Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos

Chapter 32 – Every Story Needs One

"Hm... Miss Chloe?" Hestia wakes up and rubs her eyes. Senka collapses on my bed without a sound.

"Good morning." I pull the feather inside my body through the palm and dissolve it right away. No need to cause unnecessary concern right now. I'll bring up the issue during breakfast, but for now, it's time to go and take a bath. The dorm rooms have their own bath tubs, and ours happens to be big enough to fit both Kamii and I. But now that we're three people, it's insufficient. There's apparently also a community bath in the dorm, though. Something I wouldn't have found out for a long time, if not for Hestia mentioning it.

This is a part of this world I find quite surprising. The rich apparently have access to some really anachronistic equipment for hygiene, such as proper bathtubs, sinks and toilet seats, with running water from taps. Then again, this world also has magic. But our journey so far has taken us through places that seem positively medieval. Bath tubs were basically wooden barrels or large and flat wooden tubs in which the water barely reached one's ankles. This academy is quite luxurious in that regard.

When we enter the changing room together, everyone's eyes turn towards us. Of course, there's new fuel for the rumors circulating about my room now. While Hestia clearly thought it wasn't between Kamii and I, others are apparently not so innocent. With the angel girl on one side and the dark elf on the other, I must look like a minx. And now it must seem like I'm expanding my hunting grounds into the bathroom.

"How shameless..." I hear someone whisper, but neither of my companions seem to notice it.

"Ahhh, I'm jealous..." Someone else whispers. I have to keep myself under control not to spin my head around to spot who said it. It would be my loss, if I let such words sway me like that.

Kamii and I both readily undress and we don't even bother to hide our nudity with a towel. She copies me in hanging it over one shoulder and standing with a hand on her hip. Hestia is more reserved and she is slow in taking off her clothes, even hiding around the corner of the shelf for the clothes. When she's finally done, I'm given a glimpse at her breasts, before they disappear under her towel. So she's the type to look smaller under her clothes, huh? That's almost on the level of maou-mama, and she's clearly the younger one.

"What did you do for them to grow so big?" I'm genuinely interested. There must be something special about her diet.

"P-Please... not in front of other people..." Oh, so you'd be fine if we were alone, huh? Well, she did show clear interest. But I'm not looking for that, I really want to know. Then again, I could always enlarge mine, if I felt like it. Just wouldn't look very natural for me to suddenly grow bigger overnight.

"Miss Chloe?" A familiar voice calls out to me. I turn my head and find Luna in her birthday suit, covering her front with her towel in a quite natural pose. Among the four of us, she's the only proper one. I'm like an exhibitionist and Hestia is too prude. Kamii doesn't know better, so she's excused. But wait, I haven't seen Luna for a while, not even during the meals. Where has she been so far?

"Good morning, Luna." I greet her in a nonchalant manner. Ah, she looks between Kamii and I and then shows a disapproving frown on her face.

"I... heard a bad rumor about you." Thought so. "I did not want to believe it, but had no chance to talk to you since then." Is our appearance giving you reason to believe them now?

"They are true." I pet Kamii. I'm someone who stands for my actions, and denying it now would leave a bad impression of me on both my companions. I can hear some people gasp and Luna's frown deepens.

"I thought you... liked Rolan." Oh, that's what this is about? You think I'm being unfaithful to my feelings and don't even care about the fact that two girls are... yeah, I'll tire of that, if I keep thinking that this world has the same kind of apprehension as the one I'm from - even if it was in the process of changing in a good direction while I was there, albeit only slowly.

"Then you misunderstood me." I say plainly, my expression as relaxed and neutral as can be. This is a simple statement to me, not a lie I need to come up with first. It's obvious that she understands from my tone. "I look up to him as my savior, but there is no room for love between us." That first part isn't that true, though. He just looked easy to fool with a little act. Luna is astonished. I give her a reassuring smile, even though I don't feel obliged to humor her in that way. "He has you, and I trust that he will never betray you." Ah, that was very effective. She is blushing now and seems to be at a loss for words. "Care to join us in the bath?"

"I... I just finished." She does have a rosy gloss to her skin, although her hair is dry. I guess she used magic to dry it quickly.

"Then I will see you around." Waving to her, I go into the bath. Kamii follows my example and Hestia turns her head back and forth between us, before quickly catching up to us, leaving behind a slightly baffled Luna.

The inside of the bath is more or less just a hot water pool, with a fountain in the middle, with some faucets in the walls on the sides. This is paradise! The fountain of youth! So many naked girls, I can feel something stirring inside me. No, I need to control myself...

I observe proper bath etiquette and move to first wash myself off before entering. I would have expected Kamii to just jump in, but she's been behaving much more refined since our fateful night. She is observing me closely and learning my every move. However, I find that apparently soap is an expensive commodity that students have to bring  themselves. It was never provided in the taverns we stayed in and we had to simply wash with warm water, and while dirt never proved a problem for me since I got this body, it still leaves a psychological impact when I can't wash myself properly. And even here at this rich academy, all there is are bottles of perfumed oil.

Yes, oil.

"Shall I wash your back, Hestia?" I hope I'm not having a perverted look on my face as I say this. It's obvious what's going to happen when she agrees. Seeing her nod with a little blush, I pump my fist in my mind. What follows is a chain of three girls, Hestia at the front, me in the middle and Kamii behind me. I'm really wondering how she'll efficiently wash my back with only one hand though, but she seems to be doing a pretty good job at it. I turn to look at Hestia before me.

I completely forgot to consider the fact that she has wings. It's really fascinating, seeing how they're connected to her back. They sit underneath her human shoulder blades and there's a patch of feathers spreading onto her back where they connect. She actually has some really sturdy back muscles, almost like a gymnast's. The most interesting thing, however, is the fact that she seems to have the vestiges of a feathered tail. Apparently birds use it for balance while gliding and making sharp turns, but an angel might not need it as much, since they most likely don't hunt prey in midair. But this means that rather than an angel, she's a bird person.

The tail is quivering a little when I touch her almost translucent white skin to apply the oil. This is too cute! Her wings are half spread, so that I can access her back without problems. When I think about it, those are really impractical for everyday life as a human. My hands move across the spaces free of feathers, but I wonder how she washes those that are covered in them. Well, birds don't have a very distinct smell, so maybe it's like that for her, too.

I notice a gray spot near the base of her wings. Damn, it's actually spreading. She had already lost that one black feather, but I can't do anything about an entire patch of them that consists of still connected ones. At least it's in a place she normally can't see, and as long as I don't point it out to her, it'll be alright...

That aside, I'm finished, but I obviously can't let it end like this. I move my hands up her back and feel goose bumps breaking out on her shivering skin.

"M-Miss Chloe?" She's squirming a little as I guide my touch towards her front.

"Just for a littl-eahhhahaha!" I lose control of my voice as Kamii suddenly tickles me. I'm really weak in the sides! "Kaha-mihihihi-chahahahahah?!" She's relentless in her assault. Don't tell me that's payback for the night before the last? Ahhh, everyone is looking in our direction and Hestia has turned around, to see what's going on, too. Nooo, I'm dying from laughteeer!!!


We sit in the bath and I'm exhausted. It's still only morning! Kamii is sitting in my lap and I have my arms around her to keep her from trying to tickle me again. I hope she won't make that a habit. Then again, I could always harden my skin or something, so that I can't feel her fingers. But I think that'd be a betrayal of her sentiment. And what fun is there in life if I can't feel anything anymore?

Hestia is only sitting halfway down the stairs, so that her wings aren't in the water. Well, if they're anything like hair, they'll soak up a lot of water and become really heavy. And they most likely don't get dry as easily, either. She's actually wrapped in her towel, but since it's completely wet, it only helps to accentuate her large breasts. I feel like diving into them right away, but for now I'll make do with Kamii's nearly nonexistent ones.

"Payback!" I lift up Kamii's hair and nibble on her long and pointy ear while grabbing her chest.

"Hwah?!" She lets out a cute yelp and struggles, but can't escape from my grip. "Onee-samaaahn!" Ahhh, if you call me that in such a tone it makes me want to do even more to you. Hestia stares at me with round eyes and a flushed face. Crap, everyone's eyes are on us again.

I let go of the little dark elf and lean back with a sigh. I need to control myself better. Kamii calms down as well and leans against my chest naturally. If academy life continues like this, I think I can really enjoy it here. I peek at Hestia, who seems to be jealous of my closeness with Kamii, and I sigh again.

The issue with the corruption's effect on her. The pH test strip that are her wings, as Senka put so aptly, is already showing that I'm affecting her with my presence. It's actually progressing faster than I thought it would. The principal seemed to approve of me being in contact with her, but I don't know what he's basing it on. A student dying at this academy is surely going to put a blemish on his name...

No, I won't let her die. We just became friends, and will most certainly become more in the near future, so I won't let her suffer and die only because I've been born the way I am and she the way she is. I will overcome this problem.

"Is something the matter, Miss Chloe?" It must have shown on my face that I'm bothered by something.

"First things first, just Chloe is fine." I look at her with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"The water is really nice. It is unfortunate that I cannot enter all the way because of these wings, but..." She blushes. "Just being near you is enough for me." That's such an embarrassing thing to say out loud!

"And being near me, do you feel any effect from the corruption?"

"No, not a thing. I cannot believe that you are a demon at all." She's giving me a fearless smile in response. But I feel that she might be straining herself to say this. It's impossible that she doesn't feel anything, unless the deeply ingrained fear of the corruption can really be forgotten as easily as she seems to suggest. Senka did say that it might be a Nocebo, so if she associates the corruption coming from me with the positive image she has of me, it won't have a negative effect on her psyche - and thus, on her body.

But that's only a theory.

"That's good to hear." At least I won't give her any reason to be concerned for now.

We hear the first bell announcing the Time of Enlightenment. At least judging by the fact that the sky only just started to be dyed in the colors of dawn, as seen through the small windows of the bath house. It's the signal for us to get out of the bath and get ready for breakfast. We dry ourselves and get dressed. I'm paying close attention to how Kamii and Hestia put on their clothes.

Kamii wears her one-sleeved shirt tied on the side, similar to the padded vest I had specifically made for her. But I'm more interested in Hestia's outfit. I turn to look at her, since I didn't see it earlier - she was more reserved and changed out of sight. Even though she's still embarrassed to be completely naked, she at least doesn't make a point in hiding behind a corner anymore.

She's basically wearing a neck-tied version of the standard school uniform shirt, with an almost completely exposed back. The sweater is the same. Actually... isn't this that famous so-called virgin killer sweater? Her robe has more folds than the standard one, and there are two large cutouts at the back through which she can easily slip her wings. The holes are completely hidden by the many folds, so it looks as if they are perfectly fitting.

I will make her wear that sweater - and only that sweater - someday. Her figure is perfect for it, too. We each return to our own rooms for now, to bring back the bath towels we took from there. Hestia apparently has to get something for her class today, so we agree to meet at the entrance of the dorms "soon". I don't really know what soon means, but I'd say if it's just to put back and to get a few things, it shouldn't take too long.

"You got the bath house episode out of the way now, huh?" I'm greeted by this line from Senka, when we enter the room. Now that she says it, I'm reminded of all the anime with an episode set in bath houses that all seem to have a problem with ventilation and all build up an excessive amount of steam. Those episodes generally never contributed to the plot, either.

"Are you implying that what we did was pointless?" If this was an anime, it might appear as such. But for me, it was an important opportunity for some skinship. I think we all grew closer over this. And I got a misunderstanding out of the way with Luna, too. "Anyways, we're going to have breakfast and then go to class."

"Have fun~" Senka's voice and expression are completely different. She's not very happy. I guess this isn't much different from being confined in a shop as a doll and used by the store owner for a purpose she was not intended for. Well, it's different in that the latter part doesn't happen anymore. If her identity was to be revealed, she would be counted as an outsider and would have to leave the academy or become a student. But she said it herself, that she doesn't have a magic affinity, so she can't be enrolled here.

We leave the towels on their rack in the bathroom and go back downstairs. Kamii has a relaxed expression and it elicits a smile from me. This is how a girl her age should look like, not the almost dead eyes she had when I first met her. At the entrance I look around, but Hestia isn't here yet. Well, it might take a little longer on her end, although I don't know where her room is.

But when she doesn't appear for quite some time, I'm beginning to wonder. Ninlil comes out from inside the dorm, carrying a broom. How clichéd of a dorm mother to be sweeping around the entrance area. She spots Kamii and I and comes over.

"Class is starting soon, what are you still doing here?" Really? I don't have a proper grasp on time and how fast it passes here. Now I'm worried.

"Can you tell me where Hestia's room is?"

"... it's the room next to the one right below yours, on the first floor." She hesitates for a moment, but in the end decides to tell me. Wait, her room is so close to ours? That means she actually heard everything first-hand. I want to bury my face in my hands at the thought, but it's more important that I find out why she's so late.

"Thank you, Mistress Ninlil." I bow in gratitude and run where she points. I have a bad feeling about this.

It takes me very little time to reach her room and I knock on the door. There's no response. She can't have left yet, since there's only one entry and exit to the dorms, and she wouldn't leave before me. I try the door and it's not locked. Throwing it open, I step into the room and see Hestia lying on her bed.

She has lost consciousness and her breathing is rugged and strained. Her face is red and it looks like she has a high fever.

Her wings have several large gray spots, and their tips look like they were dipped in ink.

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