Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos

Chapter 14 – Saint of Luminosity

We arrive at the adventurer guild. It's a hall, as expected, with a reception area on one side and several long tables on the other, where people in attire similar to Rolan and his party members' are seated while chatting, eating and drinking. So cliché.

"I'd like to talk to the guild leader, is she in?" Rolan addresses the receptionist, a woman in her late twenties wearing a guild uniform and a hat. It reminds me of a game involving hunting dragons with oversized weapons.

Oh, so the guild leader is female. That's fresh.

"Yes, she just returned from the mayor's office. I shall ascertain her availability." She replies with a nod.

"Did she say the mayor's office? Rolan, are you sure we can trust the guild master?" I'm just playing devil's advocate here; you make the decision, leader. It's an understandable concern, although I doubt a woman is going to engage in business that involves the enslavement of other women. Then again, you never know.

"Yes, I've known her for a long time. She's like an older sister to me." His expression is a warm one. Are you a siscon? But Luna doesn't have a jealous reaction and instead does an understanding nod. Guess you know her too, then.

"Rolan!" A firm female voice resounds through the guildhall, and all necks snap around at it. "You haven't come to greet me in a long time, you rascal!"

A woman approaches us with a wide grin. She's about as tall as I am, but her presence is much larger than even Rolan's. She is wearing a long-sleeved top and a long skirt in earthen colors, but I can feel strength underneath it all. It's like a rule for guild masters to be secretly powerful, and I don't doubt that in this case. She is quite beautiful though, and guessing by how the party leader thinks of her as an older sister, she must be rather young still.

"Ingrid, there's something we need to talk about." He's speaking in a serious tone, so her expression changes in response.

"Must be something important. Let's go to my office." She leads the way.

It's on the second floor, behind a plain wooden door. The office itself is overly decorated with various personal belongings and trophies. That's some beast's head, and there's a jaw of something I would identify as a shark's, those are old tools and weapons. It looks like an archeologists' office, but I guess that's what an adventurer in this world is like. The sofa is overloaded with piles of files and papers, wooden and stone figures, and several leather bags.

In all honesty, it looks really cozy in here. I like these kinds of rooms, my own one was like that, too. My father always brought souvenirs from his overseas business trips, and he actually had pretty good taste in those things. Never anything like an Eiffel Tower keychain or a Statue of Liberty lighter.

"Take a seat anywhere. Sorry, but I'm not sorry for the mess." She offers with a wave of her hand. There aren't many places one could sit in. I find one spot and Rolan gives another to Luna, remaining standing himself. "If you do the work I do, you'll begin to understand that tidiness just means your work is going badly."

That can be said about any job that can keep you away from home for days on end, just like my father's did. Ah, why am I thinking about my parents in the previous world? I will most likely never see them again, and I don't want to recall those memories...

"So you're saying that Sveinn Itkonen is secretly smuggling elven slaves?" Ingrid's suddenly says in a severe tone. Oh, the conversation has already progressed that far? "Where's your evidence?"

"We need to find hard evidence, but there's enough reason to believe that it's true. Runa and Miss Chloe here were attacked by three men who wanted to kidnap Lady Nightwane. Miss Chloe heard them mention Sveinn's name." She's staring at me and then at Senka. I feel like I'll be belittled for supposedly having bad taste.

"Hm... I'll send Vigi to check on Sveinn's cargo." Rolan and Luna seem relieved by that response. I'm just happy that she didn't make a rude comment about Senka. "And where's Lady Nightwane?"

"We told her to close her shop for the time being." Yeah, I think that might not have been the best way to deal with that. Especially considering that in reality, the three guys didn't return from the job, so maybe they'll send more people this time, and be more persistent. I doubt they'll be stopped by a locked wooden door at that time.

"If it's true that they're targeting elves, then they'll try to get her again. A locked door won't be a problem." Ingrid voices the exact concern I just considered in my mind. Our thoughts are aligned, I see. "I'll send someone to bring her under the guild's protection for the time being. Even if Sveinn turns out to be a slave smuggler, the slave trade ring isn't going to stop, even when he's captured. They'll find someone else."

So we'd need to get to the core of things, and that is to break apart the organized underground crime. Wouldn't I be helping the humans consolidate their focus if they succeeded in stopping such domestic problems? But maybe I can gain something out of this in another way. Some of the slavers could disappear along the way, and I can eat my fill- I mean, obtain more templates for different physical appearances.

"For now, get some rest in the guildhall. Leave this matter to me." What a dependable older sister.


We have a meal in the guildhall, but I'm holding myself back for the sake of Rolan's wallet. After all, I'm still a freeloader who doesn't do any work. Luckily I can sometimes get food for myself and stockpile it. The sheep are still not used up, and I gained three more bodies earlier, too.

"I want to learn how to fight." I finished my normal-sized meal and waited a bit before saying it. I wanted to make it seem like I made up my mind or something. "I do not wish to be protected forever, and I want to earn money for myself." Considering my setting is a noble's daughter, that should come as a hard decision. In their eyes, I must have led a life without hardships. For someone like that to decide it's time to do some work must have been the result of much deliberation.

"... I can understand your sentiment, but have you ever wielded a weapon in your life?" Rolan sets down his knife and fork. He has his serious face on. Well, my body is a weapon, but I can't say that. My only combat experience comes from fighting beasts you would consider as very dangerous, but even then my physiology made up for my lack of skills. I shake my head in response because that's what they expect of me. "Have you ever killed someone?"

I should hesitate a little here and act as if the thought is foreign to me. Then I shake my head again. I see Senka giving a thumbs up under the table, only visible to me. Guess that means my acting is on point.

"Do you think you could kill a person?" Hat-trick. I have to be the frail girl in front of Rolan but also show determination. I shake my head again.

"I do not want to take any lives, but I still want to help you. You saved me when I had lost everything in my life. I want to be able to repay that debt." I act desperate. I'm really getting better at this; it's scaring myself. It has become easy for me to lie into a person's face. Before my reincarnation, I used to be the straight-laced type who hated lies the most. It must be this body. But I'm also strangely okay with this change. As long as I can live here, everything is permitted.

"I am sorry, but I overheard your conversation." A woman dressed in a flowing white robe with her eyes closed approaches us. "My name is Arcelia Crux. I am a priestess of the Lady of Brilliance."

Uh, sounds like the archenemy of us demons.

"You are Lady Arcelia Crux, the Saint of Luminosity? It is an honor to make your acquaintance! My name is Runa Sigint." Luna is the first to respond, as she holds a hand to her chest and performs a bow. Rolan follows her example. So there's religion in this world, and this woman is a saint? Well, she does have a saintly aura, and her closed eyes must hold some meaning. "What brings you to our table?"

"This young lady appears to have a pure-hearted wish to help you. I can feel the compassion in her words and believe that she may have the aptitude to learn the magic of light." She speaks in a serene tone. I have to hold back my laughter with everything I can muster. She completely fell for my acting, huh? Pure-hearted wish to help this party? Compassion in my words? Not a shred of it in my heart, though. It would be the height of irony, if I could perform magic of the light attribute, considering my true form is more like something from the darkest reaches of hell.

"Really? It's a very rare affinity though." Rolan appears amazed. Well, to me, Runa is a black mage since she can control the elements, so I didn't expect her to be able to use white magic. But me a white mage? No no no, that can't be.

"I can ascertain it by holding your hand, young lady. If I may?" Extending a hand toward me with a smile, she asks for mine. I'd rather not since I feel like she might see through my transformation when she touches me. But refusing now would appear suspicious, too. What should I do? I look down at Senka, but she keeps her a thumb up. Was that from earlier or is it a new reaction? I can't tell.

"Please do." I'm quite nervous and hold out my slightly shaking hand. This is quite risky. Why did I agree to it?

Arcelia takes hold of my hand with both of hers, and a warm light surrounds them. This feels pretty nice, is this like healing magic?

"U-unbelievable." In shock, she lets go, and I prepare for the worst. If she announces that I'm a demon, I'll have to act quick. "You have all affinities. How can this be?"

Huh? In other words, I'm amazing? I look at Luna, who's stunned by this announcement.

"I... I command only fire, water, and wind. Ice and lightning are combinations or advanced techniques of these three." She explains.

"What other affinities are there?" I'm genuinely interested to learn more about magic. But I can kind of imagine that there must be at least earth for the typical fantasy elemental magic types.

"The affinities are fire, water, wind, earth, space, light, and dark." Arcelia responds in Luna's stead. Wait, space? Like teleportation? Oh, I guess the transportation circles are a form of space magic then. "Most people have one, some have two, but three are already considerably rare. Even among these, space and light are exceedingly rare, to the point that this kingdom only has twelve people that command the magic of light." That makes you quite amazing, too. "But being able to wield all affinities is unheard of."

"Does this mean I can be of help to you, Rolan?" This is the perfect opportunity to show my pure-heartedness (hah).

"What is your name, young lady?" Arcelia asks me.

"I am Chloe Marcott. A few days ago, bandits killed my parents, and Rolan helped me after I escaped from them."

"I can recommend you to the Royal Academy at the capital. You will receive the highest quality training in the arcane arts. Of course, there will be no tuition fee." She's basically trying to sell me a university placement. I'd be tempted if I didn't have a deadline to fulfill. Who knows how many years I'd have to spend there, and most importantly, I'd most likely be under surveillance because of how rare my existence is. Then again, maybe I can gain something from it in a short amount of time. Such as taking part of its library into my body and disappearing to the Demon Continent with it?

"That's great, Miss Chloe!" Rolan is strangely excited.

"You... do not want me by your side anymore, Sir Rolan?" I look at him with upturned eyes and a sad expression. He's shocked by this and can't respond. You're too weak to women, party leader.

"I... I think it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. With us, your potential could never be realized." Damn, he's actually considering what's good for me. I don't want to leave this party just yet, though. I won't let myself get swept away by more side quests. Ah, but this could be the main quest.

"Can we not stay together? Could you not attend the academy, too?" I turn to Luna for help. "Is the command over three affinities not also considered rare?" I'm acting like a middle schooler who doesn't want to go to a high school where she doesn't know anyone from her old class.

"Miss Sigint, was it? If it is true that you command fire, wind, and water, then you are eligible for a stipend at the academy, too." The saint addresses the half-elf. Hah, pulled you in with me. Now let's see how you choose and how Rolan reacts to this.

"I..." She turns to her sweetheart for help, but he's making a difficult face. This really shouldn't be a hard decision. If you don't want her to go, just say so. Then I'll be able to cling onto that, too. When you think about it a little, you're an adventurer without any roots, so you could move to the capital with her. It's not like the academy doesn't allow you to lead a normal life beside it... or does it?

"I think you should go, Runa." Alright, he answered this way.

"What about you... what about us?" Lalala, I don't want to hear this. I'll mute them in my mind until this is over and you have something constructive to say again.

"Can we... think about the decision?" Finally, Luna turns to Arcelia and asks for more time. With a graceful nod, the saint agrees to it.

"It is not a pressing matter. Your magic affinities will not wane with age, so you can come after you have completed your immediate plans for the future. However, learning capabilities do wane, so please do not take too much time." She's saying that when you're older, you won't be able to make as much progress anymore, even if you have the talent. That's a pretty obvious concept where I'm from, to the point where children in the single-digit age range are made to attend cram school to get a headstart in life.

"I understand. Thank you so much, Lady Crux." Luna is relieved that she doesn't have to make a decision right now. I'm riding on her wave in this one and will make the same decision as she does because we're friends (hah).

"But you can start with this, Miss Marcott." Arcelia hands me a small book. Don't tell me these are your holy scriptures or something. "This is the scripture of the Lady of Brilliance. From it, you can nurture the mindset required for light magic. I can teach you an incantation right away, to grant your wish to help your friends."

She holds out a hand to my forehead and chants a single word - "Sano". A light shines around her hand, and I feel slightly refreshed.

"This is a basic healing spell that can alleviate pain and close smaller wounds. Depending on your aptitude and command over your magic power, it can increase in effect. Please practice it whenever you can, and you will be able to train your focus and control."

"I am indebted to you, Lady Crux." I say and hold the small book to my chest. I don't really care for religion, but the spell should be quite useful. I already know that I can use some sort of magic through the spell that activates maps, even though it feels more like a voice command to unlock a phone.

"Sano." I hold my hand out to Rolan, and a faint light surrounds my palm. I can do it! My first spell in this fantasy world!

"You're casting light magic, Miss Chloe!" The target of the spell is overjoyed at seeing me doing it right away. Does this mean I'm talented?

"Well done, Miss Marcott. Then I shall excuse myself. If you wish to speak to me again, you can find me in the local church for the next three days. After that, I will return to the capital. There, you only need to ask for my name at the Cathedral of Light. Under the guidance of the Lady of Brilliance we shall meet again." With this, Arcelia takes her leave. We all bow to her in gratitude.

Hey, I am grateful! She even taught me magic, and I learned some really useful things from her, such as the fact that even a saint couldn't see through my acting and transformation.

"Rolan, come here!" The voice of the guild master resounds through the hall. It appears she has news. Perfect timing!

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