Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos

Chapter 24 – The Royal Academy

The city of Kongenssoevn is magnificent, to say the least. We docked a short distance in and I can already tell that this place is made to last. All houses are completely made of stone, unlike the cities we passed on our journey, which had many buildings made of wood, too. The streets are paved and clean, and most of all, I can see that they have a sewage system judging by grates covering holes in the ground. It's something I haven't seen in any other town so far.

It looks like an old European city. Of course, I've never been to Europe, the furthest I ever traveled was Okinawa. But I've obviously seen photos, and this city reminds me of those. Now I can say I've been there, kinda. I expected the castle or palace to be all fantasy-like, but it looks quite normal. No impossibly tall towers that nobody would want to climb, no needlessly bright colors, just stone walls painted white. It's visible from everywhere in the city, since the streets seem to be arranged in a radial pattern around it.

The first stop of our journey is to go to the adventurer guild and register our move from Hovsgaerden. We walk through the orderly streets and the people stare at us strangely. Well, it's to be expected, since Gram is towering above most people by almost two heads. But their eyes obviously also stick to Kamii and her right arm, as well as on Senka, who I'm carrying in my arms. The little dark elf is clinging to me again and seems really intimidated by the many people in the streets. There are indeed more than in the towns we've been in so far.

"Kongenssoevn has a population of nearly a million." The bard explains when I ask him. It's really little, compared to what I'm used to from my previous life, but for this world, it's a huge number. Considering Hovsgaerden had somewhere around eight thousand, this is a gigantic leap. And that makes the loss of the entire Alliance Army of a million soldiers just so much more significant. It was a number equal to this entire kingdom's capital city's population. "The kingdom has about fourteen million people."

I've always been bad at geography, but even I know that the kingdom is much larger than Japan. So fourteen million is quite little. Judging from living standards, I guess mortality rate is higher, though. I also haven't seen too many really old people, so the average age is much lower, too. They don't have the same level of healthcare as the modern world does, after all - even if they have magic that can heal wounds almost instantly. Must be because not everyone has access to it. Our party is privileged to have two mages, then.

The adventurer guild is much larger and looks much more impressive than the ones I've seen so far. It's like an official government building, with a set of stone stairs leading up to its two-winged door. The inside is also more lavish, with a hotel-like reception area and the actual guild hall on one side. Apparently it has housing facilities for adventurers, too, and we sign up for the night. The food is also on a different level, with a large variety on the menu and great service. I'm looking forward to the rooms and possibly a proper bathtub.

"So, when do you want to go to the academy?" Rolan asks over dinner.

"I think it would be best to go tomorrow morning." Luna answers. I think that's reasonable. Even though the journey has been quite relaxing these last two days, taking a bath and sleeping over it for a night would be better than rushing over there right before nightfall.

"I agree. We should get some rest today and go first thing in the morning." The leader looks to me for my opinion and I follow Luna's example.

"Alright. We'll go with you tomorrow." I feel like it wouldn't really be necessary, but it makes sense for the whole party to come along. They are kind of a family after all.

After dinner we say our goodnights and go into our separate rooms. It's not that late yet, but there isn't much to do at this time. Well, I think Gram did say something about going down to the guild hall later and getting a drink with the bard, but I won't be joining that. I need to make some preparations for tomorrow.

Most specifically, the situation around Kamii and Senka. If I enroll at the academy, I don't know what will happen to them. Of course, I'm sure I can bring personal belongings, so Senka should be fine. But what about Kamii? I can't have her clinging to me during class. So I need to talk to her about it. While I haven't even enrolled yet, and it's not completely guaranteed, getting her to understand that I won't be able to stay with her all day long like I have so far is better done sooner than later.

"Kamii-chan, you know that I'm going to join the magic academy, right?" She was there when the saint gave me the letter of recommendation, but I'm not sure she understood what it meant at the time. "We won't be able to stay together all the time, then."

"Kuroeh is going away? I don't want that!" Uhhh, don't look at me with those puppy eyes, I can't resist them.

"No, I'm not going to go away. At least not for more than half a day - I assume." I'm not sure about how long classes take, but if it's anything like school in modern times, it'll take the better half of the day. But I do wonder what Kamii would be doing during the time I'm not with her. I'm worried after all.

Actually, I'll see if she could be enrolled, too. Maybe she also happens to have amazing elemental affinities or something. One can only hope. In either case, if I get a stipend, it should be enough to cover accommodations, right? Then I can still live with her, even if she can't get in.

"We'll have to see tomorrow, maybe you can come, too." That's all I can say now. She doesn't look like she wants to accept it, but it's nothing final yet. If I told her I wouldn't be able to spend any more time with her starting tomorrow, she would surely complain more. I pet her hair with a smile. I don't want to leave her either, but it's quite important to me, too.


The next morning we ask the receptionist of the guild for directions to the academy and learn that it's within the citadel, right next to the royal palace. Now, that's interesting to know. That means security will be rather tight around the academy itself, and people won't be able to just enter or leave as they please. So maybe there's housing inside?

The bard still acts as a guide, as he seems to have the best sense of direction, although even I could have found my way through the city. After all, the castle is towering above the city and unless one walks into the perpendicular side streets, it's visible from all main streets - which also all lead towards it. After the days spent walking from Hovsgaerden to here, the short trek through the city is just a simple stroll in comparison.

The citadel is separated from the surrounding city by a deep moat and four stone bridges on every corner. Seems like it's quite easy to defend, judging from the fact that both sides of each bridge has a gate house. We are stopped by the guards, who are doing their jobs properly and stand watch vigilantly - completely unlike the ones in the towns we've been in so far. Luna and I show the letters of recommendation we received from Arcelia, and are allowed inside. Of course, we had to leave behind our weapons - although Luna was allowed to keep her staff - and we were assigned three guards, one to lead us and two to watch over our every step. I think the main reason is Kamii, as they keep their eyes on her crab claw. Guys, she's just a little girl...

The inside of the citadel is a masterpiece of planned building, even when compared to the almost symmetrically circular city built around it. It's separated into two halves, with the academy on one side, with a large open field and a small forest-like garden, and the palace in the other half, separated by a moat. The castle doesn't look like it'd ever fall to a conventional enemy attack. If I were to keep bombarding it with spirit spears, it should break apart eventually though. Ah, not good, I shouldn't think of such things.

The academy itself is an old looking building that reminds me of a certain university in England - of which I only ever saw photos, of course. The guards leave us when we go through the two-winged entrance and a woman in a heavy robe approaches us. She looks to be in her late thirties and has the air of a mage.

"Welcome to the Royal Academy. How can I help you?" Her voice is quite relaxing and her demeanor is friendly. I would have expected a stuck-up elitist attitude from such a place, but that's not the case. Well, she does look at Kamii for a little longer than I liked, but she doesn't say anything about it.

"We come with a recommendation for enrollment." Luna is the one to respond, holding out her letter to the woman. She takes it and skims through it, finding the seal at the bottom.

"My, the Saint of Luminosity recommended you!" She's quite surprised. Must be something special, to be recommended by Arcelia. Well, I won't take out mine just yet, unless I'm asked. I feel like it'll detract from her reaction to Luna's if she sees the note in it which says that I have an affinity for all elements. That'd be quite sad. "Please follow me."

"We'll wait here, Runa." Rolan says. "Else it'd be too many people turning up at the principal's office." I look at Kamii, but she doesn't look like she'll leave my side. It's alright, I can try to ask the principal directly about enrolling her. Luna is slightly reluctant to part with her sweetheart, but agrees with a nod.

"See you back here soon." She says. Gram and the bard wave to her with encouraging expressions.

The woman leads us through the empty hallways of the academy building and up two staircases. All buildings I've been in so far only had two stories, so this is quite refreshing for me. But the castle next to here is much taller. There're no students around, but I guess they're all attending classes or something. We walk silently and soon reach a room at the end of a long hallway. The woman knocks and a man's voice beckons us in.

"Master Eklundstrom, I have brought you a student with a recommendation from the Saint of Luminosity herself." Only Luna gets announced. Well, I understand that mistake, since I didn't tell her about myself.

The principal is basically the stock example image of a wizard that I nearly laughed out loud upon seeing him. Long pure white hair, an extremely long white beard that reaches almost to his knees, and a wizened face that speaks of age and wisdom. He's wearing dark purple robes that make him seem very large, and to top it off, a purple cap. When he stands up, I can see that he's actually quite tall - not as tall as Gram, of course, but almost a head taller than Rolan.

"Thank you, Astrid. You may leave us." His voice is so comforting. "Please, sit." He points at the couch before us. The room is much cleaner than the guild master Ingrid's, but there are still many signs of his line of work lying about. "I am Thorvadis Eklundstrom, the principal of the Royal Academy." He introduces himself while rounding his desk, filled with paperwork and some magical trinkets, and sits down across from us as we follow his invitation.

The principal glances over Kamii's arm, but his eyes stay on Senka for much longer. Don't tell me he suspects something? She's not moving. But he doesn't say anything about the two and accepts their presence.

"I am Runa Sigint. This is Chloe Marcott, she also has a recommendation." Luna holds out her letter of introduction and I take out mine. Grasping them with long and thin fingers, Thorvadis looks over her letter first. Unlike the rest of his appearance, his eyes have a youthful inquisitiveness about them as he reads carefully.

"An affinity for fire, water and wind, I see. The combination of water and fire is quite rare, even among those with three affinities." He looks into Luna's eyes for a long time, until she averts hers. "A half-elf, too." Without even seeing her ears, impressive. Much like that brainiac guy when we went to find Lady Nightwane.

He then proceeds to read the other letter and I keep close attention to his expression. One eyebrow raises up, followed by the other. "All elements?" We make eye contact, but I'm not really comfortable with his piercing gaze. It's like he could look into my soul. I have to give Luna props for being able to hold it for so long. I look away almost immediately.

"I would like to ascertain your affinities right away, Miss Marcott." Thorvadis stands up and rounds the table. I follow his example and stretch out a hand. Grasping it lightly with his almost skeletal fingers, a light surrounds our hands. "Indeed... you do have every affinity." He sighs as if in resignation. "In the long history of magic, there has not been a single case like yours, Miss Marcott." Why does it feel like it's not amazing anymore, when he puts it in a way that sounds like a disease. "This is an irreplaceable talent that has to be fostered well. You have the potential to become the greatest mage in history." That sounds better.

"Thank you, Master Eklundstrom." I bow to his assessment of my talents. So this is what it feels like to be considered a gift from god, huh? He turns to Luna and ascertains her affinities.

"Indeed, fire, water and wind. The saint mentions in the letter that you have some experience in magic, so I would like for you to undergo a test." Thorvadis turns back to me. "As for you, Miss Marcott, I am told that you are learning light magic, but have no training in any other element."

"That is correct." He doesn't need to know that I can cast magic without speaking the arcane language incantations.

"We will have to devise a lesson plan tailored for your needs. If you do not learn all elements equally, it would be a waste of your potential. This will require some time, so you are to attend the class for those with the nature elemental affinities for the time being." He means fire, water, wind and earth magic. The one I'm most interested in is space, though. If that one really is the domain of transportation magic, then I may be able to simply teleport right back into the demon castle when I need to. "You will be given accommodations within the academy dormitories, and you will be granted a stipend. Of course, your tuition fee and all expenses will be covered." He turns to Luna again. "Your tuition fees and accommodations will be covered as well, but we cannot grant you a stipend based on your merit." Wow, so straightforward. In other words, Luna will have to pay for everything outside of classes and housing.

"Master Eklundstrom, I would like you to assess my companion here." I gesture at Kamii. He lifts an eyebrow at the suggestion, but complies with the request. I hold up her left hand, as she's too shy to do it herself.

"A cursed child." He simply comments as he grasps her left hand lightly, as to not scare her. "... the dark element. It is very rare for cursed ones to retain their original elemental affinities, as the darkness from the corruption of the demon lord overwrites everything." Not a problem for me, I'm that demon lord's child. "While it is a rare elemental affinity, we prefer not to teach it lightly." Oi, that's supposed to be my main affinity, what with what I am. "I am afraid, I cannot enroll her." Kamii looks at me with her head tilted and a questioning expression. She doesn't know what this means.

"So she cannot stay in the academy dormitories with me?" I ask, just in case. I think I already know the answer to that.

"Outsiders not enrolled at the academy are not allowed to remain on its grounds."

"Then I shall not enroll either." I won't let Kamii get separated from me. Luna stares at me with an expression that seems to be a mixture of unbelieving and wanting to shout at me that I'm being stupid. "This child is precious to me, she will not leave my side." I demonstratively hug her to me. Thorvadis seems to have anticipated that and doesn't seem taken aback at all.

"... but in light of the facts, we can make an exception to the rules. I can see that she is very dear to you, Miss Marcott. If her absence is a hindrance to your studies, then we have to grant you this much leeway." He's showing a warm smile. While I certainly am very special in the humans' eyes, he isn't groveling just to keep me here. What a cunning old man. But I don't dislike that. I would've been disgusted, if this wise-looking man acted like a starved businessman and changed his attitude completely just to get what he wants.

"Thank you." To complete this farce-like exchange, I have to show gratitude.

Thorvadis walks behind his desk and rings a bell. There is a knock on the door almost immediately after and Astrid enters. She must have been waiting outside the room all this time.

"Would you please be so kind to take Miss Sigint to the testing grounds? I still have a little matter to discuss with Miss Marcott here." Why is it that I don't really like what's going to come next? I just have a bad feeling about it, is all.

Luna leaves with Astrid, looking back at me one more time. Our relationship hasn't been the best, so she isn't smiling to me in encouragement, but as a fellow party member, she does seem to be worried about separating from me. I wave to her with a reassuring expression, although I don't think I can be too sure about anything that's going to happen next. The door closes and Thorvadis sits back down across the tea table.

"Miss Marcott, I have reason to believe that you are not from this kingdom, is that right?" Damn, I knew it. I don't know much about this world and its nations, and the only foreign country mentioned to me was the Mineva Republic, where my name seems to come from - according to Rolan. I can't even name a single city from that place, so I'm kind of in a bind right now. "While we do accept any talent into the academy, we have to know your affiliation. If you aim to return to your own country after the studies, it would be a great loss to us." That's an angle I can work with.

"Indeed, I am not from this kingdom, but I have lost my family and a home to return to. Miss Luna is from the group that saved me in my time of need, and I joined them and became a member of the Guild." Apparently the profession of adventurers isn't really called that here, and the adventurer guild is just "The Guild". "The goal of our group is to eventually challenge and bring down the demon lord." Not mine, though.

"Bring down the demon lord?" Thorvadis raises an eyebrow. "Hahaha, youth is a great thing." He seems amused and laughs heartily. I think I was able to successfully change the subject. Now, I need to- "But do tell, what is your real goal, demon?"

I stare at him blankly. What did he just say?


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