensure it If the empire is in a stable transition, you are willing to support me. I was thinking, even if the emperor does not agree, I will wait a few more years until you succeed to the throne, and I will use it sooner or later."

It's just that the emperor was willing to compromise, which really exceeded expectations.

One month later, the drug SG-m3754209——Bai Yue gave a better name at the request of the emperor, "Opportunity", this name entrusted his good wishes—passed multiple ethical reviews, animal experiments, A series of strict and secret procedures such as child safety inspections have entered the stage of volunteer experiments.Nearly 10 ordinary children aged 12-[-] received drug injections.

Sentinels and guides can be identified through genetic testing at birth, but differentiation does not occur until puberty.

The children participating in the experiment were all of normal genotype, but within six months after receiving the drug injection, 27 children were differentiated, including four guides and 23 sentinels.Among the remaining undifferentiated children, one had a vomiting reaction after the injection of the drug, and no side effects were found in the other children.

After the volunteer experiment, Bai Yue adjusted the safety of the medicine again, trying to ensure that the medicine has no side effects.

Another month later, a second, larger experiment with volunteers was launched, followed by a third...

It was two and a half years since Bai Yue brought the potion of "opportunity" to the emperor.

Bai Yue announced the patent status of the "Opportunity" drug, the progress of the volunteer experiment, and related documents at the royal press conference. We are committed to promoting the use of this drug, and will propose at a subsequent parliamentary meeting that after a small-scale pilot, the drug will be promoted to the whole country, and will be priced at cost for voluntary vaccination by primary school graduates.

As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar.

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