Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 276 - "Rich" Banquet

“I said I just passed by, but they didn’t believe it. To LiLi Literature Network”

Roddy’s words made the indigenous people shudder a little, because Roddy showed the power to easily kill all of them.

One of the strongest-looking indigenous people put away their spears, and then said: “Fold away the weapons, he doesn’t look like the predators.”

“Marauder?” Rodi felt where he had heard the name.

“This is Wananaheim, I am Kanta, and you are an Asgard? I feel the thunder of Thor on your body.” The headed person introduced himself.

Thor’s breath? This made Rody a little surprised. Although he had had several contacts with Sol, he didn’t even leave a taste.

But regardless of this problem, it is natural to be able to eliminate the other’s alertness.

“Me and Sol are friends. You can call me Roddy. Do you know where he is?” Roddy asked quickly.

If you can find Sol, you can easily return to the earth using the Rainbow Bridge.

“The predators took advantage of the civil turmoil of the two princes of Asgard and began to plunder around in Waranaheim. Thor Thor should be able to suppress the predators in the East at this time.” Konta said to Roddy.

Wanaheim is the residence of Wana Protoss and one of the nine worlds.

The Wana Protoss, which has a little kinship with the Asgard Protoss, are inherently powerful races. Not to mention that the Vannes are like enemies to the predators, but Roddy easily kills the predators. In fact, each Vannes has a physique far exceeding that of humans on earth.

At the very least, the Wana who can live freely in a super-gravity environment are several times stronger in power and physique than humans.

An ordinary Asgard warrior can crush steel on the earth, and Asgard’s standard weapons can make the earth people become superpowers. And the Vannes who can be called Protoss with Asgard will naturally not be far behind.

Rody couldn’t wait to fly to the east, but just listened to Kangta explain to him that this was news from several months ago. Warnerheim is now full of flames, predators are constantly attacking every settlement of the Warners, and Sol has been fighting everywhere in Warnerheim.

Therefore, Roddy rushed over according to the news of these months ago, I am afraid that he may not be able to find Sol. After all, one walks on the ground, and the other is constantly transported in Wananaheim through the Rainbow Bridge.

Suddenly, Rodi regretted not having a good relationship with Asgard’s goalkeeper Heimdall, otherwise he could contact him directly and let him use the Rainbow Bridge to pick himself up. Now Roddy wouldn’t even bother shouting at the sky and breaking his throat.

After knowing Rody’s ideas, Conta gave a suggestion. That is to wait with peace of mind. Anyway, the army of Asgard will come to this place where Roddy is. Even when Thor is away, Roddy should be able to contact him.

But Conta is not sure how long Roddy will have to wait. After all, Warnerheim is now in full swing, the most chaotic time. Those fierce marauders were scattered all over Waranaheim, and they came out from time to time to take a bite, the most troublesome enemy.

Conta is telling the truth, but there is also a little meaning to use Roddy as the patron saint of this village. Let Roddy wait in the village until the army of Asgard arrives, and any predator attacking the village at this time is to find death.

Don’t look at the life of the Wana people is very primitive, but this little cleverness has nothing to do with ethnic civilization.

Roddy actually saw Conta’s plan, but he was unfamiliar with his life in Wananaheim, and it was better to wait here than to stumble like a blind fly. I also took advantage of this opportunity to practice the use of chaotic magic and ether particles, so that I don’t have to hit the gun every time.

With Rody’s consent, Conta immediately smiled and ordered everyone to come up with the best food. He would entertain Roddy with a sumptuous banquet.

Roddy is also very happy to be able to eat another big meal, which is not a common opportunity.

Just waiting at night, Rody looked at the “rich” food at that table, and was really disappointed. A few plates of unknown fruit; a barbeque of unknown animals and bloodshot; a glass of fruit wine that looks extremely turbid.

There is not even a piece of bread. It seems that these Vannes are still at the stage of taking and eating. Reprocessing like bread basically does not exist.

Well, even before crossing, Roddy had never eaten such an original “big meal”. Just looking at the greedy Wana children, Rodi couldn’t bear to show his disdainful expression. After all, these Vannes have really come up with their own best food, this kind of intention is not discounted.

Luo Diqiang resisted the disgusting feeling and drank a glass of fruit wine with Conta. The sour taste made him almost spit out. However, although this wine tastes very bad, after drinking it, Rody felt that his body was full of strength, and his body was gradually strengthening.

This feeling is so obvious that even the pressure of multiple times of gravity on Wananaheim has become easier.

Roddy was amazed by the power of this fruit wine, which was more useful than the Super Warrior potion, at least without having to bet his life on it. Rodi couldn’t help eating some of the unknown fruits, and then found that these green fruits also had a strengthening effect.

This discovery made Rodi really laugh, and did not expect that there are such good things in Waranaheim. The Vannes eat every day, no wonder all of them are super fighters with great strength and physique.

Rody once again drank a glass of fruit wine with Conta, and then picked up the **** barbecue and ate it. Well, the taste is really bad, even the salty taste is not enough, and the mouth is full of fishy smell.

But the strengthening effect of this meat seems to be better than that of Roddy tears off a piece hard to swallow, and immediately feels a warm stream coming from his stomach, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. After a large piece of meat was eaten, Rodi felt twice as powerful.

This strengthening is all over the body, including Rodi’s internal organs. Originally in an overweight environment, Rody needed ether particles to protect his body, otherwise the internal organs would be unbearable and rupture. Now, Rodi just feels uncomfortable, and there is no longer the threat of death at any time.

“You eat these things every day?” Roddy almost couldn’t help but ask if he could pack some back.

“Where there is such luxury, these are the foods that are eaten during the celebrations. Usually we can only eat some fruit, the meat is very scarce, and the wine is even more needless to say.” Conta said frankly.

Rodi looked at the yellow-skinned Vannes and felt that he should be able to do something for them.

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