
Chapter 382: Let's Immigrate

◎ Trade City Uumin, Center Square

The fourth day after Yumika and the others left Uumin.

Kazane was currently in the public square of Trade City Uumin's Center District. Beside her, Morant was dripping cold sweat as he looked at the statue in front of him.

「This is a splendid creation.」

Morant said, but Kazane was frowning.

This public square was a place used by the residents of the city for things like festivals and markets, and it had become the place of refuge for the residents whose houses had burned down. And in the center stood two angel statues made of crystal. One was an angel child with small breasts that was wearing rugged armor, and the other was an adorable angel child with huge breasts.

Since both were made of crystal, when they were hit by the sunshine from above, the beauty of the prisms emitted by the statues captivated everyone in that place.

At first, there was only the small-breasted angel, but since everyone in that place tilted their heads while looking at its chest, Kazane became worked up and added the big-breasted angel. Thanks to borrowing Heroic Spirit Fuune's modeling data from Naoki, the work was completed in an instant.

「Umm, how much is the bill?」

Morant, who had been watching, asked Kazane that with an uncomfortable expression. Creating a statue costed money. To say nothing of the fact that a crystal statue was a fine article that was impossible to make with the current human technology of the Philon continent. Morant turning pale was natural.

「The amount presented at the beginning is fine.」

Kazane so replied to Morant's question. From the start, this was a job she undertook on the condition that she could do what she liked. It was a nominated request going through the Adventurers Guild. Apparently, Anglais had heard about the statue Kazane built in front of Rock Hold Cave and made the request through the feudal lord Morant.

「Perhaps they should be called the barren angel who rules destruction and the abundant angel who rules resuscitation?」

「Don't say that.」

Kazane retorted to Anglais' accurate words. The statues created from Kazane's modeling data and the modeling data of Naoki's Heroic Spirit were certainly accurate. They were simply elaborate molds and didn't have the touch of a craftsman's soul to move the viewer's heart, but that was compensated for by the beauty of the crystal processing.

Production of a statue of the hero who saved the city. Properly speaking, that would be requested of a craftsman, and it would take six months and a corresponding amount of money to create it, but that was where Golem Maker took the spotlight. In his financially severe situation, the feudal lord Morant agreed with Anglais' proposal and commissioned Kazane, the hero herself, to create the statue. It was a circumstance that couldn't be helped, but it was like she was playing a part in her own play. In any case, the discussion advanced rapidly, and the statue was completed.

「At any rate, it's wonderful craftsmanship.」

「Well, I think you'll be able to see something even more wonderful in just a little bit.」

Anglais and Morant tilted their heads after her words, but Kazane's desire to cause mischief hadn't been forgotten.

And a few minutes later, at the same time as the bell sounded at noon, the two angels started dancing, and everyone stared with wide eyes. As she looked at them, Kazane's expression was the most smug face she'd had in recent years.

The trick behind it was that the two angel statues were autonomous Golems powered by Baby Core fragments, similar to the Crystal Kazane-chan doll Tiara possessed. Since she had a fair number of Baby Core fragments, she could use as many as she wanted for the likes of playful movements. Kazane seemed satisfied as she looked at the states of the surrounding people, and she nodded to herself.

(This is beyond what I imagined...)

As Anglais looked at Kazane, far from a money tree, he saw an optical illusion of a tree heavily laden with jewels. But behind it, he could also see the figure of Minshiana's queen.

(Well, it can't happen)

If the Shorty before his eyes was free, Anglais would want to obtain her through any means possible, but he recognized that considering the opponents backing her, that would be impossible. Minshiana, Tsuvara, and Hyvern. Anglais also suspected that she had friendly relations with God Dragon Emperor Naga. Furthermore, with this current affair, the Lindo Kingdom might be added to that list.

(Well, if I make inroads at the hot spring town, I should make some delicious profits?)

And while making conclusions to himself like that, Anglais watched as the Shorty waved her hand to the surrounding people with a smiling face.

◎ Trade City Uumin, Feudal Lord Mansion Courtyard, Kazane Cottage Rooftop

「So then, what's the situation with the immigrants?」

The afternoon of the day when the statue was made. There was a preparatory meeting between Kazane, Feudal Lord Morant, Anglais, and the acting feudal lord of the hot spring town, Makka. And that preparatory meeting was being held on Kazane Cottage's rooftop. The inside of the feudal lord mansion was currently a mess, so this was the most luxurious and comfortable place.

Morant's eyes looked like they were spinning due to the busy situation that suddenly occurred, and he seemed like he was healed by negative ions as he looked at the crystal dragon fountain.

「There are about a thousand people. The number of former Outer workers is about 130, and that number is likely to fluctuate. The plan is to first send 73 family groups totaling 322 people, but is that fine, Kazane-sama?」

While it was informal, Kazane had been officially appointed feudal lord, and she nodded after Makka spoke.

「Sending them is fine, but is there enough food and the like?」

Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional) was currently under construction, and there wasn't enough stockpile to withstand a sudden influx of hundreds of people.

「We'll send food with them. The warehouses are undamaged, so there's no deficiency in quantity. Since money is tight, I intend to pay with goods.」

Morant said that.

「Yes, understood. Well, as long as that's properly taken care of, there are no problems.」

「So the housing matter will be alright? For a sudden arrival of around 500 people?」

「I can manage in two days. My Magic Power recovery is now faster.」

Natural Magic Power absorption, one of the abilities included in the Magic Power Absorption Skill she gained from the Giant Mana Eater Leech, couldn't be used in battle, but it doubled the speed of her Magic Power recovery when she slept. Combined with Yuuko-nee's Photosynthesis, she could recover a considerable amount, so if she took breaks to sleep, she could build houses one after another.

「I was thinking about having them depart tomorrow if possible, but what do you think?」

「That's quite fast, isn't it?」

When Kazane's eyes opened wide after Morant's words, Morant shrugged.

「Even with both the plaza and the mansion, there's a limit to the number of people that can be accommodated, and many quarrels are occurring. Including the food, we've been giving maximum priority to the transportation preparations.」

「Roger. The Odo Eater Leech swarm has been more or less destroyed, but some probably escaped. There's also the Land Octopus incident, so our party and some employed adventurers will escort them.」

Morant bowed to Kazane and said「Please.」And it was decided that the departure to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town would be tomorrow.

In addition, at the present point, Yumika and the others' two-day investigation had already been completed. They had also sent a message saying they left the investigation report at the feudal lord mansion. Yumika and the others had left the hot spring town and were currently in Conrad City.

◎ Minshiana Kingdom, Conrad City

And the time was around 17:00. Yumika was walking alone in Conrad City.

The procedures for their hotel stay were already completed, so since she had free time, Yumika went to see Rinri, who she was much obliged to.

「Ah, she's already mostly finished moving.」

When Yumika made her way to the former『Cook's Pot Inn』, the figure of the proprietress, Rinri, was there carrying luggage.

「Oh my, it's Yumika, isn't it?」

Then Rinri also saw Yumika and responded with a smile.

「Good evening. I've returned.」

Yumika also greeted Rinri. As a matter of fact, since Yumika and the others stopped by Conrad City before going to the hot spring town, it had only been 10 days since their last meeting. And at that point, Rinri had already closed her inn. The reason was

「Well, as you can see. I've sent most of my luggage, and I'm planning to go to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town tomorrow.」

Immigration to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town.

They heard last time that at Makka's arrangement, as a person familiar to Kazane, she had been encouraged to immigrate to the hot spring town and told she would receive favorable treatment. The Adventurers Guild receptionist Pran would also become the hot spring town's temporary Adventurers Guild manager. It seemed Pran had happily shouted「Connections banzai!」while raising both hands.

「If I can't drink Rinri-san's soup anymore, Conrad might become a little lonely.」

Yumika spoke her candid feelings.

「Well, I'll also make it over there. Besides, Kazane is the feudal lord, so you'll also live in the hot spring town, right?」

Yumika shrugged after those words.

「Nn, I wonder. We have no plans to settle down at present.」

Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional) had become Kazane's city in both name and reality, but for now, she and Yumika's purpose was to reach the deepest layer of the Gordo Golden Ruins and further beyond to return to their own world. After that, it seemed Kazane would come back here, and Yumika also half intended to do so. But she hadn't thought about anything after that.

「Is that so? But then, will that city be okay?」

「A person named Makka-san is running things, which is safer than leaving it to Kazane. Besides, Minshiana's queen is also actively working for the sake of the city.」

「Hehh? I thought things were moving terribly fast, but it's because Her Majesty the Queen is acting? In that case, I can understand.」

If it was in the best interest of the country, Yuuko-nee spared no expense in actively supporting the common people. When it came to something like the difference between commoners and aristocrats, she had no prejudice in the first place. By the way, she was famous for being strangely strict against injustice, and it seemed it was said that she would proactively cut down any suspicious opponents.

(She's reading minds with the『Circlet of Reality Vision』and making judgements that way, right?)

Was a speculation she and Kazane had made together when they heard the story previously. By the way, because it depended on the game's specifications, the『Circlet of Reality Visions』naturally couldn't read the minds of other players.

「But what's the reputation of the hot spring town among the people here?」

Yumika's concern was whether or not Conrad would become obsolete due to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional). In actuality, Ringi was closing her inn and was about to move to the hot spring town. However, Rinri's expression was cheerful.

「Well, from the start, a place for horse-drawn vehicles to rest when coming from that direction has been necessary, and even if they rest there, it doesn't change the fact that they'll have to pass through Conrad. More importantly, there should be more people passing through Conrad from the other direction to go to the hot spring, so I think it's generally considered a matter for great congratulation. Since it will probably take Winlard's position as the trade city with Lindo Kingdom, they might have mixed feelings, though.」

「Ah, I see.」

「Well, that Kazane is the feudal lord, right? It seems you've also been quite active. You truly never know what will happen in the world.」

Yumika laughed stiffly after those words.

When Yumika heard Rinri talk about her activity, she thought (it couldn't be that the nickname『Bloody Berseker』has even reached this place...) and trembled, but Rinri didn't say anything in particular, so she was relieved.

Naturally, Rinri simply didn't say it; it had been transmitted here.

The people who knew Yumika's personality simply hadn't blatantly reacted, while the adventurers who had come to this city recently were simply scared and hadn't approached her. Unaware of that fact, Yumika greeted Rinri lightly and immediately turned back toward the hotel where she would be staying that day.

And there was one existence that had been watching. It was a single bat perching from the end of a roof.

When it confirmed Yumika had left, it snapped its wings open and soared into the sky, flying over the city to somewhere far away. No one noticed it.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 39

Health: 155+20

Magic Power: 363+520

Strength: 78+45

Agility: 80+39

Endurance: 44+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Kick Decapitation Wave』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』『Magic Power Absorption』

Kazane: 「... Naoki is truly gross, isn't he?」

Naoki: 「Aneki, as you'd expect, being earnestly told that hurts.」

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