
Chapter 368: Let's Wake Up

When something suddenly appeared in front of the sword, Age had stared with wide eyes. Intrinsically, Transfer magic should only be usable by existences that had only one attribute lineage, such as devils. But when he learned who the opponents were, Age laughed scornfully.

That was because it was Kazane's younger brother Naoki and his two companions. He had grasped Naoki's ability at the Great Dragon Palace. It had only been a few months, and he didn't think that would have changed so quickly. Furthermore, the other two opponents were inferior to even Naoki. Age judged them to be『insignificant opponents』.

『What will we do?』

Beside him, Gilbert was wary of the sudden invading enemies and asked that, but Age laughed and replied「I'll do it.」Then he moved forward alone.

「Yo, Naoki. It's been a while.」

The boy-shaped thing casually called out to Naoki, but Lyle and Emily didn't know who he was.

Though since they hadn't seen Age during the dragon village raid, that was natural. However, from the strange signs he gave off, they were able to recognize that he was a person they should be wary of. Therefore, they were facing Age with their bow and spear respectively held ready.

However, Naoki, who should know Age, still hadn't taken a stance. After simply staring dumbfounded at his collapsed older sister, his gaze moved to Age.

He was tightly gripping Operator Magic Sword『EX』and the『Return Stake』in his hands and simply looking at Age. Age thought that was eerie, but he wasn't an opponent he needed to fear. Even if he was being stared at, there was nothing to worry about.

「Sorry. I've been bullying the older sister you love.」

Naoki twitched, but Age simply giggled at seeing that.

He guessed that Naoki had barged in here without thinking. While he only had a rough understanding, Age knew the『Return Stake』was an item that enabled using Transfer. Therefore, he knew that was how he had entered this jet black barrier.

「It was a carefree dance. Would you like to dance together for a little as well? Yeah, honestly, it was unsatisfactory.」

The arrival of three half-wits wouldn't change the result. As long as he left outside to Old Jinrai, there was nothing more for Age to do. Thinking that in that case, he would play with the toys that had come here,

「Well, this place is the end of the line for Kazane. In the end, this was all your older sister amounted to. And this place will also be your end. Hey, right now, what are you」

Naoki moved.


He pulled the『Magic Killing Sword』out of the ground and rushed forward in one go.

「Oh, a little fast?」

In response, Age took out a black dagger.

Then Age blocked Naoki's blow with that dagger.

「Ha! What the heck is that?」

Age laughed as he looked at Naoki's appearance.

For some reason, his hair was dyed red and standing on end. Furthermore, his muscles were bulging, his pupils were glowing bright red, and a red aura was rising from his body.

『Age. That guy has now become a『Berserker』. It might be a little worrisome.』

After Gilbert said that from behind, Age replied「No problem.」Becoming a『Berserker』with a Skill raised one's abilities. Right now, Naoki was certainly more powerful than usual, but that was within the range of a measurement error for Age.

「In the end, it's Naoki. If the original is useless, it's no big deaー」

However, Age's words didn't continue. That was because he saw Naoki take the dragon flame magic sword『Fang Blaze』and the Crystal Dragon magic sword『Rainbow Horn』out of his Item Box and send them flying into the air.


Age was a little surprised when he saw those two magic swords. Those fine articles were obviously higher rank than the magic swords Naoki used before.

(Those are a little troublesome)

At the same time that Age thought that, a rainbow flash and Flame Breath were fired at him. Age used backsteps to avoid them.

「Ha! Naive.」

『Age. Above.』


However, the next moment, Naoki swung the Crystal Dragon magic sword himself from above and cut through Age's shoulder.

「What the hell!?」

Age shouted as his slashed right shoulder regenerated. He was clutching the Heroic Spirit Ring in his right hand. However, Age stubbornly continued holding on to that as he fought. Then he fired black lightning from the dagger he had in his left hand, but while the Crystal Dragon magic sword was still there, Naoki『was gone』.


『Behind, Age.』

After Gilbert spoke again, Age immediately swung his dagger toward his back. Then the dagger collided with the Magic Killing Sword. Simultaneously, the figure of Naoki holding the magic sword was turning transparent.

(What the hell's with this guy!?)

Age was surprised as he looked at Naoki. Age wasn't able to clear Zexiaharts. Therefore, he had no Heroic Spirit, and naturally, about the only knowledge he had concerning Artifacts were their item descriptions. Therefore, he didn't know about the high-speed Transfer battle pattern used with the Return Stake Artifact.



The magic blade extending from the dragon flame magic sword Fang Blaze swung by Naoki approached from the left, passed through the black dagger, and diagonally cut through Age's chest. Age couldn't help but scream.


When the black dagger collided with the Magic Killing Sword a moment ago, the magic resistance effect it was endowed with and the magical power Age had covered it with were invalidated. That effect only lasted a short time, but it was long enough for the subsequent slice.

The extended 2 meter magic blade of the magic sword passed through the dagger that had become an ordinary substance and reliably cut through Age.


Then Naoki, who spoke in a threatening and heavy tone that was different from usual, threw Operator Magic Sword『EX』with the『Return Stake』tied to its handle into the air and clasped the Crystal Dragon magic sword he had summoned beforehand.

「You... what is that!?」

Age shouted. The quality of the magic blades emitted from the Crystal Dragon magic sword and the dragon flame magic sword were clearly different from before. Due to the strength of their magic constructions, those huge blades were improved to being physical objects. Those were swung down,

「Receive my rage, Aaaaaaaaage!」

Age was cut in an X shape.


Handed Down Oda Nobunaga Style X-slash. Age bodily received the killer technique directly taught from Kazane. Then Age vomited some kind of black liquid, and the same liquid spilled out of his wound.


Age fell back with a vexed expression.

「I won't let you run away!」

In response to Age's movement, Naoki once again grabbed the Operator Magic Swords『EX』and『Return Stake』he had thrown into the air, and with the『Magic Killing Sword』included, three swords flew towards Age.


Age shot lighting towards them, but it was invalidated by the『Magic Killing Sword』. Even when it was a player's magic, the magical structures of emission-type attacks couldn't avoid being disassembled by the『Magic Killing Sword』. And Age wasn't aware of that.

「Why, why?!」

Age shouted as two more swords swooped at him. Through『Limit Break: Magic Sword』, the Crystal Dragon magic sword and dragon flame magic sword that had exceeded their limits emitted colossal magical power that transformed into respective rainbow dragon and fire dragon energy bodies, which kamikaze attacked Age.


Then, there was a boisterous dance of fire and light in that place as a huge explosion occurred.

『Hm. He's quite capable, isn't he?』

Gilbert watched that situation with great interest, and Lyle and Emily's eyes were wide as they watched the tremendous attack from Naoki they had never seen before. However, that didn't mean it was over.

「Haa, haa.」

Age was blown away, landed in a distant place with a thud, and continued tumbling. Yes, Age escaped that explosion. Age had promptly created a clone with actual mass and used it as a shield to avoid a direct hit, but he couldn't completely defend and was blown away. And the damage was by no means light.

「Dammit, I’m not a combat Occupation. I wish you'd hold back a little.」

『What are you saying at this point?』

After Gilbert said that in a dumbfounded tone, Age glared at him as he ran toward the cocoon.

「Running away again?!」

「Shut up. Don't you understand the situation!?」

Naoki was about to make his swords fly once again, but when he heard Age's words, he looked at the place where Age was, confirmed the appearance of Kazane at his feet, and stopped his hand.


With an expression like rage embodied, Naoki glared at Age while grinding his teeth, and seeing that, Age laughed.

「Hahaha, that's right. Your older sister's life is currently in my hands. You can’t move, right? After all, you love your older sister.」

A vein stuck out on Naoki's forehead, and Age looked delighted as he stared at him. His anger at being viciously beaten by someone lower rank hadn't settled. Age shouted to vent that anger.

「That’s why I’m going to do something even more interesting for you!」

Then Age touched the blackened cocoon and put on the finishing touches.

「Either way, this is the end for Kazane. Now, watch with your finger in your mouth as your older sister's life runs out. Kill, Yuuko-nee!!」

At Age's words, the cocoon emitted black light. It had already grown sufficiently. The only thing left was to give it an impetus. Then, breaking the black cocoon, a giant cat jumped out from inside.

「Haha, regret and die!」


Naoki shouted and hurriedly sent his magic swords to kamikaze attack, but it was too late. Yuuko-nee was already right in front of Kazane, and she swung her huge claw at her defenseless opponent. There was no way it could be avoided or stopped.


Then a scream reverberated in the Summoning Institute's backyard.

Yes, Age's scream resounded.

Age's cut off right arm flew through the air. Then Yuuko-nee snatched the ring with her mouth and immediately started walking majestically to her master's side. The six-tailed Yuuko-nee's『golden hair』swayed as she advanced leisurely.

Ahead of her was, naturally, Kazane. She stood up without any difficulty and patted herself a little to brush off dirt.


「Yeah, thanks, Yuuko-nee.」

And after Kazane received the Heroic Spirit Ring from Yuuko-nee, she gently petted Yuuko-nee's head. Yuuko-nee purred and rubbed her face against Kazane.

Age was dumbfounded as he watched that. That was understandable. Naoki, who he had thought was a small fry, had suddenly appeared and made him suffer severely. Then he woke up Yuuko-nee, who should have been dyed black, but she had golden hair instead and cut off his right arm. Immediately afterward, Kazane woke up, and Yuuko-nee handed her the Heroic Spirit Ring that had been in his right hand.

「One thing after another! Dammit, what the hell!」

After Age shouted that, Kazane shrugged her shoulders as she spoke.

「Umm, it's just a prank?」

Kazane's peace signs as she said that annoyed him to an abnormal degree, but more importantly, the being behind Kazane made Age's expression freeze.

A huge dragon was there.

Yes, that was God Dragon Emperor Naga. The magical power body of Kazane's husband summoned by the Rainbow Dragon Ring. As anger made Naga's body swell, the crystal horns growing on his entire body simultaneously fired rainbow lights.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』

Kazane: 「The protagonist reviiives!!」

Yumika: 「… Well, we already knew, though.」

Kazane: 「Huh? You don't feel like playing along?」

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