
Chapter 387: Let's Join Together

◎ Minshiana Kingdom, Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town

「Mmm, 37 buildings? Now, with this, it's the end.」

While looking at the row of houses, Kazane said that.

「Well, Kazane-sama has also prepared shared lodgings, so there are no pressing problems.」

Makka replied to Kazane's words. Even this much was sufficiently amazing. Until the day before, far from a vacant lot, this was completely untouched land. Making this number of houses was an outrageous thing; even simply being able to level the ground made Golem Maker an adequately useful Skill.

And exactly like Kazane said, this was the end; the house building had temporarily stopped due to the feudal lord's personal circumstances. Though the houses she made were detached two story houses that didn't have internal partitions, but if two or three families used them together, they could all be housed for now.

The other people could pass their time at the additional shared accommodation prepared by Kazane, so there were no pressing issues. The shared accommodation was a square box that was too simple to be called a residence. It had doors on all 4 sides, multiple stoves and bed frames, windows made of quartz, and ventilation windows structured in a way that wouldn't cause drafts. Considering the fact that the residents from Uumin who would be using it no longer had homes, its features were more than sufficient.

「It's no big deal. Some of us originally lived in dilapidated houses, so go without worrying about us. Your companions are in a pinch, right?」

The one who opened their mouth was a former member of Uumin's Outer and the only surviving Outer family head. His name was Yamal, and he was safe because his was the sole Uumin Outer family that didn't take part in the Black Potion trade.

When Yamal shouted「Isn't that right, everyone!」to the former Outer members standing behind him, the men responded「Aye!」as one voice. Now, they were incorporated into Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town as guards and workers, with Yamal as their leader. However, seeing them, Kazane felt a questionable feeling.

(Strange. Even though I'm supposed to be the feudal lord of a city?)

For some reason, she felt like a bandit boss.

Also, as for the current situation, when Kazane heard about the Brutuza subjugation from Yumika's group, she immediately decided to head for the subjugation.

It was a rare coronation, a time for celebration. She didn't want a tragedy to occur behind the scenes of that stage, and above all, it would also be a good souvenir story showing Tiara's growth.

Although, considering the continuation of the house construction and the curing of the Hirukos after that, it looked like their schedule until the coronation would be very overcrowded, but Kazane thought that if they moved with Naoki's『Return Stake』every day, they should be able to manage somehow.

「Well then, Hippomaru-kun and the others are stored in the『Large-sized Storage Space』. Naoki and Tatsuo, are you ready? Yuuko-nee, don't forget the cocoon.」


After each member replied to Kazane's words, Kazane said「Then let's deparーーt!」At the same time, Naoki activated his Artifact, and Kazane and the others' figures disappeared in light.

「……They disappeared.」

Makka, Yamal, Kimberly, and the others present were stunned as they watched that situation. They had heard about it in advance, but they still couldn't believe it.

The single attribute magic『Transfer』was, by nature, a magic that shouldn't be usable with a human body. It was a special magic that could only be used by races that could fix their own attributes at one, like devils and spirits. When a scene that was outside this world's common sense was displayed to them, even though Makka and the others were informed, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Also, since the『Return Stake』couldn't be used by anyone but Naoki, neither could the『Transfer』Spell, so there was no worry about it being stolen.

Even if this ability was known about, considering Kazane and the others' current position, the possibility of being used by somebody was deemed to be low. Above all, considering that they would be frequently returning to the magical hot spring town from now on by using the『Return Stake』, they judged it would be better for Makka and the others to know about it, so they decided to show it to them.

In any case, Kazane and the others had left. And their destination was, naturally, the location of Yumika and the others.

◎ Torda Hot Spring Town, Louise Hotel

The time on Yumika's Window clock was 20:00.

By the standards of this world, it was about time to get in a futon and go to bed, but all the members of the White Party were gathered in one place, waiting in front of the dancing Crystal Kazane-chan doll for their Leader and the others to arrive.

「It's been dancing the whole time.」

「Cute, isn't it?」

After Yumika spoke with an amazed expression, Tiara replied as she continuously watched the dance with sparkling eyes. The Crystal Kazane-chan doll had been dancing since some time ago. It was continuously dancing, as if it were anticipating the arrival of its owner.


And when the dance reached its climax, the engraved seal on the Crystal Kazane-chan doll began to shine.

「At last?」


After Jinrai spoke, Louise nodded. Before long, a pillar of dazzling light emerged from the engraved seal. Four balls of light popped out from it and gradually started taking different shapes.

They shortly changed into people, a cat, and a dragon, or in other words, Kazane, Naoki, Yuuko-nee, and Tatsuo.

「Hoh」「Uo」「Nyaa」『Ooh, amazing.』

And when the lumps of light completely took the forms of Kazane and the others, the magical lights started disappearing, and at the same time, the transfer group floating in the air slowly descended in place.

「It's been a long time.」

And when the magical light that was clinging to her entire body started disappearing, Kazane faced her companions for the first time in a long time and greeted them with a thumbs up.

「Yes, yes. It's been a long time.」

Yumika weakly waved her hand as her best friend acted the same as ever, and beside her, Tiara rushed towards Kazane and embraced her. Emily and Lyle ran up to Naoki.

「What?! You're saying this cocoon is for my sake?」

「Nya, nyaa」

「Ooh, what a girl. Yuuko-nee, I'm happy.」

And Jinrai was having a conversation with Yuuko-nee. Jinrai, whose powers of insight had reached the utmost limits through many years of experience, seemed to understand what Yuuko-nee wanted to say.

「Aah, as expected, it's better when everyone's together, isn't it?」

After Louise muttered that while watching the situation, Yumika nodded.

This last week's trip was certainly not bad, but it also felt unsatisfactory. And the cause became clear here. Yumika once again recognized that they were only truly the White Party when her tiny best friend was nearby.

Also, concerning Naoki, Yumika's feelings were tricky. Or perhaps it would be better to say that she half seriously thought that if one of them would just go out with him already, the burden on herself would be reduced, but that was a problem between the people concerned, so Yumika had no intention of saying anything. Or rather, she had a hunch that even if she said something, the conversation would go in a bad direction and would end up fruitless. By the way, three months had passed without Louise having any problems, so it seemed Naoki's Excalibur had misfired.

「So, I heard a little from Yumika, but what is the actual situation?」

And after they reunited for the first time in a while, when they were finished talking about each others' recent situations, Kazane asked that. She had heard by email that the surrounding cities were in danger due to the appearance of five Brutuzas that couldn't be defeated, but Kazane didn't know the details about the monsters' situation.

In response, Louise said「Wait a minute」as she asked a hotel employee to bring a map, which she spread on the table. To begin with, she started her explanation with their location.

「Let me see... Torda Hot Spring Town is here, Rock Hold Town is here, Jiran City is here.」

While pointing with her finger, Louise started explaining to Kazane.

「The forest in question is the Yui Hessal Forest here. Furthermore, in the depths of the Serabal Woods, there are several places with Dark Forests. Occasionally, powerful ones come out. Though with that said, while they're considerably big game this time, they're not to that degree.」

「The enemies this time are Brutuzas? They're a bit tough inside the woods.」

「Isn't a forest with lots of cover better against a charging opponent?」

Lyle raised his hand and asked. Hyvern was a land with many forests, so Lyle and the others had used the tactic of entering forests to hinder large and powerful opponents more than a few times. But Kazane shook her head.

「Against these guys, that's basically meaningless.」

「They're too powerful, so they can mow down the trees without a care. Rather, we'll get tripped up, so it'll be easier for them to run us down.」

Jinrai agreed with Kazane's words. Lyle frowned after they spoke.

「That's incredible super strength.」

「Their strength far surpasses the power of an Earth Core Dragon. And there are five. They're considerable opponents.」

「But if we shoot them with the Thunder God Cannon, won't we be able to manage? If the opponents have huge bodies, even if the chances of a direct hit are low, I think a reasonable amount will hit.」

「From the front, even the Thunder God Cannon's power probably can't be relied on.」

Jinrai so replied to Emily's words.

「Since a Brutuza's shield is not only sturdy, but has a special rebounding trait as well. It seems that material alone becomes a considerable sum. I think shields, armor, and greataxes can be made?」

Kazane recalled from her own memory and answered.

「If it were just one, concentrated fire with the Railgun might work, but against five, that would be tough.」

She added. In other words, it was difficult to defeat them with just continuous bombardment from the Thunder God Cannon.

「In the end, we have no choice but to aim at the lower parts of their necks, behind their heads' shield-like skeletal structures. Well, that's difficult, though.」

(I also died many times against those)

Yumika remembered the time when she was playing Zexiaharts in the original world. In the end, the attacks from Arch controlled by Yumika couldn't reach the place behind their heads where damage was easy to cause, so she was always killed.

「So then, how's our war potential? Are there any more than just us?」

That was a natural question. Then Jinrai answered Kazane's question.

「The Tsuvaran army is currently on alert in the areas around the towns. There are two rank A adventurer parties. One rank B party is also planning to come along.」

「That's few. Did you whittle it down?」

Jinrai nodded after Kazane spoke.

「If we allow for probable sacrifices, we could call for more rank B parties, but that's unnecessary, don't you think?」

Brutuzas were monsters with powerful charges. If the people gathered to make up the numbers were swallowed up, it was liable to become a serious incident. Up until now, Kazane and the others had always challenged enemies with a small number of elites, keeping the sacrifices within limits while fighting. They were planning to do the same this time.

「At any rate...」

While Kazane was discussing the quest confirmation and battle instructions with Jinrai and the others, Naoki was watching the situation from outside the group and muttered that.

「Why are you grinning?」

When Lyle saw the best friend he hadn't seen in a while grinning while looking at his older sister, he reflexively asked that. Since his best friend was smiling normally even though he usually wore a poker face when he had something to feel guilty about, he judged (ah, this isn't a gross smile).

「It's nothing big. I was just thinking that I haven't seen such a lively face on Aneki in a while.」

「Is that so?」

Naoki nodded deeply after Lyle's question. He didn't dislike that his older sister was working hard for the sake of others, but she didn't look like she enjoyed it. It felt like she was constrained and couldn't spread her wings. Naoki felt that seeing his older sister like this was better.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 39

Health: 155+20

Magic Power: 363+520

Strength: 78+45

Agility: 80+39

Endurance: 44+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Kick Decapitation Wave』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』『Magic Power Absorption』

Yumika: 「It's been a long time.」

Kazane: 「We've exchanged emails every day, though.」

Yumika: 「Well, that's true. When you say that, it's the same with Yuuko-nee, and you also converse with Naga-sama every day, right?」

Kazane: 「Yeah. Husband is shy, so his replies are basically scarce, but he properly thinks about me and sends them. Tatsuo is going to be able to eat soon, so recently, the topic of what we'll do about his menu has been continuing.」

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