
Chapter 396: Let's Run Away from the Decayed Beings

◎ ???

「A huge red moon. How ominous.」

Louise looked at the sky and muttered. Her expression wasn't bright and showed a tinge of agitation.

A big red moon, a dark red sky, withered trees, collapsed graves lined up in rows, flying bats, and a swarm of Ghouls. That problem was currently surrounding Louise and others now.

「Yumika. What did Kazane say?」

「It seems they had only just Transferred, so they won't be able to come until tomorrow.」

As Louise and the others rode on the Indestructible Carriage, Yumika and Jinrai were riding alongside them on their respective mounts: the white stone horse Hippo-kun High and the huge cat Shippuu. The surrounding Ghouls weren't particularly strong, but they were numerous. No matter how many they defeated, they kept coming.

「The timing is bad. Shippuu, let's do it in one go.」


Then Jinrai's mount Shippuu rapidly sped up.


Jinrai used the spear technique『Circle Blade』with both arms to rapidly rotate his spears to cut through the approaching Ghouls with fearsome speed. Then, pieces of rotten flesh were scattered around as if they had been churned with a mixer.

「In the first place, where is this? The Map Window isn't showing anything.」

Yumika was visibly anxious and was repeatedly looking at her open Map Window. Nothing was displayed there. Therefore, Yumika didn't know where she was right now. This was the first time she had experienced such a thing since she came to this world. Jinrai started speaking to Yumika.

「It might be a type of magic similar to a Space magician's sorcery. No, a human spell can't cause an effect this powerful. It would be possible for some monsters, so this could be a monster's barrier domain. Just like the『Erosion Barrier』that Kazane's Berserk Ogre can create.」

During the conversation, the two continued defeating Ghouls. They didn't seem to be very strong, but they were numerous. Kuromaru was also currently summoned and was suppressing the attacks from the Ghouls, but their numbers weren't decreasing at all.

Currently, Yumika and the others were continually increasing their speed to escape. Tiara, Louise, and Emily were inside the carriage to preserve their strength. Lyle was in the coachman's seat and was repelling approaching enemies as he held the reins to operate the crystal horse.

「Does that mean a monster is doing this?」

「At this timing, I don't know about that. We probably didn't encounter this by chance.」

Jinrai slashed once again, and Yumika also once again concentrated on hunting Ghouls.

This incident suddenly occurred a little before the current time.

◎ Torda Hot Spring Town, Nearby Highway, 20 Minutes Before the Attack

「Ah, I miss the hot springs.」

Yumika was visibly reluctant as she looked back over her shoulder. Four hours had already passed since they departed from Torda Hot Spring Town. Even if she looked back, there was no way she would be able to see it.

Yumika and the others had left Miritia Town and passed through Torda Hot Spring Town. They planned to reach Jiran City tonight, which was just before the royal capital.

The Window's clock had already turned to 21:00. The grassland Yumika and the others were traveling on was surrounded by a dense growth of trees, giving the area a slightly desolate impression.

「Hm. We should stop by on our way back. Wouldn't you also like to take a bath again, Shippuu?」


Alongside Yumika, who was riding the white horse Hippo-kun High, Jinrai and Shippuu exchanged words and a cry like that. It seemed Shippuu loved taking baths; perhaps he had inherited that disposition from Yuuko-nee.

「Besides, the hotel we stop at in Jiran City tonight should have facilities resembling what can be found in the royal capital, so the quality shouldn't be bad. Though in its own way, that's a luxurious circumstance.」

「Nn, it's scary that we're used to it, don't you think?」

Yumika laughed and replied to Jinrai's words. However, they had money. Kazane spent extravagantly, which made it seem like they were poor, but the White Party's financial situation was quite good. That being the case, there was no sense bearing with any inconveniences. Money was an item that brought happiness from being spent, not saved up.

「Well, as long as we're with Kazane, it doesn't seem like we'll have any problems with the necessities of life.」

「That's right.」

While saying that, both Yumika and Jinrai were looking around. The reason they kept talking was because they sensed something... or so it seemed.


Jinrai squinted. For some reason, the surrounding scenery looked a little rough.

The highway was also worn-out and didn't seem like a road that would lead to a royal capital. That wasn't to say that there were no places like this that weren't properly maintained, but many aristocrats traveled the road between the royal capital and Torda Hot Spring Town, so compared to other roads, the surface should be well-maintained.

(Is something strange?)

Jinrai said in his mind. A slight suspicion was born in his mind.

「Master, I don't really remember, but was the road like this when we passed through here last time?」

Jinrai's surveying gaze sharpened even further after Yumika's words.

「I don't know, but there's a possibility that something has been done to us.」

Jinrai said cautiously. If it were just him, it might be different, but since both of them felt it, Jinrai judged that their feeling that something was out of place was definite. However, no matter how much he looked, it didn't look like an illusion.

「Enemies? Is it an assassination group?」

And through her『Metamorphosis Divine Protection』Skill, Yumika was currently using her Wolf God Transformation's『Dog's Sense of Smell』, but she didn't sense anything from the surroundings. However, both of them felt that something was strange. Yumika concluded that that alone confirmed the situation.

「Mmm, should we turn back?」

「I wonder. Louise Nee-san!」

Jinrai had Shippuu run next to the Indestructible Carriage and called out to Louise.

「Hmm? Jinrai-kun, is something wrong?」

Louise stuck her head out of the carriage and replied to Jinrai.

「Maybe. Could you use your summon to take a look?」

「Roger. Wait a second.『My water companion, Wirral. Show your figure』」

Louise took a small bottle out of her Mysterious Pouch and chanted while opening the lid.

Thereupon, a mass of water jumped out of the vial.

「For just taking a look, using this one is better than the Lightning Sphere.」

As Louise said that, the water spirit Wirral flew into the sky.


However, Louise blinked in surprise at the scene shown by her shared vision with Wirral.

What she saw was an endless wasteland. There was an endless wasteland filled with withered trees and things that looked like graves standing in rows. Through the spirit's eyes, she acquired the power to see through darkness without obstruction, and what she saw was an endlessly continuing landscape.

To begin with, the fact that the mountain range that was visible during the day didn't exist made it clear to Louise that the scene wasn't Tsuvara.

「Oh dear. This is bad, isn't it.」

As she said that, Louise's expression gradually grew grimmer.

「Jinrai-kun, we've probably been imprisoned.」

Jinrai's expression stiffened after Louise's words.

「Louise Nee-san, is there a place that looks like an opening anywhere?」

After Jinrai's words, Louise shook her head.

「I don't know. Yumika, you don't smell anything?」

「Umm. I'm not sure, but... no, from below?」

Yumika felt an unpleasant sensation run up her spine.

Then, a hand came out of the soil.


It was a rotten human hand. Yumika's complexion changed.

(If I remember correctly, the movies Grandpa forcibly showed me a long time ago were like this...)

Yumika recalled her eccentric grandpa and how he would show his elementary-age grandchild movies from a famous zombie series at every opportunity.

「Hey, what is this?」

Then that voice resounded from Lyle in the coachman's seat. However, Lyle was looking up, not down.

「What is that huge red moon?!」

It was no wonder that Lyle said that. There was a huge moon in the sky that was red like blood and looked like it would fall at any moment. No one there had noticed it until now. It was an obviously abnormal situation. However, the current crisis was coming from below.

「Brother, below!」

「Heh? Uwa!」

At the same time that Lyle's line of sight turned downward, a decayed human jumped at Lyle from the ground. However, it was pierced by Yumika's spear and immediately thrust down to the ground.

「Don't look away!」

Yumika said to Lyle. The current Yumika wasn't frightened by the likes of zombies. There were zombies and ghosts in this world, but at the same time, they were defeatable existences. Therefore, Yumika could fight against them without fear. No, she was a little scared, but that was completely due to her grandfather.

「So, sorry.」

「Hm. The signs are increasing.」

When Jinrai looked around, he saw decayed humans coming out of the ground one after another. And while lacking Kazane's group, the White Party would enact an endless escape drama while defeating the approaching Ghouls.

The darkness with no visible exit continued in front of them.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 39

Health: 155+20

Magic Power: 363+520

Strength: 78+45

Agility: 80+39

Endurance: 44+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Kick Decapitation Wave』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv3』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』『Magic Power Absorption』『Red Body Transformation』

Kazane: 「Uhh, Transfer has a 24 hour cooldown, so we can't go right away. Ah, that's right. Let's contact Ao-san.」

Naoki: 「Yeah, that person should have arrived at Tsuvara's royal capital by this time.」

Kazane: 「Yeah. Yumika and the others departed from Torda, so I think searching from there should be faster.」

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