Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 278 - Marauders

Roddy felt well, but he was exhausted, so he slept very deeply. When Liliwen waited until he woke up, there was still a boundless starry sky in front of him.

Conta waited anxiously on the side, only to see Rody wake up before giving a breath.

“How long have I slept?” Roddy asked.

“Three days.” Konta replied.

“It’s been so long?” Roddy said unexpectedly.

“I originally wanted to move you to your house, but I couldn’t get close to you.” Konta said a little helplessly.

Rody discovered that Conta’s arm was covered with a thick strip of cloth, and he was injured. Rody understood that it was probably when Kanta wanted to hug herself that she was attacked by ether particles. Fortunately, Kangta is not malicious, otherwise the counterattack of ether particles may directly kill him.

Now it seems that Konta should have been by his side for three days. So Roddy felt embarrassed, and Conta was also innocently injured.

“Sorry, are you seriously injured?”

“It’s just a minor injury, just a few days, it’s nothing compared to what you did for us.” Conta salutes Rodi with the highest etiquette of the Vannes.

A sturdy village enough to resist the predators, which means that countless Vannes can live better. Such kindness, Kangta wished to repay with his own life.

“I’m just raising my hand. I renovated the village without your consent. You just like it.”

Roddy didn’t take credit, it was an indescribable state, and changing the world seemed like a breeze. At the time, Rodi only used the village as a guinea pig, but he was lucky and did not make things worse.

Conta didn’t know how to express his gratitude, so he could only stay with Luodi’s side in silence, hoping to share his worries.

Roddy didn’t care about Kanta’s attitude, and now his focus is on ether particles. After the city was built, he felt the changes of chaotic magic and ether particles. The two forces have completely merged, and there is no longer any distinction between each other.

In the past, Rody needed to use chaotic magic to spur the power of ether particles, but now the two forces are fully mastered, such as the arm’s command.

Rody reached out his right hand, and a red liquid poured out of his palm, which looked like the most mellow red wine. Under Rody’s control, the red liquid gradually solidified and then faded into a cold ice crystal.

Roddy used this energy to simulate the ice capacity of the Omega level, which is a great improvement. It is just that making ice is now the limit. It is temporarily impossible to make ice and then convert it into metal as easily as before.

However, Rody felt that his body was getting closer and closer to the ether particles. I believe that giving him enough time to restore all the abilities he had before, and even directly simulate his own ability to copy.

“Since chaotic magic and ether particles have been fully combined, it will be better to call this new ability afterwards.” Roddy gave his new ability a perfunctory name.

–split line–

In the east of Warnaheim, a large number of predators are looting a large city of the Wanana. But Asgarde’s army arrived in time, and a war broke out on both sides.

Asgard’s army is led by Schiff, and three good friends of Sol, Vostag, Hogan, and Vandal are also in the army. Compared with the Marauders, the Asgards are fewer in number, but they are well-trained and a truly trained army.

The predators may have a relatively strong personal combat power and a large number of people. They are just a messy group. They make a living by robbery. Naturally, there is no discipline.

Asgard’s victory is only a matter of time, but such battle losses will also be very large.

When the battle began to show up, a gorgeous rainbow bridge appeared in the sky and dropped directly in the center of the battlefield. The light of Rainbow Bridge has not yet dispersed, and an iron hammer has already flown out first, directly smashing several marauders around Schiff.

Saul was wearing a divine armor and rushed out of the Rainbow Bridge in his red cloak. Thor’s hammer struck an arc, smashing several predators again, and then returned to Sol.

“I can handle it.” Seef saw Sol’s arrival, but he was actually very happy, but he still had to habitually brave his mouth.

Thor didn’t debunk, just raised his hammer of thunder god, elicited a huge thunderbolt, and slayed in the marauders’ ranks.

With the addition of Thor, the great killer, the personal combat power that the Marauders are proud of was immediately severely hit. No one is Sol’s opponent, because no one can withstand the tremendous power of Thor’s hammer.

Once the courageous people like Marauders lose courage, it is not far from defeat.

Under the leadership of Schiff, Asgard’s army began a full counterattack, and the marauders began to lose. Sol also couldn’t remember how many predators he killed, only knowing to go all the way until there were no more enemies in front of him.

Unconsciously, Sol had penetrated the entire battlefield and completely penetrated the marauder camp.

Schiff, Vostag, Hogan and Fandral followed closely, tearing this opening in the battle liner even bigger. Asgard’s army took advantage of the opportunity to break up the predator formation. Victory is coming.

At this time, there was a huge shock on the ground. The rumbling rumbling sound kept approaching, and everyone was in a hurry.

A five-meter-high rock giant rushed into the battlefield, swept the giant stick in his hand, and smashed several Asgard’s soldiers. This majestic rock giant is the final card of the Marauder, and he can crush Asgard’s soldiers with tremendous power alone.

Moreover, the giant’s body is made of rock and is extremely strong. Asgard’s standard weapons can’t cause effective damage.

The rock giant went all the way, leading the marauders to fight back. The appearance of the rock giant restored the morale of the marauders again, and the battle began to stagnate again.

When Thor saw the giant rock, a violent war broke out in his eyes, and Thor’s hammer led him into the air. The huge amount of thunderbolt converged in midair ~ ~ and then turned into a huge lightning bolt, splitting on the rock giant.

The huge thunder light shook everyone’s eyes and could only hear a deafening loud noise. When the thunder light dissipated, Sol stood unscathed on the ground, and the rock giant had already turned into a gravel.

This blow not only killed the rock giant, but also lowered the morale of all predators to the lowest point. The balance of victory was tilted again, the Marauders were no longer resistant, and Asgard’s army quickly established the victory.

When the battlefield calmed down, Sol was about to celebrate with his comrades-in-arms, but heard bad news from the local Vannes.

A large number of marauders are gathering in the west, with a huge number of about 30,000. Their goal is a newly established large settlement. The leader of this settlement is called Kanta.

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